"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Tuesday 23 May 2006

Fire From Water Part 5

Fire From Water

Part 5 



Everything we need to create a paradise on Earth has already been developed. Technologies, techniques and concepts that can free humanity from the feudal cycle in which it is still mired have been systematically suppressed, ridiculed and ignored by corporations and the public. Vested, tied and suited interests have actively destroyed and hidden advanced ideas (and researchers) deemed to be a threat to their control of society and its economy for more than a century. This is business as usual, not some strange conspiracy. 

The use of hydrogen as a fuel has often been considered our best chance for stopping industry’s fossil fuel fix and a solution to the greenhouse effect and climatic disaster. Hydrogen is literally the most plentiful element in the universe and burns more cleanly than fossil fuels, producing more energy per kilogram and resulting in better engine wear. It creates atmospheric pollution when burned with air, but at an order of magnitude lower than the toxins we currently explode to run our primitive vehicles – whose basic designs, like much of our ‘current day’ technology,  date from the 19th century. 

     The extraordinary gas derived from water by the late Yull Brown, however, produces only charged water vapour as waste when imploded without the addition of air. 

         Tests by Electronics Australia magazine found that a standard internal combustion engine needs little modification to accept Brown’s oxygen/hydrogen mix. The carburetor is simply replaced with a throttle valve and pressure reducer while the engine is re-timed to handle the gas’ higher flame front speed. Electronics Australia researchers found that engines using Brown’s gas have an output about 8% higher than with a ‘normal’ petrol/air mix. 

         “There is also a worthwhile improvement in engine life as the only product of combustion is water vapour,” they reported twenty years ago. “There is no carbon build-up on plugs or valves and no corrosion of the exhaust manifold or muffler due to acid vapours. 

         “The engine runs cooler and there is no pollution.” 

         In 1985 Roger Billings of Roger Billings Energy Corporation in Missouri USA developed another system to run on hydrogen derived from water. 

         “The petrol engine operates at almost the same efficiency on methane and methanol. But when you convert the engine to run on hydrogen you get a 40% increase in efficiency,” Billings reported. He claimed his Dodge achieved 44 miles per gallon on hydrogen compared to 30 m.p.g. for petrol, and topped 80 m.p.h. 

Yull Browns Gas Free Energy
Here is a working model, mannfactured in Canada

         Automotive and aeronautical designs have evolved to the point where hydrogen vehicles are efficient and competitive. But how can we exchange all our fossil fuel-driven vehicles for hydrogen (or electrical or co-generation) powered alternatives quickly enough to slow – let alone reverse – the greenhouse effect? Massive retooling and restructuring preclude the possibility of truly new vehicles replacing their present counterparts for many years to come. 

         LPG or methane gas conversion, in which existing vehicles are slightly modified, provides a transition away from petrol – but to where? Natural gas supplies are limited and pollute the atmosphere. 

         The gas produced by Yull Brown’s process is a mix of the elements found in water – hydrogen and oxygen. A mixture of tese two gases, normally being highly explosive, is usually considered too dangerous to use. But combined in exactly the same proportion as they are found in water, the gases can be used and stored together with safety. Hydogen and oxygen can be separated from water in a proportion which ensures total combustion of the Brown’s gas and requires no regulators for the blending process. What’s more, used in an implosive system their by-product is pure water vapour – engines powered by Brown’s gas can do the job of the trees our civilization has supplanted by pumping clean water vapour into the atmosphere on a massive scale. 

         “It is more than 50% likely the world will be using hydrogen as fuel – cars and planes are possible applications,” said Professor John Bockris, a hydrogen fuels specialist with the University of Texas. 

         “If we do use hydrogen, Mr Brown will emerge as a leader in his field.” 

         By using the mix of hydrogen and oxygen now available with Brown’s system existing vehicles can be converted to run on water. Yull Brown converted cars including a Holden and Mazda to run on tap water and bench-tested many internal combustion engines with Brown’s gas as fuel. The gas can be produced in the home or factory; it can easily be compressed and even sold at gas stations, or the consumer can produce the gas themselves by supplying only water and electricity. If you have sunlight, tides, waves, wind, running water or a mains power connexion you can produce enough power to generate the gas in your own garage. 

         This technology has been sitting around for decades. Yull Brown attributed his inspiration for water fuel research to his namesake Jules Verne’s 19th century novel, Mysterious Island. In his later years Yull learned that a patent is only of any use if you are prepared to defend it in many courts at enormous cost in time, energy and money. He also developed plans for an emission-free waste disposal unit. This writer has seen his functioning engines, welders and Brown’s gas implosive pumps working on principles using atmospheric pressure that have no moving parts, capable of draining or filling a swimming pool in less than a minute. He also developed highly efficient desalination systems before his death. 

         Alvin R. Crosby of Auckland, New Zealand developed what he claimed to be a similar system derived from Brown’s ideas which he sold internationally. He has pointed to patents taken out by the Hanes Corporation of Phoenix, Nevada (USA) in 1966 and 1967 (Patents 3,262,872 [1966] and 3,310,483 [1967]) that produce a hydrogen/oxygen gas mix as well. He used the gas from the 1970s to run a lawnmower. In 1982 he bought the New Zealand Brown’s gas manufacturing license from Yull Brown (for three years) in an attempt to “quickly bring his H2 plus O2 gas system to the New Zealand public.” These gases, it may be noted, are not stored in the stochiometric proportion found in water claimed for Brown’s gas. 

         “H2 plus O2 gas is produced from more than 50 different machines made around the world, for jewellery soldering,” according to Mr Crosby. 

         “I developed new designs totally departing from anything Brown had put together. My designs incorporated machines producing two to four times the output or Mr Brown’s machines. I designed 100, 200, 600, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000 litre per hour machines and I spent $NZ1.6 million [in 1980s dollars] doing it.” 

         Crosby cites a figure of 126% efficiency in producing his gas, using some of the latent heat in water molecules to provide the additional 26% in energy return. “You can run a car on water and it runs very well,” he said in 1983. 

         “If we went into the automotive area it would make too many waves. And I’m not prepared to take that risk. The whole subject is very political.” According to Mr Crosby Brown’s gas can be compressed up to 2,000 pounds p.s.i. – making it easy to carry enough fuel aboard a vehicle. Yull Brown stated that conventional LPG bottles can be used for storage. 

         “There is tremendous potential for water powered vehicles and they are the quickest way to halt the greenhouse effect,” Mr Crosby told me in 1989

         “All the engines are out there now – we don’t need to build new technologies. Automotive engines are ideally suited to direct conversion. The optimum, of course, would be to produce the gas directly as you drive… But there are a number of ways in which it can be used. The gas can even be bubbled through and added to petrol, for instance, greatly increasing fuel efficiency. 

         “But the technology for this conversion is fast disappearing as new models of vehicles are doing away with carburetors in favour of fuel injection. This may have been foreseen by techologists.” 

         After two ‘offers’ to shut up shop, Crosby sold his interests in his systems in 1986 to Hydrox International Corporation (formed from the assets of Crosby Energy Systems) and subsequently sold all rights and patents to Peers and Company Merchant Bank of Wall Street. 

         Now, in the Third Millennium, we have all come to realise the need for these technologies if we are to save the planet and ourselves and children. Are we allowed to use them yet? 

         We don’t have to wait for the bankers and oilmen to decide for us. We can do it ourselves – NOW! 

See also NEXUS New Times Magazine Vol 1Nos 7,8,9, Sydney Morning Herald 13-9-88, The Australian 30-3-88
And for Brown's gas equipment see http://www.eagle-research.com/Links/BG/bglink.html

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Eagle-Research Energy Solutions since 1984
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  - R. Ayana

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