Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements
Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy
Has the Philosopher's Stone Been Found? – Part 4
Q & A (Continued)
By David Hudson
If you read "Holy Blood Holy Grail", you'll find out all about my family and the de Guises and the de Lorraines, and the family that's supposed to be the one that does this. Of course, "The Sign and the Seal" adds another dimension to why the Templars were arrested. They actually were caretakers for the Ark of the Covenant. They met the leader in Jerusalem and went back to Ethiopia with him and put him back on the throne, and they were the ones that cared for the Ark. And when the Pope found out about it, mm-mm, you don't do that, everything comes to Rome, and so he had them killed.
You can read all about that in Graham Hancock’s book - a very good book. It's just a story about what is documented in Ethiopia. They have had no contact with Rome for thousands of years, and so their society is still like society was about 1,500 B.C.; their Jewish customs and everything. I think it's very interesting to read it and see the information he's dug up and put in this book…
"Holy Blood Holy Grail" is a little tough to read because it's got so many names in it. But the book's all about Michael Vigen and his emphasis on Christ having children by Mary Magdalene. And that's of no consequence, it means nothing. The significance of that family and what's going on is that there's a Davidic blood line.
And God made a covenant with David, that he and his descendants would be kings forever. God didn't make many covenants. And that particular covenant is why Christ had to be of the Davidic blood line and it is a prophecy that a descendant of that family will do this work.
Questioner: You're a farmer and we know that a lot of things like the cell structure of plants grow on this kind of electrical energy. Is it possible to take a piece of this [White Powder Gold], treat it like a homeopathic preparation, spray it on the fields like bio-dynamic type farming, and have absolute abundance of food crops available in very small pieces of land?
David Hudson: I know that iridium can control the vibrational frequency of 56 molecules of water. But I don't think it goes much further than that, and so I don't think that it is like most homeopathic preparations where you can dilute, dilute, dilute, dilute and get stronger and stronger and stronger. The interesting thing is though that when you distil water, you assume you have purified water; the oroides, the iridides, the rhodides act more like iodide than they do like metals and they actually will distil along with the water. And so what you're observing and studying as high purity water may in fact not be pure water.
Questioner: You were talking about how DNA is like a caduceus. Could you talk about the characteristics of this life force, as you understand it - the Ida and Pingala as seen in the caduceus?
DH: I'm really not trained in that area and I feel a little bit uncomfortable talking about it. This isn't really so much my work, it's my understanding of these elements; but the effect that these elements have on the body are other people's work. It really wouldn't be appropriate for me to comment on their work. But they say it's a denatured relaxation of the DNA and a recombination corrected, and I strongly encourage you to read "The Keys of Enoch" because he describes this also.
Questioner: This caduceus spins one way for female energy and the male energy spins the other way...
DH: I think you'll find what they mean by that is the electromagnetic null; when you're talking about Tesla coils, in the centre of the coil is an electromagnetic null. The Yin and the Yang are the two opposites, but in the centre is the null - the balance, the nothing that's everything, the Void, the vacuum, the zero point energy. Physicists will tell you that if you take all the matter in the universe and totally convert it to nuclear energy, there is more energy in the void or vacuum than there is in all the material universe; if you convert it to nuclear energy.
That's where everything is. And it's my opinion that is where you will meet your god, face to face - right there, where it all began, where it all came from; the vacuum.

Questioner: I'm a farm boy so let's go back to farming. In relationship to how this might be of benefit to the farmer, have you heard of Dr. Heironimus' "cosmic tide"? You know the concept of radionics?
DH: The concept of the resonance vibrations of the Earth, the concepts of magnetic fields, the concepts of time - all of these all are predicated based on there being an underlying communication network that has no distance, no time.
For those of you who are interested, NASA has learned that you can scrape tissue out of the cheeks of astronauts, and put the equivalent of a lie detector instrument on the tissue; when the astronaut is out there and he's subjected to stress, the cells instantaneously experience stress here on Earth even though they're not in his body.
They've actually done this and proven it - it takes time for the radio transmission to come back, then to sort through, send it back, etc, but the very instant he experiences stress they know it, even though his radio transmission hasn't come. They know that there is an instantaneous communication between these body parts; it isn't broken when it's taken out of his body. They know that - they're working with radionics. I know that they're very intrigued and interested in it, let's put it that way.
Q: Have you found some specific correlations for the farmer?
DH: No. Nothing of consequence, other than that when these elements are present you have great agricultural production. Over in Hawaii and places where there is volcanic ash and soil, the production is just unbelievably dense. Everything grows lush and I know that these elements are critical; I know these elements must be present for there to be proper life.
If you analyse the human body, you can find out exactly what's supposed to be in the body and you can mix all of these elements together in those proportions, and add water and gases to it, but it doesn't come to life. You know, if you take these elements and put them into pure water and subject it to the air, they begin to assimilate and grow these long chain polymers that you can actually see; they respond to sunlight and they're actually catalysts that take nitrogen out of the air and carbon monoxide out of the air, and assimilate it in these long chain polymers.
This man up in Canada called Gaston Naessens has this material called somatids, which means "little bitty things"; they’re .6 to 1.8 angstroms in dimension. You know that rhodium is .6 and iridium is 1.8 angstroms in dimensions, and that they're in your blood naturally and they are literally what grow the structures of life.
There’s a man named Merkle in El Paso, Texas who has "life crystals" - that is, pure gold, and he doesn't know it; he calls it ATP. Once you know this, you begin to see the science in all of this and the explanations for it, and it begins to make total sense. There is real science behind these herbs, there is real science behind these medicines, there is stuff in the herbal materials that do cure AIDS and cancer.
And I took it to the Mayo Clinic and presented it to the Head of Research there, and you know what he said to me? He didn't say, "Dave, I think you're crazy", he didn't say, "Dave I think you're out of left field", he didn't say, "Dave if you'll pay for it we'll try to evaluate it", he said, "Dave, this is illegal". The Mayo Clinic is about nothing but making money. It's that simple. They have a Board of Directors; their job is to make money. If they don't make money, they don't stay in business. They don't care about curing cancer - their job is to treat cancer, not to cure cancer. And that's what they want. If that's on tape, so be it - that's what the man said to me. And then he wanted me to give him the names of the doctors who were working with me, and he said, "I'll see to it that they're turned over to the proper authorities". “Yeah, yeah,” I said, "Thank-you very much, this dumb farmer has got to go home". I walked out.
Q: Thank-you very much for what you have presented. I find the very extraordinary phenomena that you have talked about very believable because of experiences that I and friends have had in the past. One I wanted to tell you about is a very close personal friend at one point had an instantaneous teleportation in a situation of great need to save the life of her child. And she has spent her entire life dedicated to her own spiritual development and to healing other people through prayer.
She was at one end of the house in the kitchen and she just saw clearly that her little child on the tricycle was behind a car backing out of the neighbour's garage, and she turned to run through the house and was right there by the window and stopped the car.
Another friend of hers was scaling a rock, doing some rock climbing one time alone with no rope, no help, anything, and she got totally stuck. And this lady also spent her life devoted to spiritual development, and she prayed very deeply to God at that point, and she heard a voice that said, "Take off the cape and throw it to the ground", and when she did that she was instantaneously standing on the ground with the cape. So I fully accept that these things that you are talking about can happen.
DH: Well most people don't. And you know, what we need to do is get to the point where it isn't an issue of faith, it isn't an issue of belief - it is a scientifically reproducible understandable phenomenon. And that is what my job is, is to bring scientific credibility and understanding to things that otherwise have had no scientific understanding behind them. And so, you know, this will go to the world of science. It will not go to the world of philosophy and religion, because science can take it in three or four years, and religion has been trying to do it for 2,000 years and has failed miserably.
You know, the churches are not going to receive this very well. But if you remember in the Bible, you can sin against God and you can sin against Christ, and you can be forgiven; but there's one sin you never can commit and that's to sin against the Holy Ghost, or the light body. Because when you have the light body, when you're a "high priest", when you know all things and then you sin, it's an unforgivable sin. In the Bible it says in the end times there will be a nation of high priests, not an elect high priesthood - and that's why it has to be given to everyone who seeks it for the proper reasons. I have to hand the key to literally everyone who's ready to open that door and step through.
That doesn't mean they're going to go through, but I have to hand it to them because at the time they're ready, it has to be available to them. It's probably the most serious decision you're every going to make in your life. Because something like this shouldn't be taken very lightly; a lot of people go, “I'm next, I'm next!”
No - think about it, convince me you know what we're talking about and you're ready to do that. If you're the wealthiest man in the world, you're 95 years of age and you're on your death bed and dying, and someone tells you that you can live 800 years; he'll give you everything he's got. What good is to him if he dies? In the next 800 years he can make it many times over. Do we all have to wait until we're right there at our death bed before we understand what this is all about? It is literally changing the nature of mankind; it’s a very serious decision. You will not be the same person you are now. It deserves some real serious thought and contemplation.
Q: I was curious about how you found out about Sai Baba's Vibuti containing rhodium? DH: A lady in Phoenix just had some of it in a bag. She had been over there and seen him and she said ‘here's the Vibuti, can you find out what it is?’ It was the cinder material and apparently it was made by a burning process - it wasn't the material that came out of his hands - because we looked at it under our microscope and there was carbon ash in it. There was some carbon ash, but the rest of the material was pure iridium.

I believe that there are certain plants that they pick over in India that they put on the sacred pyres that always burn and never go out, and I believe that they are burning all of the carbon out of this. And then they take that ash and water-wash it, which gets rid of the alkali salts, the alkaline metals - and these plants just happen to be very high in iridium.
That's how I think they come up with it. That's my opinion. Now I know Sai Baba claims he manifests it out of the air; well if so, his body is so saturated with it that it literally is coming out of his hands. That's the only explanation I have for it. Because believe it or not, as philosophical as I sound I really am my own worst enemy. I'm a very severe critic myself.
Q: I've made two trips to India and it's been awhile since I've been there. I spent three months in 1978 with Sai Baba, in two main ashrams. I was very close to him on several occasions and I saw him manifest other things besides the Vibuti...
DH: That's what I told you - he manifests jewellery, gold objects....
Q: It affects you spiritually. I saw people change spiritually, mentally, physically. A man got out of a wheelchair and walked and never went back to it while I was there.
DH: But did you know him before - know that he hadn't been brought in by him, that he didn't walk before?
Q: No, I didn't know that man personally.
DH: You see, I'm a sceptic. I always have to ask these questions, but...
Q: But people that I knew at the beginning of the trip in one ashram and then another one tell me I have changed. I knew I had but I didn't know that other people could see it. I think it really affects your life. But after I did see him manifest the Vibuti you do begin to believe in miracles if you hadn't before. So I believe in what you have discovered, for this reason...
DH: Well, for those people who are not physicists and don't understand what I am talking about, John Hagland who is the head of physics at MIU back in Iowa ran for president. Some of you remember him, he ran for president with the Natural Law Party. He was right behind Ross Perot's advertisements when he ran - a very good looking fellow. I met with him for about three days back at MIU and went over all the physics and everything with him. He went over and told the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ,who has a degree in physics. The Maharishi said, "This is the stuff that will allow us to live a thousand years". The Maharishi has never ever endorsed a western technology ever until he heard about this. He said, "This is the stuff".
You know, I have to go through all the testing. I have to see it myself. I have to get it to where it's independently confirmable by other people. ButI've seen enough right now. It's really concerning me that all of it is correct, because everything fits this far. (End of Introductory Lecture)
- Continues
See Part 1
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