Moon Cities Exist & There IS Life on Mars
Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth.
Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity.
He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it.
Ken Johnston in happier days at JPL
Over the past 40 years other scientists, engineers and technicians have accused NASA of cover-ups and obscuring data.
The growing number of accusers' allegations range from hiding information about anomalous space objects and lying about the discovery of artifacts on the surface of the Moon and Mars, to denying the evidence of life reported back by the Viking lander during the mid-1970s.
Strange object photographed by Apollo astronauts
According to Johnston, Apollo astronauts brought back photographic evidence of the artifacts they found during their lunar extravehicular activities (EVAs). Johnston claims NASA ordered him to destroy the EVA images while he was at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), but he refused.
When he went public, the space agency terminated him.
Kay Ferrari, JPL Director of the SSA program
In a news release, Kay Ferrari, the JPL Director of the SSA Program, explained why she asked Johnston to resign: he had publicly criticized his employer.When Johnston refused to tender his resignation, he was summarily dismissed without cause.
After his abrupt departure, he indicated he'd had enough and was tired that the U.S. government had been sitting on the proof for more than four decades that ancient alien cities are the Moon.
“I have nothing to lose," he said. "I quarreled with NASA and I got fired."
Russian Lunik 13 photo of artificial, maufactured object
Lunik 13 enlarged photo of manufactured artifact
Evidence has emerged of large structures, perhaps even a base on the far side if the Moon, that seems to support Johnston's allegations. See Before It's News article "Claim: Secret American Base Discovered on Moon. [reposted below]"
Space scientist livid over NASA cover-up
Ken Johnston isn't the only one to have a bone to pick with NASA.
"Viking discovered life on Mars" - Gilbert Levin
The scientist who oversaw the important life-detection experiment aboard the 1976 Viking space probe mission on Mars continues to blast the U.S. space agency.
Gilbert Levin insists his biology experiment proved life is in the Martian soil.
"We obtained positive data corresponding with all the pre-mission criteria, which proved the existence of microbial life in the soil of Mars," Levin told National Geographic. ["I Found Life on Mars in 1976, Scientist Says"]
The prominent scientist is so angry at NASA he's even created his own website designed to shout to the world that life really is on the Red Planet:
Papers by Gilbert V. Levin, Ph.D.

In 1952, Dr. Gilbert V. Levin invented a rapid, highly sensitive method to detect microbial contamination of water and food. In 1958, he obtained a NASA contract to develop the method to seek extraterrestrial life. The method was selected in 1969 for use on NASA’s 1976 Viking Mission to Mars. Originally named “Gulliver,” for the Lilliputians (microorganisms) it was seeking, it was renamed the “Labeled Release (LR)” experiment by NASA to indicate the technology used – the release of radioactive gas from radio-labeled compounds in the event they were metabolized by microorganisms in the Martian soil.
Simply put, the LR squirted a drop of carefully designed radioactive food onto a tiny cup of Martian soil and monitored the air above the soil to detect radioactive gas that any microorganisms present might breathe out. Levin and his co-workers, notably Dr. Patricia Ann Straat, then spent the next decade developing the experiment and instrument, and in analyzing the results obtained from its successful operation on Mars.
At both landing sites, some 4,000 miles apart, the LR returned evidence of living microorganisms. Initially discounted by NASA and most space scientists, the results of this milestone project have, nonetheless, been causing excitement and controversy ever since. In 1997, after 21 years of study of the Mars LR results, of new information scientists obtained about environmental conditions on Mars, and of the extreme environments in which life was found on Earth, Dr. Levin published his conclusion that the LR had, indeed, discovered living microorganisms on the Red Planet.
Levin first presented his conclusion in an invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) on July 30, 1997, in San Diego. On July 20, 1998, he presented another paper with new findings supporting that conclusion. Many attempts have been made since then by other authors to explain the Mars LR results as having been caused by chemical or physical reactions between the LR nutrients and the soil. No one, however, has duplicated the full experimental results the LR obtained on Mars.
In recent years, there have been many important converts to the life theory, possibly the fore-runner of a major paradigm shift in humanity’s continual search for its place in the universe.
Below are his publications related to Mars. They are presented in chronological order, from the early up to the latest scientific findings by him and others related to this intriguing issue, the resolution of which, as termed by NASA, would be “the greatest experiment in the history of science.”
· Mars: The Living Planet, Chapter 9 Revisited,
G. V. Levin, in The Microbes of Mars – a 2011 Addendum to Mars: The Living Planet, Barry DiGregorio, - Kindle Edition - Kindle eBook, 2011.
G. V. Levin, in The Microbes of Mars – a 2011 Addendum to Mars: The Living Planet, Barry DiGregorio, - Kindle Edition - Kindle eBook, 2011.
· Review of the book “We Are Not Alone: Why We Have Already Found Extraterrestrial Life”, by Dirk Schulze-Makuch and David Darling. reviewed by G. V. Levin, EARTH Vol. 55 (No. 11), p. 67, Nov., 2010.
· It's Time to Realize there is Life on Mars,
G. V. Levin, Earth, 86, Oct., 2010.
G. V. Levin, Earth, 86, Oct., 2010.
· Solving the Problems with Chirality as a Biomarker for Alien Life,
G. V. Levin, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin; AY Rozanov and Paul Davies, SPIE Proceedings, 7819, 14, 2010.
G. V. Levin, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin; AY Rozanov and Paul Davies, SPIE Proceedings, 7819, 14, 2010.
· The Likelihood of Methane-producing Microbes on Mars,
Miller, J. D., M. J. Case, and G. V. Levin,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIII, SPIE Proc., 7819, 15, 2010.
Miller, J. D., M. J. Case, and G. V. Levin,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIII, SPIE Proc., 7819, 15, 2010.
· Can Chirality Give Proof of Extinct or Extant Life?,
G. V. Levin, Astrobiology Science Conference 2010, April 26–29, 2010
G. V. Levin, Astrobiology Science Conference 2010, April 26–29, 2010
· Extant Life on Mars: Resolving the Issues,
G. V. Levin, J. of Cosmology, 5, 920-929, 2010.
G. V. Levin, J. of Cosmology, 5, 920-929, 2010.
· Methane and Life on Mars,
G. V. Levin and P. A. Straat, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology and Planetary Missions XII, RB Hoover, GV Levin, AY Rozanov, and KD Retherford, eds., SPIE Proceedings, vol. 7441, invited paper, no. 744110D, Aug. 5, 2009.
G. V. Levin and P. A. Straat, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology and Planetary Missions XII, RB Hoover, GV Levin, AY Rozanov, and KD Retherford, eds., SPIE Proceedings, vol. 7441, invited paper, no. 744110D, Aug. 5, 2009.
· Stereo-Specific Glucose Consumption May Be Used to Distinguish Between Chemical and Biological Reactivity on Mars: A Preliminary Test on Earth, comment,
G. V. Levin, ASTROBIOLOGY, Volume 9, Number 5, 2009 (w response)
G. V. Levin, ASTROBIOLOGY, Volume 9, Number 5, 2009 (w response)
· The Revival Of Life On Mars,
G. V. Levin, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology X, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin, AY Rozanov, and PCW Davies, SPIE Proceedings, 6694, paper number 6694-21, August 29, 2007.
G. V. Levin, Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology X, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin, AY Rozanov, and PCW Davies, SPIE Proceedings, 6694, paper number 6694-21, August 29, 2007.
· Analysis of evidence of Mars life,
G. V. Levin, The Carnegie Institution Geological Laboratory Seminar, May 14, 2007.
G. V. Levin, The Carnegie Institution Geological Laboratory Seminar, May 14, 2007.
· Possible Evidence for Panspermia: the Labeled Release Experiment,
G. V. Levin, International Journal of Astrobiology, 6, 2, 95-108, 2007.
G. V. Levin, International Journal of Astrobiology, 6, 2, 95-108, 2007.
· Detecting Life and Biology-Related Parameters on Mars,
GV Levin, JD Miller, PA Straat, RA Lodder, RB Hoover, IEEE Aerospace Conference, vol. 1, 2007.
GV Levin, JD Miller, PA Straat, RA Lodder, RB Hoover, IEEE Aerospace Conference, vol. 1, 2007.
· Modern myths of Mars,
Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin and AY Rozanov, SPIE Proceedings, 6309, 6309OC-1 – 6309OC-15, September 1, 2006.
Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology, eds. RB Hoover, GV Levin and AY Rozanov, SPIE Proceedings, 6309, 6309OC-1 – 6309OC-15, September 1, 2006.
· Mars life - how Darwinian pressures might have shaped its form and function, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 5906, OD1-10, August 2005.
· A circadian biosignature in the Labeled Release data from Mars?
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 5906, OC1-10, August 2005.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 5906, OC1-10, August 2005.
· News out of ESA Mars Conference in the Netherlands,
75 percent of the attending scientists now believe that Mars may have had life.
75 percent of the attending scientists now believe that Mars may have had life.
· Interpretation of new results from Mars with respect to life,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 14, August 2004.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 14, August 2004.
· Color Calibration of the Martian images,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 29, August 2004.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 29, August 2004.
· Color Calibration of Spirit and Opportunity Rover Images,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 30, August 2004.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5555, 30, August 2004.
· Water Everywhere,
Space News International, January 19, 2004.
Space News International, January 19, 2004.
· Finding Life on Mars Would Not Surprise One Scientist,
Newhouse News Service, January 16, 2004.
Newhouse News Service, January 16, 2004.
· Solving the color calibration problem of Martian lander images,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5163, 19, August 2003.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5163, 19, August 2003.
· Odyssey gives evidence for liquid water on Mars,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5163, 16, August 2003.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings 5163, 16, August 2003.
· Iron(VI) Seems an Unlikely Explanation for Viking Labeled Release Results,
Icarus 159, 1, 266-267, September 1, 2002 (and the rebuttal of Tsapin et al.).
Icarus 159, 1, 266-267, September 1, 2002 (and the rebuttal of Tsapin et al.).
· A Sterile Robotic Mars Soil Analyzer, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4859, 78-86, August 2002.
· NASA-sponsored Washington University at St. Louis website
on Spherix' Viking Labeled Release life detection experiment on Mars.
on Spherix' Viking Labeled Release life detection experiment on Mars.
· Life on Mars, Dawn of a New Age,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, poster presentation, July 2001.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, poster presentation, July 2001.
· Scientific Logic for Life on Mars,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 81-88, July 2001.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 81-88, July 2001.
· The Oxides of Mars,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 131-135, July 2001.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 131-135, July 2001.
· Periodic Analysis of the Viking Lander Labeled Release Experiment,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 96-107, July 2001.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4495, 96-107, July 2001.
· Approaches to Resolving the Question of Life on Mars
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4137, 48-62, August 2000.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 4137, 48-62, August 2000.
· An Unambiguous Martian Life Detection Experiment,
Poster Presentation at The Future Search for Life on Mars, Lunar And Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, November 2-4, 1998.
Poster Presentation at The Future Search for Life on Mars, Lunar And Planetary Institute, Houston, TX, November 2-4, 1998.
· Liquid water and life on Mars,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 3441, 30-41, July 1998.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology, SPIE Proceedings, 3441, 30-41, July 1998.
· The Mars Oxidant Experiment (MOx) for Mars,
Planetary and Space Science, Vol 46, Iss 6-7, pp 769-777, June-July 1998.
Planetary and Space Science, Vol 46, Iss 6-7, pp 769-777, June-July 1998.
· The Viking Labeled Release Experiment and Life on Mars,
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Microorganisms, SPIE Proceedings, 3111, 146-161, July 1997.
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Microorganisms, SPIE Proceedings, 3111, 146-161, July 1997.
· Life After Viking: The Evidence Mounts,
287-311 in DiGregorio, B., Mars, the Living Planet, Frog, Ltd.
c/o North Atlantic Books, Berkeley (1997).
287-311 in DiGregorio, B., Mars, the Living Planet, Frog, Ltd.
c/o North Atlantic Books, Berkeley (1997).
· Investigating the Surface Chemistry of Mars,
Analytical Chemistry, October, 1995.
Analytical Chemistry, October, 1995.
· The Oxidant on Mars - Chemistry or Biology?,
International Tesla Society Mars Forum, Colorado Springs, CO, November 13, 1993.
International Tesla Society Mars Forum, Colorado Springs, CO, November 13, 1993.
· Book Review of MARS, Kieffer, H. et al.,
University of Arizona Press, Tucson and London, 1992, In IEEE Spectrum, November 1993.
University of Arizona Press, Tucson and London, 1992, In IEEE Spectrum, November 1993.
· Book Review of Mars Beckons,
Wilford, John Noble, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1990, In Spectrum, 27, 11, December, 1990.
Wilford, John Noble, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1990, In Spectrum, 27, 11, December, 1990.
· A Reappraisal of Life on Mars.,
The NASA Mars Conference, Science and Technology Series, 71, 186-210, 1988.
The NASA Mars Conference, Science and Technology Series, 71, 186-210, 1988.
· The Life on Mars Dilemma and the Sample Return Mission,
Proc. Mars Sample Return Science Workshop, Houston, 1987.
Proc. Mars Sample Return Science Workshop, Houston, 1987.
· Antarctic Soil No. 726 and Implications For the Viking Labeled Release Experiment,
Je. Theor. Biol., 91, 41-45 (1981).
Je. Theor. Biol., 91, 41-45 (1981).
· A Search for a Nonbiological Explanation of the Viking Labeled Release Life Detection Experiment,
Icarus 45, 494-516 (1981).
Icarus 45, 494-516 (1981).
· Completion of the Viking Labeled Release Experiment on Mars,
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 14, 167-183, 1979.
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 14, 167-183, 1979.
· Laboratory Simulations of the Viking Labeled Release Experiment:
Kinetics Following Second Nutrient Injection and the Nature of the Gaseous End Product,
J. Mol. Evol., 14, 185-197 (1979).
Kinetics Following Second Nutrient Injection and the Nature of the Gaseous End Product,
J. Mol. Evol., 14, 185-197 (1979).
· Viking Mars Labeled Release Results,
Nature, 277, 327, (1979).
Nature, 277, 327, (1979).
· Color and Feature Changes at Mars Viking Lander Site,
Journal of Theoretical Biology, (1978) 75, 381-390.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, (1978) 75, 381-390.
· The Labeled Release Experiment - New Laboratory and Mars Data,
(COSPAR), Abstract, XXIst Plenary Meeting, Innsbruck, (1978).
(COSPAR), Abstract, XXIst Plenary Meeting, Innsbruck, (1978).
· Biology or Chemistry? The Viking Labeled Release Experiment on Mars,
Abstract, XXth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Tel Aviv, (1977).
Abstract, XXth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Tel Aviv, (1977).
· The Viking Labeled Release Experiment: Current Status of Flight Data and Laboratory Simulations,
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, 95, (1977).
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, 95, (1977).
· Recent Results From the Viking Labeled Release Experiment on Mars,
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, No. 28; September 30, 1977.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, No. 28; September 30, 1977.
· Life on Mars? The Viking Labeled Release Experiment,
Biosystems, 9(1977) 165-174.
Biosystems, 9(1977) 165-174.
· Labeled Release - An Experiment in Radiorespirometry,
Origins of Life 7(1976) 293-311.
Origins of Life 7(1976) 293-311.
· Water on Mars and the Viking Biology Experiment,
Proc. Colloquium on Water in Planetary Regoliths,
Dartmouth College, October 1976.
Proc. Colloquium on Water in Planetary Regoliths,
Dartmouth College, October 1976.
· Viking Labeled Release Biology Experiment: Interim Results,
Science, 194, 1322-1329, (1976).
Science, 194, 1322-1329, (1976).
· The Viking Biological Investigation: Preliminary Results
Science, 194, 4260, 99-105 (1976).
Science, 194, 4260, 99-105 (1976).
· The Viking Mission Search for Life on Mars,
Nature, 262, 5563, 24-27 (1976).
Nature, 262, 5563, 24-27 (1976).
· Mariner 9: Prelude to First Field Test of a General Theory of Biology?,
Publication No. X-922-74-310, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, MD, November 1974.
Publication No. X-922-74-310, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, Greenbelt, MD, November 1974.
· Detection of Metabolically Produced Labeled Gas: The Viking Mars Lander,
Icarus, 16, 153-166, 1972.
Icarus, 16, 153-166, 1972.
· Infrared Spectroscopy Experiment on the Mariner 9 Mission: Preliminary Results,
Science, 175, 305-308, January 1972.
Science, 175, 305-308, January 1972.
· Investigation of the Martian Environment by Infrared Spectroscopy on Mariner 9,
Icarus, 17, 423-442, 1972.
Icarus, 17, 423-442, 1972.
· Infrared Spectroscopy Experiment for Mariner Mars 1971,
Icarus, 12, 48-62, 1970.
Icarus, 12, 48-62, 1970.
· Experiments and Instrumentation for Extraterrestrial Life Detection,
Advances in Applied Microbiology, 10, 55-71, Academic Press, New York, 1968.
Advances in Applied Microbiology, 10, 55-71, Academic Press, New York, 1968.
· Life Detection by Means of Metabolic Experiments,
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, 22, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series, 223-251, Am. Astro. Soc., 1967.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, 22, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Series, 223-251, Am. Astro. Soc., 1967.
· Extraterrestrial Life Detection with Isotopes and Some Aerospace Applications,
Radioisotopes for Aerospace, Part 2: Systems and Applications, 347-357, Plenum Press, New York, 1966.
Radioisotopes for Aerospace, Part 2: Systems and Applications, 347-357, Plenum Press, New York, 1966.
· Significance and Status of Exobiology,
BioScience, 15, 1, 17-20, 1965.
BioScience, 15, 1, 17-20, 1965.
· Gulliver and Diogenes-Exobiological Antitheses,
COSPAR, Life Sciences and Space Research III, 105-119, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1965.
COSPAR, Life Sciences and Space Research III, 105-119, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1965.
· Biological Objectives of Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System,
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 19 American Astronautical Society, 1965.
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 19 American Astronautical Society, 1965.
· Mark IV Gulliver-An In Situ Instrument for Extraterrestrial Life Detection,
Digest of the 6th International Conference on Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering, Tokyo, 324-325, 1965.
Digest of the 6th International Conference on Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering, Tokyo, 324-325, 1965.
· The Interplanetary Olympics Begin
(editorial), BioScience, 15, 1, 15, January 1965.
(editorial), BioScience, 15, 1, 15, January 1965.
· Panel Discussion, Biological Objectives of Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System,
Proceedings of the American Astronomical Society Symposium on Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System, Denver, Colorado, February 8-10, 1965.
Proceedings of the American Astronomical Society Symposium on Unmanned Exploration of the Solar System, Denver, Colorado, February 8-10, 1965.
· ‘Gulliver’-An Experiment for Extraterrestrial Life Detection and Analysis Life Sciences and Space Research II, 6, 124-132, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1964.
· ‘Gulliver’-A Quest for Life on Mars,
Science, 138, 3537, 114-121, October 12, 1962.
Science, 138, 3537, 114-121, October 12, 1962.
· Life on Mars?,
Nucleonics, 20, 10, 71-72, October 1962.
Nucleonics, 20, 10, 71-72, October 1962.
· Detection of Microorganisms on Other Planets,
American Nuclear Society Transactions, 5, 2, 279, November 1962.
From American Nuclear Society Transactions, 5, 2, 279, November 1962.
The color of deception
For years the space agency released photos of Mars with a reddish tinged sky and rusty red landscape. They got away with it too until independent researchers and Mars missions undertaken by the European Space Agency (ESA) revealed that the Martian sky actually looked very similar to Earth's sky--and the Martian landscape pretty much resembled the pale salmon-colored terrain of the American Southwest.
Holger Isenberg has written about it on the German site "The Color of Mars." Here's a translated link with the photographic evidence.
More controversy over photos
Former NASA employee, Donna Hare, has accused NASA of doctoring, obfuscating, and obscuring thousands of photos over the years. She has gone on record alleging the space agency erased inconvenient anomalies on certain damning photos.Image purposefully smudged [Courtesy Mars Anomaly Research]
During her time at NASA she was a specialist working as an illustrator and photographic slide technician. Her service awards include the 1969 Apollo Achievement award, a Skylab award, and a special commemorative medallion for meritorious service involving the joint American-Russian space mission, Apollo-Soyuz.What doesn't NASA want you to see? [Courtesy Mars Anomaly Research]
A technical illustrator by profession, Hare has just about done it all during her tenure with the space agency, working as a space illustrator and in the Precision Slide Lab. She illustrated space vehicles, satellites, launch pads, landing sites, lunar maps and much, much more.Hare worked as a sub-contractor with the agency for more than 15 years. When she blew the whistle on NASA, she went public and appeared as a guest on WOL-AM radio in Washington, D.C.
This Youtube video exposing NASA image tampering was ordered removed by NASA
Her testimony is controversial and some support her contentions while others do not.
Did NASA miss smudging this photo?
Enlargement of photo? Artificial? What do you think?
The incredible Hubble photo of perfect pyramid on the moon
The incredible Hubble photo of perfect pyramid on the moon
Who built this? When? Why?
The image of this pyramid on the Moon was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in December 2008.
The image of this pyramid on the Moon was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in December 2008.
The Aristarchus Crater complex
Look closely. Is this really a “crater”?
"The Aristarchus Crater enigma is one of numerous so-called transient lunar phenomena (TLP). It is the brightest spot on the Moon as seen from Earth, which changes color, sometimes producing a red or bluish glow, and appears to emit gas. In 1958 Aristarchus Crater's strange phenomena were observed by Russian astronomer Nikolai Kozyrev. They were also reported by the crew of Apollo 11."The nature of the crater phenomena has given credence to a theory that there could be some sort of a power device, possibly a fusion reactor, in the crater. On any photo published by NASA except for a Clementine image this object is shown as a bright white smudge with no definition [Emphasis added]. This structure appears to be supported by 5 or 6 arches. In the foreground is a road that leads to a brightly lit tunnel entrance." [Joe Szostak]
Russian Luna 9 photographs space vehicle
"Luna 9 was an unmanned space probe of the Soviet Union's Luna program. On February 3, 1966 Luna 9 became the first spacecraft to achieve a soft landing on any planetary body other than Earth and to transmit photographic data back to Earth from the Moon. [The] photo is from the Luna 9 probe. It shows what appears to be a large craft or vehicle whose shape resembles that of an ocean going ship on Earth, coming to a point at one end and having an elevated section on top. A cable or tube appears to extend from the rear of the object toward the surface. Contact with Luna 9 was lost on February 6, 1966 just three days after landing." [Joe Szostak]

Odd things are on the Moon and Mars. Strange things have been found on the Martian moon Phobos, Saturn's moon Titan, and a handful of other more obscure moons.
The evidence seems to be mounting that we were not always alone in the Solar System. In fact the place seemed downright crowded.
From Before It’s News @
Secret American Base Discovered on Moon
When American astronauts left the Moon for the final time as the Apollo 17 mission wound down, none realized then that NASA would not return. Three more missions were scheduled, yet the program was scrapped.
For almost 40 years that question has been the nexus of an intense debate amongst space enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists.
George H. Leonard's classic book documented Lunar anomalies.
Although guesses ranged from lack of money and enthusiasm to an ominous alien threat, the truth seems to lie somewhere between the mundane and the incredible.
It cannot be denied that some years later—when America finally returned to the Moon in the form of a Department of Defense high resolution mapping satellite—more than 2 million photos were taken of the entire lunar surface. Of special interest: the far side of the Moon.
The far side of the Moon
All the data was stamped Top Secret and rushed to a team of tight-lipped experts manning red-lit, windowless rooms in the secure underground chambers of the National Security Agency.
And then the decades dragged onwards under the cover of black projects funded by black budgets.
The Disclosure Project
Cooper testified before the assembled press that during his career the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) briefed him—as part of his duty profile—about a base located inside a shallow crater on the Moon. He claimed the codename of the base—appropriately enough—is Luna, the formal name for the Moon.
Factions within the Pentagon, specifically the United States Navy, happened upon evidence that the Moon is inhabited and that at least one base exists. Circumstantial evidence also makes some suspect that other bases exist on the far side of the Moon.
Enhanced photo of crater Moon base taken by Japanese space probe.
Another Disclosure Project participant, former US Air Force sergeant Karl Wolfe, testified that "I was asked to go over to this facility on Langley Air Force base where the National Security Agency (NSA) was bringing in the information from the Lunar Orbiter." [Disclosure Project]
"They took me into this laboratory, I took a look at the equipment, there was an 'Airman 2nd Class' in there, and I was an A2C as well."
Wolfe went on to testify that "We walked over to one side of the lab and [I was told], 'by the way we've discovered a base on the backside of the Moon.'"
According to Wolfe's deposition, the NSA man showed the Airman a mosaic of the lunar surface photographed by the Lunar Orbiter "...he pulled out one of these mosaics and showed this base which had geometric shapes, there were towers, spherical buildings, there were very tall towers and things that somewhat looked like radar dishes...but they were large structures."
Alleged American Lunar base built in shallow crater on Moon
Although the ONI and other Pentagon departments believe that the bases are not of Earth origin, the preponderance of evidence suggests they were built by humans within the past few decades and were constructed with some of the $40 trillion that's been funneled into the military and intelligence communities' black projects since the mid-1960s.
Much of the base may be under the surface and connected by ancient sub-lunar lava tubes.
Lava tube. Some theorize an American Lunar base may be interlinked with such tunnels.
A 'dark' space program?
Rumors in the aerospace industry and the US Air Force have circulated for years about a separate, secret space program. The visible program run by NASA was for public consumption while the real work—and the focus of the nation's national security interests—was done under cover.
Many still wonder why the Vandenberg military shuttle launch site was suddenly abandoned during the 1990s with little fanfare. After spending many millions building the space launch facility designed to accomodate the Space Shuttle, the USAF abruptly tore it down. The facility never launched any shuttle.
Shuttle Enterprise stacked at Vandenberg pad for test. Facility never used
Some at Lockheed insinuate that the fourth generation Aurora has full space capabilities, but the smart money is placed on the black platforms that many around the globe have been reporting as UFOs.
Space capable military platforms
Alleged photo of TR-3b in staging hangar at Lockheed Skunkworks
Among the exotic space capable craft that may well be ferrying military personnel between the Earth and Lunar bases is the TR-3b. The designation is not the official military name, but one that has been "assigned" to the mystery craft by aerospace insiders that have been kept out of the need-to-know loop.
The TR-3b has been seen by witnesses leaving or arriving at some USAF bases such as Scott Air Force base in Missouri and Wright-Patterson in Ohio.
Aerial view of Scott Air Force Base, Missouri.
The craft is utterly silent, stealthy, and is not designed to fly through the atmosphere. Many witnesses describe the platform as gliding and swiveling when it changes vector. The frame is not an airfoil and it does not bank when it turns, it just points its nose in the new direction when it changes its vector.
As the new space programs of India, Japan and China continue to ramp up more information on the mysterious lunar base may be revealed.
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From the New Illuminati –
Since when is Ken Johnston's hearsay accepted as being FACTUAL! I say BS!