Reality Doesn't Exist - according to the latest research
A team of physicists in Vienna has conducted a set of "reality" experiments that prove to a level of 80 orders of magnitude that reality doesn't exist unless you observe it. In other words, in case you ever doubted the Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment, doubt no longer. It seems that experimental evidence has confirmed that we create our own reality by looking at it, measuring it, or observing it. The detail are here.
The results of many recent experiments twist our perceptions of reality even more. Studies by Helmut Schmidt, Elmar Gruber, Brenda Dunne, Robert Jahn, and others have shown, for example, that humans are actually able to influence past events (aka retropsychokinesis, or RPK), such as pre-recorded (and previously unobserved) random number sequences.
No huge surprise to me, who questions everything about our conventional views of reality. But I still think the evidence is fascinating and probably a bit unnerving to say the least, to the majority of those out there who don't typically consider such things. Cause and effect, and reality are certainly not what they seem.
What could be the explanation? Certainly, more experiments to probe the depths of reality are needed. But that doesn't stop us from speculating. Once again, Programmed Reality offers a perfect explanation. Assuming that the programmed construct can detect "observation" (which, in principle, does not appear to be that difficult of a process), all the program has to do is the following:
select result from a subset of coherent results
else, randomize result
For example, in the classic reality experiment, pairs of photons are generated which are "entangled" by virtue of the fact that they were generated from the same reaction. Those photons can be separated by large distances and then a property of one of them is measured. The act of measuring the property of one photon immediately determines the property of the other photon, even if it is so far away that it precludes "knowing" about what is happening to its twin photon because of the limitations of exceeding the speed of light.
However, in the Programmed Reality model, the properties of the two photons can be related programmatically. Once an experiment determines one property, the program sets the other photons property accordingly. The program is aware of the observation and could be in full control of the properties of the paired particles.
For the RPK effect...
set result from archive to a subset of coherent results
For an example of this effect, imagine a set of random numbers generated programmatically and stored in some sort of archive. The archive, of course, being a product of Programmed Reality, is under full control of the program. The archive is not observed prior to the experiment and the subjects perform mass consciousness experiments on the data. The program measures the level of "coherence" of the consciousness in the experiment and then sets the correlation of the stored numbers according to some algorithm, formula, or table. When the experimenters unveil the data, lo and behold, they are not truly random, but rather, appear to be affected by the consciousness experiment. A simple software algorithm can make this work!
The interesting question, though, is "What is the motivation behind the program?" Why would it have such an effect? Perhaps the answer lies in the idea that sentient beings do truly create their reality. Much like "Sim City," where the players create their reality, perhaps our reality is created accordingly to a complex set of rules and algorithms, which include such attributes as intent and observation.
This doesn't prove the validity of Programmed Reality, but I have to wonder, how many anomalies does the theory have to solve, for it to be seriously considered?

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