"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Thursday 31 August 2006



by Mushy's Moochings

'If you can remember looking at your wiggling toe bones in new shoes through one of these contraptions, then you have to be around my age!'
The Miller and Brewer Company, a clothing store in Harriman, Tennessee was where I first looked in amazement at my feet inside new Boy Scout shoes. My mom insisted I wear Boy Scout shoes for the “support” they supposedly gave my feet. However, with the foot problems I have today, I am not so sure they worked! Or, maybe it was the 20 seconds of radiation I got from the 50 kv x-ray tube operating at 3 to 8 milliamps.

I was often embarrassed by my clunky, heavy, lace up shoes, especially when my peers were wearing loafers. A few years later I rebelled and got black leather loafers with a zigzag stripe of white lightning down the outside of the shoe. It was tough to polish and keep the white clean, but after the old brown Boy Scout shoes, I did not mind at all.

In 1946, the American Standards Association looked into the fluoroscopes and established a “safe standard or tolerance dose,” that the feet receive no more than 2 R (roentgens) per 5-second exposure. Children were not to receive more than 12 such exposures in a single year. However, some testing in 1950 reported doses of 1 to 175 mR/hr (60 mR/hr average), at a height of 18 inches above the floor, and 9 inches away from the sides of the machine. The exposure rates 5 feet in front of the machine and 18 inches above the floor were as high as 65 to 160 mR/hr (average: 114 mR/hr).

The poor sales personnel were not so lucky, since most stuck their hands inside the light-green glow area to squeeze the shoes adjusting the fit during the exposures, or leaning over the back, along with your mother, to peer down into the machine from the backside. Note the little black handle between the two rear viewing ports. This was attached to a long pointer that the salesperson used to point out how your “little piggies” had plenty of room!

Slowly concerns over the exposure caused most of the machines to be discontinued by 1960.

It would be nice today if there was something safe you could use, but that probably will not happen for a long time. I suppose that only narrow heeled dudes and dudettes would really have a need for it anyway.

I sure would like to have those “white lightning” loafers back! It would really embarrass my granddaughter at the ball games! I live for it!
- Eye remember these. The kids stuck all their body parts in the slot and played with the machines for ages - at a penny a go. One of the many things that cancerised the 20th Century 
- R.A.
image - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhk_dlCGKioRENGF6f9fGvucjkYF9pcpu39jkrZbJkDNsN4F59Y5bS7BE0rs8GAnC2IzOcdlGjpAW4y3IPsL3npTNCB7r7ToLQLJzOZjFr8h9t0Raatm8mCOZ3dGOMVn6ghIAfAonp-5Ugt/s400/6.jpg 

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Wednesday 16 August 2006

Save the Rivers, Save the World

Save the Rivers, Save the World

Saving large parts of our decaying ecosystem is relatively easy - stone age techniques will suffice. Now that science has finally proven that trees - particularly Old Growth trees - make rain, it's obvious we have to stop cutting them down (see http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/29900/story.htm for instance)

Do you know how long it takes for an Old Growth tree to grow? If you're thinking decades, think again. You need to plant a tree today - and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

The best place to start planting them is along rivers. If you see a river from a distance, it's not a river - it's a drain. Lining waterways with canopy (not just individual trees) can double the available water supply, by stopping water loss through evaporation. A forested riverside is also a cool place to be, and great habitat for humans and animals. Without this replanting we won't have rivers, but plenty of beautiful deserts that will replace today's grass and range lands - and forests.

Such planting will not stop 'climate change' or the ice age this change will lead to - but remineralisaing the world's soils, coastal shelves and oceans can save the climate for the forests we plant. The current glaciers will soon be gone, and with them the water supplies of most of humanity. Aquifers and groundwater are disappearing everywhere they're tapped. But simply crushing rocks to a very fine sand and distributing them around the globe will stop the coming disaster, if we do everything else that's necessary as well - including massive RAINforest replanting, cleaning up the spoils of industrial 'civilization', ending war and creating peace in our selves.

Don't put it off. Start yesterday.

Right now - you can help save the planet by clicking on the icons below 

(once per day per computer)... 

Save Wildernes for FREE! CLICK HERE!
The Rainforest Site


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And see

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

This material is published under Creative Commons Copyright (unless an individual item is declared otherwise by copyright holder) – reproduction for non-profit use is permitted & encouraged, if you give attribution to the work & author - and please include a (preferably active) link to the original along with this notice. Feel free to make non-commercial hard (printed) or software copies or mirror sites - you never know how long something will stay glued to the web – but remember attribution! If you like what you see, please send a tiny donation or leave a comment – and thanks for reading this far…

From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Monday 7 August 2006

Rearranging the Deckchairs

Rearranging the Deckchairs


'Modern civilization' is a juggernaut aimed squarely at a precipice. It is based on inequality, fear and destruction of the natural world. The ecosystem is trashed every time a town or city-dwelling human engages in any activity - turning on a light, using a toilet, putting the garbage 'out' for recycling...

In the real world it's obvious that modern life is destructive and suicidal. From within its false premises, the cocoon of illusion which comprises the world for most 'adults' seems eternal and solid, even when it is falling apart at the seams; most things you touch, breathe and eat are toxic, hypnotically addictive and ultimately lethal.

To survive any work you do, any money you earn, it must pass this test -
'Is this destroying the planet?'; Remember - you are part of the planet.

Slave Age Wages

The world economic system is a global pyramid scam. It has evolved into a planetary mafia - a busy nest making noise to camouflage its empty blindness;

No corporate system has any real interest in your welfare.

Do you want to join the mafia?

Busyness is war by other means - it is a substitute for war; its object is conquest. You are cannon fodder in a war against (your) nature.

A rat race is not a competition. It is a treadmill.

Education, science, politics, religion - the organs of civilization - are corrupted by the cancer of an economic irrationalism which trades freedom and life itself for the fantasy kingdoms of naked emperors.

The emperors' new clothes are made from your complicity in their fantasies.

If what you want is gained through suffering - yours or another's -
it will not satisfy you.

Create and live what you believe in and you improve your world.

There is more than enough to share

Loving your family more than anyone else
is the root of all racism, crime and war.

It is narcissism.

The fear of dying alone is the root of all insecurity.

Everyone and no-one dies (alone).

Empathy and compassion are the fuel of immortality. These require clear perception. Enlightenment is eternity.

So what can you do?

EVERYTHING! You CAN have a new life - but YOU have to create it!


'There is that which does not die but it cannot be held in a tight fist'

- Jeheshua
to the Alternative Realities combine open forum 


images - http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5163/5314771867_cbe4947400.jpg
For further enlightening information enter a word or phrase into the search box @  New Illuminati or click on any label/tag at the bottom of the page @  http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

And see

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This material is published under Creative Commons Copyright (unless an individual item is declared otherwise by copyright holder) – reproduction for non-profit use is permitted & encouraged, if you give attribution to the work & author - and please include a (preferably active) link to the original along with this notice. Feel free to make non-commercial hard (printed) or software copies or mirror sites - you never know how long something will stay glued to the web – but remember attribution! If you like what you see, please send a tiny donation or leave a comment – and thanks for reading this far…

From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Tuesday 1 August 2006

Secede and Succeed

Secede and Succeed


If you want to help save our planetary home from the destruction and despoliation wrought by the barbaric so-called civilizations of the early Third Millennium, save and nurture nature where you live. Encourage the plants and animals that have evolved to best suit the place you inhabit and help expand a healthy diversity of life-forms sharing your environment.

      We need to take a slow step backward to successfully secede from the madness of human myopia, to develop a broader perspective on the dumb programs that we are trained to see as normality.  Self-sufficient confidence grows from the realisation that all human society is based on insecurity, fear of death and fear of the self-governing world of nature – including our own nature. All walls and fences keep the demons in, as well as out.

           In the great urban drift of the last century the custodians of the Earth have been removed from their roots and most of the great forests, rivers and magical places protected by them for millennia have been trashed by greed and ignorance. Now compassionate and conscious people are needed all over the world, outside the toxic stewing cities, where they can make a real difference protecting and rehabilitating our common heritage – the real capital of humanity.

           How long does it take to grow a thousand year old tree? The answer isn’t as simple as it may seem; such a tree would usually need an even more ancient forest to support it – an intact ecosystem at least five or ten thousand years old. How long does it take to cut down a thousand year tree with a chainsaw? How long does it take to grow an old-growth forest? For how long does it need to be protected?

           The best way to save intact ecosystems on a planet full of rampant humans is to have ecologically aware humans inhabiting them. The only forests, rivers and ecosystems that can be saved from ‘progress’ and ‘development’ will be those that have active, compassionate and aware custodians living with them to gain a true understanding of their nature. Ever it was thus, before the coming of Guns, Oil and Drugs to the lands of native peoples. Without indigenous custodians and with no ecologically aware new settlers, the sacred earth – soil, plants, animals, water and air – are replaced by the privatized deserted desert that has already replaced so much of our only home. Rivers become dry chemical drains and land is treated as industrial waste, to be disposed of and replaced by those whose wreathes will be made of gold leaf and whose shrouds will be stitched from plastic money when their cancerous souls implode their mortal coils.

           Unfortunately, with the vitality of the world being sucked into the tumours that are cities, these seats of civilization have become the root cause of planetary turmoil and chaos that is now beginning to be felt in the lives of all the dwellers within the walls. Cities are the problem and no amount of tinkering with their inputs and outputs will save them in time – before the feedback loops of ecocide turn the tables on those who think plastic walls, windows and screens protect them from reality. No amount of change from within will save those who benefit from their toxic luxuries and dubious divertissements. 

           This is no mere prophecy. Take a look around. Do you have any idea of what’s already been destroyed, the irreplaceable virtues of nature’s realm that have been ignored to extinction? How can you know the riches that have been lost – that have truly been lost beyond redemption or human memory or awareness? Ignorance is bliss if you know not what you miss, but blindness is worse than a long memory’s curse.

           You can help the planet and open your own horizons by stepping out of the confines of the corporate cells hemming in the lives, dreams and aspirations of all behind the walls. You can ally yourself to nature instead of feeding its destruction by your very existence while feeding yourself and your family on the system’s systemic poisons.

The New You


Merely inhabiting intact, natural surrounds is no help – it’s the kiss of death. A deep examination of your own true, essential needs and nature is required before any real awareness of the reality, needs and directives of Nature can develop. 

Without changing ourselves we simply propagate the problems we claim to seek to solve. The lies, false beliefs and inherently destructive programs built into us by the warlike, clannish cultures in which we’re embedded have adulterated our links to nature and to our own true natures. Beyond the illusory veil of the grasping, imagined supremacy of humankind over the world,  transcendence and transformation may be found along with a healthy sustainable life. Or you can hug cold gold metal and see how fast it sucks the warmth and life out of you.

           When left to your own resources - no longer continually distracted by petty social dramas or mediocre mediated media diversions, pecking orders and egocentric displays, privatized, preservatised bread and circuses – you can find yourself. It’s never too early or late to abandon the false security of monoliths and edifices, offices and temples.

           But replicating the suburban nightmare by simply transferring a ‘nuclear family’ to a larger performance stage will only destroy the planet more quickly. We must hang together or we’ll surely hang separately. We’re designed- have evolved – to live most happily in tribal groups of between twelve and sixty individuals. This is also a good range for the economies of scale that make the ongoing tasks of life (chopping wood and carrying water) tolerably or enjoyably easy and human culture and dialog possible.

           The structures we build and inhabit define or restrict our relationships with each other and the land. An isolated nuclear family home is a multitude of disasters waiting to happen. A large shared dwelling or series of dwellings located around shared facilities and utilities can replicate the tribal comfort zone. It’s a great way to share the planet and its resources and to care for and about each other. Balancing the needs of privacy and sharing are what sustainable human society is all about.

Intentional Communities – Intense or In Tents?


You don’t have to live like a refugee to share your life with others. Whether inside or outside cities, learning to share can make us healthier, wealthier, wiser and enable us to be worthwhile parents and family for the children of the new millennium. It’s time for nuclear families to fuse and combine, time for individuals to find people they can successfully live with. Above all else, one thing makes a community possible (or not) – the chemistry between individual people. With the best will in the world, some people rub each other up the wrong way and are simply incompatible - but most can learn to get along and enjoy each other’s company.

           It’s not enough to just clump together in the hope that something better will emerge from the scrum by default. A group needs to share, develop, understand and declare a common ethos and similar dreams and aspirations if it’s to rise above the suburban wage-slave backgrounds of its members and create something new and sustainable. Shared beliefs have made communal living possible for religious and spiritual groups throughout history; today’s great challenge is for ‘sea changers’ and ‘tree changers’ to thrive together without a leader, guru, mythical deity or fixed hierarchy waving a proverbial or literal stick or enticing obedience with a tasty carrot. This is what’s required if we’re to be freely cooperating self-aware beings.

           What other type of people would you consider living with?
-          R. Ayana

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The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

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