Noble Gas Plasma Engine: Clean Cheap Power
PlasmERG Preps Factory as Patent Published
by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
![]() PlasmERG engine |

This year is turning out to be more exciting than anyone could have predicted. Multiple alternative energy technologies are emerging, and any one of them could potentially revolutionize energy production. However, one technology in particular is racing towards commercialization, and could be the first exotic energy source to reach the finish line. The company's name is PlasmERG and the technology is called the "Plasmic Transition Process."
PlasmERG is about to launch an engine using the "Plasmic Transition Process" technology. It is about to go into production in Hendersen, Nevada. A factory is being setup to manufacture the control electronics, while local partners will fabricate the engine parts for five prototype motors. These prototype motors will demonstrate to stockholders, investors, and potential licensees what PlasmERG has so far only been able to produce in house (for security reasons). These prototype engines can then be mass produced by those companies who purchase a license to manufacture them.
A patent application detailing the process has also been posted by the U.S. Patent Office. It details how the technology works, and can be found here: US 2011/0113772 Al (pdf). The patent has not yet been granted, but the posting of the patent application does four things. Firstly, it allows PlasmERG to speak more freely about their technology. Secondly, it could be a sign the patent is in the final stages of approval. Finally, it allows all of us a closer look at the technology.

If you have read about Joseph Papp's "Noble Gas Engine" or "Papp Engine", then you already have a basic understanding of PlasmERG's technology. Joseph Papp was a Hungarian native who emigrated to the United States in 1968. Soon afterwards, he retrofitted an internal combustion engine to operate using small quantities of noble gases. The operation of the engine was simple. A charge of noble gases including helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon was placed in the sealed and air tight cylinders of the engine. By producing a magnetic field around the cylinder, exciting the gases with radio frequencies, and producing a high voltage arc in the gas, a ball of plasma would be produced. This expanding ball of plasma would produce a linear force and push the piston. This force could be used to power the engine.
The most important aspects of the "Noble Gas Engine" were that it consumed very little fuel, and the output of the engine was far greater than the electrical input. A charge of noble gases could last months, and a small fraction of the mechanical output could turn an alternator to keep the batteries (that powered the electrical components) charged.
The story of Papp's efforts and the history of the engine are very interesting, but the amazing technology never reached commercialization. A more complete account of his history will be the subject of a subsequent PESN story. Until a few years ago, the technology laid dormant. Little or no progress had been made on the engine until John Rohner, the founder of PlasmERG, decided to rediscover what made the engine work, improve upon it, and develop the technology into a commercially viable state. (Other teams have also been making limited progress.)
One significant improvement made by Rohner was an improved electronic control system utilizing modern components. Another improvement was the discovery of a way to make the reaction take place, without using radioactive accelerators like the original engine used. These are just a couple of many improvements that have been made. Without them, the engine would not be a ready to mass produce .
It is also important to note that many of the advancements were made using modern tools, including advanced simulation software. These software packages allow precise three dimensional simulation of engine components, the modeling of different gas mixtures, and easy design of control circuitry. Such programs and the computers to run them were not even in existence in the age of Papp. These modern tools allow for faster design and part fabrication, along with other benefits.
Game Changing Technology
You may be wondering, "How can one technology solve the entire energy crisis?" After reading the following benefits of the PlasmERG engine your question should be answered!
- Power Density:
The PlasmERG engine produces massive amounts of mechanical power. A two cylinder engine with 1000 cc or one liter of displacement can produce hundreds of horsepower, with all the torque present even at low speed (just like an electric motor). Hence, a very small engine could power a very large vehicle, boat, or plane.
- Fuel Efficiency:
The PlasmERG engine utilizes very little fuel. To fuel an engine, you simply fill the cylinders with a mix of gases, and seal them. Additional fuel does not have to be continually added, like in a traditional internal combustion engine. A single charge of fuel can last an engine for months before another charge is needed. Although some small quantity of fuel is likely burnt (through a fusion or fission process), the main reason the engine needs to be re-fueled is due to gases leaking out. As the technology advances, better sealing technology could prevent the gases from escaping, and a single charge could last for years.
- Cheap, Plentiful Fuel:
The gases used as fuel are cheap and plentiful. In addition, the noble gases used as fuel can be found everywhere on the planet, because they are present in our atmosphere. No country has a monopoly on them. Also, because such small quantities are used, and the gases last so long before being consumed, the annual fuel cost for an engine would be almost nothing. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on gasoline, you could spend less than a hundred dollars a year for a continually-running genset, for example.
- No Pollution:
The engine emits no pollution or exhaust. This would allow someone to operate the engine indoors (for example to power an electrical generator) without worrying about toxic gases being produced. Also, even though a "fusion" process may be occurring, no radioactive waste is created. The lack of CO2 production would also allow for a "green" running engine.
- Inert Fuel:
Because the fuel is an inert gas (doesn't combust), storage canisters could be shipped safely with no regulation or hazards involved whatsoever.
- Catastrophe Proof:
If the engine were damaged somehow, from a force majeure incident such as a collision, explosion, earthquake, lightning strike, landslide, asteroid, volcano, flood, or sabotage; it would not blow up in a chain reaction or go into runaway meltdown. It would simply stop running. The worst case scenario would be that the pistons might fly out and hit something.
- Runs Cool:
The engine does not heat up, so there is no need for a cooling system.
- Few Components:
The engine does not require many the various components of ordinary internal combustion engines. This saves space and weight. Many other components are also eliminated, such as the exhaust system, gasoline tank, and cooling system.
- Few Moving Parts:
The engine uses few moving parts, so there is less complexity, and fewer parts to wear out. The 5 moving parts are: crankshaft, two connecting rods and two pistons. This allows for the engine to be quickly manufactured, and it reduces the maintenance required.
- Scalable:
The technology can scale up to be used to build very large engines, or be scaled down to produce very small engines. Anything from a gigantic locomotive to a tiny model car could have one of these motors designed for it.
- Optimal Versatility:
The technology can be used anywhere, because the cylinders are sealed and the reaction does not require oxygen. It could be used on land, underwater, or in space.
- Governable:
The engine speed can be throttled to basically any speed up to 3,000RPMs. This allows it to have a variable output, which is vitally important for automotive and electrical applications.
- Super Cheap:
The engine is expected to be very affordable. The price for a two cylinder engine producing hundreds of horsepower (and lots of torque too!) is expected to only be around $500 (five hundred dollars)! Remember, too, that the fuel cost is nearly negligible.
- Quiet:
The engines are very quiet too! John Rohner has said if a running engine was placed in a box composed of one inch thick wood, you could not find it in a darkened room.
"It can replace any engine, electric turbine etc not just the internal combustion engine. We have air compressor manufacturers looking to replace 100 HP electric engines, Oil Companies using on Old Pumps replacing their electric and diesel engines and oil rigs using these because they will not cause what happened on that platform, no hot sparks or anything."
By converting to a PlasmERG unit, more power will be produced, but at a near zero fuel cost and near zero environmental impact (the device still requires materials mining).
The Math and Money Saved
With the PlasmERG engine (once widely adopted by the world) energy costs could go down dramatically. As an example, John Rohner communicated to me in a private email that a one liter (two cylinder) engine has turned a 300 kW electrical generator at full load. This is using an engine with an expected $500 dollar cost, and a few dollars worth of fuel every three or four months. The electricity from such a system would not just be cheap, but almost free.Lets look at the math!
Such a system would be producing 648,000 kilowatt hours every 90 days.
300 kW x 24 hours x 90 days = 648,000 kW hours
Lets say that the cost of electricity in your area is 10 cents per kilowatt hour. That means the device would have generated $64,800 dollars worth of electricity. If we add a significant increase to the $500 dollar price tag for the engine (lets say due to high demand and short supply of units the first few months after they go on sale) and make the price $1,000, we have made almost 65 times the price of the engine and fuel, in electricity.
Once the engine has paid for itself, the only costs would be fuel and maintenance. The fuel cost of powering a generator using coal, natural gas, or diesel would be astronomically higher. At 10 cents a kilowatt hour, buying 7200 kilowatt hours (twenty four hours worth of energy production from a generator producing a constant 300 kW of power), would cost $720 dollars. Obviously, the power companies include a markup to pay for maintaining lines and paying employees, so lets say the fuel cost to produce those 7200 kilowatt hours is $360 dollars. For the price of one day's worth of conventional fuel, a PlasmERG engine could be fueled for a decade or more!
$10 (Noble Gas Fuel, when canisters are mass produced) x 40 (Number of three month periods in a decade) = $400
Four hundred dollars is much cheaper than $360 dollars (one day's worth of conventional fuel) multiplied by ten years!
To me it's clear that this technology could reduce the cost of energy by 99% or more!
Of course there would be huge savings by putting one of these engines in your vehicle. You could pay 10 dollars or less for fuel each three months (or longer) instead of $20, $40, or $60 a week!
Where Does the Energy Come From?
To address where the energy comes from, you need to understand the process used by the engine. The "Plasmic Transition Process" utilizes three primary mechanisms to create a ball of plasma (think ball lightning) that pushes the piston, and hence performs mechanical work. 1. One or more coils of wire around the cylinder are pulsed to create a magnetic field that pinches or compresses the gases.
2. A radio frequency generator connected to an antenna inside of the cylinder ionizes the gases.
3. Lastly, a set of electrodes produce a high voltage (300 thousand volt or more) arc of electricity in the shape of a ball. This is the final step that triggers the ball of plasma to form and expand. The arc only lasts for picoseconds.
When all of these factors come together and the high voltage arc is created, it is speculated that a tiny number helium atoms start to undergo a fusion reaction. Also, secondary fission reactions are thought to take place. These nuclear reactions (if they occur) do not release deadly radiation, but produce large quantities of energy.
There is some doubt if these fusion and fission reactions are the only source of energy. One reason is that according to advanced simulations, the gases should be consumed much faster than they actually are in testing. The gases are lasting much longer than they should be, without being consumed.
Jimmy Sabori, an engineer who worked on this technology many years ago (after the death of Joseph Papp), claimed the energy came from "the vacuum and the void." In addition, Ken Shoulders has stated that the plasma ball may be a giant "exotic vacuum object" tapping energy from the vacuum. Others have claimed that the energy may be from the aether or elsewhere.
A particularly interesting idea is that the reaction could be creating anti-matter in the form of positrons. A positron is the anti-matter opposite of an electron. These positrons could be coming into contact with regular matter, annihilating each other, and converting matter into pure energy. This idea is given some credibility by NASA's revelation that lighting in thunderstorms create anti-matter that sprays into the upper atmosphere.
The idea seems to be fusion and fission may be triggering the formation of the plasma and producing some energy in the PlasmERG engine, however due to the lack of fuel being consumed there could very well be energy coming into the system from elsewhere.
Perhaps we have a fusion, fission, and free energy technology all in one!
Upcoming Developments
As has been reported on the company website, PlasmERG is moving to Nevada. A factory is being setup, additional prototype engines will be produced, meetings will soon be held, and demonstrations are to come. Here is a comment from John Rohner on this issue.
We have completed the move to Las Vegas. Our new address is 1051 Olsen St, Suite 4211, Henderson, NV 89011. We will finally get power tomorrow and internet next Tuesday and offices complete next Wed. We have 4 "retired" experts joining us plus a group of Grad students from various colleges and a couple well known physicists. We expect to publish our book and several scientific papers this year. We have several Provisional patents in the works and "maybe" a few more final patents pending this year. We plan to do three or more patents a year and have the greatest lawyers for it. We have a great working relationship with a foundry and our first Manufacturer for training engine parts and even engines for OEM sale.
PlasmERG is having a meeting July 24 & 25 to get all of it's infrastructure ready and will have some prestigious board members, even one Federal Judge. PlasmERG has one of the best contract lawyers working on the licensing agreements now. Add the fact that we have a great International Airport and we B lovin it."
In correspondence he has also indicated...
- The first demos will be held for stockholders, friends of the company, and licensed manufacturers. They will be held as soon as the "training engines" have been built and tested. They will be for NDA holders only.
- Once a stock of motors has been built up and the manufacturers are ready to "go public", open demos of the motor will take place.
- Scientists are working on the theory of how the energy is produced, and this information will be included in an upcoming book about the technology.
- We should not be caught up with noble gases, because other gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen can work. They are not used in small engines, because they speed up the reaction too much. They can help in large engines that need fast reactions. Other gases are being tested.
Kudos to PlasmERG
Everyone at PlasmERG deserves a thank you for dusting off this technology that had been sitting dormant for years, developing it, and now bringing it to the market. This technology has the potential to change the world, and it will be exciting to watch as the world wakes up to it's existence.A series of additional articles about this technology are planned for posting here at PESN. Keep an eye out for them!
Even if PlasmERG doesn't have all this sewn up as they seem to, this technology needs to be brought forward by SOMEONE.
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