"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Monday 31 March 2014

The Secret Power of the Pyramidal Shape

The Secret Power of the Pyramidal Shape
Why does the pyramidal shape resonate various energy fields?


The very shape of the pyramid is an amplified-receiver or resonator of various kinds of energy fields, i.e. electro-magnetic waves, cosmic rays, electrical discharges, gravitational waves, etc., surrounding our planet and which are in the air around and within the pyramid.

Inside the pyramid the received energies, interact with one another.

A pyramid also creates a spherical field like a 3D globe of harmonic vibrations – where the wave patterns are synchronous and rhythmic - around itself. Everything within that field will move towards the harmony. [1]

How does the pyramid create a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around itself?

In a magnetic field like the inside of a pyramid, the produced magnetism
is in a direction opposite to that of iron where the field-direction is outward from the North pole and inward to the South pole of a magnet. In other words in a pyramid the direction of its magnetic field is outward from the south pole of the pyramid and inwards to the north pole.

The pyramid shape generates a spin field from its apex for electrons, meaning that they can move in an angular momentum, i.e. around their own axis. So, if moving or kinetic energy enters the pyramid at the top opening, this can be taken as the north pole of its magnetic field and as the pyramid emits energy from its middle, this can then be taken as the south pole of its magnetic field.

Once it entered into the pyramid, the energy bounces from the equal sides of its walls while the five angles of the pyramid project a beam of radiation towards the center where the energy is collected or pooled to form the "fire in the middle" (the word pyramid is translated as 'fire in the middle’). These energies all combine in the center or King’s chamber area of, i.e. the Great Pyramid. The molecules or atoms in this area absorb these energies by resonance.

The corners are then, in effect, a type of nano-wave radiator. As the energy increases, the electron orbits start to expand; as more energy is absorbed, more expansion occurs and as the energy increases, there is an increase in circulation and finally we have a highly saturated energy atmosphere in the wave bands around 10 nm. These energies also radiate outwards from the corners of the pyramid. [2]

Pyramid energy is a life-giving force called bio-cosmic energy, which allows for the pyramid to become a kind of cosmic antenna that tunes into vast energy sources, receives the energy and changes itself into a magnetic field.

While most of the positive energy is focused within and beneath the pyramid, some is also diffused from the five points or angles. Many people who have stood on top of the Great Pyramid have described sensing a high energy field or electrical charge.

How does this occur?

Depending on the material it is built with, i.e. some kind of crystal or stone such as granite or marble
, a pyramid will create a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around itself. Rose granite, which was used in the construction of the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, is one of the most paramagnetic substances that has the ability to alter the magnetic field in the area it occupies.

Limestone, which covered the Great Pyramid on the outside, is a diamagnetic substance in that it is repelled by both poles of a magnet – being repelled then, the energy moves right through its walls to the outside.

According to Joe Parr, a member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, any pyramidal shape will theoretically attract and trap certain mass particles and it is these particles that produce the orb-like energy field, also called a containment bubble, around any true pyramid that shields out other energies.

It does so in order to cleanse the atmosphere outside around the structure enabling all other elements and vibrations to move towards the harmony and therefore making what is negative, positive. In this process, destructive energies are deflected and positive energies are enhanced.

Parr studied this energy field, which emanates from the one-third height level of the pyramid - the geometric center - he found that sun spot activity and the phases of the moon had an effect upon the intensity of a pyramid's energy field and that at certain times of the year the field would block all electromagnetic radiation and even the force of gravity, which brought him to the conclusion that solar and lunar activity has a direct impact on the strength of dynamic torsion energy streaming into the earth:

- Pyramid energy weakens radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge, i.e. gamma rays. One of the aspects of the power of pyramids is that the atmospheric energy in and around a pyramid is contained in a spherical aetheric energy field centered at the 1/3 height level of the pyramid.

This energy field is called a third dimensional energy bubble that has been tested and measured by scientists and it was found that every now and then Pyramids quit responding to recordings and measurements.

Regarding this, a correlation was found that celestial events such as sun spot activity seemed to affect the intensity of the pyramid energy bubble: at certain times of the year the energy bubble would totally block not only the force of gravity but also nuclear and electromagnetic radiation.

Another effect of the influence of celestial events upon a pyramid’s energy bubble, was found in a pyramid’s seeming ability to relate in a harmonious way at 500 and 1000 Hz. This means that the force field around the pyramid become totally non-conductive to all known forces that are generally negative.

- Parr has also found that the width of the energy containment bubble or orb expands and contracts with the phases of the moon. This suggests again that the spherical orb on the outside of the pyramid is a static torsion field that gathers around the pyramid and is strengthened by absorbing other dynamic torsion fields.

These fields can be strengthened by the electrostatic energy in the ions or in the acoustic vibration of air, which also is a vibration of the ether. [3]

The best passive torsion generators are formed by cones or pyramidal shapes built according to the “phi” ratio of 1 to 0.618 and it can, therefore, be said the pyramid shape has the power to harness torsional energy because torsion waves are phi-spirals and for this reason a pyramid will hold positive energy and deflects negative energy wavelengths and therefore inhibit natural decay:

"Pyramids don't kill bacteria. However the bacteria feed by absorbing nutrients as entropy breaks the tissues down. In a pyramid there is so little entropy that the bacteria barely survive and don't multiply prolifically. Food therefore stays fresher longer and has a chance to dehydrate before it goes bad."

Because aluminum blocks a pyramid's energy field, seeds placed on aluminum foil in a pyramid will sprout slowly but aluminum's blocking effect is overcome if the foil is left in a pyramid for two weeks or more. Amazingly, the foil then carries its own pyramid energy. [4]

Meditation and Healing

A cube-shape such as most houses people live in inhibits energy
while a pyramid-shape allows for a heightened energy field, which definitely is an aid for meditation. A pyramid aids meditation because it focuses harmonious energy while deflecting distracting energies, which are unordered, disharmonic energy.

By guarding against external interference, it helps you corral your own maverick thoughts by focusing positive energy within you, which is precisely your goal. As you enter your reflective state, the pyramid assists you at every step. Meditation is faster, deeper and more rewarding.

It has been reported that after spending time within a pyramid, people feel revitalized with sense-perceptions sharpened. Added to this, some people experience an internal tingling and sometimes a distant ringing sound, which is explained by the fact that the pyramidal shape focuses and resonates beneficial sound vibrations.

Through Kirlian photography, changes have been noted in the meditator's aura, described as his/her electromagnetic field, such as the aura becoming brighter and larger.

Meditators reported deeper relaxation, an enhanced sense of well-being and increased levels of awareness – these conditions have been achieved due to the positive energy flow in the pyramid facilitating deeper focus. What happens is that their alpha waves became much stronger and meditation became deeper.

People meditating in a pyramid regularly, have received strong spiritual and psychic impressions, enhanced dreams and visions, vivid visual imagery and increased memory recall. Many people reported feeling revitalized with sense-perceptions sharpened after spending time within a pyramid.

People sitting or sleeping near just a model pyramid, have reported the alleviation or disappearance of pain or symptoms of illness. [5]

Another pair of researchers postulates that the pyramid energy field tends to produce healthier functioning of cells, tissues and organs. People experience enhanced effects when meditating beneath pyramids, which can be attributed to the positive energy flow in the pyramid that facilitates deeper focus. [6]

The energy within a pyramid makes it a transmitter of universal light energy (also known as Source Energy, Ether and Zero Point Energy). As the inside of the pyramid transmits the inflowing energy it causes a higher dimensional field – a field that is the animating force behind all creation - and has the capacity to automatically transform lower vibrational (negative) energy into higher vibrational (positive) energy.

By the layering of organic and inorganic matter in the building blocks of the structure, the Life Force Energy are purified, condensed and then magnified, enabling it to transmit this energy to the outside where a spherical field of harmonic vibrations around the pyramidal structure is created.

This form of energy, orgone energy, is known by various cultures as Chi, Ki, Prana, Ether, or Life Force. By simply holding an Orgone device or being near one, negative energy will be cleared from your field creating a higher, more balanced and healthy state. Using your intent you can also direct this Source Energy towards personal healing, protection and spiritual awakening.

Make your own

Anyone can use a pyramid model in the proportions of the Great Pyramid
to conduct various experiments such as placing different organic matter inside the pyramid shape: razor blades are sharpened, organic matter undergoes dehydration, milk turns into smooth yogurt after six weeks, seeds germinate more easily while plant growth is accelerated and remains free of pests, by pyramid power.

Experiments have shown copper to be the best metal for an open-frame meditation pyramid, due to its natural electronic and bio-enhancing properties, but pyramid structures of cardboard, wood or bamboo are effective too, if built to the same proportional dimensions as the Great Pyramid.

If you want to build or make your own, the pyramid MUST be aligned to magnetic north to work! The energy is very weak when it is out of alignment, so you want to get it aligned as good as possible.

One particular observation made by Schul and Pettit, captured the difference in the growth rate of plants beneath pyramids with time-lapse photography. What their photography showed was "plants gyrating in a symphonic dance as though orchestrated by an unseen conductor." Their first film showed a six-inch-tall sunflower placed in a glass pyramid at the one-third height level.

"The plant followed an east-west cyclic movement. It bowed to the east nearly touching the base, swept a semicircle to the south, back to the west and finally straightened to the vertical before starting the dance once more. The movement was repeated every two hours ...."

The authors observed this east-west movement for two years, then abruptly the plants started to move instead in a north-south arc, presumably due to some change in the environment or atmosphere. An aluminum screen placed to the west of the plants would stop the plants' gyrations, since aluminum blocks a pyramid's energy field.

Similarly, seeds placed on aluminum foil in a pyramid will sprout slowly - but aluminum's blocking effect is overcome if the foil is left in a pyramid for two weeks or more. Amazingly, the foil then carries its own pyramid energy and it will enhance seed growth and cook food faster.

Flanagan investigated pyramid effects on plants, water, animals and people. He was particularly enthusiastic about the pyramid's ability to preserve food - foods and beverages stay fresh longer and acquire enhanced flavour. Fruit is preserved indefinitely by dehydration.The Great Pyramid Company explains how pyramids inhibit natural decay:

"Pyramids don't kill bacteria. However the bacteria feed by absorbing nutrients as entropy breaks the tissues down. In a pyramid there is so little entropy that the bacteria barely survive and don't multiply prolifically. Food therefore stays fresher longer and has a chance to dehydrate before it goes bad." [7]  


[1] http://www.pyramidoflife.com/qanda.htm
[2] G. Patrick Flannigan, Ph.D. The Pyramid and Its Relationship to Cosmic Energy, http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread866920/pg
[3] David Wilcock, http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/torscons.htm
[4] The Great Pyramid Company, http://www.iempowerself.com/84_pyramid_power.html
[5] Pyramid Power, Max Toth and Greg Nielsen
[6] Schul and Pettit, http://www.iempowerself.com/84_pyramid_power.html
[7] http://www.iempowerself.com/84_pyramid_power.html

From Humans Are Free @ http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/the-secret-power-of-pyramidal-shape.html

For more information about pyramids and pyramid energy effects see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/pyramids
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Sunday 30 March 2014

Exploring the Fractal Mind and Fractal Consciousness

Exploring the Fractal Mind and Fractal Consciousness





Brain of a fractal addict

“Why is geometry described as ‘cold’ and ‘dry?’ One reason lies in its inability to describe the shape of a cloud, a mountain, a coastline, or a tree. Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line… Nature exhibits not simply a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”

The vacuum of space connects us all. Atoms consist of 99.9999999% empty space. That means everything from the chair you’re sitting on, the computer you’re staring at, even you, are only 000000001% there. Even the Planck Length is simply a renormalization of the infinitely dense vacuum of space. As such, matter does not define space, space defines matter.

Matter is just a perceptual division of the vacuum itself. However, matter does inform space. Reality creates us. The vacuum creates us, but we inform the vacuum. We are interacting with the structure of the vacuum over and over again in a fundamental way. All the electrons and positrons in the atoms that make up our bodies are constantly interacting with the vacuum like a game of hide-and-seek: appearing and disappearing, over and over again.

We are informing the universe about our unique point of view of the structure of reality. We are recursive, self-similar structures of consciousness at arbitrarily small scales that represent the universe as a whole; like a wave represents the ocean, or a water-drop represents the wave.

Fractal feedback loops are a prime example of this. The functioning architecture of the human brain is a fractal feedback loop in itself. Brains are water-drops representing a cosmic wave that represents a cosmic ocean. As the research of Wai Tsang proposes the organization of the brain is fractal not just in structure but in process, similar to the way a tree is fractal in structure and process. It is through this feedback loop that we inform the universe that created us.

Wai H Tsang talks about the Fractal Brain Theory

Our eyes are a literal extension of the universe seeing itself. Our ears are an extension of the universe hearing itself. It’s the same with the other three senses, even the sixth sense of imagination. Our imagination is an extension of the universe imagining itself. These are all phenomenal faculties of our miraculous fractal brains.

In the universe of fractal structure, infinity is the final answer. Infinity is not only horizontally and vertically infinite but also infinitely infinite, where even seemingly finite structures are inherently infinite at all points. Context is to object as horizon is to boundary. Full conscious awareness requires both objective and subjective balance and perspicuity, a self-aware equilibrium between the vacuum and the feedback loop.

This can be experienced indirectly through the opening of the Crown chakra. When the individuated-self possessing absolute, decisive and divisive boundaries evolves into the transcendent-self, there is a broadening of scope that unravels and absolves the illusion of self into a permeable, flexible, horizon of infinite possibilities. From which a fractal consciousness emerges.

The deepest zoom animation of the Mandelbrot set

Each and every conscious observation is a microcosmic butterfly effect that has macro cosmic consequences. A fractal brain begets a fractal consciousness begets a fractal cosmology. Conscious observation is a water drop interpretation of an infinite wave. Without conscious observation, there is merely an infinite wavefunction with only the potential to be collapsed into an objective reality.

With conscious observation, however, the infinite wavefunction collapses into a finite objective reality; giving us perceivable objects. Consciousness is the medium by which reality, as we know it, exists.

Fractal mind

But it goes beyond this. Each and every unique conscious observation creates a domino-effect of alternate realities which are collapsing and re-collapsing ad infinitum throughout the fractal universe (or multiverse). It’s enough to make our brains do backflips in our skulls.

But the beauty of the fractal cosmological perspective is the understanding of the infinite interconnectedness of all things. It can be explained in a multitude of ways: from mathematics to geometry to chaos theory, while it is elegant enough that it correlates with such far-reaching scientific ideas as Hugh Everett’s Many-worlds interpretation of the quantum enigma, Cantor’s Set Theory, Godel’s Incompleteness theorem, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, and Zeno’s paradox

And it is personal enough that it resonates strongly with what’s occurring during acts of meditation and other altered states of consciousness.

Blaise Pascal once challenged us when he wrote, “Man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness from which he emerges as the infinity in which he is engulfed.” Fractal cosmology, and the fractal consciousness that comes from it, may be just the passage we need to bridge the gap between the nothingness from which we emerge and the infinity in which we’re engulfed. One could even go as far as to call it Fractal Enlightenment.

Image source: Brain of a Fractal Addict
Fractal Mind

From Fractal Enlightnment @ http://fractalenlightenment.com/18838/fractals/understanding-the-fractal-mind-and-fractal-consciousness

For more information about fractals see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/fractals
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Saturday 29 March 2014

Newly Found Megalithic Ruins in Russia Contain the Largest Blocks of Stone Ever Discovered

Newly Found Megalithic Ruins in Russia Contain the Largest Blocks of Stone Ever Discovered

Mount Shoria

An incredible discovery that was recently made in Russia threatens to shatter conventional theories about the history of the planet.  On Mount Shoria in southern Siberia, researchers have found an absolutely massive wall of granite stones.  Some of these gigantic granite stones are estimated to weigh more than 3,000 tons, and as you will see below, many of them were cut “with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners”. 

Nothing of this magnitude has ever been discovered before.  The largest stone found at the megalithic ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon is less than 1,500 tons.  So how in the world did someone cut 3,000 ton granite stones with extreme precision, transport them up the side of a mountain and stack them 40 meters high?  According to the commonly accepted version of history, it would be impossible for ancient humans with very limited technology to accomplish such a thing.  Could it be possible that there is much more to the history of this planet than we are being taught?

For years, historians and archaeologists have absolutely marveled at the incredibly huge stones found at Baalbek.  But some of these stones in Russia are reportedly more than twice the size.  Needless to say, a lot of people are getting very excited about this discovery.  The following comes from a Mysterious Universe article

Alternate history buffs are about to be whipped into a frenzy!  OK, maybe not, but they will find this interesting.

An ancient “super-megalithic” site has been found in the Siberian Mountains.  Found recently in Gornaya Shoria (Mount Shoria) in southern Siberia, this site consists of huge blocks of stone, which appear to be granite, with flat surfaces, right angles, and sharp corners.  The blocks appear to be stacked, almost in the manner of cyclopean masonry, and well…they’re enormous!

Russia is no stranger to ancient megalithic sites, like Arkaim or Russia’s Stonehenge, and the Manpupuner formation, just to name two, but the site at Shoria is unique in that, if it’s man-made, the blocks used are undoubtedly the largest ever worked by human hands.

When I say that this is a new discovery, I am not kidding.  In fact, the very first expedition to study these stones happened just a few months ago.  Prior to this expedition, there were no known photographs of these megalithic stones.  Archaeologist John Jensen is mystified by these ancient ruins, and the following is an excerpt from a post on his personal blog

The super megaliths were found and photographed for the first time by Georgy Sidorov on a recent expedition to the Southern Siberian mountains. The following images are from Valery Uvarov’s Russian website.

There are no measurements given, but from the scale depicted by the human figures, these megaliths are much larger (as much as 2 to 3 times larger) than the largest known megaliths in the world. (Example: The Pregnant Woman Stone of Baalbek, Lebanon weighs in at approximately 1,260 ton). Some of these megaliths could easily weigh upwards of 3,000 to 4,000 tons.

Below, I have posted some of the images that he was referring to.  As you can see, they are absolutely stunning…

Russian Megalthic Ruins Discovered 1

Mount Shoria 2

Another very unusual thing about these stones is that they caused the compasses of the researchers to start behaving very strangely.

The following is an excerpt from a story on a Russian news source

Some events that were happening during the autumn expedition could probably be called mystical. The compasses of the geologists behaved very strangely, for some unknown reason their arrows were deviating from the megaliths. What could this mean? All that was clear was that they came across an inexplicable phenomenon of the negative geomagnetic field. Could this be a remnant of ancient antigravity technologies?

Of course much more research needs to be done on this site.

Nobody knows who cut these stones or how old they are.

Jensen believes that they come from a time “well back into the mists of pre-history”

These megaliths reach well back into the mists of pre-history, so far in fact, that conjecture about their ‘builders’, methods, purpose and meaning is pure speculation, and as such, I would hesitate to offer any observation at all, other than to say our pre-historical past is richer than we ever dreamed.

These stones are likely to remain an unsolved mystery for a very long time.

But what is abundantly clear is that according to the commonly accepted version of history they should not be there.

And of course this is far from the only site around the world that contains massive megalithic ruins.  Perhaps the most famous are the megalithic ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon…

Baalbek Stone

The following is some information about Baalbek from one of my previous articles…

The ancient city of Baalbek is one of the greatest archaeological mysteries of all time. Located east of the Litani River in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon, Baalbek is world famous for its exquisitely detailed yet monumentally scaled Roman temple ruins. In Roman times, Baalbek was known as Heliopolis (after the sun god) and it contained some of the largest and most notable Roman temples ever built. In fact, the Romans had constructed an extraordinary temple complex in Baalbek consisting of three separate temples – one for Jupiter, one for Bacchus and one for Venus. But what these Roman temples were built on top of is much more important. These Roman temples were actually built on top of an ancient 5 million square foot platform that was made from some of the largest stones ever used in any construction project in the history of the earth.  In fact, the largest stone found near the Baalbek ruins weighs approximately 1200 tons and is about 64 feet long.  To put that in perspective, that is the equivalent of approximately 156 full size African elephants.

How people in ancient times were able to move such massive stones is a complete mystery.  In fact, these giant construction stones were stacked so closely together that you can’t even fit a piece of paper between many of them.  Many of the architectural feats found at Baalbek cannot even be duplicated with 21st century technology.

So how did they do it?

How did they move such massive stones to create a structure of such intricate precision?

Keep in mind that the base of the Baalbek ruins alone weighs approximately 5 million tons.

Evidence continues to mount that very sophisticated technology was used in the ancient world.

These megalithic ruins are undeniable reminders of highly advanced ancient civilizations.

So who were they and what happened to them?

Could it be possible that they were wiped out by a massive global cataclysm such as a global flood?

From Investment Watch @ http://investmentwatchblog.com/newly-found-megalithic-ruins-in-russia-contain-the-largest-blocks-of-stone-ever-discovered/

For more information about megalithic sites see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/megaliths
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