The Virus Engineers:
Bacteriological Warfare and AIDS
AIDS – The Real Story – Part 2 of Section 2
Vaccination Programs and AIDS

Doctor Robert Strecker’s research of literature (see section 2, part 1) shows that the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) combined viruses at Fort Detrick in Bethesda, Maryland in the US, injecting them into humans and tissue cultures.
He was employed as a consultant by Security Pacific Bank to determine the cost of future US health care and ultimately advised them against setting up a health maintenance organisation when his research indicated that AIDS could easily bankrupt the US medical insurance system.[i]
“I am sure AIDS was created in a laboratory and I wrote this in a letter to the Journal of the Royal Society of medicine in August (1986),” Dr Seale said a few months later. “I have gone to the press because I think this is a vital topic and I didn’t want to wait…[ii]
“Thousands of biologists all over the world have seen my August letter, yet there has not been a single letter saying it was rubbish.” He claimed the only difference between Visna and HIV is that the latter has extra genetic material which could have “quite easily” been inserted during experiments, deliberately or by mistake.
Jakok Segal claimed the AIDS virus was the result of genetic experiments carried out at Fort Detrick, the West’s most advanced biological warfare laboratory. He further claimed that it escaped from the laboratory and entered human blood systems. The Cold War US State Department subsequently denied the story as ‘Soviet disinformation.” But in his petition (see Section 2, Part 1) Jeremy Rifkin disagreed;
Bad Habits
In 1981 the Pentagon “lost” several litres of the chikungunya arbovirus (an animal-borne, human infective virus – see previous section) from Fort Detrick – enough to infect the entire population of the world. The virus is “a disease of explosive potential as either a biological warfare agent or a natural disease threat,” according to a Pentagon document unearthed under Freedom of Information laws in 1986 by the Foundation on Economic Trends, whose president was Jeremy Rifkin.
In June 1985 the Foundation won a permanent court injunction to stop the Department of Defence from building a new biological weapons testing laboratory in Utah. The US District Court of the District of Columbia granted the injunction on the grounds of inadequate environmental impact assessment. Rifkin said that the proposed laboratory would have “marked the beginning of a new and dangerous arms race… These toxic biological agents pose a threat that rivals nuclear weaponry.”[iii] The decision was later upheld in higher courts.
“If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a tuxedo, how did he get dressed? Somebody dressed him.”
- Dr Robert Strecker[iv]
A US Senate Committee reported in May 1988 that the Defense Department’s research guidelines for biological weapons development were “completely inadequate”.
The department expected each Federal, university and private laboratory to police themselves; over 100 of these received Pentagon funds to support research on biological warfare agents and toxins. The 1972 Convention allowed the department to research ways of defending against biological weapons.
“There is no comprehensive set of safety regulations for research with biological agents and toxins, no emphasis on safety on the contractor programs and no office that monitors the contractor’s safety,” the senate report (which took eighteen months to compile) charged.[v]
This author uncovered a number of references to biological experiments conducted on unsuspecting ‘volunteers’. One 1961 study conducted by a team from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health at Bethesda indicates how far these institutions have been willing to go. Respiratory Disease in Volunteers Infected with Eaton Agent; A Preliminary Report[vi] tells of a NIH program in which fifty-two Federal prison system volunteers were deliberately infected with Eaton Agent.
This was “first described by Eaton in 1944 (and) was associated with human respiratory disease. A controlled field study among Marine recruits suggested that the Eaton agent caused a spectrum of disease including febrile illness and atypical pneumonia.”
“As a further step in assessing the etiological role of Eaton agent in respiratory disease, tissue culture grown material was administered to volunteers in an attempt to reproduce the natural disease.”
This organism was cultured in monkey and human kidney cells and the culture fluid was diluted and sprayed into the nose and mouth of volunteers. “Clinical examinations were performed twice daily by physicians who were unaware of the volunteers’ pre-innoculation” – and were themselves circulating in the wider population.
“Seventeen men… developed moderate to severe disease (pneumonia, otitis, or febrile respiratory illness)…
“Approximately 10% of seronegative volunteers developed pneumonia.”
“Over a 25-year period there has been, on average, an accident involving serious infection (including three deaths) every three or four weeks at Fort Detrick in Bethesda.”
– from Biohazard, British NAVS, Harley St, London
AIDS and Visna Virus
In a four-page section of a fifty page report on AIDS, Jakok Segal ventured a proof based on the structure of the genes in HIV that shows it is made of genes from a leukaemia virus and a sheep Visna virus. A working scientist at Sloane-Kettering (the large cancer research centre) said Segal’s work didn’t constitute absolute proof but was ‘suggestive’ and deserved further study.[vii]
A “protein in HIV called gp41… sits in the viral membrane. The inner part of gp41 protein is unusually long, containing more than 100 amino acids. This has hitherto been seen only in another lentivirus, the Visna virus,” Dr Michael Koch wrote in 1987.[viii]
No retrovirus other than HIV was known to cause brain disease in humans. Visna, a lentivirus, is one of the only animal retroviruses that attacks the insulating sheaths around the nerve fibres of animal brains, causing similar damage to that caused by HIV.[ix]
Whereas most retroviruses contain only four genes, HIV also has others that are only found in lentiviruses like Visna. According to Nobel Prize winner D. Carlton Gajdusek of the NIH, Visna and HIV are so similar they must be different forms of the same virus. The 1986 Annual Report of the British Medical Research Council supports the statement.[x]
The smallpox vaccine virus is called vaccinia (from which the word vaccine is derived). Recombinant vaccine research has shown that vaccinia is a useful vehicle for carrying other viruses joined into its genetic structure.

Scientists from the Australian National University’s John Curtin School of Medical Research and the CSIRO reported these findings when announcing the potential for production of a new ‘super vaccine’, designed to be scratched into the skin. The Canberra team, headed by Dr Ian Ramshaw, spliced a gene for the immune system booster Interleukin 2 into the virus used in smallpox vaccine.
As the vaccinated virus multiplies in the skin, it manufactures Interleukin 2 – that stimulates the immune system’s helper T-cells, which are affected by AIDS. The resulting recombinant vaccine can accommodate the genes of several viruses at a time, in one injection.[xi]
Their research shows that vaccinia can ‘piggyback’ the organisms which cause malaria, hepatitis, herpes and HIV into the immune system(!)
The ANU group collaborated with the Pasteur Institute in Paris (‘co’-discoverers of HTLV-III – their original version was named LAV) to develop a three-way vaccinia/human immunodeficiency virus/Interleukin 2 recombinant vaccine for AIDS.
Missing Links
A 1974 Cancer Research article reports on two chimpanzees that were given bovine leukaemia virus - BLV (an organism that causes cancer in cows) – in milk. They both died; “erythroleukaemia and pneumocystis carinii were diagnosed in the infant chimpanzees.” This form of pneumonia is one of the most common symptoms of full-blown AIDS and this was the first time Pneumocyctis had been seen in chimps. Simian Immuno-deficiency Virus (SIV) was also first noted in the late 1960s and is very similar to human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV).
Dr Robert Gallo (putative discoverer of HIV) wrote in Scientific American (Jan 1987): “…A plausible hypothesis is that STLV-III (a form of SIV) somehow entered human beings, initiating a series of mutations that yielded the intermediate viruses before terminating in the fierce pathology of HTLV-III” – the HIV strain named by Gallo. He goes on to say that STLV-III is not “pathogenic in its usual host” – it doesn’t cause the sort of destructive breakdown in monkeys that HTLV-III does in human beings. Newly discovered strains of HIV more closely resemble the monkey virus: “The first of these, called HTLV-IV (HIV-2) is closely related to STLV-III and is non-pathogenic, but it infects humans,” he wrote. This is consistent with the effects of a number of known monkey and ape-borne viruses (including arboviruses).
It was demonstrated in 1986 that HIV virus that has had one gene removed (the tat gene) can’t effectively reproduce itself in cultured human T-cells. But this gene can easily be recombined to form a replicating HIV cell, simply by adding tat gene to the same cell culture as the genetically-snipped mutant. Both HTLV-I & II have tat genes as well.[xiii]
All this may seem confusing. But if one realises that a myriad of various animal viruses was both deliberately and accidentally combined and recombined through the living bloodstreams of multiple species – including humans – HIV and many other ‘new’ diseases were, at best, mistakes waiting to happen. Of course, much of this ‘research’ was undertaken in or at the behest of biological warfare units of defense departments, and willingly undertaken by medicos in search of funding and renown.
We’re not talking high-tech here – this genetic work was largely cut and paste, with blood simply extracted and injected into various species to ‘see what happens’.
How Vaccines Are Made
A young calf has his belly shaved and many slashes are made in the skin. A batch of smallpox vaccine is dropped into the cuts and allowed to fester while the calf stands immobilized in a headstock for many days. The belly scabs and pus are scraped off and ground into a powder – this powder is the active ingredient in the next batch of smallpox vaccine, usually added to foetal bovine serum culture. The vaccines were never effectively screened for viral contamination – particularly by retroviruses, which were only discovered [relatively] recently.[xiv]
Humans and their leaders are not only capable of making mistakes; they are also capable of covering them up, and of outright malicious behaviour and mass murder. Whether under the umbrella of dubious ‘national security’ or the cloak of ‘business commercial-in-confidence’ laws, any research is subject to the likelihood of falsification, error and expediency…
by R. Ayana
[i] Reader, 7-8-87, (L.A., USA) & Australasian Health and Healing, Vol 7, No 2, December 1987
[ii] AAP – Australian press carried this story on 27-10-86
[iii] New Scientist, 13-6-85
[iv] Reader, 7-8-87, (L.A., USA) & Australasian Health and Healing, Vol 7, No 2, December 1987 p 32
[v] New Scientist 19-5-88, p 25
[vi] Chanock, Rifkind et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (US) Vol 47, 1961 pp 887-890
[vii] Reader, 7-8-87, (L.A., USA) & Australasian Health and Healing, Vol 7, No 2, December 1987 p 28
[viii] New Scientist 26-3-87
[ix] Reader, 7-8-87, (L.A., USA) & Australasian Health and Healing, Vol 7, No 2, December 1987 p 28
[x] Biohazard, British NAVS, 51 Harley Street, London, UK
[xi] Nature 8-20-87
[xii] New Scientist, 3-7-86
[xiii] New Scientist 13-3-86
[xiv] US veterinarian’s description, Reader, 7-8-87, (L.A., USA) & Australasian Health and Healing, Vol 7, No 2, December 1987 p 26
Section 1 Part 2 - Very Hard to Catch
- Se AIDS the Real Story Section 2 Intro - Smallpox Vaccines
AIDS the Real Story Section 2 – The Virus Engineers
AIDS the Real Story Section 2 – The Virus Engineers
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