The System Has Failed You

Workers destroy the world and
Knowledge is for job training.Hospitals kill people
Courts kill the innocent and free the guilty rich, a
Government by madmen where
Banks think they own you, where
Gold is the rule.
Religions are regional lies,
Priests are child molesters whileScientists solve the problem of life and
Professionals are all professional liars.
Ownership is bereft,
Institutions suck bigtime,
Security is oppression,
The most dangerous drugs are legal and compulsory as
Civilization poisons its water and the
Planet shrugs, coughs and simmers while
Humans use weapons and eat other animals, for no reason or other.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Get it? The system has failed. It’s all gone wrong. The Hippies are all right, what’s left of them – and always right. Money is poison, like white powders and crystals – don’t take it, put it down. It’s time to share what you love the most.
Turn On, Tune In, Opt Out
- R. Ayana
Image – author’s
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