The Rainbow Bridge Warriors
An Ancient Perspective on a Dawning Age
By Lorraine Mafi Williams

When the Aboriginal People came to live on the Earth, they found a structure that kept the Earth on an equal balance with nature and the animals and universe. This structure is known to you as the ‘ley-line’ energy grids, known to the aboriginals as the Rainbow Serpent. The aborigines soon learned that it was very important for their survival, and to disturb this grid would mean certain death to Humankind.
These ley-line energy grids consist of all the minerals under the earth. Man has plundered and ravaged the land so much that the Earth has no protection from elemental and environmental disasters, i.e. earthquakes, floods, bushfires, hurricanes, et cetera.
The cosmic energy poured down in harmony upon the Earth through the crystal cosmic spiral, but now the beam has no receivers left in the Earth to spread the cosmic energy across and throughout the land.
To cut a long story short, the aboriginal people throughout Australia have seen the need for all of humankind to prevent mining on sacred sites – which are the Rainbow Serpent – and they have sent out an appeal to all those who have an interest in the prevention of mining and the destruction of the environment, to save the Earth in general from destruction.
Aboriginal legends tell us that the Earth undergoes a planetary shift every 7,000 years. The Earth used to be able to withstand the planetary and cosmic onslaught through the energy grid network under the Earth. However, since white man’s devastation of the Earth and environment in the [more than] two hundred years of Australia , the Earth here has lost its energy grid system.
This is a universal appeal to all Humankind to end the destruction and get back to the ancient laws of survival as the old ancient people know on this planet. The people who have heeded this call through a spiritual movement that they themselves may not understand are known as the Rainbow Warriors. For these people to spread the word throughout the world, they must listen to the Elders of the world.
Here in Australia only the aboriginal people know the ways to save Australia from total destruction. They must work in harmony with the land, animals and the heavens. We humans need the Earth and the Earth needs us to care for ourselves.
The Warriors of the Rainbow
An ancient North American ‘Indian’ legend predicts that when the Earth has been ravaged and the animals killed, a tribe of people from all races, creeds and colours would put faith in deeds, not words, to make the land green again. They would be called “The Warriors of the Rainbow”, protectors of the environment.
- L.M.W.
Aboriginal elder of the Bunjalung Nation of far eastern Australia, the late Lorraine Mafi Williams wrote this in 1987 and handed it to me in 1988. For various reasons, it has remained unpublished until now.
Your parents and grandparents were happy and satisfied to be lied to by those who still get away with stealing the wealth and knowledge of the Earth (and everywhere else) for themselves – are you? Are you ready to become a peaceful, non-violent Rainbow Warrior and help save the planet?
Turn on. Tune in. Opt OUT and find your tribe in the greenfastnesses of Mother Earth!
- R.A.
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