The Most Disturbing Case of Alien Abduction Ever
This 1994 abduction case involves one of the most disturbing death of a single human being ever seen
Warning: this article contains graphic images of a human mutilation
Whoever they were had a stunning level of precision. They were specific about what body parts and internal organs they wanted. They removed the left eye, the left ear, the lips, the tongue, and the jaw bone.

In the upper torso, two "drainage holes" were perfectly cut into the chest.
And the entire rectum track had been cored out leaving a large gaping hole, similar to how an apple core remover will slice out the center leaving the outside fully intact.
More perplexing is the fact that there was no blood. It is clear that this systematic mutilation was executed with speed, precision, and powered by an advanced intelligence.
And that is what makes this case so disturbing.
If we are to assume that this abduction was carried out by an alien intelligence, then it is time to also revise our data regarding the conceivable specific intentions, moral perspectives and general agenda that some of our extraterrestrial visitors may have.
What we know
In 1998, four years after the body was found, Brazilian researcher Zapata Carcia and Dr. Rubens Goes revealed information about the case to the public for the first time.
The body was found on a in the Guarapiranga reservoir, located in the southern area of the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Above: the Guarapiranga reservoir, the region the body was found
Police are responsible for investigating crimes - yet this murder would prove to go beyond what even the sickest criminal minds could ever possibly conceive. The report was rather simple in that there were no signs of struggle. No typical violence occurred here. No ropes or weapons were involved.

With Zapata's & Dr. Rubens determined research the report, in addition to the photographs, were made public. You can download a copy of the actual autopsy report here. A few items have been blacked out to protect the identification of the victim.
The photographs, if you have the stomach, are available for viewing below.

From the Autopsy Report:
"The axillary regions on both sides showed soft spots where organs had been removed. Incisions were made on the face, internal thorax, abdomen, legs, arms, and chest. Shoulders and arms have perforations of 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter where tissue and muscles were extracted. The edges of the perforations were uniform and so was their size. The chest had shrunk due to the removal of internal organs."

The autopsy report continues, "We observed the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area".

Precise "cookie cutter" holes are discovered in strategic positions throughout the body used for extracting internal organs. This level of precision suggests that the operation was executed with speed, the application of heat or lasers, all occurring as the subject was still alive.

In this image you can clearly see the body has been hollowed out and organs removed. A cavity in the center of the abdomen reveals an extraction point.

In a case like this, the presence of cerebral edema without direct traumatic origin is a strong characteristic of an agonizing death. In confirmation, the autopsy CONCLUSION explicitly states as causa mortis (cause of death):
"...acute hemorrhage in multiple traumatisms. There is a component of causa mortis by vagus stimulation" (implying cardio-respiratory arrest caused by extreme pain). "The victim shows injuries with vital reaction characteristics, i.e., there is the component "torture". The suggested modus operandi is: incisions in soft parts and natural orifices using sucking devices".
In addition to the shocking photographs, the fact that the official autopsy report blatantly states that the victim was subject to incisions & use of "sucking devices" elevates the case to the levels beyond most disturbing monstrosity to ever occur to a human being.
And disturbing in more ways than one. A) the extraction of body parts & use of sucking devices B) the beings responsible are likely not from this planet.
The Perpetrators of this Crime

Given the brutal, completely immoral nature of this suspected extraterrestrial mutilation and the autopsy conclusion that implies heart attack due to extreme pain means that, unfortunately, this victim was almost certainly alive while the systematic mutilation took place.
Consider the psychological profile at work here. It is clear that the beings who did this have no regard for morals or human life. They were precise. This was systematic. This was efficient. Why would they not kill their subject before extracting bodily material? The intelligence behind this did not care about the pain this victim would suffer. This was an agonizing death to be sure.
Could Humans Do this?
If you are skeptical about the assumption that this mutilation was the work of extraterrestrials, then we have to ask - who (or what) else could have done this?
Firstly, would agencies within the government abduct us? Given what we know about the intelligence apparatus over the US Government : yes. The better question is, do these agencies have the technology to do so, and do they have the technology to extract body matter in such a systematic & effective way?

And if so, why? What the hell do they need living internal organs for? Another confusing question is why wouldn't they properly dispose the evidence? What possible reason would they have for engaging in a complex mutilation extraction process and then put the savaged carcass back in public view?
And then there is another possibility. That this was not caused by any living beings at all - that those responsible for this abduction are powered by a computational intelligence. Alien robots. As far-fetched as that might seem, it is conceivable that there could be organized races of robotic intelligences who have interstellar capability. It's at least a consideration, given the fact that whoever committed this systematic extraction has not even a remote extent of human feeling.
Parallels to Cattle Mutilations
You may have heard the term "cattle mutilation". Cattle mutilation cases are much more common than that of the human variety. Yet this Guarapiranga case and the hundreds of cattle mutilation cases reported in the United States bear a striking similarity.

The image above is from the scene of a reported cattle mutilation. I guess you could say that it's a little less scary given the fact that this is a cow. Yet the similarities in the precision to the cut and hollowed out organs yield an eerie resemblance to what happened to the man in Guarapiranga. Unfortunately, this isn't the only sickening cattle mutilation ever reported. There are literally hundreds of cases just like this - all with a consistent methodology to removing internal organs & body material using advanced technological processes that seem to defy the capabilities of even the most modern medical procedures.
The Alien Agenda
This case is tentative evidence that at least some alien visitors are not friendly. Given the amount of UFO & extraterrestrial activity evidenced in the thousands of videos & photographs in public archives, including UFOs on NASA's own footage, it is likely that there are multiple extraterrestrial races existing in our solar system.
One former geologist & engineer, Phil Schneider, who died in the 1990s (and suffered a suspicious death), former geologist & engineer, claimed that the US military & the international militaries of the world have been in "constant conflict with the outer space alien" both underground and above the surface. These aliens he said, included the Small Greys, the Large Greys, and the Reptillians.

While I admit this conclusion is digressing into the realm of conspiracy, it seems certain anyway that this case is yet another example of an incident that is by all logic performed by extraterrestrials. With the publicly available data surrounding this case combined with an understanding of the mountains of evidence to suggest that there are indeed extraterrestrial visitors already engaging the planet (which includes several hundred corporate, government, and military witnesses who have offered to testify to congress as part of the Disclosure Project) it is not really a stretch to arrive at this conclusion.
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From the New Illuminati –
Evidence of alien abduction throughout history via non-hypnotic past life regression of numerous abductees, repeating stories and symbology throughout history and among world religions. Picks up where Zecharia Sitchin left off, showing how mankind has been socially and physically programmed via abductions, "triggers" and world religions and shows the Illuminati agenda, govt dysinfo and malevolent alien intent for what they are. Really puts the entire subject into perspective. Fascinating books by Truman L. Cash, free to download and distribute:
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How did I get here from googling pubic hair removal. My damnable curiosity. I am now terrified, paranoid, and most importantly; UTTERLY REPULSED. Someone(s?) or something did this to this man, and it is evil beyond words.
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