Vacuum Energy & New Paradigms of Free Energy
The Works of Thomas Bearden

Decades ago Einstein stated, "Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds." Unfortunately, when it comes to innovative alternative energy projects, Einstein's observation still holds water today. Even worse, some of the fiercest resistance to progressive change or unorthodox engineering systems emanates from the staid political, economic, and scientific communities. Thomas Bearden, President of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists, knows this well. In 1993, Bearden wrote, "When powerful economic interests realize one has such an invention for real, one is certainly going to be stopped, jailed, or killed, or he may just 'mysteriously vanish' and never be seen again."
For many years, Bearden has been developing an operational "overunity" electrical engine, as well as other alternative uses for electromagnetic energy. Simply defined, an overunity engine is a motor that generates more power than it uses. Traditional science has discounted the idea of such an engine, as it would seem to violate the law of conservation of energy (CEM), which states that it is impossible to get more energy out of a system than is originally put into it. Yet Bearden believes that "while the majority of the electro-magnetic (EM) circuitry of an electrical overunity machine may obey CEM, at least one section where the source is freely tapped and the excess energy extracted must violate CEM."
Bearden definitely has the right stuff. A focused intellect earned him the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army (now retired) and he graduated from the Army's Command & General Staff College and the Guided Missile Staff Officer's Course, which is equivalent to an M.S. in Aerospace Engineering. Aside from education garnered in the armed services, his academic pedigree boasts a B.S. in Mathematics from Northeast Louisiana University , and an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Lt. Col. Bearden has over 30-years experience in air defense systems, technical intelligence, Soviet electromagnetic weaponry, artificial intelligence, computerized war games and anti-radiation missile counter-measures.
Mr. Bearden is the author of several books, including Towards a New Electromagnetics, Part I-IV, as well as numerous technical abstracts and papers. He is President and CEO of CTEC, Inc., a private research and development entity engaged in the study of free energy devices and the mechanisms that come into play when radiation or an electromagnetic field comes in contact with a living organism or system.
Bearden's research interests have branched out in recent years. He has worked on cutting-edge, alternative applications for electromagnetic energy that involve holistic, non-invasive, energy-related therapies and medicines for debilitating diseases. Bearden is also a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science and has served on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Psychotronics Association and the American Association of Metascience. A short biographical profile published in an Alabama electronic magazine called The Virtual Times reports that Bearden is "the leading advocate of scalar potential electromagnetics, and has worked with several inventors involved in alternate energy devices and scalar electromagnetic system prototypes."
It doesn't stop there Thomas Bearden has redefined mass, identified a mechanism in electromagnetics that produces "the flow of time," and has figured out how to resolve the debate over how energy flows through an electrical circuit. In other words, he is re-examining the conventional wisdom about time, matter, and energy because he thinks our current ideas are incorrect or incomplete. Along the same lines, Bearden's ideas about electromagnetic bioeffects differ from the concepts generally accepted by other researchers in the field because he believes that their model "is inadequate and yields contradictory experiments and studies, difficult or impossible replicability, and almost no fundamental causative mechanisms."
Recently, he has proposed a theory of the cause of cancer, emphasizing that its generation in the body accumulates over a long time span. He apparently has figured out the mechanism and explanation for the occurrence of total EM remissions of terminal tumors and other diseases as demonstrated in lab animals.
Despite Bearden's dogged progress in these alternative pursuits, which may ultimately benefit all of mankind, he continues to run into fierce resistance within the established scientific community.
Most of the information that Bearden presents to the public is in the form of complex observations, explanations, and theories regarding current and future technology. Some ideas are in regard to devices created by inventors who are having difficulty gaining recognition or acceptance from mainstream science, at least in the U.S., while other ideas pertain to devices he has helped create that are currently patent pending.
"My colleagues and I have now filed some four patents, and are in (the) process of preparing two more. One of these is on overunity process and apparatus that we have shown to work both theoretically and by direct simulation. The other is a discovery of what appears to be a totally new law of nature. This latter discovery enables energy mechanisms of such ramifications and power that one's mind is literally numbed at the prospect. It is a totally different way of addressing the energy problem."
Most sites on the Internet that feature Bearden are interviews or question-and-answer-type forums; he is quite open with information that could be construed as very valuable in the development of alternative energy. He has no qualms with sharing the details of the results of his research far and wide, saying, "As ever, it is my intent to fully share the information the moment the patent is filed and our rights are protected."
Bearden's dissemination of detailed descriptions regarding new technologies is not careless, it's part of his philosophy. On March 12, 1993, posted freely on the Internet, Bearden explained his complex research of scalar electromagnetic potential. In the next to the last paragraph, the retired colonel gave his reasons for sharing such hard-earned results: "The paper has already been distributed worldwide. Now the principles and definitions are available to everyone. If they are in error, shortly that will be proven in spades. If they are correct, that will also be established shortly." Not the words of a man looking to capitalize on some secret invention that could change medicine and the fossil fuel problem as we know them.

The key here is not energy , but potential energy, and Bearden believes that it is "the only verified 'freely replenished river' of EM energy, that can act as the required free energy source." But Bearden has had to start over from the very basics of science. The colonel has a list of 22 concepts from electromagnetic theory that he has personally corrected, and he has redefined energy, voltage, electrical charge, etc. because the "present so-called 'definitions' of these entities in CEM are either non-existent, entirely wrong, or quite unsatisfactory."
For example, Bearden calls the present definition of energy as the capacity to do work "totally, hopelessly false. It isn't even correct logic." He explains that "work" means a scattering of energy. So the definition of energy as the capacity to scatter energy would be contradictory nonsense. Though it is correct to say that energy has the capacity to do work, that's "just a statement of one of the things that energy can be used to do." This insufficient definition baffles Bearden. "I find it remarkable even astounding that generations of scientists and engineers have apparently failed to notice this simple, elementary fact." So he has formulated what he calls "the precise definition: Energy is any ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual particle flux of vacuum ." Different types of energy can be described by this same definition, if appropriately worded, as Bearden goes on to define other concepts. For instance, " Electromagnetic energy is any ordering, either static or dynamic, in the virtual photon flux of vacuum ."
Now that the basic scientific definitions have been revamped , the next logical step would be to design a device that 'grabs' the energy it needs in order to achieve overunity. But Bearden insists that "It is not necessary to discover how to build a 'free energy source.'
That is all that we have ever built anyway! Every generator and every battery is already a true, free energy source." Why? What are needed are electrons for current, and potential difference, or emf (electromotive force). He says that no electrons need to be added to the source for current because they are already supplied "by the physical materials comprising the circuitry itself (from) the Drude electron gas in the lattices of the materials."
And potential difference already exists too. Bearden goes on to explain that, even though "we already have jillions of free energy electrical power sources ," we have no free energy systems because of the way engineers design the electrical circuitry. They "deliberately ram those spent electrons back through the ground return line, and through the back emf of the source," and "this ramming does work upon the sources' separated charges, gradually destroying that separation and hence the source's dipolarity." That, in turn, destroys the ability of the source to furnish energy flow, potential, and emf. Destroy the dipole and you ruin the opportunity of a free energy source.
With his theories on electromagnetics and overunity , Bearden's goals are "to get cheap, clean energy from the vacuum, obtain antigravity, and develop scalar EM healing of notorious diseases such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, etc." He plans to accomplish this by getting graduate students interested in these pursuits. Bearden wants to spread his information, in so-called "seed cells," throughout major university systems so students will pick up where he leaves off. He hopes they will "do the necessary phenomenology experiments and produce the necessary theory extensions" that will "turn over the present physics."
The primary way that Bearden is disseminating these "seed cells" is through the submission of papers to scientific symposiums. Two papers were submitted in 1991. The first explains "what is wrong with quantum mechanics, electromagnetics, and general relativity that is, what actually prevents their unification. It also tells what has to be done to unify them." The second paper describes the basic mechanism capable of tapping the vacuum's potential energy. Bearden claims that information is "worth billions of dollars; I freely gave it to everyone. I discovered the theoretical mechanism, so it was mine to give."
What he is talking about is in relation to a device invented by Floyd Sweet called the Vacuum Triode. Sweet built several of these, and one of them could be given 330 microwatts and produce 500 watts of negative electrical output, for a power gain of about 1,500,000. A later version was made into a closed-loop system that could produce 500 watts "directly from the vacuum, without any external input at all." He has built other solid state devices that have outputs of 1,000 and 5,000 watts, and has even rigged a device that produces antigravity results while continuing to produce negative electrical power. Though Sweet built the overunity device, Bearden actually figured out how it tapped vacuum energy to produce an overunity effect, which he believes is an extremely important discovery.
Though we won't go into detail about the intricacies of the mechanism, suffice it to say that the idea responsible for this new enlightenment is "the fundamental pumped phase conjugate mirror (PPCM) mechanism." Bearden says, "I seem to have been (in1986/87) the first person to openly treat the nucleus of the atom as a PPCM," which is " the fundamental secret of all legitimate over-unity devices that tap vacuum energy ." He continues with "the magic secret of all electrical over-unity machines," a list of seven requirements presented here for curiosity's sake.
- Tap the virtual photon spray.
- Tap the energy in the massless vacuum potential.
- Do not release the spray pumps.
- Do not allow current flow in that part of the circuit where the charge pumps are collected to create the potential.
- Or at least allow only the absolute minimum of flow/bleed-off of the pumps.
- Organize, gate, and apply the potential spray to the external circuit, where it will attach to available electrons, forming force fields, voltage, and currents to pump electrons around the circuit.
- Use those externally powered fields and currents to power the load.
Bearden claims that he and Floyd have submitted "the only paper in the orthodox engineering literature that reports (a) successful overunity functioning of a solid state magnetic device, and (b) a successful antigravity experiment on the laboratory bench, reducing the weight of an object by 90%." He concludes that understanding the availability of potential energy that can be extracted by a device "is no more mysterious than placing a paddlewheel in a flowing stream, to extract some useful energy as shaft horsepower. We just have a more esoteric stream and a more esoteric paddlewheel."
Aside from producing overunity , predicting antigravity, and eliminating the need for moving parts, Bearden says that the universal mechanism that he discovered in Sweet's Vacuum Triode can be applied to many other fields as well as explain how past devices worked. For instance, it can be used to reverse aging and cure diseases, and may provide an explanation for the device that French scientist Priore developed, which could cure terminal cancer, leukemia, atherosclerosis, and the like in lab animals. The Frenchman may have succeeded in curing terminal tumors and restoring suppressed immune systems, "but neither Priore himself nor the scientists of the day could understand the mechanism involved." Bearden has published his results as they apply to Priore's work in Explore! Magazine "for anyone to read." Seeing that we are experiencing an age in which disease-spreading organisms are building resistance to antibiotics, this information could become quite valuable.
Bearden believes that his and Sweet's concepts and experiments should be investigated and replicated so that "a new unified field theory (in) physics of universal application" will substantiate. He claims that our lives would be forever changed. "By mastering, controlling, and gating the vast, incredible energy of the seething vacuum, we can power our automobiles, flying machines, and technology inexhaustibly. Further, it can be done absolutely cleanly; there are no noxious chemical pollutants to poison the biosphere. With practical antigravity, ships can be developed to cross the solar system as readily as one crosses the ocean today.
And the ships, automobiles, and technology will never run out of fuel . Transmutation of the elements, control of the weather, lighting and powering our cities and homes cheaply and cleanly, and provision of plenty for everyone is the vista for the future. We can in fact clean up the radioactive wastes; rid ourselves of coarse nuclear and petroleum power plants.
With direct access to the actual software of life and mind, in the future we should be able to achieve levels of education previously unattainable; by directly inputting the relevant software four nations of the world are already embarked on the weaponization of scalar EM unified field technology. It is sobering to think that, in addition to having the ability to make our planet a paradise for humankind, we also will have the ability to make it a Hades." Bearden expresses the hope that humans will use this technology "for the betterment of all people everywhere. The authors fervently believe they have come upon fire for the second time."
Unfortunately, there is a major obstacle to Bearden's ideal plan: "orthodoxy." This kind of research is not recognized as legitimate work by academia. Lack of interest, lack of funds, its threat of competition to industry, and resentment by orthodox scientists holds back this type of progress. Bearden thinks it will take another 10 years or so for the researchers in this field to "overturn several ill-founded parts of the present electromagnetics."
He contends that "there are no irrevocable 'laws' of nature. Every so-called 'law of physics' is just a great and useful generalization, based on certain fixed assumptions that hold in a broad area. If the assumptions are violated, however, the law need no longer hold, and it can be violated. Scientific proof is proof by the experimental method, not by the authoritarian pronouncements of orthodox scientists. Unfortunately, orthodoxy as yet knows nothing of the process we are advancing, or of scalar electromagnetics."
Conventional science may not be enforcing such stringent standards of "proof" for the good of mankind's sake. Bearden remarks that, "because the 'power merchants' of any bureaucracy always fiercely resist any challenge to their position or superiority, big science has always fiercely resisted anything truly revolutionary. And today they also enlist the power of the state to enforce their dictums."

Aside from his individual pursuits in the development of an overunity device, Bearden is also known for pontificating on overunity devices by other inventors to show how they, too, do not violate the 'rules' of conventional scientific thinking. In a 1996 article titled "Regauging and Multi-valued Magnetic Scalar Potential: Master Overunity Mechanisms," Bearden gives a thorough, albeit technical, explanation of Johnson's nonlinear boosting permanent magnet gate, the Takahashi engine, and the Kawai engine. "All three devices freely asymmetrically regauge (A-regauge - recharge or discharge, as required) the magnetic scalar potential energy of the device in a selected A-regauging sector."
Boiling down the technical language, Bearden explains that "A-regauging a sector of a rotary electromagnetic engine is just like refueling a car by putting gasoline in its gas tank." When regauging happens, the system is open to receiving available "potential (stored)" energy "from the surrounding vacuum." Except the energy in this case is free. The energy that goes into the system then spreads out in the load for the rest of the cycle, much the same way as fuel powers a car. The only difference between the three overunity devices that Bearden profiles is that Johnson uses a magnetic rotor and stator to 'capture' the potential energy without any electrical input, while Takahashi and Kawai do use external electrical input.
The idea that every generator and battery is already capable of being a free energy device, as said earlier, naturally applies to conventional engines too. Whether it actually becomes an overunity device all depends on the engine designer. Bearden explains that it is common for conventional engine designers to work with tried-and-true conservative fields with "single-valued potentials" (SVPs) rather than to employ A-regauging operations with "multi-valued potentials" (MVPs) and non-conservative fields. Their reasoning is that it is more likely for problems to arise during A-regauging if the engineer does not properly use "the free 'jump' of stored potential energy." Therefore, most engineers forego the opportunity that comes with using multi-valued potentials, even though an analysis "will show that one can legitimately have (an) overunity coefficient of performance from that engine."
Because these concepts are so rarely put to use, most electrical engineers and engine designers have never even heard of or ignore the possibilities of MVPs, despite the fact that "the regauging of an engine opens up many more possibilities in the form of scalar potential "without any additional 'drain' or effect upon the radial coil." If this sounds like Greek to you, consider this analogy: the difference between a conventional engine and an A-regauged engine is like the difference between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional space; the possibilities increase dramatically from the first to the next. (Further understanding of these concepts can be gained by examining the graphs and diagrams that accompany Bearden's text, footnote 8.)
Where is all of this leading to? By A-regauging a system's potential energy and/or using a multi-valued potential for A-regauging, "electromagnetic engines can permissibly exhibit COP>1.0 (coefficient of performance greater than 1.0 means overunity), without any violation of the laws of physics, thermodynamics, Maxwell's equations, or advanced electrodynamics. And a totally-permanent-magnet motor can power itself and its load."
Johnson, Kawai, and Takahashi have successfully adapted their engines to the re-gauging principle using different methods, whether through magnetic attraction or with the help of a sharply broken current. Bearden concludes that all three engines have the capability to "usher in a new age of cheap clean energy for everyone" once they "move into full development for introduction upon the world market."
The fact that the Japanese are researching and developing overunity technology concerns Bearden. In 1980, when Bearden was on the Board of Directors of Astron, Inc., he was involved in the research of overunity motors. He and his colleagues published papers and applied for patents that openly released pertinent information about how to achieve overunity by using multi-valued potentials, how to acquire free energy from an electrical circuit's vacuum, and similar information regarding "other related overunity embodiments." He implies that while the U.S. has typically shunned this kind of research, Japan has been actively involved in acquiring as much of this type of information as possible. Bearden believes they "have had a substantially funded, national strategic program in overunity motors and devices for at least twenty years."
Due to rumors of progress in the field and denial by the Japanese to let the U.S. take a look at their technology "under the hood," Bearden "felt that a potential Pearl Harbor of a different kind was possible, and . 'This time the torpedoes may be too devastating for America to survive.'"
Bearden's fears about the Japanese automotive industry's strategy were well founded but a bit exaggerated. Rather than "thrust an overunity engine upon the market this year," Takahashi and Sciex Corporation plan to gradually introduce better and better technology. It appears that "the West will not be suddenly confronted with a massive overunity engine injection in self-powering electric vehicles. Instead, electric engines will just be gradually "made ever better, first with regeneration capability rather than true overunity. In that case, of course, the market can be readily penetrated and gradually taken over, without undue alarm, financial panic, or stock market crash in the West. Japanese businessmen together with the Japanese government may be opting to just continually harvest Western dollars, milking the cash cow instead of suddenly destroying the goose that lays the golden egg . Eventually overunity can then be smoothly introduced without the severe shock that would accompany its immediate injection at the present time."
In a videotaped interview , Bearden stated that there is no doubt overunity engines exist and their release for public use will revolutionize society. He discusses extracting zero-point energy from the vacuum energy of space, which quantum theory says must exist and recent experiments confirm to exist. There will be cleaner air when automobiles are powered by overunity technology and private homes will enjoy free energy from the overunity system in the basement. Bearden cautions, however, that much more research needs to be done. He uses the metaphor "Safe, sane, birth of the baby" to describe his tempered, cautious approach to these new technologies, both biological and mechanical.
Though not everyone agrees with Bearden's philosophy, many scientists and inventors still respect him. Dr. Hal Puthoff, who has published several provocative papers on aspects of the vacuum energy in respected physics journals, does not necessarily accept what Bearden has to say, but he does take the time to hear him out.
Bearden's revolution has begun. Despite the ever-present need for funding and good instrumentation, the nuclear engineer has high hopes: "There's no longer any way to stop this information from being disseminated and utilized. I hope that a flurry of development and patenting activity will result around the world. Get cheap, clean electrical energy to everyone. Bring on the electric auto, clean up the noxious auto exhausts, get rid of giant oil spills, and clean up the biosphere." Let the revolution begin!
Images -
Edited From - Zero Energy - Thomas Bearden at Alternative Energy at
See also –
The Reality and Suppression of Freely Available Energy
Thomas Bearden’s Views on Zero-Point E
Build Your Own Kawai Overunity Motor -
Free Energy from the Vacuum -
For more information about free energy see
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