"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Saturday 9 December 2006

While You're Waking Up

While You're Waking Up

If you're waking up to what's really happening in the world - for instance, how (in)vested interests suit themselves while making money and power from destroying our planet and its priceless life-forms - then no doubt you're getting into recycling, saving water and power and doing your bit to slow our inexorable extinction. These are good first steps, a sign that the global hypnotic ‘war, terrorism and development' propaganda doesn't quite hold you in its thrall.

          The next steps are challenging. Do you work for a company or group that's actively healing and repairing  the planet - or actively destroying it? Are you a student learning how to rape the world faster - or how to stop the slime from doing so? If you're not actually doing something radically positive you're almost certainly engaged in polluting, despoiling, downgrading or destroying creation.

          If you're awake, it's now your responsibility. You need to climb out of the toxic, illusory comfort zone that is the chancrous city hive and witness what's happening in the real world for yourself. Don't believe what anyone (including me) tells you about how everything's getting better and how farmers and industrialists are better people now and have your interests at heart - go where the trees are being cut down and pulped or where minerals are mined or animals are caged and see the rotten roots of this military/industrial civilization for yourself. After all - you're eating its fruits.

          Who knows? You may even decide to do something about it. It's obvious that hardly anyone else is and that those who are doing something positive need your help.

          If, on the other hand, you're really trapped in a cage of your own devising and can't get out there to help - because you're studying or have a mortgage or real, more positive responsibilities - then the very best thing you can do to radically and instantly reduce the size of your ecological footprint by an order of magnitude you can stop eating dead animals - stop killing conscious living beings for food by not eating meat - including fish and fowl. Meat farming destroys the planet faster than any other human activity except war; forests and entire ecosystems are disappearing every day to feed monoculture cattle. Rivers are destroyed, land turns to desert and more real, actual food is used to fatten cattle than is needed to feed all the world's teeming hungry and starving, many times over.

          More than 60% of wild fish caught in what remains of the world's decimated ocean ecosystems are fed to fast-growing carnivorous fish on poisoned and poisonous ‘aquaculture farms'. All this so-called food is toxic and reduces a healthy person's lifespan. All the poisons pumped into soil and water and animal feeds and sprayed and painted directly onto the animals go directly to the top of the food chain - into YOU. Is it strange that you now have a ‘better' than 50% chance of experiencing cancer? Even though they rhyme, ‘eat' and ‘meat' are not synonymous.

          The only pitifully laughable part is that you don't need to eat meat to thrive and survive! Humans with a varied diet are actually more healthy without it. And if you don't actually need to eat dead animals then it becomes hard to say why the pointless suffering of all those animals (and humans) occurs at all - except for whim. How many obese vegetarians do you know?

          Meat is industrialised blood-money for the laziest, most destructive land-rapists around; that's all it really is, all it's really for. And the destruction of the land and waters it's caused has helped create the climate catastrophe we're all now beginning to experience.

          Becoming a vegetarian - which is for many a slow weaning process - is the best way to start to heal the planet and yourself and to end the needless, pointed suffering and torture of poor, innocent creatures that die for no other ‘reason' than insensitive gluttony.

          Our feudal military/industrial mindset is the problem. There's more than enough of everything to go around, if we share and live wisely with the world. Time to live solutions yourself. There are no leaders who can take us there - the belief in benevolent leaders is a childish illusion. They don't exist. There's only you - and us.

          Wake up! Or alternately - enjoy TV.

- R.Ayana

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Monday 4 December 2006

The Steorn Free Energy Challenge

The Steorn Free Energy Challenge

"All great truths begin as blasphemies"
- George Bernard Shaw

 We have developed a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy.

This means never having to recharge your phone, never having to refuel your car. A world with an infinite supply of clean energy for all.

Our technology has been independently validated by engineers and scientists - always off the record, always proven to work.



We are currently preparing for Phase 1. We will soon finalise arrangements with the registered scientists and engineers and announce our timeline for implementation of Phase 1. – 492

Qualified scientists/engineers have applied to test our technology - 78456 people have registered to receive the results

Learn more about The Challenge


The Energy Project

In 2003 Steorn undertook a project to develop more efficient micro generators. Early into this project the company developed certain generator configurations that appeared to be over 100% efficient. Further investigation and development has led to the company's current technology, a technology that produces free energy. The technology is patent pending.


Our Technology and the Laws of Physics

Steorn's technology produces free, clean and constant energy. This provides a significant range of benefits, from the convenience of never having to refuel your car or recharge your mobile phone, to a genuine solution to the need for zero emission energy production. It also provides a secure supply of energy, since the components of the technology are readily available.

The technology is in a constant state of development. The company has focused for the past three years on increasing power output and the development of test systems that allow detailed analysis to be performed.

Steorn's technology appears to violate the ‘Principle of the Conservation of Energy', considered by many to be the most fundamental principle in our current understanding of the universe. This principle is stated simply as ‘energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form'.

Steorn is making three claims for its technology:

1.     The technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%.
2.     The operation of the technology (i.e. the creation of energy) is not derived from the degradation of its component parts.
3.     There is no identifiable environmental source of the energy (as might be witnessed by a cooling of ambient air temperature).

The sum of these claims is that our technology creates free energy.
This represents a significant challenge to our current understanding of the universe and clearly such claims require independent validation from credible third parties. During 2005 Steorn embarked on a process of independent validation and approached a wide selection of academic institutions. The vast majority of these institutions refused to even look at the technology, however several did. Those who were prepared to complete testing have all confirmed our claims; however none will publicly go on record.

In early 2006 Steorn decided to seek validation from the scientific community in a more public forum, and as a result have published the challenge in The Economist. The company is seeking a jury of twelve qualified experimental physicists to define the tests required, the test centres to be used, monitor the analysis and then publish the results.

Steorn has decided to publish its challenge in The Economist because of the breadth of its readership. "We chose it over a purely scientific magazine simply because we want to make the general public aware that this process is about to commence and to generate public support, awareness, interest etc for what we are doing."

Image – http://www.360east.com/wp-content/steorn.jpg

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Friday 1 December 2006

TOROIDAL COILS: Stan Deyo - Antigravity Stream of Consciousness

Stan Deyo: Antigravity Stream of Consciousness
Written By Stan Deyo, May 2005 (Compiled by Tim Ventura) 

torusbeads.jpg image by SnowLabs 

I was shown the toroidal field coils of the joint scientific group that discovered it back in the late fifties. They used flat wire in their two coils. They were positioned differently to the Telos experiment though.

The inductor core was square-sectioned and hollow.... the coils were coaxial and only one turn deep. The first coil was wound with a right twist while the other coil was wound with a left twist. The result formed an "X" pattern where the two coils overlaid. The inductor core had an air gap in it.

Two other flat wire coils were placed at opposite sides of the main coils and then bent over the toroid to form the field navigation mechanism. All power was pulsed DC and the 30 foot diameter coils made a field reach out about 800 feet in diameter.

As for the Lazarus project, I am aware of the research although I can't recall hearing the project name. The energy source was from infrared frequencies which were converted to electric charge using a triboluminescent oxide that reacts in the infrared range. This substance releases electrons when exposed to the infrared range of radiation. It is a way to convert nuclear energies (spin, translation and radiation) directly into moving electrons.

Space/time can be altered by putting mass inside a dynamic EM field created by two pulsed, DC, toroidal coils which act as a "flux capacitor" (Faraday's dream). A charge capacitor by definition can be static (qq'/s); however as flux is a function of current which is moving or dynamic charge, the flux capacitor has to be a dynamic circuit which stores the energy (qq's/t). To do this, the current must be added into a chase-tail circuit whereby the layers of the field stack one upon the other to form a field in motion. The currents flow in one direction in each coil but are separated by a timing/vector factor so that they do not interfere with each other. The coils are wrapped of flat bar about 6 inches wide by 1/2 inch thick. they are then wrapped at ninety angles to each other and the current is pulsed first one then the other. The timing of the pulses allows the current to create an apparently perfect inductor with zero resistance (although it is not truly zero since it does radiate energy).

Inside this field in a small craft of about 30-feet diameter, one will experience a peculiar distortion of space/time. This occurs when the field inside the craft is "pumped up" so that the energy density of the space inside the field is much greater than that of normal space here on the Earth's surface. The higher the energy density the more time is dilated so that time in the field occurs at a slower rate to that outside the field. If the energy density is lowered then the converse is true.

An hour in the field of higher density might be a few days outside the field. This is because time is measured as a ratio of lengths. Time has no real dimension when comparing energy density states. It becomes relativistic... a ratio. We compare distances travelled (whether linear, curved or angular) to establish "time" units. A second can be related to distances travelled by a pendulum, a vibrating crystal or even a decaying atomic structure - but they are all relative distances when one compares them as time. When your watch crystal has vibrated "n" times it has covered "x" distance. While it has covered that distance something else has covered another distance (whether it be as atomic structures spinning or in the movement of larger or macro-atomic structures). If one says he has travelled 1 mile in 1 second then he is comparing the change of his energy state and position to the distance the crystal has vibrated while he travelled..... Time is a pure ratio of lengths in the relativistic mass-length-time (mlt) system. 

One can theoretically transcend the "light barrier" by using asymmetric propulsion concepts. The barrier only exists (like the sound barrier) when one uses symmetric or Newtonian propulsion systems to "push" through an environment.

The linear form of the Michelson-Morley experiment was performed many times and in the later tests a rotational version of the experiment proved the existence of an aether 'fluid'. I explain the error in the linear version of their experiment in my book, "The Cosmic Conspiracy." It was a simple mistake. However, until one learns the concept of asymmetric acceleration through a fluid or a field, one cannot hope to engineer a hyper-light velocity system.

Lorentz and Fitzgerald created a transform factor after wrongly interpreting the results of the linear Michelson-Morley experiment. Their transform was to bring the apparently observed limit velocity into the Newtonian world. Einstein used their transform to derive E=MC2. This can be shown using basic algebra as I have done in an appendix to my aforementioned book. Using this transform creates an artificial barrier ahead of any object shoving its way through a mass. They did not allow for asymmetric propulsion...

To travel faster than the speed of sound in our atmosphere without creating a sonic boom, one only needs to propel one's craft creating a reduced pressure zone ahead of the craft so that it never pushes the air ahead of it. As hard as this is to believe, the bumblebee, one species of the salmon and a human playing with a garden hose in wet sand or a bucket of water all use asymmetric propulsion. It is totally opposite to all standard thrust-reaction methods of propulsion. It generates motion by entrainment. Where one uses a continuous column of energy pushed in the opposite direction to the intended direction of travel, asymmetric propulsion uses a pulsed thin film pushed ahead in the intended direction of travel. Where one shoves its way ahead, the other is accepted into a lower pressure area....

Think about this... if one pulses a thin film of energy ahead and then accepts a portion of the wake of that pulse into the side of the craft so that its energy can supplement the energy of the next pulse, then one can achieve huge speeds with increasingly less energy required from the prime mover of the craft. It is a totally radical approach to propulsion but it works better than Roddenberry could have hoped for... The field does create a warp around the craft and it does allow for speeds way beyond "C".... way beyond.

In one of his UFO research books, Major Keyhoe mentioned the name of a mystery man in the government who seemed to be in the middle of all the US testing of the "new" antigravity" craft. Major Keyhoe overheard the man's last name as, "Lorenzo".

For years people have assumed there was a mystery man named "Lorenzo".... but those of us inside the propulsion program have laughed at this misconception. You see, the name Keyhoe overhead was not "Lorenzo". It was "Lorentz-O". That is what the original dynamic plasma saucercraft made by Americans was named. This is because the hot, air plasma that moved out, around and back through the saucercraft was accelerated by the Lorentz Force generated by current in the toroidal field coils. The Lorentz-O was the charged, doughnut-shaped, plasma flow around the craft that looked like a glowing smoke ring.

You can see the Lorentz Force in action using a glass of salt water, a copper or aluminum strip bent into a cylinder, a nail and a DC current source of 20 amps or so (like an electric arc welder) and a strong permanent magnet. Place the cylinder of metal in the glass of salt water. Connect one side of the DC source to this cylinder. Place the strong magnet near the side of the glass but not in the water. Connect the nail to the other lead.

CAUTION: the water will heat up rapidly. It will start to ionize and spin bubbles relative to the magnet. This is a crude low-temperature plasma experiment - but it will produce hot water almost explosively and should be executed with great care.

I used a large speaker magnet with a hole in it. I then used a quartz tube which fit through the hole. This was as close as I could make the example to the original design of the plasma-dynamic saucer craft that our group developed in the black project. With this configuration the water will spin around inside the tube like a hot tornado. 

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Wednesday 22 November 2006

Researchers claim link between tsunamis and outer space

Researchers claim link between tsunamis and outer space


MARK COLVIN: After the devastation of the Aceh tsunami nearly two years ago, Australians have a clear idea of what a tidal wave can do. But imagine a mega tsunami, a tidal wave 10 times bigger than the Aceh event.

A group of scientists from the US, Australia, Russia, France and Ireland have been working on a theory that such mega tsunamis may happen, not every half a million years as astronomers had predicted, but every couple of millennia.

They say they're caused by meteor or asteroid impacts, which they believe have been much more frequent in earth's history than had been believed.

They call themselves Holocene Impact Research Group, and one of their members is Associate Professor Ted Bryant of
Wollongong University

He told me one factor behind the theory had been a better way of detecting where asteroids had fallen at sea.

TED BRYANT: It's a technology that's been around for about 10 years. Basically the sea surface reflects the bottom topography. So you get very small changes in the elevation of sea level across the ocean and it's a mirror image at the bottom topography. And you can pick up or measure the sea surface using altimeters on satellites.

MARK COLVIN: So the result of all this is that you think that a lot more comets and asteroids have hit Earth than had been previously thought, with devastating consequences?

TED BRYANT: Definitely and definitely. It's greater than the rate that American astronomers in Spaceguard believe is occurring.

There is a group of astronomers in
that don't really have objections to what we're looking at and have a higher rate of debris coming in, in the last 10,000 years.

MARK COLVIN: But what it comes down to is that instead of expecting a catastrophic impact every half a million years, you might expect one every few thousand years?

TED BRYANT: Exactly, and it might even be a shorter time frame.

MARK COLVIN: How often do you think there have been big comet impacts near

TED BRYANT: I guess now we're looking at maybe five events in the last 10,000 years.

MARK COLVIN: What kinds of effects did they have?

TED BRYANT: I mainly study tsunami and I think coming from here, we have comet impacts in the ocean, I was looking at shorelines and seeing on shorelines we have indicators of catastrophic erosion and deposition, which is beyond what storms can do and beyond what our historical record of what tsunamis can do.

Tsunamis are generated, 95 per cent of them, by earthquakes and these deposits are higher up than what an earthquake tsunami could do around the Australian coastline.

MARK COLVIN: Some people in
who have got 'water views' as they say, are already a bit worried about global warming. They're going to be even more worried when they hear you saying that tsunamis are much more likely, much more frequent than anyone ever expected.

TED BRYANT: Well, I have a water view and I'm not worried. There is a periodicity of about 2,500 years and there is... what the British astronomy group believe is a larger comet came into the inner solar system about 15,000 years ago and broke up and the Earth passes through the debris trail of this comet.

And it's quite common. The Earth passes through, annually, about 12 of these debris trails from different comets, broken up comets.

We tend to every 2,500 years pass through... close to the concentrated area of debris of this broken up comet and it's in a stream called the Taurids and the Taurids turn on in the end of June, you see a lot of meteorites there, small meteorites burning up in the sky.

Turns on about the third week of November, which is actually next week. The one 15,000 years ago was particularly big and its left a lot of debris and that is what we're passing through at regular periods giving rise, I think, to some of the comets... the impact craters that we're finding in the ocean.

MARK COLVIN: Your website says a tsunami will happen again sometime soon on a shoreline near you and you give people a lot of safety tips as to where to go if it happens. I mean, that sounds quite alarmist.

TED BRYANT: There I was sitting on Aceh, in
Indonesia, Boxing Day at eight o'clock
in the morning and if you told me a tsunami was going to come in, I would never have believed you.

And certainly if I was on Phuket in
, I would have committed you to an insane asylum. If you wait long enough, a tsunami will come into any coastline of the ocean.

MARK COLVIN: Now, it's fair to say that the theories of the Holocene Impact working group are not universally accepted. How much work do you think you still have to do to get full scientific acceptance?

TED BRYANT: It'll be deadly. I'll be dead before the scientific community accepts what we believe. That's the nature of science, I mean, it's not stirring stuff out there, with people coming up with ideas and everybody gone... light bulb stuff.

I haven't been burnt at the stake, and they made Galileo recant and Copernicus, I don't know what they did to him, but no one believed him at the time and they were punished most severely.

I don't put ourselves in the same boat as Galileo or Copernicus, we're just average scientists in a range of fields who've come together and think that we're in agreement.

The scientific community, I wouldn't expect 99.9 per cent of it to agree with us.

MARK COLVIN: Associate Professor
Ted Bryant of Wollongong University.


From PM - Tuesday, 14 November , 2006  18:30:00 Reporter: Mark Colvin

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Tuesday 21 November 2006

Anonymous Fame

Anonymous Fame


"Have you ever thought about it? We want to be famous as a writer, as a poet, as a painter, as a politician, as a singer, or what you will. Why? Because we really don't love what we are doing. If you loved to sing, or to paint, or to write poems - if you really loved it - you would not be concerned with whether you are famous or not. To want to be famous is tawdry, trivial, stupid, it has no meaning; but, because we don't love what we are doing, we want to enrich ourselves with fame. Our present education is rotten because it teaches us to love success and not what we are doing. The result has become more important than the action.

You know, it is good to hide your brilliance under a bushel, to be anonymous, to love what you are doing and not to show off. It is good to be kind without a name. That does not make you famous, it does not cause your photograph to appear in the newspapers. Politicians do not come to your door. You are just a creative human being living anonymously, and in that there is richness and great beauty."

-         J. Krishnamurti - "Anonymous Creativity" - The Book of Life
-         If you've never heard of Krishnamurti, he's worth listening to - as is any guru who walks away from his devoted following and a life of luxury and says ‘don't follow me'...

Image - http://www.ugkrishnamurti.org/ug/ug_video/cover1994.jpg

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Sunday 19 November 2006

It Takes All Kinds: Earth Liberation Front

It Takes All Kinds
Earth Liberation Front - Believe in Life

The Earth needs friends. The only places ever saved from the march of industrial ‘progress' are those protected by aware and active custodians. 

            The termite hive cities are the best place to store most hominids in the early third millennium. Confined to their nests they can do less damage to the ecosystem. In ‘developed' countries most humans are so alienated from nature and their own roots they damage any natural system they attempt to live within - or, more often, on top of. By the time city dwellers have stopped destroying, polluting and exploiting their small urban environments they're ready to take the first steps to immersing themselves in nature - or if they've learned nothing, the first steps to destroying the rest of the planet as well.

            It takes all kinds to make a world and the world needs to be shielded from those who'd destroy it with ‘progress' for their own health-eroding comfort. Living in tune with nature and wildlife is the only way to progress; evolution is stopped by society and the so-called order it provides. A minority of modern humans are psychologically or physically equipped to be stewards and custodians of Creation - our co-creation. Are you one of them? Will you be?

            If a bread-and-circuses existence in the ‘modern' feudal/imperial states fails to fascinate you, you're probably ready to immerse yourself in your own nature and climb out of infantile pupal programs most people are locked into until their dying day - for the benefit of the hive society.

            If you can walk, you're on your way. Immerse yourself in the real world. Very few younger civilized (literally, city-dwelling) people are at a stage where living outside the hive's distractions is distracting or appealing enough - unless a group of young people can cast off together into the great unknown. The younger you leave the brainwashing mind-field the easier it is to find truth, beauty, freedom and love - but it's never too late. Simplifying your life frees up your time and achieving freedom is not ‘downsizing' but expanding. All you have to do to be free is liberate yourself from habits, attachments and excess baggage. Your time is your own - in fact it's all you really have. Time is not money - it's priceless!

            If you need air conditioning or heating you're actually not living in the optimum place or the best structure or system for people to have a great time. In the best homes and home sites the environment is pleasant for humans. Obviously, not everyone can live in paradise - but then, in practice, hardly anyone does. Do you want to? If you live in a place with clean water, air and soil, where snow doesn't fall, you can survive and thrive without the self-negating drone of industrial civilization. Survival's not hard - but to thrive we have to create our own localised societies through cooperative living. As the old saw sings, if we don't hang together we'll surely hang separately.

            You can live in a garden paradise now, today. There are many such places, some already inhabited by people who could use your help. Connected to the world wide web and generating your own electricity (and real power), the tyrannies of isolation and distance involved in living remotely become a doddle.

If you have resources, liberate some land and save and regenerate it and yourself. But there's no point moving into an intact pristine paradise if the first thing you're going to do is ‘clear' a few acres of it around yourself. If you've never lived in a forest it's best to live on the forest fringe; buy a cow or sheep ranch that still has water and soil and replace the cattle with plants and Permaculture. Such land - which has already been ‘cleared' or decimated - can survive the few inevitable mistakes everyone's likely to make. It can only be improved. 

Replant trees along the damaged waterways. Resurrect local indigenous (adapted) plants and animals and learn how to live with them - they've been here much longer than humans. Plant food forests and look after them. Do you know how long trees can live if we keep axes and saws away from them? Develop an identification with immortality by watching a tree grow for a few decades or centuries.

            If you don't liberate the land, the cattle will ultimately destroy it - given time. That's how humans habitually make deserts out of gardens. They grow meat - the fruit of the tree of knowledge, if you will - and the meat kills the world.

            If you don't have resources you can start now, today. There are plenty of communities who'll accept you and tolerate your idiosyncrasies - if you accept theirs!

- R. Ayana

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Sunday 5 November 2006

There Is a Sanity Clause

There Is a Sanity Clause

Why are you alive?

There is no Santa Claus. There is no tooth fairy. There is no old, whit-bearded man sitting on a throne on the clouds. There is no real, actual Easter bunny - not in this particular universe.

Jesus lived, died and was buried. Moses and Mohammed lived, died and were buried in the earth. No whirlwind, Pegasus or resurrection raised them up into the sky. There is no devil. Priests and lawyers are pathological liars. No books were ever written by god. This is heaven or hell, depending on us.

History is one story written by one-eyed men. Education is brainwashing and schools mostly teach conformity. Babies aren't delivered by stork.

Money doesn't actually exist. There is no such thing as scarcity - only inequity. All leaders, presidents and dictators are power hungry, mediocre madmen. All rulers are tyrants. Democracy (the worst system aside from all the rest) is the tyranny of the majority. All followers get what they deserve. There are no just wars.

Adults are adulterated children. Parents are children with children.

Now the Good News

You are free. Humans are capable of anything. Humans are telepathic, clairvoyant and can learn to levitate, become invisible and move matter with mind. Humans control their own fertility. Humans are incarnate immortals whose aeternal memories await recovery. Mind and matter are one and anything is possible.

The past is a dream, the future isn't what it used to be and there's no time but the present. Life is what you make it and love is why we're here. You create your own reality.
Thou art god and the lotus rises through mud, sludge and liquid to bloom in the air and light.

There's only one rule - the Golden Rule. But it comes in two forms - be careful which one you choose;

1: Those who have the gold, rule.

2: Do to others as you'd be done by.

Can you guess which belief system will save you and the planet? Which vision leads to a great society, do you think? Which leads to busy-ness as usual?
If you can't decide, ask a child or a hippie - they always know (and tell) the truth.

- R. Ayana
image - author's @ http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5896266872_18763c0d3c_b.jpg

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Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?

Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?

Jonathan  Leake

DEEP THOUGHT, the supercomputer created by novelist Douglas Adams, got there first, but now the astronomer royal has caught up. Professor Sir Martin Rees is to suggest that "life, the universe and everything" may be no more than a giant computer simulation with humans reduced to bits of software.
Rees, Royal Society professor of astronomy at Cambridge University, will say that it is now possible to conceive of computers so powerful that they could build an entire virtual universe. 

The possibility that what we see around us may not actually exist has been raised by philosophers many times dating back to the ancient Greeks and appears repeatedly in science fiction. 

However, many scientists have always been dismissive, saying the universe was far too complex and consistent to be a simulation.
Despite this, the idea has persisted, popularised in films such as Tom Cruise's Vanilla Sky and The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves.

It was also the basis for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, written by Adams, who died in 2001. In the book, Deep Thought creates the Earth and its human inhabitants as a giant calculating device to answer the "ultimate question". 

The BBC's rerun of the radio version of Hitchhiker finished recently, just as Rees was putting together his contribution to the debate in which he will concede that the depictions by Adams, Cruise and Reeves might have been right after all.
In a television documentary, What We Still Don't Know, to be screened on Channel 4 next month, he will say: "Over a few decades, computers have evolved from being able to simulate only very simple patterns to being able to create virtual worlds with a lot of detail. 

"If that trend were to continue, then we can imagine computers which will be able to simulate worlds perhaps even as complicated as the one we think we're living in.
"This raises the philosophical question: could we ourselves be in such a simulation and could what we think is the universe be some sort of vault of heaven rather than the real thing. In a sense we could be ourselves the creations within this simulation." 

Rees will emphasise that this is just a theory. But it is being increasingly discussed by other eminent physicists and cosmologists. 

Among them is John Barrow, professor of mathematical sciences at Cambridge University. He points out that the universe has a degree of fine tuning that makes it safe for living organisms. 

Even a tiny alteration in a fundamental force or a constant such as gravity would make stars burn out, atoms fly apart, and the world as we know it become impossible. Such fine tuning, he has said, could be taken as evidence for some kind of intelligent designer being at work. 

"Civilisations only a little more advanced than ourselves will have the capability to simulate universes in which self-conscious entities can emerge and communicate with one another," he said. 

The idea that life, the universe and everything in it could be an illusion dates back more than 2,000 years. Chuang Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, who died in 295BC, wondered whether his entire life might be no more than a dream. 

René Descartes, the 17th century French philosopher, raised similar questions. But he famously came down in favour of existence, saying: "I think, therefore I am." 

The idea was resurrected last century, notably by Bertrand Russell, who suggested that humans could simply be "brains in a jar" being stimulated by chemicals or electrical currents - an idea that was quickly taken up and developed by science fiction writers such as Isaac Asimov. 

However, some academics pour cold water on the notion of a machine-created universe. Seth Lloyd, professor of quantum mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said such a computer would have to be unimaginably large. 

"The Hitchhiker's Guide is a great book but it remains fiction," he said.

As regular readers may know, one of our favourite quotes is "All that we can see or seem is but a dream within a dream" - Omar Khayyam. We've only had the terminology to describe what the universe might actually be for a little over a decade. A fractal hologram, an infinitely recursive quasi-Mandelbrot (isn't the similarity between 'Mandelbrot' and "Mandala' slightly fascinating?), an 11-dimensional brane, all terms which skate the surface of deeper reality and the nature of multiple intersecting and interpenetrating dimensions. Until these words appeared it was extremely difficult to work with these apparently slippery concepts - or even to conceive of them. And popular culture has certainly made its contribution to the new noosphere...

The future isn't what it used to be. As all the world is mindstuff, we all need to have better, happier dreams and pictures of our future if we are to deserve a great millennium. We are the programmers. Thou art God.

Do we dare to dream of paradise, here, now? It's the only place it ever is.
Wake up?

- R.Ayana

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