"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Monday, 19 September 2011

New Mexico Cop Says Military Responsible for Cattle Mutilations

New Mexico Cop Says Military Responsible for Cattle Mutilations

By Alejandro Rojas

Gabe Valdez was a former New Mexico state patrol officer in the Dulce, New Mexico area. During his tenure, beginning in the 1970's, he was tasked with investigating mysterious cattle mutilations.

The area suffered many cases of cattle found mutilated without blood, organs that appeared carefully removed and cuts in the skin that were so precise they were believed to be made by lasers. After years of research Valdez concluded that a clandestine government agency was responsible and that they used secret underground bases in the Dulce area for their experiments.

I have investigated a cattle mutilation case myself, just down the road from Dulce over the Colorado border, outside the town of Trinidad. Like many other cases, a cow was found with the udder missing, patches of skin removed, the anus cored out, genitals removed and part of the tongue missing. The animal was found at the bottom of a wash, and unlike a typical predator kill, there was no indication of a struggle or massive blood loss. The rancher had been raising cattle his whole life, and had seen many animal deaths, but could not explain why this animal had died. In fact, because he had a UFO sighting just days before, he suspected that the culprits could be extraterrestrial.

The first publicized case of a strange cattle mutilation was outside of Alamosa, Colorado in 1967, only 100 miles or so northeast of Dulce. An appaloosa horse was found with the head and neck skinned and defleshed. The bones where white and clean, and there was a lack of blood in the area. The lacerations were cauterized as if a laser scalpel were used according to a pathologist out of Denver. No satisfactory explanation has ever been found as to how or why this animal was killed.

 'Snippy' - the actual name of the horse

Since then hundreds of cattle mutilations have been discovered. The ranch with the largest number of mysterious animals deaths belongs to the Gomez family, near Dulce, the area Valdez was assigned to. Unlike the rancher I spoke with, Valdez told me that he had never seen anything that had lead him to believe there were extraterrestrials in New Mexico. Instead he says he had found military gear such as gas masks and glow sticks around the carcasses of mutilated cattle.

Valdez also said that UFOs seen in the area were actually advanced military craft, some of which were involved with picking up these animals to conduct experiments on them and then returning them without being seen. He says the animals were returned mutilated in order to make locals believe it was done by extraterrestrials. As for the identity and motives of this secret military group, Valdez said those topics were too "sensitive" to discuss.

Valdez is not the first to suggest there is a secret underground base near Dulce, in fact the legend in UFO circles is that there is not only a secret underground base, but it is a joint US military and alien facility. These rumors began with two gentlemen whom Valdez befriended, Paul Bennewitz and Richard Doty.

In a nutshell, Bennewitz owned a technology company outside the gates of Kirkland Air Force base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 1980 he reported to the USAF he was filming strange lights over the base and tuning in signals that he thought might be ET in nature. Instead of informing Bennewitz that he was observing secret military projects, Air Force Intelligence officer Richard Doty was allegedly assigned to encourage Bennewitz's ET beliefs and perpetuate them with fabricated evidence. Going so far as to convince Bennewits there was a secret ET and US military base under the Archuleta Mesa, which looms over the town of Dulce, New Mexico.


One may wonder why the USAF would want to make up such stories. Researcher and Author, Greg Bishop, wrote about Doty, Bennewitz, and Valdez in his book Project Beta. In it, he makes the case that the purpose of the deception was cold war counter intelligence. Should the Russians wish to question Bennewitz about his findings, they would be given a wild story and dismiss the entire affair. Others have suggested that perhaps Doty was rogue and feeding lies to Bennewitz for his own personal entertainment.

Valdez believes that Doty was under orders to lie to Bennewitz, in order to cover up the US military secrets he felt were too sensitive to speak of. Through all of this, Valdez remained friends with the two men, eventually helping Doty secure a job as a policeman in New Mexico.

Valdez passed away on August 6, 2011 in his sleep at his home in Albuquerque, less then a week after my first and last interview with him. Valdez had a kind disposition and dry sense of humor. Being a product of the southwest myself, his demeanor felt familiar. Even thinking about him now reminds me of sitting back looking over deserts, mesas and mountains covered in piñon trees, enjoying a sunset and a conversation that slowly evolves at a pace near that of the sun as it creeps along making its spectacular exit over the horizon.

I wish Mr. Valdez a safe journey and my heart goes out to his family members who I am sure sorely miss him.

Mystery of farm animal mutilations in Wales

A DECADE of clinical animal mutilations in Wales is being investigation by pathologists who suspect aliens may be to blame.

The organisation, called the Animal Pathology Field Unit (APFU), was set up in 2001 to investigate after sheep and cattle were discovered dead with strange, surgical-style injuries. Reports have since been produced on mutilated lambs in Beddgelert, Gwynedd, slaughtered texel rams in Plwmp, Dyfed, and a farm in Bleddfa, Powys, where it is claimed 20 ewes go missing every June.

And in a plot twist worthy of Steven Spielberg-produced summer blockbuster Super 8, it is also claimed the military has moved in to find out what is going on. In the Ohio-set blockbuster the US army imprisons a confused extraterrestrial that has crash-landed on Earth before it eventually gets out on the loose.

The APFU concentrates most of its resources in the Rea valley near the border and in towns including Knighton and Llandrindod Wells, where mutilations are said to be rife.

It claims the injuries are too “sophisticated” to have been caused by predators and animals have been killed in locations which are difficult to reach without being detected.

And Phil Hoyle, of the APFU, says the curious lack of blood or footprints at the scene – despite the surgical removal of large amounts of tissue – means extraterrestrials can’t be ruled out as the cause of the attacks.

He said: “We are looking to the UFO connection and things people are describing, unconventional things entering the sea and leaving the sea.

“We have some farmers that have seen unusual lights and found animals killed in an extremely surgical way.

“These are not done by satanic cults. These are very sophisticated – whether done by aliens, military or some clandestine monitoring, something unusual is going on.”

John Duggan, a farmer with more than 700 acres of land from Monaughty near Knighton, where one of the mutilations is alleged to have taken place, said: “We do find sheep dead, usually when we find them they have been killed by wildlife, like birds.

“We haven’t seen anything surgical – it is just something dead or carved up and you might not be able to find it for two or three days.”

Mr Hoyle – who has been investigating UFOs since 1983 – said Wales, alongside the US, is one of the world’s hotspots for the mutilation phenomenon.

“We don’t know what has the ability to do this: literally to walk into an isolated area, surgically remove tissue, walk out and not leave a footprint or anything,” he said.

He said activity in the past six months had increased significantly, and claimed the military had moved in to monitor the situation.

The Ministry of Defence denied it had any personnel in Wales looking for UFOs.

A spokesman said: “There is no benefit in such investigations.”

The animal mutilation mystery in Wales

Beddgelert, Gwynedd, 2001: A lamb was found on a small farm a few miles outside of Beddgelert. A large, oval-shaped hole had been made through its left hip bone. It was roughly an inch-wide and there was a 45-degree-angled smooth “trepanning” of the bone. The field notes ask: What sort of mechanism could have achieved that?

Brook Farm, Plwmp, Dyfed, 2002: According to field notes a farmer found mutilated texel rams in the morning having inspected the animals the night before when there was no sign of anything unusual. A week before the ram attack the farmer had lost six ewes to what the APFU describes as the “usual modus operandi” which includes a jaw strip, missing tongue and hardly any blood.

Woodside farm, Monaughty, Bleddfa, Powys, 2009: Four dead ewes were found with facial strips. According to field notes there were “a number of other odd incidents down the years including an annual instance of 15 to 20 ewes disappearing without trace.” Notes state: “It should also be noted that the SAS are known to conduct training exercises in this area, again a common denominator, could they be monitoring the situation?”

A layer of a glass onion of nested cover stories surrounding potent truths... N.I. Ed

images - http://coloradocelt.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/sanchez_06_02.jpg?w=448&h=336

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