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Vaccine Dangers and Vested Interests
- 18.04.2008
- By Jon Rappoport. A retired vaccine researcher goes public on what the pharmaceutical industry and the health authorities don't want us to know: that vaccines are unsafe, untested and one of the greatest frauds of our time.
The Truths and Lies of WikiWorld
- 18.04.2008
- By Phillip Coppens. The free online encyclopaedia Wikipedia is a democratically decided database that has been open to abuse, but the advent of WikiScanner has uncovered a web of deceit and disinformation.
The Quest For The Metal Library
- 18.04.2008
- By Philip Coppens. A system of tunnels and caves beneath Ecuador and Peru is reputed to hold an ancient treasure-house of artefacts including two libraries, one containing inscribed metal books and the other storing tablets of crystal.
The Prophecies of Mitar Tarabich
- 18.04.2008
- Editing and Commentary by Neo. Nineteenth-century Serbian peasant Mitar Tarabich made some uncannily accurate predictions for the 19th and 20th centuries, so only time will judge how his prophecies play out for the 21st century.
The Port Arthur Massacre: Was Martin Bryant Framed?, Part 2 of 3
- 18.04.2008
- By Carl Wernerhoff. Australians were told that Martin Bryant had been responsible for the massacre at Port Arthur two days after it happened. Bryant himself didn't find out for another nine weeks.
- R. Ayana
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