"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Monday 17 October 2011

The Illuminati’s Secret Religion: How to Become God

The Illuminati’s Secret Religion

How to Become God


The essence of Illumination, the secret religion of the Illuminati, is that it is possible for any human being to literally become God. Therefore, the Illuminati are wholly opposed to any religions that seek to alienate humanity from God and to create a master-slave relationship in which enslaved humans, on their knees, worship a tyrannical slave-master God who must be obeyed no matter what, even if he demands of people that they commit supremely horrific and evil deeds.

The most depraved and immoral “God” to which humanity has been subjected is the God of Abraham, the deity worshipped by billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews. The defining event of Abraham’s life, which is celebrated by all Abrahamists, is that God ordered him to kill his son and he willingly agreed.

This consent to murder is, perversely and criminally, regarded as something great and wondrous by Abrahamists when in fact it should be defined as the ultimate immorality and evil. If killing your own innocent boy is “good” then what on earth constitutes “evil”? If Abrahamists don’t hesitate to kill their own children, they certainly won’t hesitate to kill yours – as history has so horrifically demonstrated.

Is it conceivable that the True God would order a father to make a human sacrifice of his own son, an act of irredeemable moral evil? Would any loving, moral father contemplate doing it for even one instant – or would he give his own life to save his son’s? Would he not immediately conclude that the entity that gave the order was not God but the opposite: Satan? Who but the Devil would order fathers to murder their own flesh and blood to ensure their absolute obedience to his tyrannical commands? It’s a category error to believe that God would order a father to kill his innocent son under any circumstances. It’s quite simply a moral impossibility since it refutes all conceivable moral codes. Any person unable to see that is sick and evil, hence some three and a half billion Abrahamists must be classified as sick and evil.

The Islamic version of Abraham’s sacrifice is even more horrific than the Jewish tale. Allah orders Abraham to kill his son Ishmael while “Shaytan” pleads with Abraham to spare the boy’s life. Three times, Abraham violently drives Shaytan away with stones and at last gets ready to plunge a dagger into his son. That’s all you need to know about the morality of Islam – Muslims support murder and reject those who plead for life (and call them “Satan”!). Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, was present as Abraham made ready to kill their son, and lifted not one finger to intervene. This nauseating story of murderous parental hatred towards their innocent child is commemorated every year by millions of Muslims at their Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, birthplace of Mohammed. “Shaytan’s” heroic efforts to save the boy’s life are disgracefully mocked in the ceremony of casting stones at the “Devil”.

But who is the REAL Devil? Who is truly acting immorally – the one who orders murder or the one who begs for life to be spared? How can there be any moral debate at all when the answer is so obvious – Muslims worship a murderer, not the God of Life. They explicitly reject the God of Life by casting stones at him. A Muslim wrote to us to say that Allah is the “greatest plotter”. We’re sure he is. He therefore manifestly isn’t God. Why would God plot? Isn’t he all-powerful? With whom and against whom would he plot? Does he plot against all those who say that morality excludes the possibility of anyone, God or human, ordering people to murder innocent children?

The 9/11 terrorist hijackers were perfect Muslims, doing exactly the bidding of Allah – the God who orders the innocent to be slaughtered. If Islam forbade the slaughter of innocents, no one could consider 9/11 an Islamic act. But Islam enshrines the murder of the innocent. It’s the focus of Hajj. Abraham is called the “first Muslim”. Islam was founded on the basis of killing anyone in Allah’s name, even your own children.

Shouldn’t the tale of Abraham be the opposite of the one we are told about? An evil voice tells Abraham to kill his son and threatens him with terrible penalties if he refuses, and a good voice pleads with him not to. Three times the evil voice urges murder and three times Abraham rejects the wicked command, despite the terrible consequences he may suffer. The good voice then declares Abraham a noble and magnificent human being for heroically resisting evil, and declares that he should be emulated by the rest of humanity. Doesn’t this version make perfect sense? The other version, the actual version, is insane, unless you’re a Devil worshipper!

The infamous events, including murderous threats and actual murder, surrounding the publication of Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses go to the heart of the Islamic religion. Rushdie’s book refers to a greatly disputed event whereby, according to some scholars, Mohammed acknowledged that Satan had appeared to him as the Angel Gabriel and dictated false verses to him, which were initially inserted in the official Koran and then removed (because they supported a more tolerant stance towards paganism). Of course, the question is then raised as to whether the whole of the Koran was in fact dictated by Satan calling himself God’s angel.

Mohammed himself feared that a demon had spoken to him on the first night of “revelation” and it was his wife who reassured him. Yet how could God’s prophet be in any doubt about whether he was being addressed by an angel or demon? It’s impossible. How could a “holy” man struggle to differentiate between the voices of good and evil? Was his wife therefore the true founder of Islam? But how could she reassure Mohammed given that she had no idea what had taken place between Mohammed and the “angel” since she wasn’t there and didn’t experience it? Women, in Islam, are in any case never considered reliable. Would the True God ever create a religion called “submission” – or would a tyrannical Devil establish such a master-slave religion which demands that human beings get on their knees to him? The answer is self-evident.

Abrahamists say that “God” was testing Abraham. So what was the test – to obey the most evil command of all without question? What kind of test is that? In fact, it was the Devil who was testing Abraham – and the test was to see if he was prepared to mindlessly and slavishly do ultimate evil simply to obey an order – just like the Nazis who were prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials for “only obeying orders” rather than accepting personal moral responsibility for their actions.

Did Abraham show any consideration at all for his son? Did he assume moral accountability? Did he genuinely believe that slaughtering an innocent child was a “good” act? Or did he not think at all, but obey like a programmed machine, and is this not in fact what is required of all Abrahamists – never to think and to conduct themselves like dutiful automata? Look at Muslims – can they even be considered human, or are they just Koranic machines? Jews obey over 600 commandments – why? Do they despise freedom that much? As for Christians, they are so irrational they think the Creator of the universe was born in a stable to a 14-yr-old Jewish “virgin”.

The companion piece to Abraham’s sacrifice is the story of Jephtha’s daughter. In this tale, a Jew burned his teenage, virgin daughter to death to fulfill an oath to Jehovah. Jehovah made no attempt to stop him. Why not? Because Jehovah is the God of Murder of the Innocent, the King Herod of deities.

Abrahamists say that human free will is the cause of evil. They say that humanity should never have eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and learned for themselves how to judge good and evil. They should have remained absolutely obedient to “God” and thus, like Abraham and Jephtha, agreed to slaughter their own children for Jehovah’s sake. Why aren’t these two diabolical men regarded as the very worst psychopaths? Why, instead, do three religions claim Abraham – the would-be child killer – as their patriarch and inspiration? Are they DERANGED?! 


Are the billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews – Abraham’s descendants – who infest and infect our world, nothing but robotic, irrational Devil worshippers who call their Satanic Lord, “God”? Did Abraham believe that it was an intrinsic “good” to obey any order given by “God”? Can a human being who obeys without question be regarded as human at all? In what sense do such people exercise judgment and moral choice? Are they not just programmed machines?

Abrahamism is the creed of absolute, mindless, slavish obedience to an infinitely powerful master. It is Hegel’s master-slave dialectic at its most extreme, with “God” as the eternal master and humanity permanently on its knees, eyes fearfully cast downwards, shouting Allahu Akbar to prove their loyalty and devotion and thus avoid infinite punishment in hell. They are driven by utter terror of the punishment “God” will mete out to them for disobedience. This punishment can be both infinite in scale and eternal in duration. What loving God would ever terrorize his own creations with such monstrous threats and promises of limitless suffering? Does God enforce his will through Terror? Is that his trump card? Such a being is not God but the Devil.

Abrahamism is the supreme insult to human dignity and freedom. It stands in immortal opposition to the Enlightenment. It rejects reason and knowledge in every possible regard. There can be no glorious future for humanity until the wicked, mad Abrahamic past is obliterated. All Abrahamists are enemies of the human race, and followers of the cosmic Torture God, Satan.

Can any sane and rational person imagine a religion of love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and peace being founded on the image of a father standing over his son ready to plunge a dagger into him at “God’s” behest? How mentally ill and morally evil would you have to be to imagine that any benevolent religion could have such foundations, grounded in TERROR.

The God of Abraham is the Terrorist God, which is why so many of his followers are terrorists. The “War on Terror” ought to be the war against Abrahamism, the religion of the Devil himself.

Abrahamism is the biggest lie and fraud ever perpetrated against the human race. It was the Trojan Horse by which Satan had himself proclaimed “God” by billions of slaves, retards, cowards and the constitutionally superstitious and fearful. Half of the world has been controlled for thousands of years by the Abrahamic religions. If these religions are a source of good, why is the world so evil? Isn’t the obvious truth that it’s these religions that are the cause of human depravity? While they have manifestly failed to build a good world, they have succeeded spectacularly in creating an evil one. Isn’t the rational thing to do to abandon failure and embrace a religion that actually works and tells the rational truth? Look at any picture of Abraham holding his dagger above his son’s heart, ready to plunge it in to satisfy God’s will, and consider the violent history of Abrahamism. 2 + 2 = 4, right?! If we don’t understand the past we are condemned to repeat it. WAKE UP!

We are the Illuminati. We are Gnostics. We are Pythagoreans. We are artists, mathematicians, philosophers, scientists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, engineers, technologists, futurologists, radicals and psychologists opposed to the Devil who rules our world: the “God” of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. We are equally opposed to Zionist-Masonic “free-market” capitalism (which is actually a rigged, cartel operation designed to make the rich richer and to entrench the position of privileged elites) and seek its replacement by “social” capitalism, based on a much more even distribution of wealth and equal opportunities.


The Illuminati is an ancient secret society that seeks to bring about a New World Order based on the principle that everyone can become God. The Illuminati’s radical vision is of a new humanity releasing its inner divinity – for we are a divine race, not a slave population to a Terror God.

The ten most influential Grand Masters of the Illuminati are: King Solomon the Apostate, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Weishaupt, Goethe and Hegel. If these figures are not of interest to you then it would be pointless for you to venture any further into the Illuminati’s world of freedom, knowledge and apotheosis.

This is not a website for the faint-hearted. It contains an enormous amount of philosophical, psychological, political, historical, scientific and religious content. If you are interested in embarking on the spiritual journey of your life then you have opened the door to a mansion of wonders. If, however, you have come in search of aliens, pan-dimensional lizards and evil Illuminists relentlessly plotting against the ordinary people of the world then you have arrived at the wrong destination. Makow, Icke, Jones and their ilk will be more to your taste.

Our aim, as it has always been, is to overthrow the network of elite, dynastic families of wealth and privilege that we refer to as the "Old World Order" who have run this world since the dawn of civilization, to their maximum advantage and to the extreme detriment of the people. 

We are a radical and indeed revolutionary organization that seeks nothing less than to assist the ordinary men and women of the human race to ascend to the next stage of humanity's divine evolution. We describe this higher level as the "Community of Gods" or the "Society of the Divine."

It's time to end the reign of the false prophets, the fake gods and the tawdry idols that we call "celebrities". We're sick of the bankers and traders, the lawyers and accountants, the politicians and their "special advisers", the lobbyists and spin doctors, the agents and gatekeepers, the CEOs and chairmen, the advertisers and marketing men. We're sick of all the same faces of the "top" people and their relentless tricks and tactics to keep enriching themselves at the people's expense. We're sick of George W. Bush's "Freedumb and Dumbocracy" that cons people into voting for the rich and the apologists for the rich, and we're sick of the Abrahamic religions that keep billions of people on their knees as slaves to a tyrant masquerading as God.

You know that humanity is capable of so much more. Isn't it time to bring about real change? Isn't it time to seize our divine inheritance?

We are the Illuminati. We are the messengers of the True God. Our sacred mission is to bring humanity into full union with the True God so that there is no longer any distinction between the human race and the divine essence. We are able to show how this can be achieved using Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and the six-dimensional cosmology and Monadology of Leibniz. It’s time for humanity to open its eyes and see the divine light for the first time. Our religion is called Illumination. We have emerged from the shadows to cast the light of Abraxas, the True God, on this benighted world; to bring Illumination – enlightenment – to everyone. 

The Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt, the most controversial Grand Master of the Illuminati, is commonly regarded as a monster attempting to create a sinister New World Order. Weishaupt did indeed wish to overthrow conventional religion and all tyrannical governments. He did indeed wish to create a New World Order, one that would free humanity from the grip of the Old World Order that has Satanically ruled the earth from the dawn of time and which continues to rule to this day. Weishaupt's mission is not over. 

The New World Order has not yet been built. The world is not yet Illuminated. All of you who wish to bring to an end the corrupt rule of rich elites such as those that run Wall Street, and evil dynasties such as the Royal Family of the United Kingdom or the Rothschild bankers, what are you prepared to do to assist our great endeavour to change this benighted world? It is time to dispel the darkness. It is time for Illumination. It is time to go on a new quest for the Holy Grail.

"The stories of the Grail had been of the greatest importance to me ever since I read them, at the age of fifteen, for the first time. I had an inkling that a great secret lay hidden behind those stories."

-         Carl Jung
The Illuminati

A site in England that was once used for meetings of the Illuminati.

This website constitutes an unprecedented "experiment", with one of its main aims being to defuse the absurd misinformation and disinformation that appears in enormous amounts on the internet regarding the Illuminati, making it the most controversial organization on earth.

The Illuminati is an ancient secret society, currently comprising approximately 6,000 souls from all across the world. The Order of the Illuminati offers ten "degrees", of which seven are ordinary degrees and the remaining three "mystery" degrees. The ruling council comprises the twelve most senior members of the Illuminati (those who have attained the tenth degree and mastered all of the mysteries). The Grand Master is elected by the ruling council and remains in post until death.

This website is intended to provide interested parties with the equivalent of the information and training supplied to a sixth degree Illuminatus.

This site is one of a number of initiatives run by "communication cells" of the Illuminati. The site is administered by three adepts who have attained the seventh degree of the Order of the Illuminati.

For those who wish to get involved with building a new society based on the ingenuity, talents and power of the people, we recommend that you join The Movement. Where is it? It's wherever you are. This is the dawn of hyperreality.

Join the resistance to the Power Elite. Build a New World Order in the name of the people. Make your contribution to a new society.

 "The Ancien RĂ©gime is a Satanic Order. The Illuminati's noble and historic mission is to release man's higher self by destroying the archons - the princes of the world - who prosecute Satan's will and hold mankind in their thrall. Their corruption has reached its zenith in France. That diabolical tyranny is ripe for destruction. All that is required is a spark. We are the spark."

-         Adam Weishaupt (Grand Master of the Illuminati), 1789

This website features numerous songs by Pho', the rising, radical, super smart, new voice of hip hop. We're not looking for believers or fools. We're seeking Attitude, Creativity, Radicalism. Fresh voices for a fresh world. Do you have anything worth saying? Is it time for your voice to be heard? If all the smartest, strongest, most imaginative and creative people are on our side, who can defeat us? If you have it in you to become God then now is the time for you to hear the cosmic call of the divine, the sacred and transcendent "Music of the Spheres".

"M" For The Movement - Pho'

© The Illuminati's Secret Religion 

From The Armageddon Conspiracy @  http://armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/

Xtra Images - http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5207/5370159674_d9b06d8900_b.jpg

For further enlightening information enter a word or phrase into the search box @  New Illuminati or click on any label/tag at the bottom of the pagehttp://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

And see

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com


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      I am glad today because am now a successful man of Illuminati, i have taught of been one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family
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    4. CALL SIR FEIM PEREZ ON 07057623144
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    5. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+ 2348146888015 OR info.illuminatifreemercy28@gmail.com JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FROM NIGERIA, USA, OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY BE RICH, FAME, AND POSSES POWER.email us on info.illuminatifreemercy28@gmail.com OR call us on +2348146888015 for immediate initiation New members registration is now open online now !!!!! BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested call the agent now+ 2348146888015 or send your e-mail to info.illuminatifreemercy28@gmail.com for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online

  2. Sorry i used the rong account , this one is Me . And the chalenge is to find 'THE ANSWER TO THE UNKNOWN QUESTION ' Good Luck

  3. Yes it is nice this level of 'ilumination' but i was at that level 10 years ago . I present a chalenge not only to you but the entire world : the only god that i will accept is the one who invites us to be his equals ... and in terms of grades , i'm 11 at least , if you want to know more : mihail13ro@gmail.com feel free to write anything you wish

    1. How do i join the Illuminati. I went to see a guy today tellon me he is part of the illuminati he said i had to brin a 1000 rand with me. When i wanr there nothin happend. I want to join the illuminati. Anyone help im from South Africa

  4. As far as grades go yes ... you seem like an 11, in conning people. Making yourself no better than the thieves of the slave religions.And the sad part is you and many in this wonderful cyber-world are now taking advantage of the weak minded who want to believe in an alternative. Personally I will find truth, but it seems Ill do it alone, perhaps as it should be. One more thing, A secret organization, remains secret for a reason .

    1. Try (the) Way Out @ hermetic.blog.com/2012/06/11/the-way-out/

    2. fuck off and die anonymous !!!



      learn something, cocksucker.


    3. Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be
      rich, powerful and be famous in life or need a power to achieving your
      dreams. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati.
      With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you
      really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact
      Mr John +2348030518411 or his email{
      chrisjohnilluminatiagent@gmail.com} Full
      Country....................................... State of
      origin............................ Date of
      Phone......................................... Email

    4. WTF!? These posts are fucked up, anyone believing this garbage is seriously bat shit crazy and deserves to get scammed.

  5. There is a serious confusion...........We have to find what really happened and really is going on. Forget the religious books. They are nothing more than comics. Until we are certain, nothing can be declared. The world is very confusing. Nothing makes any sense if you just sit and watch the world go on............keep this website going...I'll be back.................And good work by the way. If I had made a website of this kind in my place, the people would have killed me and broadcasted it in national television and may have called it MORAL EXECUTION ........

    1. if there is a goat amidst a group of tigers, it is better to pretend to be a tiger yourself than goat. no one can win against majority unless you blend among them

    2. Wrong analogy realone - you're talking about being a sheep among sheep - but aye, some of us live in freer states than others. No need to die Anon - just upgrade your consciousness instead of/before reincarnating


    3. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI. Are you a business man or business woman, politician, musical, student and you want to be very rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by been a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact use for you to get what so ever you need in life, email us on our direct email at: illuminatiworldtemple12@gmail.com

  6. The diatribe displayed on this page is clearly a distorted presentation of the Biblical story of Abraham that stems from the mind of an evil and wicked self deceived fool. You go on and on about Abraham being told to sacrifice his son, but you never present the most important truth of all, that God provided a Ram in place of Isaac (Isaac was never sacrificed) and then hundreds of years later, on the same mountain, he ie GOD entered into his own creation and took the place of Isaac himself. God sacrificed himself for the sins of humanity. God died so that man could be set free from the bondage of Sin & Satan. Man is a slave of the devil. If you sin you are a slave of sin. You oh man are forced to do the will of your father the Devil. You have no will of your own, you do the will of your father Satan.

    God entered into his own creation, took the form of a servant, he didn't see equality with God as something to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant. He became a lowly man with no where to lay his head and then he allowed himself to be murdered by his own vessels so that these vessels could be set free from the bondage and slavery of sin, hell and death. But some of you apparently do not want to be set free. You have Stockholm syndrome. God freed man from the power of Satan. But you seem to enjoy enslavement because you call it freedom. You seems to think sin = freedom! You have so perverted truth in your own mind that you turn the Devil into the hero. The very demon who enslaved man through lies and propaganda; he becomes the one who wants to set us free. You are like unto a silly and gullible woman. You seem to have fallen for the oldest trick in the book - LITERALLY. "Ye shall be as God" This is the first lie ever told and apparently it still works. Your delusions of grandeur would be hilarious if the consequences weren't so tragic.

    God is sovereign over his creation and no matter what delusions beset the minds of men, man will NEVER be GOD's equal. He doesn't have the knowledge or the ability and he never will. Man will never be a God like unto the God of the bible. He will always be limited because man is only capable of manipulating the forces and the matter that God provides for him. Please create for me a grain of sand, a blade of grass or a drop of water. You cannot. How about a planet or a universe? It is absurd to entertain such foolishness. You can only manipulate that which God has provided for you. So you can forget it, its never going to happen. Jesus is the unique God, the God man and you will never be he. You can only mimic what the true God does and that is all you will ever be able to do.

    1. yeah but the point is that "god" DEMANDED that he do it. that he set aside all morality, set aside his personal love of his son, the ultimate act of submission because god SAID. god is above his own moral dictates, after all.

      i personally dont believe the stories are necessarily true. but at the end of the day the dogma that is the abrahamic god is followed. how to follow him is taught in these books. these books give you an example of how you are supposed to be if you are to be a proper follower of these religions. this is an example of the evil that this dogma represents. that a man must set his natural morals aside, even his morals his "god" set for him, even his love for his offspring, in an act of submission. and act, by the way, for all abraham knows, that involves BEHEADING YOUR OWN SON.

      i dont believe the religions to be true, but created by men. but they exist after the fact, and if that is an example of a prophet, devout follower, it says a lot about the nature of these religions.

  7. Lol 9/11 was caused by the illuminati it self it was even proven how da fuck can it be the muslims now , this is obviously illu trying to brainwash people ..

    1. PNAC did 911 n PNAC is no DHS that did Sandy Hook n Boston, see wolfowicz doctrine. All this came aboot cause of 11/22/1963 when THEY did JFK over the fiat FRN-see EO 11110 & GHW bush ordered this as a CIA ops for the CFR

  8. Brightlightbornofyahwe - preach it to the choir from the pulpit of your choice - it doesn't make your delusion regarding the abrahamic demon any truer. Try studying the history of the Cathars and Gnostics for some actual understanding of the issue.
    And as for you anon - the point of the article seems beyond your comprehension; mayhap you should try actually reading it (without skipping the big words).

  9. Recently I came across the New Pythagorean Illuminati books written by the authors M. Faust, M. Hockney, and Adam Weishaupt, all pseudonyms. They all voice as one author to me and I liked reading those books. I have a hard time to go over burst of swear words, but I guess this is it when someone writes in a style of the “hound dog” critical writer.
    My question is have you ever studied the Bogumils, one of the amazing gnostic movements in South Europe? This powerful Gnostic group from South Europe (nowadays Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Rumania)was very influential in the area from 8th century to the establishment of the Ottoman Empire rule. Bogumils were standing in opposition to the Papal rule, the Roman Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and later opposed to the Ottoman Empire rule. Their beliefs are based on unique sources that no other Gnostic groups have ever had available. Some rare scholars studied Bogumils in South Europe, Croatia, and Bosnia, and they discovered the unique Bogumil communal organization with the leading figure of the Old Wise Man (Djed), they had specific types of mystical burials, and many other beliefs and practices. This Gnostic movement is so fascinating. If you refer to the Cathars, you might also include Bogumils. Just wondering are you familiar with this Gnostic group? When comes to the meritocracy concpet, studying the Bogumil's communal organizations might be a plus.

    Not anonymous, but I couldn't log in into my WordPress account, it gives me all the time error..... ivaray

  10. Lol. This is not what the illuminati is about whatsoever. They are about exactly what satan is about and that is making themselves into God, which is impossible. I am a person of extraodinary ability and only because God the father gave me the ability. It is definitely not "human" So tell me, why is it that homo freemasons have gangstalked me since I was a boy, have sent witches to try and destroy my gift and why other sick, disgusting things have happened to me by them in order to keep me down like stopping me from finding work and harassing me at school? They are NOT of God! They are of satan. You are brainwashing people.

    1. For someone so locked into the stupid lies of a dangerous bronze aged cult you have a surprising view of brainwashing. You obviously didn't read the article - perhaps because you've been so badly damaged (and obviously paranoid). No dog, no master. Try meditation. It works (unlike you, bravely anonymous one). What have you to fear? Surely your dog will protect you?.

  11. Nice reason based talked...well the whole talk hear is frm a very reasomable stand point....i will be really comentive on the publication.....trully frm ur explianations on all subject in variable about the illuminsm..i got enlightend enough to see the inumerable lies and scams..hidden in plian site...as above..so below..well.....i dnt simple sucum to dis publication cos it seems nice and catchy but it has reasonable fact to support it cliams....it nice..and i will be of a great support to spread the news..wic is Dat i can be God......becoming God Almighty..thanks..i hae a frnd who has formulated a mathematical formula dat is based on the name of God..it hold...strange sequence..dat has many tested prove to show it relationship with sequence pascal triangle.fibona ci sequence..etc..he hopes to do more equries to further his reseach.needs help......by geting asscess to true website for mathematical truth and philosopic.thanks.......to u.......Illuminati.......Abraxas......the migthy...and we his fellows.

  12. Hi. My name is akpere promise.i am an enlightened nigerian who knows the lies in christianity.i share yout dreams and ambitions.i am a math guy who has discovered the true existence.God did not create everything.the truth lies with me.though i am not wealthy, i have been able to succesfully create a an advanced thinking ability.i can calculate numbers very fast in my mind without using a pen.my mind work faster than any average human.i trained my mind for a yaer and 9 months so that i can anwer the ultimate question.i have now discovered a mathematical sequence that connects everything......the origin of shapes,alphabets,numerals,the pascals triangle and the fibonacci sequence and so many more.my design is unique.IT IS THE MIND OF THE UNIVERSE. Pls contact me.i really want you to see my design.my email is:akperepromise@gmail.com and joshuamc3@nokiamail.com

  13. The hodge is rising

    1. the hodge cannot rise without the podge and thus will fall simultaneously, for some unknown reason.

  14. I love this see in my view which everyone is explaining is that i dont believe in hell which push me away from christian churches and other beliefs simply because i dont feel like our creator would put us on earth to experience that i feel we are put here to experience life i feel that we are all gods because we are made of him i believe everyone knows right from wrong simply because how u feel about it i also feel that we the people have control over our lifes but what i have come to understand is people do not want that control of there responsibilities they love to blame something else demons evil when in reality it is us who create these demons rather threw mischievous behaviors or habits these are what demons are to me what people do to themselves for not taking responsibility all in all a feel a person that calls themself god understand there is no fear when u are empowered by no fear u whole character goes from being stagnant to being the person our creator intended for us to be which is ourselves the things we go through in life is to help us erase that fear that doubt that dark cloud we thought was following us when it was only in our head and no i cant create water or food unless i grow it lol but on this earth i understand the only thing that holds people back is there beliefs fears when u conquer that u understand nothing stops u but u thats what makes u a god and thats what lets our creator know we are finally ready to leave that cycle from our family ancestors and start a new life with whatever u want u can have.

    Email.powell122388@gmail.com i could go on forever

  15. satanism (not devil worshiping, abrahamic idiots) states that we are all gods and should have the trust and faith and confidence in ourselves to decide how we will act and live in this world. when mercy or ruthlessness should be applied by us to those in OUR lives, or worlds.

    lucifarianism states that we are capable of becoming gods, that we should always keep in mind a perfect version of ourselves (whatever that may be) and strive to create gods of ourselves through discipline in our actions and behaviors (and that is similar to satanism in that we, as the god of our world, decide what that may be).

    this illuminati thing seems to be along those lines except it strives to create a world of such gods, where everyone realizes their god nature and makes it happen. i feel this is flawed because everyone has their own hands and feet and brains, and those that are enlightened to their own natures will use these tools to create that for themselves. those who dont never will because they are unworthy and incapable. they are meant to be sheep, slaves, choose this path out of their ignorance, and are being used as just that by those who are in a position to take advantage. they are not my problem, as gods they are their own problem.

    it would be nice to see though, but it will never happen as a result of a collective effort. it will only happen as a result of many many individual self-focused efforts and realizations. our only option is to associate only with those who realize and put that effort in. that is what makes us elite.

    1. I have read the satanic bible and they talk about blood sacrifice, they are about indulgence instead of abstinence, blowing their temper instead of holding it, they are also very materialistic, lustful they do not believe in SIN or evil which is dumb because it is clearly wrong/negative/sinful to murder somebody for fun or sacrifice the facts are SIN is something which in not GOOD negative behaviour drains ones energy masturbating drains energy ELECTROMAGNETIC I belive their is One GOD and many gods on one of two sides GOD is the suprieme being what ever you call him remember the bible,koran et were write by man and corrupted by BAD illuminati who will never be truly enlightened, I believe we can be come 'gods' and we all have divine spark but I think it is blastemous to think we are as good as GOD I would like to see us more as DEMONS OR ANGELS GOOD OR EVOL LOVE IS EVOL
      I is capital for Illusion the illuminati are the illusionists life lie die and they choose this path out of being brainwashed nobody deserves to be a slave if they advertised stuff about our godlike origins instead of lying deceiving and run the world for good and to elevate humanity or the great of good not as a elite class to rule over everyone else like you subject


  16. http://novusordomundi.do.am/ became http://merit.clan.su/

    Enjoy !

  17. WELCOME TO FREE MERCY ILLUMINATE WORLD WIDE. Are you a business man, politician, musical, stundent and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life or need a power to achieving your dreams. You can achieve your dreams by beening a member of the illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great illuminati then you can contact Mr Mark Pirex on +2347051705853 or his email freemercyilluminati@gmail.com

    1. You think I would accept that? Do you honestly think someone like me would be so gullible as to think the illuminati would have anything to me? Do you think by tempting me to become a god I would accept this? The illuminati is probably fake. You can't become a god unless you were already. I should know. I am not currently rich or famous, because it means nothing to me. Another thing, you want to become a god? Guess what, there are none! They all have fallen! I used to be one. But we fell, and we fell, and we fell in the worst way. Or at least I did, I can only slightly remember before. Maybe I was the only one and now I'm all alone trapped in a body that looks nothing like my own. Off topic. Anyways, to make things short, i'm not having a good time here. If you can make me immortal once more I will be forever in you debt. If it is real of course. So please, if you are real, I'm asking for your immediate help to return to my body as Myself, Artemis.

  18. Be a member of Illuminati today and become rich and famous, this is just brief summary to apply now and join thousands of satisfied citizens contact us at illuminatibrothershood@outlook .com or call +2348161850195.

  19. my name is michael i really want to share my testimony on how i became an Illuminati member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the Illuminati that he have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and protection came from this court.so i told him to let me be into the court but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the devil church of the Illuminati and i was confirm in there church. after a month of being a member of Illuminati i got promotion that same month in my working place and within a year i was promoted thrice in my working place to the extend of being a managing Director i never know how to thank this church of Illuminati and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me i really thank you people Illuminati. so i just want to share to the world that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to become a member i can lead you into the court of richness and you will never be poor again, know that it only a member in the Illuminati that can initiate you into the church of illumination they do not contact directly because they are fake Illuminati all over the world, this is my email ilueminosenrealspell@gmail.com they will tell you how to join,

    1. you got initiated into a devil church your the FAKE the true illuminati are not like what you describe there like buddist Taoists, Christians to some extent they are good not evil and selfish slave like you

    2. Whatever church it is, you should trying learning correct diction. If I didn't have some type of a brain, I wouldn't have understood a thing you said Michael...."it have help me"..really? You mean, it has helped you.

  20. are you a good musician or a business man or as well any worker and you need excess of money and you also want to become famous and wealthy here is your chance to become a member of the Illuminati and become a star in your life. if really you are interested in becoming a full member of the Illuminati don't hesitate to email us or call and we also want you to know that there is nobody that is to determine your future because your future is right in your hands so join us now and become a responsible human being okay, so email us now if interested in becoming rich and powerful email us now at : (kalakutasolutiontemple@gmail.com)com or call us on +2348072718865

  21. I am a music producer/hip hop artist i go by the name of jimmy swagg starr im ready to be a part of this movement . I just got cast into a film as an extra and trying to further my career . I also know that you have to have money to fight back with . I would love the chance to articulate this message into music . Email me at jimmyjamesswagger@hotmail.com

    All i need is the proper exposure and its on .
    some say my swagger is like watching magic being performed . Im perfect all the way around to represent the illuminati.

    Im born 10/24/
    i look damn good
    i have the Spirit of the HABIRU in me

  22. Hey Adam my name is also Adams and am glad to say the reality is right infront of our eyes and whoever is interested in seein it will.I need an IN pliz...i have this power of communication which makes me wanna further ma studies in mass communication and jounalism bt i cant due to some financial constrains coz i have no one to help bt u guys...i have always believed in your religion to be the true one n fuck Abrahams religion and the rest..make me a member n i promise u will see my use my email is adamzolack9@gmail.com

  23. My name is Mr.William. How i became rich and famous in 3days. I became very rich and famous through the help of Dr. David, who is a member, and an agent to the great Illuminati brotherhood. Through him, I bought the form, and I was initiated. If you really want to be rich. You can also reach him on his contact email address: (solomonwhite840@yahoo.com).

    Are u a business man, politician,
    musical, student and you want to be rich,
    powerful and be famous in life. You achieve
    your dreams by being a member of the
    illuminati With this all your dream and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if u really
    want to be a member of the great illuminati
    then you contact Mr WILLAMS JEFFERY through the cell phone +2348163974382 or send your email to the email address below jeffilluminatiworld@gmail.com} Full name.................................... Country....................................... State of origin............................ Date of birth............................... Sex.............................................. Address..................................... Phone......................................... Email address.................. -

  25. Join the Illuminati cult online
    today and get instant sum of
    1million dollars with a free home
    anywhere you choose to live in
    the world and also get 2500
    dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following
    information bellow
    Full name....................................
    Country....................................... State of
    origin............................ Date of birth...............................
    Sex.............................................. Address.....................................
    Phone......................................... Email
    address........................... Attach Scan I'd card,passport or
    driver license containing your
    full details Tell us little about yourself... this is our mobile number contact us now +2348153363941,OR luminatiforsuccessandfamous@gmail.com

  26. Hello every body are you poor or frustrated and because of your situation you want to be a member of the great illuminate to be rich and famous if yes via email address on illuminatikingdomofmoney@gmail.com

  27. Join the illuminati today to become rich and fame contant our online agent Roland Thomas for more information about the occult via email: illuminatisecretorder@outlook.com or via mobile +2347067609217.

  28. my name is wainel I live in USA when my boyfriend let me because of a little girl that work with him I never knew that the girl was dating my man till I meet than in a hotel center I try to as my man what is happily he told me that is over between us I though it was a joke till my man drove me away from the house I cried and cried but nobody to help me out I went and stay with my friend that introduce me and said I should contact dr odudu that is a great man that he can help me out when I contacted him on oduduspell@gmail.com he said all my problems is over that he will cast a spell on me so that my man can come back to me in just three day it was like joke in my eyes to cute the story short after the casting of the spell my man came to my house and knee down and start begging that he dose not know what came over him that he need me back to his life that is when I know that dr odudu is a real spell caster without any side effect am happily married to my man with two kids, if you are having any problem present it to dr odudu to help you out with it.via oduduspell@gmail.com or call +2348051913076.
    wainel U S A.

  29. this is my promise to dr odudu that when my lover is back am going to tell the whole about the help he did to my life am happy today is the help of dr odudu that bring back my lover back to me,my lover left because his mum said he should not marry me because she has some one in her mind to to marry her son and i really lover my man so much there is nothing i could do i cry all days and all night for my lover to come back to me but he never come back, when i was browsing on net i saw many people talking about dr odudu how he help and restore their partner back i decided to put in try and all thing went for good immediately i contacted dr odudu on oduduspell@gmail.com the way he speak to me i was feeling good and better when the spell was cast my lover call me the day dr odudu tell his going to come and he really come back will are totally married now.what ever your problem is contact dr odudu is the answer of all via oduduspell@gmail.com or call +2348051913076
    perry from germany

  30. and what is it that the Illuminati gets in return?? How is there all this money to be wealthy yet economies everywhere are failing?

  31. Hello viewer am Frank silver am a Ghana but base in Canada. I have a hard life trying to work all day to be famous in life, but noting was working out as planed so i meet my old course mate whom i actually ask anything from but i did not know he was a Illuminati member. So i told him i want to be rich like him because i was jealous. And he told me if am serious i told him yes and he told me he is a Illuminati member and he gave me this email Churchofsatanmark666@live.com now am a full member i can boost of four million USD in my account am living a good life. I can even send money to my home country now. Contact that great temple Churchofsatanmark666@live.com

  32. -- Are you a good musician or a business man/woman or as well any worker and you need excess of money and you also want to be famous and wealthy here is your chance to become a member of the illuminati and become a star in your life. if really you are interested in becoming a full member of the illuminati don't hesitate to email us and we also want you to know that there is nobody that is to determine your future because your future is right in your hands so join us now and become a responsible human being okay, so email us now if interested in becoming rich and powerful.

    This opportunity is set for those people who have been thinking of how to become rich contact us and we will tell you the nearest branch were you can worship,come now to get in touch with money there is nothing to fear about, we want to disclose it openly this is why we have sent agent to the internet.

    So contact us at: illuminatifamous.world@yahoo.com YOU CAN VISIT OUR WEBSITE illuminatiworldfamous.webs.com

  33. What does the illuminatiask for in return for someone joing and becoming rich

  34. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was always giving me money, because he was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is not going to give me any money, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that gives money out to people, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now> Worldofriches@gmail.com and your life will change for good


    Hello,my name is Lukas i was once a trader i was into electronics and my business was not moving the way i expected,and i was bankrupts and my business fold-off.at that point i was unable to feed and pay my bill i was devastated and confused.i was checking building sits to sits to see if i get work but all to know are vain on my way home i run into my old school friend who offer me a rid to my house and ask me to see him.so the following day i went their he ask me if i am comfortable with my present predicament without missing words quickly i reply CAPITAL NO he turn back on me and told me that if i am ready to join the Brotherhood called ILLUMINATI? and automatically he told me i should not give him answer yet,that i should ready that we are going to night-club,that when we comes back i will give him answer to the question.and will went to club will drink, dans,enjoy with high sophisticated lades we took some home which we discharge as early as possible.immediately the ladies might have left he called me and told me to answer the question he ask me yesterday.and i told him yes the following day he told me to be prepared that we are going to see Prophet parka, he is in-charge of Illuminati initiation in African as a whole,so when we get their,PROPHET PARKA took us to the temple and perform the initiation right away the following day they gave me all Illuminati items and #200,000.000 {million naira}.the following month they called me in baphoment and gave me visa to travel round the white man country and connect me with foreign businessmen,honestly that is how i became rich,fame and connected in life that was how the mask of disgrace was turn-out in my life.and put-upon me the garment of honor.once again i thank my friend..and special thanks go to prophet parka for not rejecting me...my good people poverty is very bad tin.......so if you want to be rich call prophet parka on this number 08058412947, 08162380265,or email him on azibaspelltemple@gmail.com take care stay-away from poverty it is a bad tin.beware be-worn and don't fall a vintem bye bye.........


    HELLO,my name is nelson,i want to say a big thanks to lord absolute,for giving me the

    privilege, opportunity and helping me to become a powerful member of a Illuminati

    brotherhood.i have been looking for this opportunity all this while but all to know are vain

    . i have not see the right person that we make me a powerful member of the Illuminati

    brotherhood...until this December my friend that base in U.K, travel back home for this new

    year celebration,and i make him to know my in-tension of becoming a member of the

    Illuminati,and he told me that of recent LORD MASTER in [ U.K],have sent one of his powerful

    and trusted member to initiate people in Africa who want to join the Illuminati society and

    my friend gave me the web_sit which i can be able to contact lord absolute,and immediately i

    got the email ;azibaspelltemple@gmail.com and the phone number,+2348058412947

    +2348146393280 quickly i called him and he instructed me on what to do which i did right

    away.believed in me, me that was poor in December 2013,Suprisely January 2014 i started

    counting million within the range of 2 weeks my life change.
    why i paste this on the internet is because of my good friend DAMIANO,i have not seen him

    again,both of us suffer was scam on the internet by internet Scammers.please DAMIANO

    anywhere you are called me with that my number is still going so that i can take you to LORD

    ABSOLUTE,or you called him on this phone number +2348146393280 +2348058412947.... fast

    LORD ABSOLUTE is real an Illuminati member..we are 31 people he just initiated this first

    week of January and all of us are rich now,we are going to U.K,next week now for Illuminati

    batphoment.....DAMIANO TRY AND CALLED THOSE NUMBERS OKAY,i don t think we are going to see

    before i travel to U.K...... IS BECAUSE OF YOU I PUT THIS ON THE INTERNET,don t allow

    others people to take advantage of it before you ok,,because you are a true

    friend...................bye NELSON.

  37. Hello friends,
    i really came hear to share my testimony on how i became an Illuminati member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was frustrated to let him know that he should help me.that was when he open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the Illuminati that he have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and protection came from this court.so i told him to let me be into the court but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the fatality of the Illuminati and i was confirm in there church. after a month of being a member of Illuminati i got promotion that same month in my working place and within a year i was promoted thice in my working place to the extend of being a managing Director. i never know how to thank this church of Illuminati and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me. i really thank the great Illuminati. so i just want to share to the world that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to become a member i can lead you into the court of richness and protection and even famous and you will never be poor again, know that it only a Member in the Illuminati that can initiate you into the church of Illuminati they do not contact directly that the rules that guide the church, because they are fake Illuminati all over the world,contact them via churchofsatanmark666@live.com

    1. Is the Illuminati the church of Satan and practices horrible sexual and perverted acts,maybe even murder?acts like murder blood sacrifices?Do you have to sell your soul to the devil to succeed? Or is it being a true God religion antiAbrahamism,that has been cruel and mean?Is there a trade of to be rich famous ,and lose your soul to satan??Or do you worship a god that is about truth justice and mercy?

  38. Join the Illuminati order online today, to meet your demand and acquire wealth, power,protection and security etc. Also get instant sum of 1 million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world, 2500 dollars monthly as a salary,if you are interested contact us now via email: illuminatifamewealth@gmail.com or +2348162588333



    HELLO Are you a businessman,musical,footballer, company worker, transporter, upcoming

    , musical, artist, art-rest, producers, dancers, politicians, marketers, shop owner,

    pastors, prophets, Lecturers, civil services workers, company workers, entrepreneur, estate

    managers, love charms. invisable charms. etc in all kind of work you are doing,there is

    no promotion.and the business seem not to workout the way you thought it could be don t look


    this is your greatest opportunity for everything to work out the way you want it to be,by

    joining Illuminati brotherhood,for favor of any thing you ever desire and also to be

    successful in life regarding any type of work you do so that life can be so meaningful for

    you okay......

    so contact us today on our email illuminatimoneyfavour666@gmail.com or call us on our

    phone number;;+2348058412947, +2348146393280..


  40. Hello to you all!!
    This is the great opportunity for you to get what you are seeking for in life okay, so we need you to become a member of the great illuminati temple and get all you are looking for in life, this is the chance for you, cause the great brotherhood of the illuminati kingdom send me to Africa to initiated as many as member all over the world to join us and get all that you are looking for in life, so we offer Riches, Fame and power, we offer all this, if you are interested email us now through this email at: illuminatisatanictemple@gmail.com email us now and all your problem will be over.call number +2348072371282.

  41. Easy way to join the illuminati brotherhood in the world.

    Kindly contact Mr Hazzard Wallace the illuminati online registrations officer in USA through their email now: hazzardwallace@hotmail.com and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eridicate poverty away from from your life now. So contact Mr Hazzard Wallace the online registrar at: hazzardwallace@hotmail

    brotherhood of illuminati,

  42. If you want to be rich,wealthy,famous,influential,stardom,and you want your dreams to come through,then you have the chance to do that,join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best.contact famousilluminatineworder@gmail.com today to change your life for the better

  43. Opportunity to eradicate poverty from your home and life is here. Join the Illuminati today, the world highest and powerful occult and become the world most celebrated being ever live. interested applicant should contact Jefferson Butt on illuminatifamousworld@gmail.com or call +2348110038990 now. Rich forever!!!

  44. If your life is not going the way you want it and you would like to change it, If you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE, GOOD CARS, STARDOM and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $2500 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact llluminatiordermembership@hotmail.com today to change your life for the better

  45. I want to give a testimony about lord morgan who help me to be rich and famous and help me to be a member of illuminate look at me am very rich and famous. At first I don't believe in illuminate but now am a rich and famous member of illuminate ,I want every body in the world that want to be rich and famous to contact him is E:mail is illuminatitemple789@gmail.com or call 08169833754

  46. Do you want to be a member of the great
    brotherhood Illuminati? we are going to
    make you
    rich famous and to be a world known
    star, get a good
    job, to win elections and get into a political
    power we
    are going to enrich you in all your
    empowerment and you will never loose any
    case in
    court or were ever, you will have powers to
    people in high places email us now at
    illuminati277@gmail.com. OR Call +2347050485554 , +2347069492065

    Are you a business man or business woman, politician, musical, student and
    you want to be very rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve
    your dreams by been a member of the illuminati. With this all your dreams
    and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member
    of the great illuminati then you can contact use for you to get what so
    ever you need in life, email us on our direct email at:
    illuminatifreemercy16@gmail.com or you contact us on phone on: 07031362391

    If you do not want to join the illuminati do not read this
    * You must be above 18 years of age.
    * You must have full access to the internet.
    * You must not discuss the secret of the illuminati to anyone.
    * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their
    knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they ave HEARD
    from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy
    Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators),
    Internet Rumors, or other HERESY.
    * Once you join the illuminati within one week of your
    membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also
    have wealth and fame.
    * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if
    discarded the person will be tormented both day and night.
    * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT
    ILLUMINATI shall see death.
    * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati
    members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members...
    One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the
    Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly
    interested and get back to me via email: 666illuminatiworld@gmail.com

  49. Join the Illuminate cult online today and get instant sum of 5 million dollars with a free home any where you choose to live in the world and also get 200,000 dollars monthly as a salary… If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {HOUSEOFILLUMINATIRICHES@GMAIL.COM}..
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………………
    Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license containing your full details Tell us little about yourself…Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty game, no human sacrifices and No evil….is a cult of peace, big aim Illuminate group our email: (HOUSEOFILLUMINATIRICHES@GMAIL.COM) CALL +2348163395533

  50. If your life is not going the way you want it and you would like to change it, If you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE, GOOD CARS, STARDOM and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $2500 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact llluminatiordermembership@hotmail.com today to change your life for the better

  51. Easy way to join the illuminati brotherhood in the world.

    Kindly contact Mr Hazzard Wallace the illuminati online registrations officer in USA through their email now: hazzardwallace@hotmail.com and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eridicate poverty away from from your life now. So contact Mr Hazzard Wallace the online registrar at: hazzardwallace@hotmail

    brotherhood of illuminati,

  52. Do you want to join the illuminati to become rich, famous or powerful in life? If yes then
    join the Illuminati kingdom today and get all you need in life, so contact us
    now for more information on how you will be fully initiated into the
    Illuminati Kingdom.Contact us:
    on +2347050254853 or email keshiespiritualtemple@gmail.com

  53. Join the Illuminate cult online today and get instant sum of 5 million dollars with a free home any where you choose to live in the world and also get 200,000 dollars monthly as a salary… If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {HOUSEOFILLUMINATIRICHES@GMAIL.COM}..
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………………
    Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license containing your full details Tell us little about yourself…Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty game, no human sacrifices and No evil….is a cult of peace, big aim Illuminate group our email: (HOUSEOFILLUMINATIRICHES@GMAIL.COM) CALL +2348163395533

  54. If your life is not going the way you want it and you would like to change it, If you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE, GOOD CARS, STARDOM and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $2500 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact llluminatiordermembership@hotmail.com today to change your life for the better

  55. what I don't get is why are you promoting meritocracy involving working for what you want ect and equality then you have people promoting basically selling their soul in exchange for money like 25 grand every 3 days for what you do not deserve that money sounds like the psychopathic illuminati to me I personally believe a lot of what the secret religion of illumination says but I do not agree with what they say about all reiligions but theirs are bull shit I believe there is truth, lies and deception and suppression in all religion even the church of satan has soe good points but I believe what they say about us being slaves ect NOT ALL ILLUMINATUS are good and I honestly do not think people who try BUY others are of GOD and yes I do believe in a supreme being who we come to call GOD and I believe we all have that divine spark inside of us I have met free masons and did a reverse pyramid hand signs signifying feminine energy people at the top exept for a phew I am kind of a new ager I follow my own religion but I agree with a lot of what religion of illumination says exept that the bible is all bull shit I am a buddist/hindu/Taoist/Christian/muslim/illuminatus (buddism path to enlightenment)

    1. also money power wealth sucsess is not everything we all know celebs sell their souls to the devil they tell us they sell their free will the I have studied Egyptian religion and numerology about god and immortality their is two kinds of immortals infinite immortals and finate immortals but that doesn't mean we die and that's it I believe in heaven, hell,(some shape or form being a place of cleansing) reincarnation, rebirth I also believe in karma, the matrix a need for repentance for ones sins and I can gairuntee one who takes the deal of being a member of the 'illuminati' or the illusionati have sol their free will and just enslaved them selves to the matrix (I AM NEO I AM MORPHIOUS)

    2. personally I think that their is one strain of true illuminati and that's somewhat described in the secrets religion of illumination we are in the matrix what side do you choose also I think people who want to buy people are basically im not going to use the word satanic but evil materialistic, corrupt, capitalist, sinful but remember when you get all that money you aint gunna give a fuck about anybody you will be sinful you will become evil these illuminati are who are described by immortal technique and conspiracy theorists who are more of the true illuminati than any of you FAKES COPYIES GOD CREATED LOVE AND EVOL MUTATED you take things like the pentagram and reverse their true meaning or corrupt you cannot create you will never be GODLIKE

  56. what the fuck is goin on here honestly? there are like people of the same group of illuminati just interested in being rich and famous while this illuminati page is about how its against the rich elite and being free from control. Why the fuck are there illuminaties on this page talking about a totaly different out come since they say they became members of the illuminati? Ive been on the website of the illuminati network on the armageddon conspiracy secret religion page thing.... yeah i agree with some of what you are trying to do achieve. But I want to know why in the hell do you disprove of dinosaur existence but at the same time you believe in evolution?? there are fossils for both humans and dinos to show that life evolved... to deny dino fossils is saying we cant trust science neither now... then what the hell are we to believe? why should i believe this insane claim? and another thing... since you make videos and you are artists then can you tell me how 9/11 was not planned when there are a couple of movies which where made with absolute 'in our face evidence' showing and telling us that this attack was going to happen!! the movies are : terminator 2, rug rats in paris, super mario brothers and the icing on the : The long kiss goodnight movie, which literaly tells people about the twin towers and muslims.
    And there you have it... years after, the towers are attacked, muslims highjacked, bush knew about it, didnt do anything, but hey, lets use it as war on terror and go to war :) please reply i would like to hear your explanation of how you are not involved in the symbolism used in movies...

  57. Do you wish to become a Illuminati member,if yes visit us at illuminatiwealth@outlook.com or call +44752067557 or +23408146109886

  58. Do you want to get rich, wealthy, famous, familiar, protected, or do you want powers, join the illuminati today, contact us to get hooked up. no blood sharing is involved no human life is wanted, email us via illuminatisuccesshouse666@gmail.com or call +2348106985072

  59. my name is michael i really want to share my testimony on how i became an
    Illuminati member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more
    than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me
    money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was
    frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he
    open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the Illuminati that he
    have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and
    protection came from this court.so i told him to let me be into the court
    but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the
    devil church of the Illuminati and i was confirm in there church. after a
    month of being a member of Illuminati i got promotion that same month in my
    working place and within a year i was promoted thrice in my working place
    to the extend of being a managing Director i never know how to thank this
    church of Illuminati and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one
    that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the
    car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me
    i really thank you people Illuminati. so i just want to share to the world
    that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to
    become a member i can lead you into the court of richness and you will
    never be poor again, know that it only a member in the Illuminati that can
    initiate you into the church of illumination they do not contact directly
    because they are fake Illuminati all over the world, this is my email
    ilueminosenrealspell@gmail.com they will tell you how to join,

  60. Easy way to join the illuminati brotherhood in the world.

    Kindly contact the illuminati online registrations officer in USA through their email now: maxwellojie@hotmail.com and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from from your life now. So contact the online registrar at: maxwellojie@hotmail.com

    brotherhood of illuminati

  61. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was always giving me money, because he was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is not going to give me any money, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that gives money out to people, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to join the brotherhood to today? Send us an email now> Worldofriches@gmail.com and your life will change for good.

  62. Easy way to join the illuminati brotherhood in the world.

    Kindly contact the illuminati online registrations officer in USA through their email now: maxwellojie@hotmail.com and you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from from your life now. So contact the online registrar at: maxwellojie@hotmail.com

    brotherhood of illuminati

    and you desire WEALTH, INFLUENCE, FAMOUS, POWER AND PROTECTION AND HAVE CONNECTION and lot more join the great illuminati today, to benefits $250000 weekly and $1000000 monthly as membership blseeing for joining the member of the illuminati.with this all your dreams and your heart desire can be fully accomplish, for more information contact: illuminati.ordermembership@hotmail.com join and experience the different.

  64. Do you wish to become a Illuminati member,if yes visit us at illuminatiwewalth@outlook.com or contact us on +23408146109886 or +447520687557 now

  65. Join Illuminati fraternal organization to gain both world power and control if you are interested in the Brotherhood of Great Men of Riches from the Fatherhood of God for Success,Fame,Love,Greater wealth.This is a chance of making your dream come through,you will get $250000 every Four days and $1000000 for your membership blessing.
    Contact;-illuminatisupremeorder@gmail.com today for a better life.


  66. Hello, are you interested in world of illuminate?

    Getting rich-more powerful and famous?




    Email me for more information.

    Email: illuminaterichworld@gmail.com
    Or contact this mobile:+2348110496031
    Best Regards,
    Illuminate World.


  67. Hello, are you interested in world of illuminate?

    Getting rich-more powerful and famous?




    Email me for more information.

    Email: illuminaterichworld@gmail.com
    Or contact this mobile:+2348110496031
    Best Regards,
    Illuminate World.

  68. This is the great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact llluminatiordermembership@hotmail.com, or call on,+17608499563 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

  69. Are you not tired of poverty?Why
    your mate are enjoying life.
    Did you want to be rich and
    have famous. Come and join
    the brotherhood member
    today now. Once you join us, we
    are going to buy you one
    duppless in any country you
    wish to stay with a new car
    and you will also be receiving
    $250,000 dollars per week.. We
    are going to turn your life with
    different kind of things you wish
    in your life. Do you
    want to promote your
    business? We can help you by
    bringing you more customer
    into your business. Are you a
    musician? did you want
    to be at the top in the world, like
    make you rich like these men.
    If you are in need of joining the
    brotherhood, Email us
    now: (illuminatiorderworldwide@
    you can easily contact us now:

  70. Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and you want to be
    rich, powerful and be famous in life or need a power to achieving your
    dreams. You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Illuminati.
    With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you
    really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact
    Mr Larry Johnson +2349038546148 or +2348072332440 his email{
    chiefokosilluminatiworldwide@gmail.com} Full
    Country....................................... State of
    origin............................ Date of
    Phone......................................... Email

  71. WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI,; the Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members.We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In Illuminati we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle.; interested viewers should contact us; on..(ymcmbworldmoney@outlook.com)or call Mr Andrew fore more info..+2349035553397

  72. This is the great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact llluminatiordermembership@hotmail.com , or call on,+17608499563 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.


    Join the Illuminati group online today and get your heart desire granted .If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email lucifertemple@gmail.com .My child you are welcome to the great brotherhood of the Illuminati
    i want you to fill the following information bellow.
    Full name....................................
    State of origin............................
    Date of birth...............................
    Email address...........................
    Tell us little about yourself, get back to us as soon as possible..contact us now if want to be famous.FOR MORE INFORMATION.
    lucifertemple@gmail.com or text/call +2348110600275
    Do not play mind games

  74. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME FAMOUS AND RICH IN LIFE: Are you from a poor background? Are you tired of poverty life? are you really want to be famous in life or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and live your poverty life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
    so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life okay or call this number +2349037478762 for more information.
    if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: our email: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
    our website: www.iluminatisecrettemple.wozaonline.co.za
    our direct telephone number: +2349037478762

    Are you a business man politician, trader, musical, student and you want to be rich and famous in life.
    you can achieve your dreams come through by been a member of illuminati.with these all your dreams and
    heart desire can be fully accomplish. if you really want to be a member of illuminati then you can contact MR Adamson on these email adress
    alterofilluminati@gmail.com or call +2348068540264 for assistant,

  76. Join Illuminati fraternal organization to gain both world power and control if you are interested in the Brotherhood of Great Men of Riches from the Fatherhood of God for Success,Fame,Love,Greater wealth.This is a chance of making your dream come through,you will get $250000 every Four days and $1000000 for your membership blessing.
    Contact;-illuminatigreatorder@hotmail.com today for a better life.

    and lot more join the great illuminati today,and become a full Multi billionaires by joining the Great illuminati world to benefits $250000 weekly and $1000000 monthly as membership blessing for joining the member of the illuminati. with this all your dreams and your heart desire can be fully accomplish, for more information contact: illuminati.ordermembership@hotmail.com CALL +234_811_5638_666, join for the better

  78. WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI,; the Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members.We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In Illuminati we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle.; interested viewers should contact us; on..(ymcmbworldmoney@outlook.com)or call Mr Andrew fore more info..+2349035553397


  79. Join the Illuminate cult online today and get instant sum of 5 million dollars with a free home any where you choose to live in the world and also get 200,000 dollars monthly as a salary… If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {illuminatimoney66@gmail.com}..
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………………
    Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license containing your full details Tell us little about yourself…Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty game, no human sacrifices and No evil….is a cult of peace, big aim Illuminate group our email: (illuminatimoney66@gmail.com) CALL +2348107642990 web site http://illuminatimoney66


  80. This is a great temple of the Illuminati were you find, riches, power and fame, are you a business man or woman, are you a politicians or a lecturer, are you a student or graduate, what so ever you be in all over the world dose not matter to us, what matter a lot to us is to see you happy and rich, we are giving you the chance here to be what so ever you want to be in life, join the Illuminati secret brotherhood and get all you need in life, we offer every thing you need in life, if you are really ready to make it in life is better you kindly email us now so that we can proceed with your request from our temple, contact us through this email now on: Dr PALOMA .of.palomaspelltemple@yahoo.com, or you call our agent in Nigeria on:+2347067607073

  81. i have be so far searching on how to
    become a member of the great brotherhood
    [ILLUMINATI],I have been scammed or i be
    suffering from one trouble to the
    other...don't forget,that, destiny can only be
    delay by your enemies,they can't take it
    away from you,this right time to bring back
    your destiny and say no to poor vaty,and
    accept riches,favors,honors,famous etc.,this
    is a great opportunity for you,if you are
    interested to make your dreams come
    through now;Email the following too,
    {iluminatirichesthome@gmail.com} OR contact +2348112163945

  82. join the great brotherhood Illuminati and get one million dollars after the
    initiation and confirmation,and also receive 250 thousand dollars as
    monthly salary……. if you are interested in the great
    brotherhood Illuminati fill this details and get back to us asap……..

    mobile no……
    marital status……
    and tell us little about your self………………………………
    also with the reason of you wanting to join the great brotherhood

    get back to us immediately after filled to this email;dribhaze@gmail.com or
    call +2348073524272

  83. Do you want to join the illuminati to become wealthy, famous or powerful in life? If yes then
    join the Illuminati kingdom today and get all you need,so contact us
    now for more information on how you will be fully initiated into the
    Illuminati Kingdom. Contact us:
    on +2347050254853 or email keshiespiritualtemple@gmail.com

  84. Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 2500 dollars monthly as a salary... If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below

    your Full name=====
    your Country=======
    Date of birth======
    your state=========
    Tell us little about yourself...and why you want to join the illuminatti world wide,ourself...contact us now if want to be famous.(illuminatiworldwide@yahoo.com) or you can call via +2348162491302.

  85. join the great brotherhood illuminati and get wealth and be famous, earn $350000 as a first comer and receive $70000 as you monthly payment. if you have interest of join the great illuminati contact joinilluminati.co@gmail.com for more info or call +2348153292656 or +447024058880

    To Join Freemasonry
    CALL us Directly today.
    EMAIL US NOW FOR MEMBERSHIP: lucifertemple@gmail.com
    It is a well-known fact that Freemasonry/ILLUMINATI consist of Multi Millionaires, Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order.
    Many world leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune 500 companies are members of Freemasonry.
    Now, for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, we are opening our doors to the masses.
    If you would like to Join Freemasonry,Just register with us today.
    PORTAL EMAIL IS:lucifertemple@gmail.com


  87. Welcome to the great brotherhood… Are you looking for the world where wealth, famous, connection, business, prosperity, control, influence, good health,children etc will be yours.join the great brotherhood today and enjoy all the benefit in it. like receiving $500.000 instantly after been declared member,you can also earn $250.000 salary every month as a member . and you will be given the chance to choose a home anywhere you wish to live in the world like other brotherhood out there,the sweetest part of it is that you will be opportune to meet with most famous rich men and women who are the caucus of this most powerful and mighty club. Apply if you are interested via email degreatilluminati@gmail.com

  88. Join illuminati world Organization today to gain both world power and control if you are interested in the Brotherhood of Great Men of Riches,For Fame,Greater wealth,Love,Success and Stardom.This is a chance of making your dream come through.It is a well-known fact that illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order.Each 6th days is a Mark of favor and $1000000 for your membership blessing.
    Contact;-illuminatisupremeorder@gmail.com today for a better life.

  89. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME FAMOUS AND RICH IN LIFE: Are you from a poor background? Are you tired of poverty life? are you really want to be famous in life or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and live your poverty life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
    so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life okay or for more information.
    if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: our email: iluminatisecrettemple@gmail.com
    our website: www.iluminatisecrettemple.wozaonline.co.za

  90. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , or call on,+17608499563 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

  91. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , or call on,+17608499563 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

  92. i am giving a testimony of how i become rich and famous today... i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail... i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.

    " if you want to get rich quick and be famous"
    you need to cross your heart and do what
    is in your mind

    so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found an email address of this great fraternity( greatilluminati323@gmail.com) so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest... so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $70,000,000.00 to start up our lives.... and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do okay so email them now at (greatilluminati323@gmail.com )

    LIVE IN.
    BLACK. SEND AN EMAIL TO:great illuminatimark666@gmail.com

    Are you a business man or woman, a pastor, an artist, a student, or are you jobless and you need to be a Boss of your
    own, or do you want to be rich,famous and be powerful in life, or have
    you been looking for an opportunity to be a member of the great Illuminati. Here is the opportunity you have been looking
    for. Interested persons should contact us on this EMAIL ADDRESS:illuminatichurch11@hotmail.com or call this mobile
    line:08134250804 for assistant.

    Are you a business man, politician, musical, student and trader? And
    you want to be rich and famous in life, you can make your dreams come
    through by been a member of illuminati. With this all your dreams and
    heart desire can be fully accomplish. If you really want to be a
    member of illuminati then you can contact Mr Adamson with these email
    address alterofilluminati@gmail.com or call +2348068540264 for

  96. Do you desire Fame? Riches? Powers? Wealth, or

    do you want all your dreams to come to pass?

    Are you an upcoming artist? dancer?

    businessman? etc the Great Illuminati Society

    offers you a life time opportunity of making

    your desires come to accomplishment. If you

    are interested in being a member please

    contact us online,

    illuminatiheroriches@gmail.com or call our

    temple keeper +2348149361192, if you don't

    have any talent please do contact us.

  97. Be a member of Illuminati today and earn $500,000.00USD in every two weeks to become rich and famous, this is just a brief summary to apply now and join thousands of satisfied citizens contact us at : illuminatiworldwide@live.com


  99. Join the Illuminati and have all your heart desires come through, Fast cars, fame, Money, Influence and power. Earn $500,000 monthly for becoming a member and $1,000,000 for doing what you like to do. If you have the interest call us on +2348148496015 or email us jointhebrotherhoodilluminati@gmail.com

  100. WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF ILLUMINATI. I have seen many people online ask questions about the stories on the Illuminati. Most have asked how they can join, while others prefered to comprehend the phenomenon further. Today, I’ll take a gander at how to join this mysterious social order.If you are interested in success and you want to be rich, wealthy, famous, influential, wise, ambitious, victory and power. The New World Order guides potential applicants to turn into an Illuminati associate, however being guided into the mystery social order does not absolutely promise you participation. Mutual benefit is crucial for a fruitful entry.rich and well off people make up the Illuminati sect.any individual who wishes to accept these contact us on this EMAIL ADDRESS:illuminatipower123@outlook.com

  101. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

  102. JOIN THE NEW WORLD OF ILLUMINATI TODAY: Are you a politician, student, business man, or woman,if you desire WEALTH, POWER, INFLUENCE,want TO be A STAR, and to be an influential celebrity and you want your dreams to come through,you have the chance to do that.join the great illuminati today to get $15000 every 3 days and $200000 membership blessing for doing and joining what you love to do best.Contact: illuminatiworldmembership@hotmail.com,and be rich forever.

  103. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI. Are you a business man or business woman, politician, musical, student and you want to be very rich, powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by been a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact use for you to get what so ever you need in life, email us on our direct email at:greatluminatiworld111@gmail.com OR CALL US +2348060412165. OR....08060412165.NO BLOOD SHARE.

  104. Join the Illuminati and have all your heart desires come through, Fast
    cars, fame, Money, Influence and power.

    Earn $500,000 monthly for becoming a member and $1,000,000 for doing
    what you like to do. Any interested person should contact us now

    Note: The ultimate term and condition is keeping our oath to your self
    only and also contact email: illuminatisocieties@gmail.com

    Fill the following information and get back to us

    Full Name:
    Marital status:
    Mobile Number:

  105. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , or call on,+12132676188 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

    To Join Freemasonry
    CALL us Directly today.
    EMAIL US NOW FOR MEMBERSHIP: thailluminati666@gmail.com
    It is a well-known fact that Freemasonry/ILLUMINATI consist of Multi Millionaires, Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order.
    Many world leaders, Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune 500 companies are members of Freemasonry.
    Now, for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, we are opening our doors to the masses.
    If you would like to Join Freemasonry,Just register with us today.
    PORTAL EMAIL IS: thailluminati666@gmail.com




    Easiest Step to become a full member
    of the great brotherhood of Illuminati.Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the Satan and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. So contact Mr William Nelson .Via: williamnelson1945@gmail.com ,call us on +2347034367718.Join us today and realize your dreams and aspirations

  108. Are you not tired of poverty?Why
    your mate are enjoying life.
    Did you want to be rich and
    have famous. Come and join
    the brotherhood member
    today now. Once you join us, we
    are going to buy you one
    dapples in any country you
    wish to stay with a new car
    and you will also be receiving
    $250,000 dollars per week.. We
    are going to turn your life with
    different kind of things you wish
    in your life. Do you
    want to promote your
    business? We can help you by
    bringing you more customer
    into your business. Are you a
    musician? did you want
    to be at the top in the world, like
    make you rich like these men.
    If you are in need of joining the
    brotherhood, Email us
    now: (thetempleofilluminati@
    you can easily contact us now:
    +2348107106668. we are waiting for your reply

  109. Join illuminati world Organization today to gain both world power and control if you are interested in the Brotherhood of Great Men of Riches,For Fame,Greater wealth,Love,Success and Stardom.This is a chance of making your dream come through.It is a well-known fact that illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs, including the planning of a New World Order.Each 6th days is a Mark of favor and $1000000 for your membership blessing.
    Contact;-illuminatisupremeorder@gmail.com today for a better life.

  110. Are you not tired of poverty?Why
    your mate are enjoying life.
    Did you want to be rich and
    have famous. Come and join
    the brotherhood member
    today now. Once you join us, we
    are going to buy you one
    dapples in any country you
    wish to stay with a new car
    and you will also be receiving
    $250,000 dollars per week.. We
    are going to turn your life with
    different kind of things you wish
    in your life. Do you
    want to promote your
    business? We can help you by
    bringing you more customer
    into your business. Are you a
    musician? did you want
    to be at the top in the world, like
    make you rich like these men.
    If you are in need of joining the
    brotherhood, Email us
    now: {ppowerfulilluminati@gmail.com}
    you can easily contact us now:
    +2348148650531. we are waiting for your reply

  111. Do you want to be rich and famous and have fame's in life or you have gone through so many challenges in life is time for you to make a chance to be come great person life. power, riches, wealth, we do give, we have helped so many people come and you will be bless
    join the Illuminati and become rich and you will be know in this word. join the Illuminati and live a happy life, wealthy, protected and glamorous life with the opportunities to meet and dine with kings and wealthiest men of this world. To join the great brotherhood of the Illuminati kindly contact,[ luminatitemple@gmail.com] or you can call us +2348057376227

  112. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME FAMOUS AND RICH IN LIFE: Are you from a poor background? Are you tired of poverty life? are you really want to be famous in life or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and live your poverty life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: wolewilliam9@gmail.com
    so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life okay or call this number +2348051095232 for more information.
    if you are ready to become a member of the illuminati temple then contact us now on: our email: wolewilliam9@gmail.com
    our direct telephone number: +2348051095232

  113. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , or call on,+12132676188 today to change your life for the better,We holds the would.

  114. Hello every one i want to share my testimony on how i belong to illuminati member, a friend of mine that always give me money…cos he was very rich, one day he said he is not going to give me fish that he is going to teach me how to fish, so i was very happy, i never new he was a member of illuminati all my life will spend together! so i was initiated to the illuminati world and few days i was awarded a contract worth of millions of Dollars, in my business i am doing very well right now,i am now the one that give money out before it was heard, if you want to belong to us email us on our email address ILLUMINATIFOREVER2014@outlook.com

  115. Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world.
    Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become Rich, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today. you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. email: raymondwilliams999@gmail.com or you contact our phone number +2348142465120. Once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati if you are interested contact email on raymondwilliams999@gmail.com or you contact our phone number +2348142465120

  116. OCCULT FESTIVAL is around the conner,Join the Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 2million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 2500 dollars monthly as a salary. If you are interested or FOR MORE INFORMATION Email us
    illuminatimembersociety24@gmail.com or call (+2348110036673).

  117. Do you want to be a member of the great
    brotherhood Illuminati? we are going to make
    you rich famous and to be a world known star,
    get a good job, to win elections and get into a
    political power we are going to enrich you in all
    your endeavors empowerment and you will never loose any case in court or were ever, you
    will have powers to control people in high places
    email us now at [illuminatix2x@gmail.com] or call +2347069492065, beware you must be
    18 years and above if you know you are not
    interested never you attempt to this post be warned.

  118. WELCOME TO THE Mumu ILLUMINATI. Are you a business man or business woman, politician, musical, student and you want to be very rich,powerful and be famous in life. You can achieve your dreams by been a member of the Illuminati. With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, Illuminati cult online today and get instant sum of 1 million dollars with a free home anywhere you choose to live in the world and also get 2500 dollars monthly as a salary… If you are interested if you really want to be a member of the great Illuminati then you can contact us for you to get what so ever you need in life, email us on our direct email: mumuilluminati@yahoo.com


  119. Join the Illuminate cult online today and get instant sum of 5 million dollars with a free home any where you choose to live in the world and also get 200,000 dollars monthly as a salary… If you are interested please kindly fill the following information to this email below {+2348107642990}..
    Full name………………………………
    State of origin……………………….
    Date of birth………………………….
    Email address………………………
    Attach Scan I’d card,passport or driver license containing your full details Tell us little about yourself…Attach scan school certificate.. No dirty game, no human sacrifices and No evil….is a cult of peace, big aim Illuminate group our email: (+2348107642990) CALL +2348107642990 web site http://illuminatimoney66

  120. HOW I JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CHURCH. I am ken Fischer from Manchester UK, I have
    two kids.I and my two kids bearly feed, nor have money to pay for
    their school fees. A thought come true my mind and i decided to check
    the internet of how i can join the Illuminati. I saw these email and
    phone number, and i contacted them. Immediately he agreed to help me.
    That is how i join the Illuminati and i have nothing to regret because
    i am rich and famous and all my request is being granted according to
    my heart desire. If you need his assistance, call these number.

  121. Do you desire Fame, Riches, Powers, Wealth and do you want all your dreams to come to pass? Are you an upcoming artist, dancer, businessman etc the Great Illuminati Society offers you a life time opportunity of making your desires come to accomplishment. If you are interested contact us now for more information on how you will be fully initiated to the Illuminati and get all you seeks in life. email:illuminatilordrich@gmail.com or call the temple on +2347038913945

  122. Do you want wealth, fame, spot light, powers.unlock your destiny to join the Order of the Illuminati today, and earn $ 250,000 per member loyalty and $ 1 million to defend the course the destination. Interested persons should contact our agent with the following information: illuminatiman93@gmail.com or call 09033455855

    Are you a business man, politician,
    musical, student and you want to be rich,
    powerful and be famous in life. You achieve
    your dreams by being a member of the
    illuminati With this all your dream and heart desire can be fully
    accomplish, if u really
    want to be a member of the great illuminati
    then you contact Mr.MARK SMITH through his email address below tatailluminatiworldwide@gmail.com or call his cell phone +2348071169835
    Full name....................................
    Country....................................... State of
    origin............................ Date of
    Phone......................................... Email
    address.................. -

  124. Join the Illuminati cult online today and
    get instant sum of 1million
    pounds with a free home anywhere you
    choose to live in the world and also
    get 2500 pounds monthly as a salary... If you are interested please call us +2348107106668.and kindly fill
    the following information below.
    Full name....................................
    State of origin............................ Date of birth...............................
    Email address...........................
    Attach Scan I'd card,passport or driver license containing your full details
    Tell us little about yourself...
    Attach scan school certificate..
    No dirty game,no sacrifices and
    No evil....is a cult of peace, big aim
    Illuminati group our email thetempleofilluminati@gmail.com or contact this number +447031912217.
    Our hard quarter in UK.
    or contact us in Nigeria.+2348107106668


    Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati church where you can become rich famous and popular and your life, Join the Grate Illuminati brotherhood in USA, INDIAN, EGYPT AND NIGERIA,

    If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they’ve HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the Illuminati within one week of your membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also have wealth and fame. * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if discarded the person will be tormented both day and night. * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT ILLUMINATI shall see your fame and riches taken back. * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members... One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly interested and get back to me via
    Email: illuminatetemplepower@gmail.com or call +2347059838357

    Do not play mind games.

  126. This is a great temple of the Illuminati were you find,
    riches, power and fame, are you a business man or
    woman, are you a pastor or politicians or a lecturer, are you a
    student or graduate, what so ever you be in all over
    the world dose not matter to us, what matter a lot to
    us is to see you happy and rich, we are giving you
    the chance here to be what so ever you want to be in
    life, join the Illuminati secret brotherhood and get all
    you need in life, we offer every thing you need in life,
    if you are really ready to make it in life is better life
    How to Join Illuminati and become rich and famous
    How to Join Illuminati in UK
    How to Join Illuminati in Kenya
    How to Join Illuminati in USA
    How to Join Illuminati in South Africa
    How to Join Illuminati in Canada
    How to Join Illuminati in Pakistan
    How to Join Illuminati in Malaysia
    How to Join Illuminati in italy
    How to Join Illuminati in Nairobi
    How to Join Illuminati in Zambia
    How to Join Illuminati in Nigeria
    How to Join Illuminati for Wealth
    How to Join Illuminati and become Rich
    How to Join Illuminati for Fame
    join the illuminati eney were you are today
    kindly email us now so that we can proceed with
    your request from our temple, contact us through
    this email now on
    ( jointheilluminatitemple@gmail.com)
    or you call our agent on:
    +2347063836098 for

  127. illuminati
    is all About freedom,fame,wealth,stardom,affluence,riches and living the Good life,if You Are tired of borrowing,poverty and living a frustrated life,Here Is a chance to change all that to get $250000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing by joining illuminati,if you are interested Then contact illuminatifraternityorder@gmail.com to Be on top today and make your dreams come true

  128. New world order If you are interested in success and you want to be rich,wealthy,famous,influential,stardom,and you want your dreams to come through,then you have the chance to do that,join the illuminati today to get $250000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing for doing what you love to do best.contact famousilluminatineworder@gmail.com today to change your life for the better

  129. Illuminati Recruiting Officer
    hello viewer am Brian roberts am a nigeria but base
    in canada. I have a hard life trying to work all day to
    be famous in life, but noting was working out as
    planed so i meet my course mate whom i actually
    ask anything from but i did not know he was a
    illuminati member. So i told him i want to be rich
    like him because i was jealous. And he told me if
    am serious i told him yes and he told me he is a
    Illuminati member and he gave me this email
    brotherhoodtemple12@gmail now am a full
    member i can boost of one million USD in my
    account am living a good life. I can even send
    money to my home country now. Contact that great
    temple brotherhoodtemple12 @gmail.com or call

  130. Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world.

    Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the church of illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection of drugs pushing email: churchofdevililluminati@gmail.com or you contact our phone number +2347056024545

    Once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, illuminati make there member happy so i will want you all to also be a member of the illuminati if you are interested contact email on churchofdevililluminati@gmail.com or you contact our phone number +2347056024545

    JOIN THE ILLUMINATI shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com

    Are you a business man or woman, political, musician, student,
    the you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 1million dollars
    in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary...


    A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
    A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
    A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
    One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
    One year Golf Membership package
    A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
    A total Lifestyle change
    Access to Bohemian Grove
    Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member
    One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.

    If you are interested e-mail info to:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online

  132. JOIN ILLUMINATI CHOICE TODAY TO MEET YOUR DEMAND AND DESIRE WEALTH Are you a STUDENT, DANCER, UPCOMING ARTIST,POLITICIAN, BUSINESSMAN OR WOMAN, WANT TO BE A STAR, WORKER OR JOBLESS Do you desire wealth famous, influence Power and protection are you been passing through difficulties in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away and become a full Multi Millionaires by joining the Great illuminati world and experience the changes in life different.for more information contact:shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com, FOR A BETTER LIFE.

    If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they’ve HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the Illuminati within one week of your membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also have wealth and fame. * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if discarded the person will be tormented both day and night. * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT ILLUMINATI shall see your fame and riches taken back. * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members... One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly interested and get back to me via email shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
    Do not play mind games.

  134. Been a HIV positive is just like been through hell but EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. So amazing and i want to testify of the good work done by GREAT BABA a very strong and powerful spell caster. GREAT BABA has proved science and scientists wrong for believing and thinking that there is no cure for HIV AIDS but to be sincere this GREAT MAN is so real and powerful. I never thought that this spell will work but this GREAT MAN has proved it to me and it has worked and still working perfectly. My Name is Randy Scott and i was diagnosed of the deadly disease called HIV AIDS in 2011 and i thought that is the end and there will be no hope. Speaking to anyone was always a problem because i was so worried and always in the state of unrest in fact i thought it was over until one blessed day when i was searching for help here on the internet, i came across a testimony about GREAT BABA on how he helped a lady who was HIV positive. At first i thought it was all a lie but i decided to give it a try since there was no option and, when i contacted this MAN he laughed and told me that, that is too small for him to handle but i was still in doubt, and he gave me a form to fill which I did, then he called me and told me that his gods required some items in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me and he told me that it will cost only $500, I sent him the money because I could not find the items. He bought the items and prepared a cure for me, and instructed me on what to do and i OBEYED him completely as he told me. Then he sent a parcel to me through the courier delivery service. I paid for the courier service, I got my parcel, it was a holy water and a pure holy oil as described by GREAT BABA. I took the holy water and the holy oil and after taking it, he told me to go for check up but I was still in doubt and was so afraid to go for the test but i took a bold step and believed that it is well, and i believed all what he has done and all that he has told me. So i went to the hospital for the test it was so amazing, awesome and exciting what seems to be impossible became possible, the VIRUS disappeared completely from my system and I was tested HIV negative. Quickly I called him and told him what happened he congratulated me and today i am a happy man again the way things use to be. Don't you think that this testimony is worth sharing? I promise to tell the world about him and i will keep sharing this testimony till the end because many people has died of AIDS and i want many people who believed that it is over to know that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE AND I WANT THEM TO GET HELP FROM THIS SPELL CASTER by contacting him on his email at shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com for your solution now. If you are hiv positive and you think that it is over i want to tell you that there is hope for you and if you truly and dearly value your life please contact him now. THIS IS REAL HE IS NOT A SCAM, BELIEVE HIM AND DON'T ASK TOO MUCH QUESTIONS. Thank you GREAT BABA and May your good gods keep rewarding you for your good deeds. HIS EMAIL AGAIN IS: shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com

  135. DR SHAKES SPEAR is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him BABA HEALER, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr Shakes Spear gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs if you have any question for me concerning all i have said email me at: dannyspencerlove@yahoo.com ..... But if you feel like contacting Dr Shakes Spear at once you can email him now for your own healing too at: shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com

  136. Hello viewers all over the world am fred monica, I want to testify of what Dreziza do for me. i was having a very notorious and serious sickness called HIV i contacted these infection from my ex husband and was very in lost of hope i never believed i was going to be cured until i meant these great man called dreziza who God send to help me cure my sickness . just a few moment with these great man he cured my infection i want you to know that all hope is not lost until every thing is done if you also have these following infections contact these email shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com
    typhoid fever
    lancer fever.
    lung cancer.
    and also these man can also help you in giving you a very good help just give him a try and your problems will be solved just a contact with him.once again here is his email ;shakesspear23@yahoo.com OR shakesspear23@gmail.com

  137. Welcome to great illuminati order(UNITED STATE) of POWER PROTECTION, INFLUENCE,WEALTH, STARDOM,If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com , or call on,+12132676188 today to change your life for the better,We holds the world.

  138. i live in pakistan i want to know about illuminati

  139. Mr. Michael george25 September 2014 at 14:34

    Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become rich famous and popular and your life story we be change totally my name is Mr.Michael george I am here to share my testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all my possible best to get money but no one work out for me each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no money to take care of them until one day I decided to join the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I never believe I said let me try I email them at templeofilluminati666@gmail.com all what they said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to me they really change my story totally . through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country , today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and you life we be change totally.If you are interested in joining the great brotherhood,contact us on this email templeofilluminati666@gmail.com or call +2340865463387

  140. Hello to you all!!
    This is the great opportunity for you to get what you are seeking for in life okay, so i we need you to become a member of the great Illuminati temple and get all you are looking for in life, i want to share my testimony about my self how i become the great illuminate, and i am 20year old my friend told me about one illuminate man,and now money is not my problem all i need now is to be famous and money is not going to be my problem again, but i want to be famous. if you want to contact the man 09033455855 .... email
    jerrysolution12@gmail.com OR +23409033455855

  141. Hello to you all!!
    This is the great opportunity for you to get what you are seeking for in life okay, so i we need you to become a member of the great Illuminati temple and get all you are looking for in life, i want to share my testimony about my self how i become the great illuminate, and i am 20year old my friend told me about one illuminate man,and now money is not my problem all i need now is to be famous and money is not going to be my problem again, but i want to be famous. if you want to contact the man 09033455855 .... email
    jerrysolution12@gmail.com OR +23409033455855

  142. i am Mr Patrick from California , i am giving a testimony of how i become rich and famous today... i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail... i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. if you want to get rich quick and be famous" you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found an email address of this great fraternity (illuminatiworldorder111@hotmail.com so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest... so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $25000 to start up our lives.... and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do okay so email them now at (illuminatiworldorder111@hotmail.com) you can call or text me on call +14092870277 or +19033473125

  143. WELCOME TO THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD ILLUMINATI KINGDOM, WHERE YOU FOUND ALL KINDS OF HAPPINESS BLESSING JOY IN LIFE. Are you tired with the kind of life you are living today do you want your life to be change totally, and for you to fulfill your dream, then you have the opportunity to join now so that your life story we be change immediately are you poor and you want to become rich in life ,like other people or you want to be famous in life, are you a graduate looking for job. you have to join now. or a business man or woman or star who want to be fame and powerful, you don't have to waste any of your time, are you suffering in life, make up your mind and join the Illuminati kingdom to become a wealthy man or woman and also to become famous and powerful in life email us now at perrysmart121@gmail.com or call:+2348076826545

  144. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL+ +27620171252 OR illuminatsatanictemple@gmail.com JOIN THE ILLUMINATI FROM SOUTH AFRICA, USA, OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TODAY BE RICH, FAME, AND POSSES POWER.email us on illuminatsatanictemple@gmail.com OR call us on +27620171252 for immediate initiation New members registration is now open online now !!!!! BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. A Cash Reward of USD $300,000 USD A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $120,000 USD A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. One year Golf Membership package A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World A total Lifestyle change Access to Bohemian Grove Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World. If you are interested call the agent now +27620171252 or send your e-mail to illuminatsatanictemple@gmail.com for immediately initiation.New members registration is now open online

  145. The only reason we're leaving these hideous conmen's 'comments' here is as a warning to any gullible innocent not to believe a single solitary one of them!

  146. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was always giving me money, because he was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is not going to give me any money, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that gives money out to people, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now> joinilluminati205@gmail.com and your life will change for good.

  147. Good news to everyone. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous Illuminati fraternity society, and acquire huge wealth, riches and fame. One day, a friend of mine that was always giving me money, because he was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is not going to give me any money, that he is going to show me the way to be successful. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the Illuminati society. So i was initiated to the world famous Illuminati society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i am now the one that gives money out to people before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now (illuminatiman93@gmail.com) Or call this number now 09033455855. Thank’s,

  148. We are all About freedom,fame,wealth,stardom,affluence,riches and living the Good life,if You Are tired of borrowing,poverty and living a frustrated life,Here Is a chance to change all that to get $250000 every 3 days and $1000000 membership blessing by joining illuminati,if you are interested Then contact illuminatifraternityorder@gmail.com to Be on top today and make your dreams come true


  149. Am Daniel Caro from AustraliaI am glad today because am now a successful woman of Illuminati, i have taught of been
    one of the Illuminati member so that i will be wealthy for life and my family will be forever rich. I get linked up by a man called JAJA who introduce me to this
    agent who have a successful influence with this occultist Illuminati, so
    he took me joining the team to their real powerful man in Australia who was the head of all Illuminati member to help his
    cousin on belonging to the membership. All because of him,he really did all
    for me, and now am so glad of becoming a Illuminati member, i am now rich and wealthy.Thank your Ben For your support. Illuminati is a great and
    powerful means to get popular in life Do you want your parents to be
    proud of you, or you want to protect yourself as a popular man in your
    country email the JAJA on
    illuminatijaja7demos@gmail.com, or call: +2348158270343, he will help
    you to become rich and achieve all your heart desire.


    JOIN THE ILLUMINATI CALL (+2348158270343) OR (illuminatijaja7demos@gmail.com)
    Are you a business man or woman, political, musician, student,
    the you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life, join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get instant rich sum of. 1million dollars
    in a week, and a free home. any where you choose to live in this world and also get 10,000,000 U.S dollars monthly as a salary…


    1. A Cash Reward of USD $500,000 USD
    2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD
    3.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice
    4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination.
    5.One year Golf Membership package
    6.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World
    7.A total Lifestyle change
    8.Access to Bohemian Grove
    9.Monthly payment of $1,000,000 USD into your bank account every month as a member
    10.One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World.
    If you are interested call the agent now (+2348158270343) OR (illuminatijaja7demos@gmail.com) for immediately initiation.

  151. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is going to help me, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that help people to become a member of illuminate, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now> joinilluminati205@gmail.com or call +2348105578036 and your life will change for good.

  152. People make life difficult for their self , we are in the world were every
    thing is in control , i was living a life of poverty and pains, i never new there
    was a life be young that, but right now i enjoyed every dividend of life , am rich ,
    famous , powerful,i live a life with out no stress, but all this was a surprise , for
    any body who want riches famous and power,then you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $25000 every 3 days and $1000000 monthly membership blessing contact the following email; newworldilluminatiorder@hotmail.com . or call,+13234577118 we
    don,t patronize people to join,. we only want you to rule your world and be free from oppression.

  153. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is going to help me, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that help people to become a member of illuminate, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now> joinilluminati205@gmail.com or call +2348105578036 and your life will change for good.

  154. Good news to everyone reading this comment. I want to share my testimony on how i belong to the world famous illuminate fraternity society, and how i have become more famous, by acquiring huge wealth, riches and fame. Here is how my life changed. A friend of mine that was very rich, wealthy, famous and successful. On one beautiful day, he said to me that he is going to help me, that he is going to show me the way to be successful in life. So i was very happy, i never knew he was a member of the great illuminate society. So i was initiated to the world famous illuminate society, and few days later, i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars. Right now as i speak, in my business i am doing very well, i travel the world on business deals, i am now the one that help people to become a member of illuminate, before life was so hard for me and my family. If you want to belong to us today? Send us an email now> joinilluminati205@gmail.com or call +2348105578036 and your life will change for good.

  155. Welcome to brotherhood Illuminati where you can become rich famous and popular and your life story we be change totally my name is Mr.john Silver I am here to share my testimony on how I join the great brotherhood Illuminati and my life story was change immediately . I was very poor no job and I has no money to even feed and take care of my family I was confuse in life I don’t know what to do I try all my possible best to get money but no one work out for me each day I share tears, I was just looking out my family no money to take care of them until one day I decided to join the great Illuminati , I come across them in the internet I never believe I said let me try I email them at johnwang041@gmail.com all what they said we happen in my life just started it was like a dream to me they really change my story totally . through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country , today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and you life we be change totally.If you are interested in joining the great brotherhood, than Email: johnwang041@gmail.com or you can call +2348138867429.......

  156. If you are interested in joining the brotherhood and you want your dreams to come through, then
    you have the chance to do that, join the illuminati today to get $2500 every 3 days and $1000000
    monthly membership blessing for doing what you love to do best. Contact worldilluminati222@outlook.com today to change your life for the better,We holds the world.

  157. BROTHERHOOD OF ILLUMINATI Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world. Are you a business man or an artist,Politicians and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the Satan and his representative after registrations is complected by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. So contact Mr JOHN.Via:EMAIL.. memberofrichkindom@gmail.com or call us on +2348189135767.Join us today and realize your dreams.

  158. mi hijo, yo te he dicho que no se preocupara que todo va a estar bien y que fue y vender su casa por lo que me dicen ¿TodavĂ­a quieres mi bendiciĂ³n porque el orĂ¡culo me acaba de pedir para hacerle saber que usted es un muy agradable y persona sincera y que han puesto todo el poder en la parcela que quiero enviar a usted por favor quiero que me creas por causa de mi dios prometo que no te decepcionarĂ¡ este momento.
    no use el dinero para su casa para pagar aĂºn tratar de reunirse de manera que usted puede conseguir su paquete y entonces tendrĂ¡s mucho dinero para hacer lo que quieras te lo juro por el espĂ­ritu de mis dioses creo mĂ­ una vez mĂ¡s, por favor i siento por whjat ha suceder en el pasado sĂ³lo dame una oportunidad mĂ¡s para ayudarte a que quiero que sepas que yo pueda ayudar y resolver sus promblems es juat el dinero que se deja de pagar por el envĂ­o de la parcela que queda i prometerte

  159. I think this site and everybody on here are shit talkers do people really think that by joining the illuminati you will have have great fortune and succsess and everything all good no don't be a fucking sheep everyone dead set they are trying to brain wash people take a look at all these comments not many negative are anybody else think that maybe they make it that way to doop people into thinking the illuminati are good people there fuck watts with lots of money and nothing to lose

  160. Over the years, the Order has become a popular topic for movies, novels, websites, and even video games. From the Great Depression, which was ultimately necessary, to world wars. In many people's minds, the Order idea ties in with the New World Order, a current political idea about a one-world government, religion, and financial system. The New World Order is the outward goal and we are the secret power working behind the scenes to achieve it. Many pseudo-entertainers are aware of Illuminati legends and work those symbols and myths into their acts to fuel further speculation. Supporters of this idea say organizations like the United Nations, European Union, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, G-20 Economic Group, the World Court, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, World Council of Churches and various multinational corporations are pawns of the New World Order, nudging the world closer and closer to this socialist, one-economy, one-religion future. After the industry campaign started long time age, the Order became a viral subject. Since then, many people have requested guidance on how to join the Illuminati whether it be for money or fame or to change the world. Membership entitles each individual participation in the most powerful organization in the world, aiming at creating a new solidarity, a new method of world unity, globalization and affluence. To this end, the order requires influence. The Illuminati is the leading network of major TV, music, and literary placements. Information on joining the Illuminati as well as applications, requirements, quota, payment, terms and conditions can be found on the members page. To find out how much your membership grants you, as well as where the staff feels best feels your placement should be, please visit our membership lodge, or contact a member. You can also simply contact the agent in Nigeria on:+2348076681458 for more info OUR GOALS To free minds from the chains they've been confined to. We know that the masses are awakening, and that they're ready to get rid of what holds human civilization back. We all die. The goal isn't immortality, it's to create something, a system or a future, that is. Be a part of something bigger, and get reward. NOTE. To join illuminati it does not cost any money we only sacrifice animals according to some one's need. email: illuminaticommuntity@gmail.com Or WhatsApp Or Call +2348076681458

  161. If I join the illuminati what can they offer me I ain't afraid of their power or influences I am an Dark Angel in soul doomed from heaven and condemned in sin for eternity its not what they can do for me but what I can do for them take control of the world as the new world order is planed now I can do it in two ways you help me or against me that's what I am implying sure you have the rights to search everything about me but either way you don't know what lucifer has planned in this long wait of a game in which you made so complicated !!! Jesus christ and god are dead to me and some one close to me I will not kill but will kill several other in the name of the illuminati order you can either accept me or refuse me all the difference it will make is the timing of the new world order and to you I bow to no man nor will listen to what your threats are or your methods of assasination are I'm not afraid of you your organization nor my truthful master without him we have no realization of what we really are monster in an order my name is graig petersburg am 43 years i live united state of america in west virgina california his email address great.illuminatewealthtemple@hotmail.com and you jesus freaks and god worshipers and holy ghost idiots fuck off and leave me alone I've maid my choice and trust me god idea of a perfect world is as fucked as you are in your heads !

  162. Fuck of illuminst. U worship ur false beliefs and Iwill keep by clean, authentic beliefs oisIslam and in d doomsday we shall see u in d hell crying. Learn d correct way of life about Islam by reading ssincerely d holly Quran and d biography of prophetMMohammed Pbuh. I ask God to show me while u will suffer in d hell and I will come to you personally to watch ur false beliefs plus u all ILLUMINSTS burning. Repent before it is too late

  163. You are right the Gods and Goddess system in this universe is a mess at the moment! With Gods and Goddesses ruthlessly and mercilessly torturing and purging poor innocents who they do not like left right and centre. Either these Gods and Goddesses need to change, or they need to be replaced by a new younger more compassionate generation of incorruptible Gods and Goddesses. The Eqyptian Gods and Goddesses have joined this movement believing that poor and weak souls need to be better protected, others are drunk on power and they refuse to change.

    The problem with having this system of the wealthy powerful Gods and Goddesses purging and torturing and purging poor powerless souls on a whim, just shows the sad state of this cosmos! The corrupt degenerate waves its ruler rajah solaris broadcasted around the cosmos did not help.

    I dont want to go into rajah solaris's recent purge of over 1/3 of the cosmos, as he set an example for the rest of his empire as to what happens if they have a successful rebellion like Lucifers. Some humans were intuitive enough to pick up the mass death of souls, most were oblivious.

  164. Either the Gods and Goddesses of this cosmos are treating poorer weak souls like scum to be purged or tortured at a whim, or rajah solaris is. Maybe its a mixture of both, but we will get to the bottom of this and those responsible will be brought to complete and final justice. There maybe a pardon here and there based on exceptional circumstances, but we will not let this abuse of the defenceless by the powerful go on any longer!

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Did you join ?

  167. BROTHERHOOD OF ILLUMINATI Easy way to join the Illuminati brotherhood in the world. Are you a business man or woman,an artist,Politicians,pastor, and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today.you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the Satan. or you are from a poor background, and you really want to be famous in life.or do you want to become very rich in life, this is the chance for you to become rich and eradicate poverty from your life, the illuminati want to use this to help the poor and also to make people famous in life, if you are really ready to become a member of the illuminati temple than contact Mr JOHN.Via EMAIL..illuminatibloodmoney88@gmail.com so that we can make your dream come through. i want to promise you that you will not regret this so i want you to join us now and live a very happy life. or call us on +2348145303182 for more information.


  168. Dear Influential Individual,
    We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization.
    Maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the Illuminati. join a secret cabal of mysterious forces and become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or any given business, the great Illuminati can make everything possible just contact : illuminatiam@yahoo.com
    or illuminatiamelites@gmail.com you can as well contact the head office at +2349050606649
    Thaddeus Iam
    Vice-President of Citizen Outreach

  169. it is easier for a poor man to enter to 3rd heaven than to a rich man all of u are wrong thinking that by getting into Illuminati will make u reach and wealthy enlightenment is obtained by not having any feel of sin getting off from pride and ego i have not obtained
    illumination yet but I WILL and I WILL BE A god.

  170. Join the great illuminati to change you life for the better
    666'' do you wish to be a member of illuminati and
    acquire instant and automatic wealth,join now and
    get your heart desire riches, fame, power to do
    what every you wish to do and control people around
    the world call us on this number +2348073132649). at
    our mail (illuminatitemple654@gmail.com) join now and become a great

  171. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE WORLD OF FAME?? GETTING RICH. POWERFUL AND FAMOUS? JOIN THE ILLUMINATI TODAY AND BECOME RICH.ILLUMINATI BRINGS YOU INTO THE LIMELIGHT OF THE WORLD IN WHICH YOU LIVE IN TODAY. YOUR FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END IF YOU JOIN. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLY AND MATERIALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE.JOIN ILLUMINATI AND GET YOUR SELF A HOUSE AND A CAR AND ALSO WITH THE SUM OF (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of one million dollars 2.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice and a car 3.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 4.A total Lifestyle change 5.Monthly payment of $500,000.00 USD into your bank account every month as a member If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood Illuminati riches satanic hand symbol contact us Email-(illuminatichruch ) or call +2349050141109 (or join us on whatsapp +2349050141109

  172. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE WORLD OF FAME?? GETTING RICH. POWERFUL AND FAMOUS? JOIN THE ILLUMINATI TODAY AND BECOME RICH.ILLUMINATI BRINGS YOU INTO THE LIMELIGHT OF THE WORLD IN WHICH YOU LIVE IN TODAY. YOUR FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES ARE BROUGHT TO AN END IF YOU JOIN. WE SUPPORT YOU BOTH FINANCIALLY AND MATERIALLY TO ENSURE YOU LIVE A COMFORTABLE LIFE.JOIN ILLUMINATI AND GET YOUR SELF A HOUSE AND A CAR AND ALSO WITH THE SUM OF (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of one million dollars 2.A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice and a car 3.A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World 4.A total Lifestyle change 5.Monthly payment of $500,000.00 USD into your bank account every month as a member If you are interested of joining us in the great brotherhood Illuminati riches satanic hand symbol contact us Email-(illuminatichruch ) or call +2349050141109 (or join us on whatsapp +2349050141109


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