"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Avoid the Dominant Paradox

Avoid the Dominant Paradox

by R. Ayana

It’s a good time to start creating a better world. It’s a good time to stop supporting the current system by extricating ourselves from it. It’s easy for groups of people to create new ways of life of their own devising.

 The only way to achieve true freedom is to be aware of the subtle and sledgehammer programming planted in us all by family, nation and culture. Until we’re aware of why we think and feel the way we do, we cannot be free.  

There’s no point fighting the system or even attempting to change it from within (see http://www.geocities.com/ramaussies ) – instead, let it wither on the vine. The dominant paradigm survives through ingrained, unexamined beliefs and aphorisms that hypnotise the unwary into a life of fearful acquisition and pointless (re)activity. In nature’s reality unbridled growth means the inevitable death of an organism or species – and within the human sphere, possessions possess the possessor.  
 Society’s ongoing task is to program free agents to fulfill its ends – which may or may not be beneficial to the individuals involved. Either way human awareness must be limited or reduced by a culture to channel the individual will toward predetermined corporate goals – instead of toward personal survival, growth and self-knowledge. Historically, it’s been necessary to avoid society or dwell on its fringes to fully explore these regions of human awareness. 

Genes and Memes


We’re all programmed by memes – in the original pre-blog usage of the term, a meme is a thought-form with a reality all its own, a living program of idea propagating itself through and via the human collective consciousness, just as genes propagate themselves via human protoplasm. These programs act like possessing entities, often driving and riding their human mounts to unlikely or unfortunate destinations.  

 To change the world we must remake our selves. The will to change others is a wish to control them. The only place change occurs is within you. To learn what drives us you must listen to your thoughts to realise how few of them are actually yours. Then you can decide which ones you agree with. Better still, learn to stop ALL the monkey chatter of thought and learn what true peace is. With this simple step you can conquer the illusory fear of death that governs and directs all unenlightened beings – and drives them to their graves. 

 No one can save the world, but it takes every one of us to save the planetary ecosystem. You can save the tract of earth on which you stand and the life-forms that share it with you – yet saving yourself and your environment requires much more than changing light bulbs while continuing to steam along on a doomed Titanic luxury cruise. 

 It IS possible is to create new systems and ways of life that are real alternatives to the world-destroying cultures and societies our ancestors built for us – if only like-minded people can enjoy living together. Learning to accept and like others – and not merely tolerate them – is a loving skill denied most post-modern nuclear family denizens and their sole children offspring. Sharing is a skill we must all develop if we are to survive and thrive in this New Millennium. 
 In a single house in a city, or a city block, or on agricultural land or in the wilderness, you DO make a difference, all the time – every time you flick a switch, flush a toilet, turn on a tap or pour something down a drain or into the earth or water, every time you buy, make or sell something and each time you meet the eyes of a fellow conscious being. 

 If we want freedom to choose not to destroy the planet by our very existence, we must first resolve and dissolve our ancient individual and racial sibling rivalries and all the customary feudal ill-will toward our own family members. It’s easier to remake or selves in the womb of our creation. Then we can really have a chance of trusting others and creating alternative, sustainable ways of living, learning, earning, occupying and entertaining ourselves. 
 Or we can just sit and talk or write about the state of the world or our lounge rooms, contributing to the distracting chatter of slowly evolving simians who still foul their own nests and spend their time by spending money. Humanity is a wide, deep gene-pool with many shallow shores. It takes all kinds to make a world. 

Anything is possible. All of our fundamentally medieval cultures and lurid shallow media give us an utterly unreal, biased and propaganda-driven view of reality. The world is actually very friendly and benign to those living in harmony with nature and their own natures. Compassion breeds compassion and focused awareness ignites awareness in others. Communication requires respectful sensitivity to feedback and the knowledge and belief that the other person is at least as conscious as you are. If you contact the other person’s true central awareness you’re far more likely to achieve true communication. If you assume you’re talking to a dullard you’ll often fail to get anything through a brick wall of your own devising. 

 It’s possible o live in a tribe wherever you are or find yourself. The first step is to be open to the idea and all that it entails. A nuclear family isn’t a viable way to create or raise healthy human beings – it‘s designed for the use and abuse of industry, religions and militarists. Humans need society just as society needs humans – individuals need to feel part of a tribe to remain healthy and keep growing, and a tribe is not a nation; it’s a small group of people. It’s easy to make a real home, with a family of any reasonable size; your brothers, sisters and cousins are all around you, born into the same divisive small families that are now deemed necessary to reduce unbridled population increase.  

Find real friends and find a home to share. Learn how to heal its ecosystem. Plant a tree. See how long it takes for a tree to grow – and how long it needs protection from axe, saw and fire. While you’re waiting plant a forest, with plenty of food trees. All over the world, two generations of alternative pioneers have quietly been learning how to create a wonderful future – in the here and now. Help yourself by joining and helping them create a better world. 

 What would you like to create? How would you like to live?What kind of world will it help to create?Be careful what you wish for. Dream on – or just do it – today. 

- R. Ayana
  To meet and help interesting people living different lives, try the Willing Workers on Organic Farms network - http://www.wwoof.com/ or http://www.wwoof.com.au/  For communities, see the Global Ecovillage Networkhttp://gen.ecovillage.org/   To learn about some things you need to consider before starting a community, see the Ringwood Charter – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com.au/2011/07/ringwood-constitution-living-agreements.html
See Hippie and Spiritual Communes – a great site, source of dome image - http://60sfurther.com/Communes-Part2.htmauthor’s image - http://www.flickr.com/photos/new-illuminati/194501532/

From The Her(m)etic Hermit @ http://hermetic.blog.com/2008/04/29/avoid-the-dominant-paradox/

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Monday 30 December 2013

Entheogens and the Development of Culture

Entheogens and the Development of Culture



by John A. Rush


 As a collection, Entheogens and the Development of Culture: The Anthropology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience proposes that psychoactive substances have been key components in the development of both human culture and the human brain. The fourteen essays that are included in the collection are written by a number of researchers from across various disciplines, including anthropology, mycology, classics, cultural historians, psychology and biology.

While, academically and perspectively, the writers often appear to be coming from altogether totally different theoretical places, with a myriad of intentions laced within them, they do share the common goal of examining the role of psychoactive substances in the history of human culture. And, as such, provides an interesting argument when taken in its totality.

The question regarding the entheogenic effect on the development of the human brain, while bolstered to some degree by the cultural chapters, is largely formulated in Michael Winkelman’s essay Altered Consciousness and Drugs in Human Evolution. Holding the position that our brains have evolved alongside, and as a result of certain plants and altered states, by way of the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems that can be stimulated by exogenous neurotransmitters—such as those found in Psilocybe mushrooms. Winkleman writes:

“The role of drugs in the evolution of human consciousness must be understood in relationship to effects on the serotonergic system and its roles in overall brain functioning. The alterations of consciousness enhance paleomammilian brain functions and their coordination and integration with the entire brain. Enhanced serotonergic mechanisms contributed to experiences of altered consciousness in humans, embodied in visionary experiences” (Rush 45)

So, the theory goes, the evolution of human consciousness has been, in part, mediated by the exogenous neurotransmitters that humans have sought out and consumed, thereby taking a hand in their own evolution. Taking the theory at face value, for the moment, this leads Winkleman to postulate that, “this expanded associational area improved the brain’s capacity to interface with a variety of other neural mechanisms, including those involved in learning, problem-solving, and memory function” (ibid.). Here, therefore, is the window into culture. From these improved brain functions, art, society and, indeed, organization generally, could develop.

However, as we shall see, the remainder of the essays are less about the role of entheogens generating the capability for culture-creation in humans, but more about the role of entheogens within culture itself. Indeed, if entheogens created the capacity for culture, culture itself embarked on a process of reintegrating entheogens from the newly evolved perspective.

Entheogen discourse is primarily driven by historical analysis, and particularly the religious use of mushrooms within human culture, and while this is also very true of this collection, a number of other substances are discussed, which are worth mentioning first. Chris Bennett and Neil McQueen, both having written extensively on drugs and the bible, offer a chapter entitled Cannabis and the Hebrew Bible, which makes use of Sula Benet’s identification of kaneh bosm—an anointing oil used as an initiatory rite—with cannabis. 

http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5349/9819064716_13475fcbf1_k.jpg Alan Piper, writing The Milk of the Goat Heidrun: An Investigation into the Sacramental Use of Psychoactive Milk and Meat,  examines ethnographic, scriptural, and mythographic records for evidence of human’s observing plant effects in animals, and their subsequent use of un-metabolized chemicals through the consumption of the animals and their products. However, while these connections serve to embed the narrative of a sacramental connection between human culture and psychoactive substances, it is to the specific case of mushrooms that the majority of the book turns.

The interpretation of mythological text takes an important role in two essays: Kevin Feeney’s The Significance of Pharmacological and Biological Indicators in Identifying Historical Uses of Amanita muscaria, and Edzard Klapp’s Ravens’ Bread and Other Manifestations of Fly Agaric in Classical and Biblical Literature. Both follow in the footsteps of the Godfather of entheogens R. Gordon Wasson, so far as centralizing the role of the Amanita muscaria mushroom, and understanding its textual place as being embedded through metaphor and stylized textual ritual. This is a particularly difficult task as it does involve certain suppositions, such as a standard efficacy of the mushroom, and it does take a leap of faith on the readers behalf—especially in regard to the Celtic and Germanic myths. Although, it does make for fascinating reading, and it’s an area I look forward to reading more of in the future. Wasson’s work as a scholar is held in high regard in the book. Feeney writes:

“Wasson’s 1968 opus [Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality] remains unparalleled in terms of breadth and sophistication. One of the fundamental contributions of Wasson’s work was the proposition that soma was an entheogen, a point driven home through detailed comparisons of the known effects of entheogenic substances and descriptions of soma inebriation in the Rig Veda” (Rush 280).

However, this attitude toward Wasson is not consistent throughout the collection and, in the final weightily titled essay R. Gordon Wasson: The Man, the Legend, the Myth – Beginning a New History of Magic Mushrooms, Ethnomycology, and the Psychedelic Revolution, by Jan Irvin, there is something of a character assassination. In a nut-shell Irvin claims that Wasson was part of a mind control and propaganda campaign regarding mushrooms and ethnomycology that reached to top levels of government. The conspiracy theory, if true, would put Wasson’s scholarly work under a damning light and, in some respects, pulls the rug out from some of the other researchers’ work included in this collection. One passage from the piece particularly stood out for me: “Those who twist the facts of reality to their own selfish agendas, sacrificing truth and humanity in the process, bring the whole of the world down with them” (Rush 611).

On the other end of the scholarly scale, Mike Jay’s chapter Enter the Jaguar is an excellent examination of the ruins at Chavin de Huanter in the Peruvian Andes, with its evidential symbolic art and its complex temple structure. Jay tentatively, but convincingly, argues that the ruined complex could be understood as a “visionary technology, designed to externalize and intensify these intoxications and to focus them into a particular inner journey” (Rush 331). If so, it demonstrates a highly evolved culture that utilized psychoactive substances in highly respectful manner in a period analogous to the Mysteries of Eleusis. Such feats occurring simultaneously across the globe appear to underline the importance of psychoactive plants in the emergence of human culture.

There are numerous other essays in this collection, too many for this review to fully explicate them all, suffice to say that such learned contributors as the classicist Carl Ruck and mycologist Gastón Guzmán lend a great deal of credibility and insightful analysis, which really helps underpin the collections premise. Personally speaking, I also found Gerrit J. Keizer’s Hildegard of Bingen: Unveiling the Secrets of a Medieval High Priestess and Visionary very interesting as I’d never come across Hildegard before. In conclusion, however, there is much interesting work to get to grips with in Entheogens and the Development of Culture, not least the need for a wider contextual analysis on the development of culture itself (for instance, what role did the development of technology and the rise of leisure time play in conjunction with psychoactives.) But, overall, an engaging and thought-provoking collection.

Entheogens and the Development of CultureOriginally published in 2013 ‘Entheogens and the Development of Culture: The Anthropology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience’ is a collection of essays edited by John A. Rush. Rush has previously authored the books ‘The Mushroom in Christian Art: The Identity of Jesus in the Development of Christianity’, ‘Failed God: Fractured Myth in a Fragile World’ and ‘The Twelve Gates: A Spiritual Passage through the Egyptian Books of the Dead’. This work has been published by North Atlantic Books.

From psychedelic Press UK @ http://psypressuk.com/2013/10/08/entheogens-and-the-development-of-culture-by-john-a-rush-ed/

For more information about entheogens see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/entheogens
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Sunday 29 December 2013

Death and Extinction of the Megafauna in Australia

Death and Extinction of the Megafauna in Australia

megafauna australia extinction

by Peter Mungo Jupp

Imagine giant wombats the size of a Rhinoceros (Diprotodon) roaming the Peninsula. Worse massive man eating kangaroos (Procoptodon) sending you scuttling in terror as they roamed the countryside in packs. Or the lone marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) carrying off your newborn baby. Aboriginal mythology is rich in such stories and tells of a time when they shared Australia with these savage predators. One such legend from the Murrumbidgee River tells how, the cunning hunter Wirroowaa, with the help of the great white spirit, had defeated these giant Kangaroos that had slaughtered many of his tribe.

The existence of these huge creatures is testified to by the giant fossilized bones of these extinct mega fauna. From Lake Eyre, the Menindee lakes on the Darling River, Lake Mungo near Mildura, Cuddie springs along the Queensland border, the Narracort caves near Mount Gambia, at Keilor and Romsey near Melbourne their bones are to be found in abundance. I have no doubt that somewhere on the Mornington Peninsula hides a fossilized outcrop waiting to be discovered. These remains generally seem to be found near river beds and springs which is a similar position to the discoveries of extinct mastodons (elephants) in the United States along the Mississippi river.

But what happened to the Australian Megafauna? Again we return to Aboriginal mythology but also cleverly combine it with the latest scientific revelations and find ourselves coming to startling conclusions.

megafauna australia extinction 

Firstly from the Mythology of the Aranda tribe of central Australia.

Once the deserts of central Australia were fertile plains where forests of giant trees grew. Rivers, lakes and lagoons were thickly fringed with waving reeds. The air that is now filled with blinding, salt-laden dust was washed by soft, cooling rains. In this land lived the monsters called the Kadimakara. Once, when the monsters and were quietly feeding on the earth, three gum trees which were the pillars of the sky fell down. They were forced to roam on the earth and to wallow in the marshes of Lake Eyre until they died. To this day, their bones lie where they died. When the country is parched during prolonged drought, the Dieri Aboriginals make journeys to the bones of the Kadimakara and hold ceremonies to appease the spirits of the dead Kadimakara.

Scientifically this undoubtedly tells of a cosmic event that desertified much of Australia and fossilised the mega fauna’s bones. Paleontologist Adrienne Mayer narrates how the native tribes of the U.S. also talk of the destruction of their mega fauna by world shattering thunderbolts leaving them fossilized.The latest research shows that fossils are not the results of millions of years of chemicals infusing bones with silica compounds but can be electro magnetically created almost instantaneously. And herein lays the solution to what killed and made extinct the Mega fauna.

At Lake Mungo, A.N.U. scientist, Barbetti discovered evidence of an immense Geo magnetic reversal of the earth. Rock when melted and then cooled retains the magnetic signature of that era. At Lake Mungo it was found there had been a 120 degree shift in the magnetic dipole and field strength around ten times the present era. Wal Thornhill says this would imply a very large increase in electric current at the site. The effects would of been catastrophic, This had occurred thousands of years ago and corresponded to the extinction of the mega fauna in Australia ).

In his book “Magnetic reversals and Evolutionary leaps” Robert Felix describes the catastrophic destruction these deadly electro-magnetic phenomena would have caused. The Mega fauna would have not only been wiped out but the DNA of the survivors impregnated and forced to change in one evolutionary bound. No more mega fauna but a new smaller species of Kangaroo and wombat. Sounds farfetched?

U.S. scientist Rick Firestone has found traces of iridium and microscopic steel lances in the fossilized remains of the Northern hemisphere’s extinct Mega fauna such as mammoths from Alaska and Siberia. He theorizes they got hit by a radioactive cosmic blast. Just such effects would be expected from a magnetic reversal such as occurred at Lake Mungo. It would have been continent wide. At a similar time geo magnetic reversals were recorded in the mountains around New Zealand.

Further evidence of these phenomena says Felix comes from the Sandy Lunette bowls of the Murray Darling basin. They are just like the U.S’s Carolina bays. The high sand dunes that rim these basins are topped by blasted pure white sand full of minute steel inclusions.

Geo magnetic reversals are a fact of the Solar system. As an example the Sun reverses its polarity roughly every eleven years. What causes the earth to reverse its polarity? Certainly the sun’s magnetosphere reacts with the earth resulting in the Aurora Australis and Aurora Borealis. Various causes could be possible from an Electric universe perspective.

An extreme Coronal Mass ejection, a comet or meteorite electrically discharging, a planet in disturbed motion or even the effect of an exploding supernova from outside the solar system. Other unexplained phenomena such as telluric current from within the earth may have caused these reversals. But occur they did and with devastating results. When is the next one due?

From Ancient Destructions @ http://www.ancientdestructions.com/death-extinction-megafauna-australia/

For more information about mass extinctions see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/mass%20extinction
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Saturday 28 December 2013

Microwave Cooking: Cancer for Convenience?

Microwave Cooking: Cancer for Convenience?


http://cdn.naturalsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/microwave_oven-263x164.jpgIt’s a bit controversial, but you should know that using a microwave oven could be damaging your health. Swiss scientist Hans Hertel did independent research on microwave cooking that was once banned from publication by a court gag order demanded by an industry association. He was told to recant or be arrested. His findings were not favorable for microwave-oven users.

Hertel’s research corroborated early Soviet Russian research that led to a ban on microwave ovens, which was lifted after the “iron curtain” fell to increase microwave oven sales.

Both Hans Hertel’s research and the Soviet Russian research went beyond the commonly accepted dangers of microwaves leaking into the immediate environment and lowering nutritional value of microwave-cooked foods – two very real consequences of using a microwave oven.

Check out this extensive article on how microwaves are damaging your health, as well as links to numerous research pieces. Be sure to read the comments to see both sides of the argument.

Molecules are Agitated and Damaged

Hertel explains how heat is produced from the inside out in microwaves:

“Technically produced microwaves are based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second.”

Hertel is quick to point out that microwaves from the sun don’t cause the same type of molecular damage because the sun emits direct current (DC) pulses, where microwave ovens are generated by alternating current (AC) that causes the rapid polarity shifts in molecules to torque and tear them.

“There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts.” Hertel continues, “This is how microwave cooking heat is generated – friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.”

So it’s the water molecules in foods that are directly agitated first to produce frictional heat. Even worse, using a microwave oven for heating water for coffee or tea or for warming baby’s formula will create severely damaged molecules, which are carcinogenic. More on that later.

Gene Damage from Microwave Cooking

Besides these thermal modifications, there is direct damage to cell walls and genes from microwaves. Gene altering technology, which includes the biotech food industry, alters genes by weakening them with microwaves.

Hertel explained further, “… the cells are actually broken, thereby neutralizing the electrical potentials – the very life of the cells – between the outer and inner sides of the cell membranes.”

Strange and unknown compounds are created by microwave energy’s penetration into organic matter. They’ve been called radiolytic compounds. Some scientists argue that normal cooking creates these as well. However, Hertel’s research has indicated that far more radiolytic compounds are created by microwave cooking.

Hertel used human trials to demonstrate that the food and liquids damaged from microwaving modifies the cellular activity in humans consuming them. In addition to creating lower red blood cell counts and white blood cell (immune system “killer cells”) damage, one’s normal cells can be forced by the damaged molecules and radiolytic compounds to adapt into an emergency mode of energy production.

Cells are forced from normal cellular oxidation of glucose into the anaerobic energy production of glucose fermentation. This is a cancerous condition. Anaerobic glucose fermentation is how cancer cells survive and thrive.

It almost seems impossible to omit microwaves completely in today’s fast-paced world. But reducing the use of microwave ovens will help, and that’s something you can feel good about.

Microwave Dangers – Why You Should Not Use a Microwave


microwave1 210x131 Microwave Dangers Why You Should Not Use a MicrowaveAmerica’s most convenient appliance – microwave ovens - seem to be an absolute necessity in today’s fast-paced world. They are currently present in at least 90% of homes in America thanks to their ability to cook and reheat foods or beverages in a simple, rapid way.The majority of people use this kitchen appliance without question and often think they are a reasonable alternative to conventional ovens for reheating or cooking. However you may want to think twice before using your microwave, as there are actually many microwave dangers you probably don’t know of.

How Using a Microwave Negatively Impacts Your Health

In short, microwave ovens are kitchen appliances which are used to cook or reheat food by emitting microwavesMicrowaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation and are on the low energy end of the energy spectrum, second to radio waves. The waves are generated by something called a magnetron – something found within every microwave oven.

Magnetrons produce an electromagnetic field with a microwave frequency of approximately 2,450 megaHertz (MGz), which is the equivalent to 2.4 gigaHertz (GHz). Microwaves produced within the microwave oven cause dialectric heating – they bounce around the inside of the oven and are absorbed by whatever is placed in the oven.

Don’t believe it? View the scientific research linking microwaves to cancer, diabetes, and nutritional deficiency.

In order for something to heat in a microwave oven, water must be present within the substance. If water is not present, heating will not occur and it would remain cool. The reason for this is that water molecules within the food vibrate at an incredible speed, creating molecular friction which is responsible for the heating of the food. The structure of the water molecules are torn apart and vigorously deformed. This is much different than any other method of cooking, as other methods such as convection ovens heat up food by transferring heat convectionally from the outside inward.

Hans Hertel, a Swiss scientist, states:

“There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts… This is how microwave cooking heat is generated – friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.”

You might wonder why food is often unevenly heated when taken out of the microwave. The uneven heating occurs because microwaves work with whatever water molecules are present, and since not all areas of food contain the same amount of water, heating becomes uneven.

While microwave cooking does begin within the molecules where water is present, they don’t actually cook from “the inside out” like many people believe. They actually start with the outer layers while the inner layers are mostly heated and cooked simply by transference of heat from the outer layers. This is oftentimes why you’ll find that the outside of the food is extremely hot while the inside seems to have been absent during the re-heating or cooking.

Microwave Dangers – The Radiation Effects of Microwaves and Other Forms of Non-Ionizing Radiation

Microwaves are in fact radiation. They are classified as non-ionizing radiation – radiation which can change the position of atoms but is not strong enough to alter their structure, composition, or properties. Even though non-ionizing radiation is not strong enough to alter the structure of atoms, it is still able to cause physical alterations. A clear example of how non-ionizing radiation can harm you is the damage caused to your skin and eyes caused by the sun. When you use microwave cooking, you are exposing yourself to microwave radiation.

Other forms of ionizing radiation are visible light, ultraviolet and infrared waves, and waves emitted from televisions, cell phones, and electric blankets.

Today we live in a technologically advanced world. We could label the time we live in as the “technology age” as well as the “radiation age”. We are currently bombarded with radiation from almost everything around us: radio towers, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, satellites, broadcast antennas, and so much more. Unfortunately, radiation doesn’t go away over time, in fact, it just accumulates.

Although we’ve conducted study after study concluding that no amount of radiation is safe, we don’t really know what all of this means in the long term. But here is what we do know:

  • When any radiation waves resonate with a body part, the biological effect is intensified. For example, microwave frequencies are very similar to the frequencies of your brain. The effects microwaves have on your brain are greater than those same waves on any other part of the body.

  • Although studies are done to view the effects of radiation, most of these studies are done for short exposure periods at higher intensities. There is an immense shortage of studies using long exposure periods with low-level radiation. More research simply needs to be done.

  • Radiation accumulates over time and never goes away.

  • Due to the amount of radiation everyone is exposed to every day, it is difficult to conduct studies using control groups. Radiation can’t really be controlled anymore due to the unavoidable invasion.

We simply don’t know the long-term effects of microwave radiation, so why risk it by watching your food cook in your microwave day after day and night after night.

Who shouldn’t use microwave ovens and why?

No one should be using microwave ovensThis is especially true for babies, children, if you are pregnant, already suffer from illness & disease, or are already bombarded with more radiation than the average person.



You may suffer from “Microwave Sickness”

Tissues directly exposed to microwaves are subject to the same deformities molecules go through, and this can in turn cause you to experience “microwave sickness”. Remember, it isn’t just microwave ovens which emit this kind of radiation. Cell phone towers also emit this type of radiation.

People may experience any or all of the following after being exposed to high levels of microwave radiation.

  • Impaired cognition
  • Nausea
  • Vision problems
  • Depression and irritability
  • Weakened immune system
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia and/or sleep disturbances
  • Frequent urination and extreme thirst

Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, stated the following on page 314 in his book:

It’s [Microwave sickness] first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure.

This phase also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease [the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks].

In another book entitled Health Effects of Microwave Radiation, author Dr. Lita Lee also expressed his concern over the use of microwaves. Dr. Lee observed that the symptoms listed above could be caused by certain observations shown below.

  • Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers

  • An elevated rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood

  • Increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed

  • Higher rates of digestive disorders and gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed

Life Energy is Depleted

Foods which haven’t been processed or cooked and are naturally occurring contain life energy which is transmitted from the sun. Biophotons are the smallest physical unit of light which are stored in all life forms. They contain bio-information  and are partially responsible the feelings you get which signify well-being and vitality. Foods like naturally grown vegetables and especially sun-ripened fruits are the main source for these biophotons to humans.

Microwaving food, in effect, potentially destroys and depletes the life energy, rendering the food completely dead and lifeless. In addition, the food’s nutritional value is lost and it becomes nearly useless in terms of providing any real health benefit.

Fact: Russians Banned the Microwave Oven After Extensive Studies

Microwaves were first invented by the Nazis in order to provide a method of cooking for their troops during World War II. Seeing as though these microwave ovens have been experimental and new, the US War Department was assigned to research these new devices shortly after the war.

Turns out, the U.S. didn’t really perform the extensive research necessary for the new invention. Instead, the Russians decided to tackle the issue with extreme force.

Intrigued by this new device, the Russians conducted in-depth research to discover the biological effects they might possess. The results were staggering enough to lead to a ban of the new device in the Soviet Union. The ban, however, was later lifted during Perestroika, the political movement responsible for the restructuring of the Soviet Union.

The findings include:

  • Carcinogenic substances were formed from the microwaving of nearly all foods tested
  • Microwaving milk and grains resulted in carcinogenic substances being formed through the conversion of amino acids
  • Microwaving prepared meats caused cancer-causing agents such as d-Nitrosodienthanolamines to form
  • Microwaving fruits as a method of thawing resulted in the conversion of glucoside and galactoside fractions into carcinogenic substances
  • Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens
  • Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables
  • Structural degradation leading to decreased food value was found to be 60 to 90 percent overall for all foods tested, with significant decreases in bioavailability of B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, essential minerals, and lipotropics

Twenty years of the Russian research led to the international warning about the damaging biological and environmental effects microwaves possess. The warning also included other similar frequency electronic devices such as cell phones.

Say Goodbye to Your Foods Nutritional Value

Although there haven’t been as many studies on microwaves as say, the importance of various vitamins and minerals, all of the studies generally agree on one thing: nutritional value is significantly reduced if you microwave food. You’d think that studying microwaves would be at the top of the list, given their place in our society, but evidently their role is not significant enough for more thorough testing.

Note that most of these studies have been done prior to 2000. This may be due to the shift of focus from microwaves to a more prevalent threat to humanity: the intense electromagnetic chaos from electromagnetic devices such as cell phones, computers, and advanced technology. Here are some studies illustrating the detrimental effects of microwaves and microwave cooking.

  • This study found that broccoli when microwaved with a little bit of water loses up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants. Steamed broccoli only lost 11% or less. Some amounts of phenolic compounds and glucosinolates were also lost. The study was published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

  • Vitamin C in asparagus spears was lost during a 1999 Scandinavian study.

  • One study found 60 seconds of microwaving garlic depleted the food of its allinase, garlic’s primary cancer-fighting ingredient.

  • Just 6 minutes of microwave heating turned 30-40 percent of the B12 in milk into a dead form, which was found in a Japanese study by Watanabe.

  • An Australian study recently conducted showed that microwaves cause a higher degree of “protein unfolding” than conventional heating.

  • A 1992 study found that breast milk lost lysozyme activity, antibodies, and became a more suitable environment for the potential growth of pathogenic bacteria after being microwaved.

Microwaving Food Leads to a Negative Impact on Human Physiology & the Heart

Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. After studying these effects, Hertel concluded that microwaving food leads to food degeneration. These degenerative changes in nutrients caused changes in blood which could cause health problems.

Health issues which could be caused are:

  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • A plummet in leukocytes (white blood cells), which could suggest poisoning
  • Decreased red blood cell levels
  • Production of radiolytic compounds
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels, which might indicate anemia

Another study found that microwave frequency radiation affects the heart at non-thermal levels – levels which are well below federal safety guidelines. To examine these effects, the study used a 2.4GHz radiation frequency, which is the same frequency emitted by microwave ovens as well as wifi routers.

There is even evidence that this same frequency can cause elevated blood sugar levels in certain people. This points to the possibility that there may be a type 3 diabetes generated by dirty electricity. Here is a video below making a presentation support this. You may find the video “slow”, but it’s well worth 7 minutes of your time.

From Natural Society @ http://naturalsociety.com/microwave-cooking-cancer-convenience/ and http://naturalsociety.com/the-dangerous-truth-behind-microwaves/

For more information about the deleterious effects of microwave cooking see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/microwaves
And see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/wifi
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