"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Tuesday, 13 December 2005

Fashion of Fascism

Fashion of Fascism


The rise of fascism is very noticeable around the world right now - many events remind one of the 1930s when similar strident calls for national unity were being made amid the scapegoating of racial minority groups of many kinds.

Fascism is always on the edge of fashion and the appearance of draconian legislation in many countries in the face of trumped-up and imaginary threats has been designed to drive a wedge of fear and division through the communities of free peoples that many of us have taken for granted for a generation.

Laws restricting free speech, assembly and movement are all being enacted right now, across the ‘free world’; while many murmur and a few bleat, the multitude sleeps as the knives are sharpened in the warehouses of arms manufacturers and the price of gold continues to climb while der leader calls for sacrifices.

The gulf widens between rich and poor nations, and within nations while greed and shopping are considered virtues for slaves to hold dear while they do time on the treadmill, imagining they are in a race for the top. The ‘trickledown effect’ from higher to lower wage earners amounts to the drunken rich pissing off penthouses onto the heads of the multitude below while burning up the world’s resources as if they believe that God will save them from their stupidity tomorrow. Or the next day.

Yet here we reside, in this best of all possible worlds, many of us (particularly those with access to THIS) amazingly well educated, relatively wealthy and (for the moment) free to do anything we wish with the one true precious commodity that we actually OWN – our time.

And what do we choose to do? We are not what we believe, but what we think, say and do.

What kind of world would you make if the choice were yours – as it is? Do we all dare to dream of paradise?


-         R. Ayana

images - http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4071/5127696827_47dca9dbb8_b.jpg 

For further enlightenment see –

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com


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