'Holy crap, this is scary,' free energy inventor says

It all began back in 1985, when Thane Heins, having studied electronics at Heritage College in Gatineau, Quebec, started thinking about how magnets could be used to improve power generators.
But it wasn't until after the 9/11 attacks that he started seriously experimenting in his basement, motivated by the desire to reduce our dependence on oil and the countries that back terrorism.
Heins tinkered away, making what seemed like good progress, until one day in early 2006 he stumbled on to something strange. As part of a test, he had connected the driveshaft of an electric motor to a steel rotor with small round magnets lining its outer edges. The idea was that as the rotor spun, the magnets would pass by a wire coil placed just in front of them to generate electrical energy – in other words, it would operate like a simple generator.
The voltage was there, but to get current he had to attach an electrical load to the coil – like a light bulb – or simply overload it, which would cause it to slow down and eventually stop. Heins did the latter, but instead of stopping, the rotor started to rapidly accelerate.
"The magnets started flying off and hitting the wall, and I had to duck for cover," says Heins, surprised because he was using a weak motor. "It was like, holy crap, this is really scary."
By overloading the generator, the current should have caused the coil to build up a large electromagnetic field. This field typically creates an effect called "Back EMF," described as Lenz's law in physics, which would act to repel the approaching magnets on the rotor and slow down the motor until it stopped. Some call it the law of diminishing returns, or a law of conservation.
"Lenz's law is essentially magnetic friction, which is a form of resistance not unlike the wind resistance your car experiences when driving down the highway," explains Heins. More friction means more power is necessary to maintain a constant speed.
Instead, the opposite happened. Somehow the magnetic friction had turned into a magnetic boost. Back to the car analogy, it's like the wind moving from the front to the back of the vehicle.
Days later, Heins realized what had happened: The steel rotor and driveshaft had conducted the magnetic resistance away from the coil and back into the heart of the electric motor. Since such motors work on the principle of converting electrical energy into motion by creating rotating magnetic fields, he figured the Back EMF was boosting those fields, causing acceleration.
But how could this be? It would create a positive feedback loop. As the motor accelerated faster it would create a larger electromagnetic field on the generator coil, causing the motor to go faster, and so on and so on. Heins confirmed his theory by replacing part of the driveshaft with plastic pipe that wouldn't conduct the magnetic field. There was no acceleration.
"What I can say with full confidence is that our system violates the law of conservation of energy," he says.
"Now, is that perpetual motion? Will it end up being that?"
from The Toronto Star - http://www.thestar.com/article/300041
image - http://media.canada.com/idl/otct/20080301/220728-70575.jpg
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This bit made me laugh:
ReplyDelete"But it wasn't until after the 9/11 attacks that he started seriously experimenting in his basement, motivated by the desire to reduce our dependence on oil and the countries that back terrorism."
Presumably, he meant the USA. I wonder if he knew that free energy is already available and being suppressed by those who don't want it available to the public, i.e, the power elite whose wealth depends on our dependence on fossil fuels.
If his research gets too advanced, no doubt he'll have government agents coming to take his equipment away and burning his lab to the ground.
I got a kick out of this too, "It all began back in 1985". Wow someone has failed to do their homework. John Searl was rotating magnetic fields perpetually as early as 1946 and Tesla, Moray, & others extracted energy from the vacuum before Searl. Even Maxwell's equations were re-written to eliminate the possibility, but the possibility exists and the equations only effect perception.
ReplyDeleteWe shouldn't stop fossil fuels at all because if we were not suppose to use them then they wouldn't exist! Fossil Fuels are meant to be A source of energy but not the only one so why throw the baby out with the bathwater?.
ReplyDeleteBig Oil Industry is only a problem because they are in bed with Big Brother and LIKE regulations because it puts competition out of the picture for their oversea facilities using slave labor and we continue to buy cheap crap because we are under an illusion that we are racists towards other countries if we make our own products again.
In the old days power companies and oil industries worked more on a local level but in the 80s got too powerful with no one to be held responsible which is called a committee or a monopoly like what MS and Google are working hard on doing to kill freedom.
Some places like Texas are using micro plants that are off most of the year and are used during extreme energy demand periods providing lots of extra power to avoid blackouts which many were installed after the 2010 cold spell that threatened to turn off the lights and heat for many and the government didn't give any help in that except by the state rather then Federal assistance.
If you don't agree with the government and stop paying taxes you go to jail without a chance to defend yourself!
If you don't agree with Big Oil they are not going to send the oil police to you're door without a warrant and hold you for an indefiniete period of time in a tiny cell the size of your bathroom with 2 other men who look like they might rape you.
It's sad that even saying the word *Fossil Fuels* can get you shot as a terrorist in the eyes of Big Brother and *Green* lobbyists like this site go right along with it hook line and sinker!!.
I agree however in alternate energy but without sound business policies and tax breaks to small businesses these alternate sources of energy will turn into more giant corporations overseas who don't pay taxes and influence politicians selling YOU out once they no longer like you.
Both political parties support big multinational corporations so it' s not a matter of who to vote for that will magically fix the problems of corrupt business leaders who are in it for the money and not the quality.
In other words we will have the same old crap all over again only this time with *Big Energy* instead of *Big Oil* Same old corrupt tactics since they no longer represent the will of the people but at least unlike Big Brother won't send the Energy Police to kick you're door down for not buying their bio fuel unless Big Brother signs it away as an illegal executive order buried somewhere under a bunch of other ones.
ReplyDelete*Knock Knock* Who's there? Oil Police! Oil Police who? Oil Police you!!!! *Breaks door down and the oil police takes away the kitchen stove for not paying the *Green Tax*.
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