Transplanted Personalities
Can Transplanted Organs Carry Remembered Traits?

A woman claims to have undergone a complete "personality transplant" after receiving a new kidney.
Cheryl Johnson, 37, says she has changed completely since receiving the organ in May. She believes that she must have picked up her new characteristics from the donor, a 59-year-old man who died from an aneurysm.
Now, not only has her personality changed, the single mother also claims that her tastes in literature have taken a dramatic turn. Whereas she only used to read low-brow novels, Dostoevsky has become her author of choice since the transplant.
Miss Johnson, from Penwortham, in Preston, Lancs, said: "You pick up your characteristics from your donor. My son said when I first had the transplant, I went stroppy and snappy - that wasn't me.
"I have always loved books but I've started to read classics like Jane Austen and Dostoevsky. I found myself reading Persuasion."
The former Preston North End football steward's life has been turned round since her successful operation. After developing kidney problems in 1998, she had previously undergone every available form of dialysis as well as a failed transplant in 2001.
Miss Johnson added: "It's given my 16-year-old boy his mum back.
"I totally respect the family who gave me this kidney. They have given me the best thing they can - a chance for a normal life. I am forever grateful to them."
Academics in America have developed a theory called cellular memory phenomenon to explain the personality changes that are allegedly experienced by some transplant recipients.
Examples include a Massachusetts woman with vertigo who became a climber; a Milwaukee lawyer who began eating Snickers, having always hated chocolate; and a seven-year-old girl who had nightmares about being killed after being given the heart of a murdered child.
However, the only case recognised by the scientific community is that of a 15-year-old Australian girl whose blood type changed following a liver transplant.
UK Transplant also remains sceptical about the phenomenon. A spokesman said: "While not discarding it entirely, we have no reason to believe that it happens. We would be interested to see any definitive evidence that supports it."
Do organ transplants or transfusions involve the psychoplasm?
An area of evidence that supports the hypothesis that the psychoplasm integrates personality patterns with our physical DNA patterns (also comprised of energy and information) may be the recipients' experiences of organ or stem-cell transplants and transfusions of blood. Anecdotal reports suggest that people who have undergone such medical interventions may have taken on some of the donors personality traits or behavioral habits.
A Liver Transplant Appears to Carry Psychological Traits with It.
The recipients of a new kidney says "(it) changed my whole personality."
Reported in a March 16, 2008 article in The Telegraph (One of the U.K.'s leading newspapers).'changed-my-whole-personality'.html
Promoting Scientific Reincarnation Research
How About Heart Transplants?

Madlyn Fafard, a reviewer of The Soul Genome, made such a connection and recommended the book The Heart's Code, by Paul Pearsall, a psychologist who writes about how people change as a result of heart transplants (and his own life-saving, immune-system transplant). She went on to speculate on the interesting possibility that the existence of a soul genome (psychoplasm), with energetic traits that transcend the matter in which they are incarnated, may transfer behavioral patterns that co-exist with the organs that are transplanted.
The concept of such "entanglement" used in this Reincarnation Experiment and its scientific basis are more thoroughly discussed in Chapter 10 of The Soul Genome and Dean Radin's book Entangled Minds. The associated concept of celluar memory is gaining scientific adherents. (See Bruce Lipton's book Biology of Belief.)
A Stem-Cell Transplant for Lukemia Sufferer
An ongoing (anonymous) case in this project involves a person who received a stem-cell transplant as treatment for lukemia. Family members and other observers noted significant physical, personality and behavioral changes in the months following the transplant. Using the five-factor, psychophysical rating system used in this project's reincarnation research, we are making an assessment of the scope and nature of changes observed in this individual. Such research efforts may help corroborate the evidence of life-to-life transfers of psychoplasm legacies in past-life cases.
They will be reported on this site when significant findings become available. The obvious physical changes noted by the observers are: (1) the transformation from a heavy endomorph body type to a thin ectomorph, (2) a new hair color and texture, (3) a change of blood types (due to generation of new blood from stem-cell replacement), and (4) a shift in eye color. Equally noteworthy are changes in the individual's posture, gait, and manner of carrying his body (beyond a result of the previously mentioned weight loss). "Slumped shoulders" have been replaced with "squared shoulders."
On the personality rating scales, the subject moved significantly from being highly independent to a much more passive style, shifting from agressive behavior to submissiveness. The subject also shifted from a pre-transplant "happy-go-lucky" style to one of frequent "episodes of anger." A change from being "party-oriented" to "shyness" is reported. The changes are such that some family members label the composite as a "change in personality."
Since the identity of the stem-cell donor is kept confidential, it is not possible compare the recipient's new personality and physical traits with those of the donor. However, this case and others in the public domaine suggest some mechanism like the psychoplasm provides a plausible explanation of the apparent transfer of psychophysical patterns from one person to another via living tissue.
Since the medical intervention itself and/or family circumstances may have also been variables that effected the changes, more controlled research should further test this hypothesis. Anyone aware of individuals interested in participating in such evaluations (as either donor or recipient, or their representatives) may contact us.
Madlyn raised the additional questions: "When you are cremated, do you thus remove all portions of the soul, that are still in the organs that have not given up with brain death? Is this why Buddhists desire cremation, as my daughter did, after embracing Buddhism?"
The likely answer to her questions, in the psychoplasm-reincarnation context, is that the soul genome survives intact at the moment of phsyical death. Thus, regardless of how the physical body is separated from its life force, the soul-genome's psychoplasmic legacy can be passed on in relation to a new physical birth. This postulate has been supported by hundreds of cases developed over decades by the late Ian Stevenson, M.D.
What is Cellular Memory?
Cellular memory is a theory that states the brain is not the only organ that stores memories or personality traits, that memory as a process can form in other systems in the body and can be stored in organs such as the heart. This theory is not new. Imaginative fiction writers probably were writing about the concept as early as the 1800's, long before transplants of anything were even considered plausible. Perhaps it was Maurice Renard's Les Mains d'Orlac that popularized the idea for the first time. In the story a pianist looses his hands and a killer's hands are transplanted in their place. Of course the story has been spoofed and remade so many times in our own culture there's scarcely anyone that doesn't know how the story ends, with the killer's hands possessing the main character to kill. This is an extreme and over simplified version of what cellular memory could be. In our modern culture where organ transplants are being done daily we have yet to come up with a case such as the abovementioned but we have stumbled onto some pretty strange coincidences. First studied in heart transplant recipients Cellular Memory was noted when upon waking up from surgery patients would display a strange change in tastes, opinions, cravings, and other mild personality changes. Could it be the organs given to them had some part of the donor's memory left within it?

Simpson episode spoofing various cellular memory stories with "Hell Toupee"
Modern Examples
Most examples of cellular memory in transplant patients are recorded by scientists doing studies, with the aid of a hospital system that forbids the transplantee to know or speak to the donor's family. Because of this most of the cases are written of without the use of names, leaving these patients stories at large but still in obscurity.
One of the few cases we know the patient's name was a woman called Claire Sylvia who received a heart and lung transplant in the 1970's from an eighteen year old male donor who had been in a motorcycle accident. None of this information was known to Sylvia, who upon waking up claimed she had a new and intense craving for beer, chicken nuggets, and green peppers, all food she didn't enjoy prior to the surgery. A change in food preferences is probably the most noted in heart transplant patients. Sylvia wrote a book about her experiences after learning the identity of her donor called A Change of Heart.
Other documented cases have been perplexing and sometimes extreme. A 47 year old man receiving a heart from a 17 year old black boy suddenly picked up an intense fondness for classical music. The boy whose heart had been donated was killed in a drive-by shooting, still clutching his violin case in his hands. A 47 year old transplant patient claimed that his new heart was responsible for a sudden onset of eating disorders, heralded from the heart's previous owner, a 14 year old girl. Once a change in sexual orientation was even documented in a twenty seven year old lesbian who soon after getting a new heart settled down and married a man.
The most stunning example of cellular memory was found in an eight year old girl who received the heart of a ten year old girl. The recipient was plagued after surgery with vivid nightmares about an attacker and a girl being murdered. After being brought to a psychiatrist her nightmares proved to be so vivid and real that the psychiatrist believed them to be genuine memories. As it turns out the ten year old whose heart she had just received was murdered and due to the recipients violent reoccurring dreams she was able to describe the events of that horrible encounter and the murderer so well that police soon apprehended, arrested, and convicted the killer.
Other common quirks recorded have been changes in attitude, temperament, vocabulary, patience levels, philosophies, and tastes in food and music. The phenomena has just recently been put into studies. The most notable of which was Dr Paul Peasall's questioning of 150 heart transplant patients which was published in Near-Death Studies magazine in 2002 entitled "Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients That Parallel the Personalities of Their Donors" from which the aforementioned cases are mostly from.
How Cellular Memory Might Work
It is thought that cellular memory might be possible since the discovery that neuropeptides exist not only in the brain as once thought but in all the tissues of the body. These neuropeptides are a way for the brain to "speak" to other bodily organs and for the organs to rely information back. However it is unknown if these newly found circuits could indeed store memories as the brain does in different organs. Due to the amount of peptides in the heart this organ is seen to have special potential in the study of this phenomenon. However many answers still remain. Why don't all transplant recipients have these experiences? It's been theorized this may be due to the fact not all of them are in tune with their body as some other individuals may be. Perhaps the explanation lies with the sensitivity of the individual.
Alternate Theories
The Hospital Grapevine Theory: The hospital grapevine theory is the simplest alternate explanation, stating that patients may be influenced due to information they hear from nurses talking to each other or their surgeons while they are under anesthesia. Although it's forbidden to tell a transplant recipients the identity of the donor or any personal information there's no such rule that prevents hospital staff from talking amongst themselves. Could all these coincidences be a placebo effect given to the highly suggestible?
The Quantum Theory: this theory claims that the answers may lie in a world we are as of yet are very ill-equipped to prove, in the wonderfully strange world of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics tries to explain mathematically events that occur with atoms and the particles which may make up atoms. This is world where regular physics comes to die and can be used loosely to explain virtually anything that can't be explained otherwise. It's tempting but I'll leave this one up to the mathematicians to toy with. As of yet I haven't heard of any of them proposing this theory, it seems to be something thrown out there by laymen.
The Drug Theory: It is the body's duty to protect itself from foreign objects and that is generally what it does when it receives organs that weren't grown in it from conception. This is why patients have to receive immunosuppressant drugs to stop their own bodies from attacking the new organ. There have only been a small handful of cases of people who have lived without these drugs, and they have done so on their own against the advice of doctors. this theory states that these drugs can be the cause of the changes in personality. Perhaps in some strange way these drugs can be psychoactive as well as immunosuppressive. This theory probably chalks up the specific nature of the said changes in personality to coincidence.

Shocking examples of cellular memory
Professor Gary Schwartz (Professor Gary Schwartz's findings are backed up by Dr Paul Pearsall, author of The Heart's Code, a book dealing with the same phenomenon).
Gary Schwartz, a professor of medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, says research by a team he leads has found definite links. He calls it 'cellular memory'. He has documented 70 cases where he believes transplant recipients have inherited the traits of their donors.
Prof. Schwartz said: "When the organ is placed in the recipient, the information and energy stored in the organ is passed on to the recipient. The theory applies to any organ that has cells that are interconnected. They could be kidneys, liver and even muscles.
"The stories we have uncovered are very compelling and are completely consistent." He says his studies have found that heart transplant patients are the most likely to experience personality changes.
Their casebook also includes: A woman who was terrified of heights until she was given the lungs of a mountain climber. Dottie O'Connor, from Massachusetts, is now a climber. Paul Oldam, a lawyer from Milwaukee, received the heart of a 14-year-old boy and inherited his craving for Snickers. A man of 25 received a woman's heart and, to his girlfriend's delight, now wants to go shopping all the time. Mr. Sheridan's "art" transplant Mr Sheridan, a retired catering manager, started drawing as therapy to relieve the boredom while waiting for a donor in New York's Mount Sinai Hospital. There was no way his efforts could be considered artistic, according to the hospital's consultant art therapist, Beth DeFuria.
"But days after his transplant, he began creating this amazing, elaborate artwork," she said. "It was really quite amazing how his talent blossomed." Mr Sheridan, 63, was being hailed as the latest example of a phenomenon which sounds like science fiction but which is intriguing a growing number of medical experts - that it is possible during an organ transplant to inherit character traits from the donor.
Yesterday, Mr Sheridan met the mother of the heart donor and handed her a sketch of a large hand holding a heart with the inscription: "You gave me more than a heart. Thank you." He had agreed to give up the traditional anonymity between donor and recipient as part of a campaign to publicize the need for more organs. In the process he discovered the heart had come from 24-year-old Wall Street stockbroker Keith Neville, who died in a car crash And one of the first things Mr Sheridan asked the dead man's mother, Donna Reed, was whether her son had been artistic.
Mrs. Reed told him her son loved to paint. She said: "He was very artistic. He showed an interest in art when he was just 18 months old.
"He always preferred to be given art supplies rather than toys." Mr Sheridan said: "I am alive because someone was kind enough to give me their heart. He had to be a good person because I feel myself being more caring and loving." William Sheridan's drawing skills were stuck at nursery level. His stick figures were the sort you would expect of a child. But as he convalesced after a heart transplant operation, he experienced an astonishing revelation.
Suddenly he was blessed with an artistic talent he simply did not recognize, producing beautiful drawings of wildlife and landscapes.
Knowing By Heart: Cellular Memory in Heart Transplants
by Kate Ruth Linton Under the supervision of: Tom Anderson
Throughout history, a number of individuals in the scientific community have proven reluctant to accept or even acknowledge new concepts simply because they have not been able to fit them into the confines of their limited understanding concerning the natural world. In the realm of heart transplantation technology, uncharted and controversial territory is beginning to emerge as a result of a concept known as cellular memory. What is cellular memory, particularly in relation to the technology of heart transplantation? And is cellular memory, in fact, a valid concept worthy of further investigation? These are precisely the concerns/questions I intend to address today.
Claire Salvia's Story
On May 29, 1988, a woman named Claire Sylvia received the heart of an 18-year-old male who had been killed in a motorcycle accident. Soon after the operation, Sylvia noticed some distinct changes in her attitudes, habits, and tastes. She found herself acting more masculine, strutting down the street (which, being a dancer, was not her usual manner of walking). She began craving foods, such as green peppers and beer, which she had always disliked before. Sylvia even began having recurring dreams about a mystery man named Tim L., who she had a feeling was her donor.
As it turns out, he was. Upon meeting the "family of her heart," as she put it, Sylvia discovered that her donor's name was, in fact, Tim L., and that all the changes she had been experiencing in her attitudes, tastes, and habits closely mirrored that of Tim's (Sylvia179).
Some members of the scientific community and of society, as a whole, may brush this off as being merely a strange coincidence. However, some believe that episodes such as this one offer evidence of a concept known as cellular memory, which is beginning to gather more and more attention in the scientific community as the technology of heart transplantation improves and affects more people throughout the world (Bellecci 1). Definition of Cellular Memory Cellular memory is defined as the idea that the cells in our bodies contain information about our personalities, tastes, and histories (Carroll 1). Evidence of this phenomenon has been found most prevalently in heart transplant recipients.
Though cellular memory may seem too far- fetched for some, several scientists and physicians have looked further into it as a valid concept and have come up with various theories to try and gain more understanding of it. Some have tried to gain a deeper understanding of cellular memory through the realm of chemistry.
One such scientist is Candace Pert, pH. D., who studies biochemistry. Her findings helped support one belief which a growing number of scientists have now adopted: "every cell in our body has its own 'mind'…and if you transfer tissues from one body to another, the cells from the first body will carry memories into the second body" (Sylvia 221). In other words, these scientists believe cellular memory does, in fact, exist…although they would probably prefer not to word their belief as such. Amino acid chains were previously known to exist exclusively in the brain. However, Pert and her colleagues have found them in places all throughout the body, especially in major organs such as the heart (Pert 1).
Recent research has shown that communication between the heart and brain is a "dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with each organ continuously influencing the other's function" (HeartMath Institute 1). Some physicians and scientists have tried to gain understanding of cellular memory through psychological, metaphysical, and even supernatural terms. One can see why they would go to these unconventional lengths in order to try and explain cellular memory when faced with such disturbing incidents as the following story:
A eight-year-old girl had nightmares about being killed after being given the heart of a child who had been murdered. Several years ago, an eight-year-old girl received the heart of a ten-year-old girl who was murdered. Shortly after receiving her new heart, the girl began having recurring nightmares about the man who had murdered her donor. She believed she knew who the murderer was.
Her mother finally brought her to a psychiatrist and after several sessions, the girl's psychiatrist "could not deny the reality of what the child was telling her." They decided to call the police and, using the descriptions from the little girl, they found the murderer. According to the psychiatrist, "the time, the weapon, the place, the clothes he wore, what the little girl he killed had said to him. . ..everything the little heart transplant recipient reported was completely accurate" (Pearsall 7).
Needless to say, the psychiatrist was eager to find any available explanation for this particular patient's experience. Cellular memory may be baffling, and the scientific community may know very little about it. But is that not the impetus behind most scientific research? To explore the unknown and find answers to the unanswered? I believe that it is. And for that reason, I believe that we, as members of society, owe it to the generations to come to support research in this area. With further investigation of cellular memory, perhaps someday we will be able to really unlock the heart's mysteries and memories and truly understand what the statement, "knowing by heart," means.
Cellular Memory in Organ Transplants

By Leslie A. Takeuchi, BA, PTA
Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, says, "Memories are stored not only in the brain, but in a psychosomatic network extending into the body . . . all the way out along pathways to internal organs and the very surface of our skin." After having discovered neuropeptides in all body tissues, Pert suggests that through cellular receptors, thoughts or memories may remain unconscious or can become conscious-raising the possibility of physiological connections between memories, organs and the mind. Paul Pearsall, MD, a psychoneuroimmunologist and author of The Heart's Code, has researched the transference of memories through organ transplantation. After interviewing nearly 150 heart and other organ transplant recipients, Pearsall proposes the idea that cells of living tissue have the capacity to remember.
Together with Schwartz and Russek, Pearsall conducted a study, published in the Spring 2002 issue of the Journal of Near-Death Studies, entitled, "Changes in Heart Transplant Recipients That Parallel the Personalities of Their Donors." The study consisted of open-ended interviews with 10 heart or heart-lung transplant recipients, their families or friends and the donor's families or friends. The researchers reported striking parallels in each of the cases. The following is a sampling of some these.
Case 1: An 18-year-old boy who wrote poetry, played music and composed songs, was killed in an automobile accident. A year after he died his parents came across an audiotape of a song he had written, entitled, "Danny, My Heart is Yours," which was about how he "felt he was destined to die and give his heart to someone." The donor recipient "Danny" of his heart, was an 18-year-old girl, named Danielle. When she met the donor's parents, they played some of his music and she, despite never having heard the song, was able to complete the phrases.
Case 2: A seven-month-old boy received a heart from a 16-month-old boy who had drowned. The donor had a mild form of cerebral palsy mostly on the left side. The recipient, who did not display such symptoms prior to the transplant, developed the same stiffness and shaking on the left side.
Case 3: A 47-year-old Caucasian male received a heart from a 17-year-old African-American male. The recipient was surprised by his new-found love of classical music. What he discovered later was that the donor, who loved classical music and played the violin, had died in a drive-by shooting, clutching his violin case to his chest.
Case 4: A 29-year-old lesbian and a fast food junkie received a heart from a 19-year-old woman vegetarian who was "man crazy." The recipient reported after her operation that meat made her sick and she was no longer attracted to women. If fact, she became engaged to marry a man.
Case 5: A 47-year-old man received a heart from a 14-year-old girl gymnast who had problems with eating disorders. After the transplant, the recipient and his family reported his tendency to be nauseated after eating, a childlike exuberance and a little girl's giggle. Aside from those included in the study, there are other transplant recipients whose stories are worth mentioning:
Another possible incidence of memory transfer occurred when a young man came out of his transplant surgery and said to his mother, "everything is copasetic." His mother said that he had never used that word before, but now used it all the time. It was later discovered that the word had been a signal, used by the donor and his wife, particularly after an argument, so that when they made up they knew everything was okay. The donor's wife reported that they had had an argument just before the donor's fatal accident and had never made up. Although medical science is not yet ready to embrace the ideas of cellular memory, one surgeon believes there must be something to it. Mehmet Oz, MD, heart surgeon at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, has invited an energy healer, Julie Motz, into the operating room during transplant surgery. Initially, Motz practiced energy healing to help reduce anxiety prior to surgery and depression following surgery. Then the team noticed that there seemed to be less incidence of rejection in these patients. They were curious to see what would happen if she were present during the operation. Motz registers, through sensations in her own body, the emotional state of the patient during the surgical procedure. Through her touch or words, Motz attempts to alleviate any worries, fears or anger the patient may be experiencing. She works with the recipient's ability to accept the new organ and also works with the donated tissue so it will accept a new body.
The results have been favorable, and the team reports reduced rejection and increased survival rates This may sound outrageous to those who never thought about tissues having feelings or caring about where they would reside, but Dr. Oz believes that it would be a disservice to ignore even the possibility that this method could help. Intriguing questions remain.
What percentage of transplant recipients actually do feel changes in behavior and personality or report changes in food preference or have new memories? Is there a higher incidence of tissue or organ acceptance in those patients who are aware of their consciousness or who have energy work done?
Will ordinary science offer more evidence to support that memories are transferred-or will we need a new science? Perhaps more importantly, what does this transcendent phenomenon have to tell us about other healing events? [These are just some examples found under Scholarly articles for "cellular memory" transplants, there are over 248,000 listings.]
QUESTION: If cellular memory happens to humans from humans, what happens when a human receives an animal organ? I couldn't find any! If there are any findings are they being reported ? Are they being suppressed? Before another human receives an animal organ, this question should be addressed about Cellular Memory. If tissues and organs have memories and the recipient receives them - that truly is a nightmare.
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Another example of the holographic nature of the cosmos.
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Your article says to contact you if I am interested in your research and in a position to help.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am a 29yr old girl with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and I will be having a stem cell transplant on the 2nd of August 2016. My donor will be a 24yr old man from Europe that I know nothing about.
I have always been fascinated by the concept of cellular memory. Though I am hoping it doesn't occur in my case, I do hope you contact me about participating in your research in this area.
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