"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Wednesday 30 April 2014

The World is Our Garden — Defend It or Lose It

The World is Our Garden —
Defend It or Lose It


When we walk into a carefully nurtured and diverse garden, we are struck by its beauty and its sense of completeness. We are enraptured by its scents and its mysteries. We are enlivened by its colours, both vivid and subtle, and we are nourished by the freshness that fills our lungs.

Altogether, the majority of sentient beings will surely concur, this garden is a most agreeable place to be – and should someone emerge who threatens to desecrate this sacred space – the reaction will be to jump to its defence and protect it against such a criminal action.

So let us consider the fact that many a wise person and many a spiritual leader has felt impelled to point out that “The World Is Our Garden” and that it should therefore be tended, nurtured and defended in the same way as the private space in which we grow our flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Emotionally, we should make no distinction between these micro and macro spheres.

Yet look around today and what do we see?

Certainly there are many mortals tending their individual gardens, and many more with no physical garden to tend. But amongst of all these, just a tiny minority can be found who are willing to go out of their way to stand-up for that greater garden called planet Earth.

Even amongst those who would class themselves as ‘aware’ and advancing along the path of spiritual enlightenment, one finds too few ready and willing to actively defend the greater whole in the same spirit as they readily defend and tend their ‘own’ private space. Be that space the place where one cultivates one’s spiritual growth – or the physical space that is one’s own  garden.

The act of ‘ownership’ appears to have overridden and nullified our ability to feel and apply a sense of innate responsibility for that which we don’t ‘own’.

The neo-liberal capitalist/consumerist conditioning that forms a major part of nearly all our educations – has not taught us to feel responsible for all life – but only that part in which we have invested our personal interest and financial resources.

We need reminding that we are the collective trustees of this unique living entity that sustains and provides us with all our needs for the duration of our lives – and beyond.

Let us question our supposed ‘spirituality’ in the light of our unwillingness to lay ourselves on the line to fight for the survival of that which enables us to eat, drink, breathe and take pleasure in its abundant generosity.

You see, if we had been entrained from an early age to respond spontaneously to the life giving heart beat of our planetary existence, we would make no distinction between empathy for the garden of Gaia and empathy for our own private garden. Empathy for all children and empathy for our own children .. and so on.


We would recognize that the manifestation of our protective instinct to operate only around that which we consider ‘belongs to us’ is a gross distortion of our natural instincts.

Why do I say that?

Consider for a moment that you are sitting in your garden and someone comes through the gate with a chain-saw and proceeds to set about felling your favourite fruit tree … what would you do?

Well, you would almost certainly spring up from your chair and rush to stop them. Now let us shift to a similar incident where a beautiful tree in a park on the other side of your garden fence is indiscriminately approached by a man wielding a chain saw who clearly has no business to be there. It is clear that this person has the intention of cutting down this tree … what would your reaction be to this? Would you try to apprehend this person? Try to find help? Feel a sense of outrage?

There is a chance that you might respond in all these ways; but there is a much greater likelihood that, after experiencing some initial discomfort at the brazenness of this destructive intent, you would take no action, consoling yourself with the thought “There’s nothing I can do about it anyway”. With that thought uppermost in your mind you would try to ignore the incident and get on with what you were doing.

If our education system had even a smidgeon of spiritual aspiration written into its curriculum – we would be encouraged to recognize our responsibility for all life on this planet from an early age – and be encouraged to come to its rescue at times when it is clearly under threat.

But that is not what the majority of schooling is about. On the contrary, it concentrates its energies on teaching us how to acquire the means to ‘own’ some little niche of this planet, and to accumulate the thousands of bits and pieces that are deemed necessary to furnish it. God forbid that we might decide to reject the trappings of this hallowed road to hell!

Every TV advert, commercial hoarding, glitzy magazine, shop window, internet and cinema screen – is imploring us to indulge in a consumptive way of life that both precludes gaining a greater awareness of our predicament, and contributes to the inevitable rape of the planetary resources upon which we all depend.

The rising consciousness that comes with our spiritual practice also has the affect of alerting us to the destructive nature of this consumptive life style and the majority of jobs that constitute the repetitive and largely sterile working week.

We see more and more clearly how, if we are caught in this mechanism, we are just a cog in a vast machine whose overall ambition is precisely the opposite of that which inspires our spiritual endeavours.

It soon becomes obvious that we have to make a choice: find a form of work that satisfies our rising sense of discernment and is supportive of the trusteeship of planet earth, or give-in to the demands and promises of the corporate state that so relentlessly undermines all that is subtle, beautiful and spiritually fulfilling in this day to day adventure called Life.


The new society so many of us long for can only come about if we take the necessary actions to bring it about. One cannot embark upon a path to higher consciousness while ignoring the damage done through the way one conducts one’s daily life. In order to realise our deeper selves and sleeping spiritual powers, we have to bring all aspects of our lives into line with our rising consciousness.

This means embarking upon a disciplined transition away from reliance upon the crude and destructive commercial edifices of the status quo – such as long food mile, profit hungry supermarket chains; highly corrupted large scale banking institutions; agrichemically and genetically modified ‘convenience’ foods; unnecessarily large gas guzzling cars; mind numbing and mind controlling TV programmes; following ‘fashion’; frequent boozing and partying; electro smog producing indulgent cell phone conversations … and so on.

Not only are these various pursuits negatively impacting on us and on our surroundings – but by pursuing them we are financially and energetically supporting those facets of society whose sole aim is profit, power and increasing control over our daily lives. In other words we are supporting that which is part and parcel of the uninterrupted destruction of this ‘world that is our garden’.

This is clearly a thoroughly unspiritual path to tread.

We are either supporting a radical transformation of society in line with our own rising awareness of its multiple destructive components, or we are falling into a hypocritical and delusional state in which any gain in awareness is soon undone and turned in upon itself.

We have no choice other than to walk forward on two feet. To ‘walk the walk’ and to practice what we preach.

It is my belief that we will succeed in this great quest once we have securely tethered our inner awakening to the manifestation of its true outward expression.

Thus the road to enlightenment becomes synonymous with taking actions to ameliorate and heal the social, cultural, economic and environmental scars that cover our wounded planet. A process which unifies otherwise disparate endeavours and reveals disengaged, inward looking and passive spiritual practices – that shun active participation in service of the planet – to be ultimately fraudulent and a mechanism for escapism.

If ‘The World is our garden’ then let us be united now in going to rescue it from its enemies – no matter what the odds. Let us defy the political gamesmanship that has lead governments to ally with the corporate cause and ignore the cries of imprisoned humanity and the tortured limbs of mother nature.

Our highest spiritual calling is to come out in defence of life.* The angels will rush to our side once we have demonstrated our commitment to taking control of our destinies, which includes the emancipation of this long oppressed planet which is our unique and irreplaceable home.

* ‘In Defence of Life – Essays on a Radical Reworking of Green Wisdom’ is the title of Julian’s latest book. Published by Earth Books. See www.julianrose.info

From Zen Gardner @ http://www.zengardner.com/world-garden-defend-lose/


For more information about Mother Earth see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/gaia
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Live long and prosper! Together we can create the best of all possible worlds…

From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Yopo: The Ancient Amazonian DMT Snuff

Yopo: The Ancient Amazonian DMT Snuff


Yopo is a visionary snuff used by various tribes in South America for over 4000 years. Nowadays, it’s mostly used by the tribes in the Amazonian Jungle – Yanomami and the Piaroa – who have managed to fend off the influence of the western world, for their spiritual and healing purpose. Even to this day, they continue to hear the wisdom of the jungle in the form of Yopo snuff.

The base of the snuff is prepared with dried seeds of the tree Anadenanthera Peregrina. The dried seeds are lightly roasted and then ground into a fine powder that is mixed with ash (it helps to bring about the alkaloids), tobacco, honey and other ingredients that vary, usually to give the substance a pleasant odor. The scientific name of the Anadenanthera Peregrina makes clear reference to the Sanskrit word ‘ananda’ meaning bliss. There are other variations of the tree which also have similar properties such as Anadenanthera Colubrina.

It can be said that yopo is a cousin of the sacred vine, Ayahuasca in two ways. One is that it also contains DMT. Secondly because yopo is usually ingested along with the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, one of the two plants that are used to prepare the ayahuasca brew. Although yopo can have a powerful effect by itself, when combined with Banisteriopsis caapi its effects are potentiated.

This happens because the vine contains MAOi (monoamine oxidase inhibiting), a chemical compound that our own body produces in order to break up substances such as DMT, allowing thus, the DMT to remain much longer in the system. The Yopo snuff also contains a combination of Bufotenin, and 5-MeO-DMT, molecules that are similar to DMT in chemical structure and produces a visionary experience.


The result of chewing Banisteriopsis caapi, is a very mild. There could be a tingling sensation in the mouth and a general numbness.

In contrast Yopo’s effect is sudden and intense. It can be inhaled by oneself with a sniff pipe or be blown into one’s nostrils by another person using a blow pipe (the idea being that when another person helps, much more of the substance reaches the mucous membranes, from where it gets absorbed into the bloodstream).

In the first five minutes, there can be a set of strong discomfort, mainly on the upper respiratory system. The nasal cavity and most of the pharynx swells up causing an itchy sensation that is accompanied by a lot of snort. After this, one can feel some pressure in the head and feel extreme nausea, which can also lead to vomiting.


After this short initial period of discomfort, the hallucinogenic effects kicks in suddenly. From ideas, time travel and abstract geometrical patterns, yopo gives you a memorable visionary experience. Personally, I was caught in a maelstrom of insights, battles, vision and realizations that left me quite tired and serene.

It is very abrupt making it hard to know what to expect. Personally I think the plant helps one finding their inner self, naked and pure with whom it dialogues like a doctor does: It reviewed my life and pointed out things that I needed to improve in a voice that sounded something like this: change this attitude here, put this confidence there, and keep walking your path. Now that I look back I can say that It was a beautiful spiritual tune-up.

During the intense part of the voyage people can get “hard to reach” (kind of like people under the effect of Salvia Divinorum), especially if they are inexperienced: the bombardment of visions makes it difficult to connect with the other world in a coherent manner. This initial spike of hallucinogenic potency does not last very long and subsequently fades away in a couple of hours.

In a traditional setting, the sessions are guided by a shaman who sings and plays instruments such as the rattle or a pan flute. Like with other entheogens, sounds greatly influence the dynamics of the experience, just like the environment and our mindset.
Yopo shamans describe this experience as an opening of the 3rd eye, and being able to perceive into the light of the non-physical spiritual dimensions.

While some people prefer to do it in daylight other favor pitch black conditions (the strongest visual effects happens with the eyes shut). As for myself, I ponder not the amount of the ideal luminosity, but rather, whether or not I’m ready to be spiritually dissected by Yopo (because of its potency).

Image Sources: Erowid


From Higher Perspective @ http://higherperspective.com/2014/04/yopo-ancient-amazonian-dmt-snuff.html

For related information see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/shamanic%20drug
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Live long and prosper! Together we can create the best of all possible worlds…

From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Monday 28 April 2014

The Illuminati Papers

The Illuminati Papers

by Robert Anton Wilson

Neophobia/Neophilia Quiz

• Add the next term to the series:

1. walk
2. ride horseback
3. fly by jet
4. ______________

• A certain job can be performed either by a human or a machine. We should

1. employ the human because "the devil makes work for idle hands."
2. employ the human because otherwise he or she might be bored
3. employ the human because there is no way to organize society except by having most people work for wages
4. employ the machine because technology has no function other than to free people from toil.

• Add the next term to the series:

1. hunt and gather
2. farm
3. industry-commerce
4. ___________________

• There is a magic machine with two buttons, each of which will create equality among humans. You will push

1. the button that makes everybody equally poor
2. the button that makes everybody equally rich

• Working for wages

1. has always existed and always will exist
2. is ordained by God
3. did not appear on large scale until the Enclosure Acts drove the serfs off the land in the past 300 years
4. will become obsolete in the next 100 years
5. will become obsolete in the next 10 years

• The best way to search for Higher Intelligence is to

1. find the right religion
2. support Carl Sagan's Project Cyclops, which is searching for radio signals from advanced civilizations in the galaxy;
3. investigate UFO's
4. research our own nervous system
5. build a starship and go looking.

• Add the next term to the series:

1. Black Pride
2. Women's Lib
3. Gay Pride
4. _______________

It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea. In an evolving universe, who stands still moves backwards.

Conspiracy Digest interview

CD: How seriously are we to take your fascinating and entertaining trilogy, Illuminatus!, which you wrote in collaboration with Robert J. Shea?

Wilson: I would hate to be taken seriously. Serious people are always so grim and uptight that they make me want to dance naked on the lawn playing a flute. Of course, as Mavis says in the first volume of the trilogy, nothing is true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't really understand it until it makes you cry. The basic situation of humanity is both tragic and comic, since we are all domesticated apes with marvelous 30-billion-cell brains, which we seldom use efficiently because of domination by the older mammalian parts of the back brain. I mean, we're living on the Planet of the Apes, man. Is that funny or serious? It depends on how broad your sense of humor is, I guess.

CD: Specifically, are we really to believe that competing secret societies initiate and guide the various intellectual, religious, artistic, and mind-warping trends of the world? Or was the secret-society scenario just a parody of right-wing theories, a way of dramatizing authoritarian vs. libertarian trends, or simply your own brainwashing technique?

Wilson: To quote Lichtenberg, "This book is a mirror. When a monkey looks in, no philosopher looks out." Illuminatus!, like Linda Lovelace, is all things to all men. It's the first novel deliberately written from the viewpoint of the multi-model agnosticism of modern quantum physics. The novelist sitting on a pedestal watching the world with the allegedly Objective Eye of God is as obsolete as the tinhorn preacher bawling, "Come to my church, I've got the true true religion."

The only philosophy one can honestly embrace at this stage of evolution is agnosticism, or ontological pluralism. The mosaic of competing conspiracies in Illuminatus! is a parody of popular demonology on both Right and Left. It's also a serious proposal for a more Einsteinian, relativistic model than the monistic Newtonian theories most conspiracy buffs favor. One of the readers who really seems to have understood Illuminatus! is Dr. Timothy Leary, who told me last year that his experiences with the DEA, FBI, CIA, PLO, Weather Underground, Mansonoids, Aryan Brotherhood, Al Fattah, etc., were precisely like the most absurd parts of Illuminatus!. Tim says you meet the same 24 conspiracies wherever you go. Specifically, he mentioned that he identified the same 24 paleolithic gangs fighting over the turf in Folsom Prison that he had recognized at Harvard University. The ones at Harvard speak better English, of course....

I see the power game resting on three levels of force and fraud. First, earliest and still most powerful is the government racket itself, the monopoly on force (military power, police power, etc.) which allows the governing group to take tribute (taxation) from the enslaved or deluded masses.

Second, derivative from this primordial conquest, is the landlord racket, the mammalian monopoly on territory which allows the king's relations (lords-of-the-land) or their successors, today's "land-lords," to take tribute (rent) from those who live within the territory. Rent is the daughter of taxation; the second degree of the same racket.

Third, the latest in historical time, is the usury racket, the monopoly on the issue of currency which allows the money lords to take tribute (interest) on the creation of money or credit, and on the continuous circulation of the money or credit every step of the way. Interest is the son of rent, the rent of money.

Since most people engaged in nefarious practices are, in my opinion, very loathe to acknowledge what they are doing, and are addicted to the same hypocrisies as the rest of humanity, I think all power groups quite sincerely believe that what they are doing is proper, and that anybody who attacks them is a revolutionary nut. Outside of the Klingons on Star Trek, I have never encountered a real predator who justifies himself on Stirnerite or Machiavellian grounds. I really think Saroyan was right, naive as it sounds, in saying that "every man is a good man in his own eyes."


(Preceding was written in 1976; following was written in 1979)

The difference between Conspiracy Digest and myself is that CD defines the Power Elite as somebody else. I always define the Power Elite as myself and my friends. CD and I are in basic agreement that certain kinds of power are vested in (a) those who monopolize weaponry, i.e. governments, (b) those who monopolize land, i.e. landlords, and (c) those who monopolize currency, i.e. banks of issue. We disagree in that CD regards these traditional monopolies as possessing the only kinds of power that matters on this planet; and I recognize another kind of power, Brain Power. Brain power (the work of all artists, scientists, and symbolizers since the dawn of humanity, but particularly those of the Nineteenth Century) created the "real world" over which monopolists fight each other in the Twentieth Century. Similiarly, Brain power right now, today, is creating the "real world" of the Twenty-First Century, over which the monopolies will then be struggling. The Brain people create the realities over which the Power people fight each other, and the Brain people even create the techniques of the fight...

Less than thirty years ago it was believed by many intellectuals
that the United States was a matriarchy.
The intellectuals who believed this were all males,
but I don't know any other explanation for them.

Paleopuritanism and Neopuritanism ...As psychologist Theodore Schroeder pointed out, "obscenity" is the modern form of "black magic." Both concepts are operationally meaningless; there is no instrument which, pointed at a book or painting, will tell how much "black magic" or "obscenity" is in it. These things are in the nervous system of the observer. Attributing them to books, art, ideas, etc., in the external world, and seeking to punish the perpetrators, is the same kind of hallucination that produced the witch-hunts in which nine million innocents were killed.

Clarification of this issue explains what the Buddhists mean by "maya." One could lead a group of both old Puritans and new Puritans through a gallery featuring photographs of flowers without any problem arising, even though flowers are the genitals of plants, as everyone who passed Botany 101 knows. However, try to navigate that group through an exhibit of photos of animal genitalia and almost anything could happen, when the emotional imprints are activated. The external stimuli (natural sexuality) are the same, but the imprints are different. Contemplation of this parable should clarify what Buddha meant in saying that most people see only their own "maya" and never experience objective fact at all. Of course, if the exhibit featured human genitalia... a great deal of angry speech about "smut" from the first group and "sexism" from the second would be heard. All of this speech would confuse the internal glandular-emotional emergency imprint with the objective external stimuli, and there would be a desire to punish the photographer.

The brain is the greatest sex organ of all.

From The Robert Anton Wilson website @ http://www.rawilson.com/papers.html

For more by Robert Anton Wilson see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/Robert%20Anton%20Wilson
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