How vaccines are made:
Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus and more

The issues surrounding the dangers of vaccines require a look into how they are made and to what we are exposing ourselves to. So, what are vaccinations exactly?
Generally speaking, vaccinations are inoculations that attempt to confer immunity against a specific disease. Our anti-body defenses are stimulated when weakened versions of bacteria or viruses are injected into our system.
Bacterial vaccinations are grown in petri dishes but viral vaccinations require a live host. Recent medical advances have widened the sphere of what "live host" actually means (
Edward Jenner, credited with discovering the small pox vaccine, observed that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox ended up immune to smallpox. Jenner's first "inoculation" was completed by injecting an 8 year old with the pus from the lesions of a milkmaid with cowpox (
Generally speaking, vaccinations are inoculations that attempt to confer immunity against a specific disease. Our anti-body defenses are stimulated when weakened versions of bacteria or viruses are injected into our system.
Bacterial vaccinations are grown in petri dishes but viral vaccinations require a live host. Recent medical advances have widened the sphere of what "live host" actually means (
Edward Jenner, credited with discovering the small pox vaccine, observed that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox ended up immune to smallpox. Jenner's first "inoculation" was completed by injecting an 8 year old with the pus from the lesions of a milkmaid with cowpox (
Modern Day Vaccinations
Tragically, even with all of the strides made in modern medicine, vaccination preparation has actually gotten worse. Original vaccinations were contrived by using the infected matter from another human being and introducing it into the body.
Trouble began once animals began to be used as hosts. Enter Dr. Jonas Salk and the race to develop a commercially viable polio vaccine. Salk and his peers concocted from a mad scientist brew of ingredients including the minced up spinal cord from a 9-year-old deceased patient, water, blood, flies, feces, and human cell matter. This mixture was injected into the brains of monkeys, most of which died instantly or became paralyzed.
Undaunted, Salk plugged away eventually creating the commercial version of the polio vaccine, developed in part from "the feces of three healthy children in Cleveland."
Ironically this infamous father of the polio vaccine just recently was exposed for his role in illegal experiments on mental patients(
While today's formulations don't contain feces, they are still derived from live hosts including cows, monkeys, pigs, chicken embryos, and human diploid cell.
Cell matter is extracted from these hosts, combined with toxic chemicals like Thimerosol (mercury), formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and a variety of other substances, before being injected into our bodies ( and The side effects are autism, diabetes, asthma, MS, SIDS, and more.
Trouble began once animals began to be used as hosts. Enter Dr. Jonas Salk and the race to develop a commercially viable polio vaccine. Salk and his peers concocted from a mad scientist brew of ingredients including the minced up spinal cord from a 9-year-old deceased patient, water, blood, flies, feces, and human cell matter. This mixture was injected into the brains of monkeys, most of which died instantly or became paralyzed.
Undaunted, Salk plugged away eventually creating the commercial version of the polio vaccine, developed in part from "the feces of three healthy children in Cleveland."
Ironically this infamous father of the polio vaccine just recently was exposed for his role in illegal experiments on mental patients(
While today's formulations don't contain feces, they are still derived from live hosts including cows, monkeys, pigs, chicken embryos, and human diploid cell.
Cell matter is extracted from these hosts, combined with toxic chemicals like Thimerosol (mercury), formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and a variety of other substances, before being injected into our bodies ( and The side effects are autism, diabetes, asthma, MS, SIDS, and more.
Vaccine Pollution
The viral cell matter presents a significant health risk due to the plethora of dangerous animal viruses, RNA, DNA, and other foreign material that can't be filtered out of the final preparation.
Award winning journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible and a host of other papers developing into the truth behind vaccine development, discovered that "vaccines are not filtered clean, but suspension from the manufacturers incubation tanks in which the viruses are produced from substrates of mashed bird embryo, minced monkey kidneys, or the infamous cloned human diploid cells only scanned for a few known contaminates - while the unknowns remain just that -- unknown."
Even worse, the government has provided legal protection to the vaccine industry and their polluted products via FDA regulations, more specifically 21 CFR.
"Virus interaction can't be controlled -- by their very nature they are mutating organisms. There is a well-founded concern that these animal viruses are able to cross species lines and adapt to their new host environment."
Dr. Leonard Hayflick, a virologist at both Stanford and the University of California at San Francisco raised a concern that the common primary culture used for making vaccines with animals and bird embryos has created a situation where it is "apparent that these cells contained many unwanted viruses, some of which were lethal to humans." (
For instance the SV40 virus that originates in monkeys made its way into the human population via the polio vaccination and has been tied to cancer non Hodgkin's lymphoma and brain tumors( (
The World Health Organization is aware that MMR vaccines are tainted with avian leukosis virus that has been linked with leukemia ( (pg 19) and Rotatrix is one of the most recent vaccinations exposed as being contaminated with DNA matter from animals- in that case pigs(
Award winning journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible and a host of other papers developing into the truth behind vaccine development, discovered that "vaccines are not filtered clean, but suspension from the manufacturers incubation tanks in which the viruses are produced from substrates of mashed bird embryo, minced monkey kidneys, or the infamous cloned human diploid cells only scanned for a few known contaminates - while the unknowns remain just that -- unknown."
Even worse, the government has provided legal protection to the vaccine industry and their polluted products via FDA regulations, more specifically 21 CFR.
"Virus interaction can't be controlled -- by their very nature they are mutating organisms. There is a well-founded concern that these animal viruses are able to cross species lines and adapt to their new host environment."
Dr. Leonard Hayflick, a virologist at both Stanford and the University of California at San Francisco raised a concern that the common primary culture used for making vaccines with animals and bird embryos has created a situation where it is "apparent that these cells contained many unwanted viruses, some of which were lethal to humans." (
For instance the SV40 virus that originates in monkeys made its way into the human population via the polio vaccination and has been tied to cancer non Hodgkin's lymphoma and brain tumors( (
The World Health Organization is aware that MMR vaccines are tainted with avian leukosis virus that has been linked with leukemia ( (pg 19) and Rotatrix is one of the most recent vaccinations exposed as being contaminated with DNA matter from animals- in that case pigs(
Government Duplicity
In response to questions regarding the safety of vaccinations, a governmental official answered that, "safety issues would then have to be considered based on the nature of that material. We would hope that they would select materials that would be more amenable or pose less of a risk, but that may not always be the case." (
However, the American government remains steadfast in its assurances to the American public that vaccinations are required to keep your children healthy (
Yet, the risk has been great enough for Congress to enact the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which provides monetary relief for the hundreds of people that file claims for vaccine related injury or death.
The truth about vaccines is like most things - money talks. The vaccination industry made over 29 billion dollars in 2009 and is slated to make 54 billion by 2016 (http://centerforvaccineethicsandpol...).
A certain amount of this profit is used to payoff medical advisors to support pro-vaccination campaigns (
The government's shameful cosigning of pharmaceutical companies bid to increase profits and reduce lawsuits is evidence that not much has changed when it comes to governmental policy and its effect on citizens(
What the pharmaceutical La Cosa Nostra does its very best to hide is that the key to overcoming diseases is not vaccinations but the backbones of good health -- nutrition, cleanliness, and clean water.
"The most likely factors leading to health improvements are a rise in the levels of nutrition and the slow spread of modern ideas of personal hygiene. The principal factor behind the improvement in health, in developing countries is probably not any form of health measure, but economic development itself. Mere exposure to a disease agent need not produce clinical disease and very frequently does not do so."
Malnutrition is of the highest importance because it hampers the body's natural resistance and acts "synergistically" with disease agents to increase the incidence and severity of clinical diseases.
Think long and hard before you opt for the next round of vaccinations, the result could be more than you bargained for.
However, the American government remains steadfast in its assurances to the American public that vaccinations are required to keep your children healthy (
Yet, the risk has been great enough for Congress to enact the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which provides monetary relief for the hundreds of people that file claims for vaccine related injury or death.
The truth about vaccines is like most things - money talks. The vaccination industry made over 29 billion dollars in 2009 and is slated to make 54 billion by 2016 (http://centerforvaccineethicsandpol...).
A certain amount of this profit is used to payoff medical advisors to support pro-vaccination campaigns (
The government's shameful cosigning of pharmaceutical companies bid to increase profits and reduce lawsuits is evidence that not much has changed when it comes to governmental policy and its effect on citizens(
What the pharmaceutical La Cosa Nostra does its very best to hide is that the key to overcoming diseases is not vaccinations but the backbones of good health -- nutrition, cleanliness, and clean water.
"The most likely factors leading to health improvements are a rise in the levels of nutrition and the slow spread of modern ideas of personal hygiene. The principal factor behind the improvement in health, in developing countries is probably not any form of health measure, but economic development itself. Mere exposure to a disease agent need not produce clinical disease and very frequently does not do so."
Malnutrition is of the highest importance because it hampers the body's natural resistance and acts "synergistically" with disease agents to increase the incidence and severity of clinical diseases.
Think long and hard before you opt for the next round of vaccinations, the result could be more than you bargained for.
Sharpston M.J., Health and the Human Environment, in (Ghosh P.K. editor) Health, Food and Nutrition in Third World Development, International Development Resource Book No. 6, Greenword Press, Westport, Conn., U.S.A., 1984, pp. 85 and 80. ( )
Fear of the invisible ( J. Roberts/Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1897-1905.
From Natural News @
Unvaccinated children far less prone to allergies and disease than vaccinated children
It is commonly assumed that vaccinations are responsible for bringing about substantial improvements in public health, and that humans were much more prone to developing serious disease prior to their advent. But a new survey released by debunks this myth by showing that unvaccinated children are far less prone to developing allergies, autoimmune disorders, neurological problems, endocrine diseases, and other illnesses compared to their vaccinated counterparts.
German homeopathic practitioner Andreas Bachmair compiled health data on more than 8,000 unvaccinated children from at least 15 different countries, and compared it to health data compiled on more than 17,400 vaccinated children involved in a German study known as KiGGS - The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents.
The children involved in both studies ranged in age from 0 - 17, but most of the children involved in the unvaccinated study were eight years of age or younger. Both studies, however, used the same criteria for collecting data on children's health, and both are considered to have arrived at valid results.
In every single health category evaluated as part of both studies, the overall health of unvaccinated children was leaps and bounds ahead of the vaccinated children. The allergy rate among vaccinated children, for instance, was more than double the allergy rate among unvaccinated children. And worse, vaccinated children were found to be nearly eight times more prone to developing asthma or chronic Bronchitis than were unvaccinated children.
Another significant difference between the two groups was observed in the category of autoimmune disorders. While less than half of one percent of unvaccinated children were found to have developed an autoimmune disease, roughly seven percent of vaccinated children developed one -- and according to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly 25 percent of Americans today suffer from at least one autoimmune disorder.
The other health categories where unvaccinated children fared better than vaccinated children included neurodermatitis, herpes, otitis media, hay fever, hyperactivity, scoliosis, epilepsy and seizures, migraine headaches, and thyroid disease. The only category where disease rates were roughly equal between the two groups was in the category of diabetes mellitus, a disease which affects only about 0.2% of children under 20 anyway.
You can view the entire Bachmair vaccination study, complete with thorough details and visual graphs, by visiting:
German homeopathic practitioner Andreas Bachmair compiled health data on more than 8,000 unvaccinated children from at least 15 different countries, and compared it to health data compiled on more than 17,400 vaccinated children involved in a German study known as KiGGS - The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents.
The children involved in both studies ranged in age from 0 - 17, but most of the children involved in the unvaccinated study were eight years of age or younger. Both studies, however, used the same criteria for collecting data on children's health, and both are considered to have arrived at valid results.
In every single health category evaluated as part of both studies, the overall health of unvaccinated children was leaps and bounds ahead of the vaccinated children. The allergy rate among vaccinated children, for instance, was more than double the allergy rate among unvaccinated children. And worse, vaccinated children were found to be nearly eight times more prone to developing asthma or chronic Bronchitis than were unvaccinated children.
Another significant difference between the two groups was observed in the category of autoimmune disorders. While less than half of one percent of unvaccinated children were found to have developed an autoimmune disease, roughly seven percent of vaccinated children developed one -- and according to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), nearly 25 percent of Americans today suffer from at least one autoimmune disorder.
The other health categories where unvaccinated children fared better than vaccinated children included neurodermatitis, herpes, otitis media, hay fever, hyperactivity, scoliosis, epilepsy and seizures, migraine headaches, and thyroid disease. The only category where disease rates were roughly equal between the two groups was in the category of diabetes mellitus, a disease which affects only about 0.2% of children under 20 anyway.
You can view the entire Bachmair vaccination study, complete with thorough details and visual graphs, by visiting:
From Natural News @
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