"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Friday 27 October 2006

Global Mind: Unity in Diversity

Global Mind
Unity in Diversity

The image

We can do ANYTHING. In this new millennium humanity can achieve whatever it fixes its will upon - even the evolution of our species into something more compassionate, wise, enduring and endearing. Or we can keep on repeating the mistakes of our grandparents, fighting our way into common graves. Maybe deep change - though strange and unknown and even slightly scary - will be better than following our quaint, superstitious forebears to early extinction.

If we want to survive and thrive in the Third Millennium it's time most of us realised we're all a vast, single consciousness, individual creatures existing at every conceivable stage of development living in a plenitude of sizes, shapes and experiences. We're all eyes and ears and noses of a unified planetary being, myriad sensors and transducers with infinite potential; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

            These parts - species and races, for instance - all interpenetrate and rely on each other. They can't really be parted from each other without the holographic whole being impoverished. Whether you believe a global entity can be conscious or that life is a random artefact of chemical ecology, we are all made of the same stuff - mindstuff. 

Twentieth Century science came to realize all matter is made of energy. It may be some time before humanity ascertains that energy is conceived and shaped by conception, by mind itself. It may be a while before most of us realize that our thoughts literally create reality - if only because so few of us are trained to apprehend the nature of thought and to listen to ourselves. And to learn that we're all telepathic, along with all other life-forms.

But you can do it - any time or even right now. Listen to your thoughts for five minutes. Ten. Twenty. See where they come from and go to. You may find it's a good idea to stop them completely - for a while - and concentrate on something else. The ‘monkey mind' fears extinction and believes that when it stops running through the infinite maze of thoughts it dies. So when you can stop all thought a large part of you no longer fears death and even has some degree of understanding, an intimation of immortality.

            Our human cell-cultures - our nations and tribes and races - can all co-exist in a beautiful balance in the Third Millennium, now that information flows at the speed of light through the world wide web almost as fast as it does naturally through the plenum of the web of life. This suddenly evolving telepathic nervous system of humanity makes it possible to survive the blind gropings of our nascent space-faring technology, as it makes it possible for us all to decide for ourselves truth from fiction, honesty from lies and certitude from error.

            Everyone IS everyone, everyone is telepathic, everyone is an individual in a shoal of near-clones parading their minute differences of colour and shape before each other. Now that evolution has been interrupted by civilization, aesthetics become the primary driver of species selection.

            There is something that creates mind and thoughtforms - an ineffable substance that renders badly into English as ‘spirit' or ‘aether' - or will. Beyond bodies, forces and mind is a refined level of conscious awareness, emanating a musical multifarious dialog.

            Geometry, music, harmonics and resonance are the keys to the new awareness and our new technologies. ‘Free' energy and plenty for all is very easy to achieve with surprisingly little disruption to human life and culture. We all have free will - that's what it takes to create infinity.

            Scarcity is an illusion. Anything is possible. All we have to do is to learn to enjoy living together - for a long time. That's all it takes to have a long, good time. Where are you sitting right now? Who is your neighbour, anyway? Time to find out.

- R. Ayana

image -http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/Images/Brain-Earth.GIF

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Thursday 26 October 2006

Prehistoric tsunami in Australia

Prehistoric tsunami in Australia


Identification of a range of features or signatures imprinted upon the landscape by large tsunami has allowed us to construct a record of palaeo- (prehistoric) tsunami. These signatures include sedimentary deposits and erosional bedrock features.

Depositional and erosional signatures of tsunami

For example, there are numerous piles of boulders aligned like fallen dominoes along the top of cliffs at Jervis Bay, New South Wales. The waves that overwashed these cliffs also deposited shelly sand that can be radiocarbon dated around AD 1500. This event produced one wave that overran the 130 m high headland flanking the south of Jervis Bay.

    The photographs in the linked windows show this evidence. At Gum Getters Bay, boulders as large as a boxcar were moved. They are stacked parallel with each other to the top of a 30 m high cliff. In this regard, cliff collapse did not produce the deposit. Rather the boulders were deposited from a wave that overwashed the cliff.

Imbricated boulders stacked against a thirty-metre high cliff face on the south side of Gum Getters Inlet, New South Wales, Australia. Some of these boulders are the size of a boxcar. Note the person circled for scale.

 More dramatic are features carved into bedrock that render much of Australia's rocky coast so scenic. Multiple vortices in fast moving water can sculpture solid bedrock into many distinct features such as stacks, arches, and sea caves. Our web pages show many photographs of these features around the Australian coastline. Many of these features have been attributed, without substantiation, to long-term erosion by wind-generated waves.

However, some features lie beyond the reach of normal or high-energy wave attack and bear similarities to features carved by enormous floods that were last present on Earth during the Last Ice Age. Stacks such as Cathedral Rocks near Kiama on the New South Wales South Coast, and giant whirlpools on the sides of headlands were carved by vortices in tsunami flow within a few minutes.


A mega-tsunami approached the coastline from the southeast, overrode the headland, dropped into the sheltered embayment on the leeside, and then cut into the cliffs at Cathedral Rocks. Horizontal, eggbeater like vortices gouged out the stacks.. A sea cave was then bored into the cliffs by one of the vortices landward of the main stack.

     Some of the above events would be devastating were they to recur today near inhabited coastline. Fortunately, only two large events have been identified along the New South Wales coast over the past 10000 years. The size of the evidence is beyond the capability of earthquake-generated tsunami and alludes to a meteorite or comet hit with the ocean. The figure below presents a record of comet and meteorites for the last 2000 years.



The calibrated radiocarbon dates under the Mystic Fires of Tamaatea are from wood and peats burnt on the South Island of New Zealand. The Mystic Fires of Tamaatea refers to a Maori legend where fire from the sky scorched the Earth killing many people.

The radiocarbon dates of prehistoric tsunami events in Australia are based on shell collected from tsunami deposits along the New South Wales coast and from Lord Howe Island.

    Also shown is the frequency of corrected radiocarbon ages from tsunami deposits along the New South Wales coast and Lord Howe Island. The panel entitled Fires of Tamaatea plots the frequency of corrected radiocarbon dates on burnt wood and peat from the South Island of New Zealand. This dates a Maori legend about the descent of fire from the sky that destroyed the landscape. The AD 1500 tsunami along the east coast of Australia corresponds to a peak in the comet and meteorite observations, and to the timing of Maori legends describing a comet hit.

Dates are now coming from tsunami deposits on the east coast of New Zealand confirming this age. Astronomers believe that a comet came into the inner solar system within the last 20,000 years and fragmented. The Earth periodically passes through the most concentrate part of the debris trail at 500-1500 year intervals. The evidence suggests that one such fragment might have struck the Australian-New Zealand region 500 years ago. Except for random meteorites, the Earth will not intercept this comet trail again until AD 3000.

    While our east coast is not threatened by another comet- or meteorite-induced tsunami, tsunami generated by submarine slides cannot be ruled out. Radiocarbon dating suggests that an important tsunami occurs along the New South Wales coast every 1000 years or less. The source of these events is not difficult to envisage. There are over 170 slide scars on the continental shelf edge along the New South Wales coast. They have not been dated, but they are geologically recent. Any of them could cause a localised tsunami. Some slides are large.

One off northern Wollongong measures 20 km in length and 10 km in width. It would have generated a tsunami that affected a considerable length of coast south of Sydney. There is no detection system in place in Australia to warn against tsunami generated by nearby submarine slides. Even if there were, people would have only 20- 30 minutes to evacuate to safety. They could do it though.


Transcript, links and further information for 'Tsunami'


    Forces of nature make great movie villains, big, powerful and very scary. But for the people of Papua New Guinea, Hollywood fiction became grim fact in July, when a tsunami slammed into the country's north coast

    Such monster waves have many causes and devastating consequences. In Papua New Guinea, over 2,200 people died and thousands more were left homeless. Scientists scrambled to pin down the source of the destructive wave.

    Associate Professor Ted Bryant

    It looks like it might be a submarine land slide triggered by an earthquake event and it was on catastrophic proportions


    Tsunamis have been wreaking havoc around the Pacific Rim for millennia. Yet they remain a confusing phenomenon. For instance, "tsunami" is Japanese for "harbour wave", not "tidal wave". And the mighty waves are often depicted incorrectly in the media.

    Professor Joe Monaghan

    For example in this newspaper you will see an artist's representation of a wave....one or two decisive waves. You get thumped by something immense.


    Ordinary storm waves have tremendous destructive power. But tsunamis can travel at speeds of nearly 1,000 kilometers per hour and carry billions of tonnes of water. The most common trigger is an undersea avalanche or earthquake. The sudden shift of a huge volume of water sends the tsunami on its way.

    As the front of a tsunami hits shallow water near shore, it slows. Faster moving water at the back catches up, and builds the wave to a height of 30 meters or more. Surprisingly, Australia has long been on the tsunami hit list, argues a leading Geomorphologist.

    Ted Bryant bases his startling claim on a suite of geological evidence scattered all around the vast coastline. Ted's discovered what he calls the "signatures" of a tsunami: Things like piles of shells where they shouldn't be, ocean sand on hilltops, and peculiar rock formations. For instance, at Little Bay, south of Sydney, there are giant 10-tonne boulders, tossed well beyond the reach of ordinary stormy seas.

    Associate Professor Ted Bryant

    This boulder has been lightly settled out of flowing water and its made contact with the blocks underneath and if it had been tossed up it would have fractured these contacts and you can see that there's no fracturing between the two ah three boulders where they made contact....

    This one has just settled out of the flow and so a tsunami's gone by and lost some of its energy so its dropped out of the flow gently onto the other blocks and the platform.


    Ted claims that further south, near Wollongong, is another "signature" of that same tsunami, an enormous bowl-shaped structure.

    Associate Professor Ted Bryant

    Well we're standing on the side facing the wave's approach.. The wave's gone up over this head land and as the wave went over, you would have had about five minutes of water eight to ten meters deep but it slowly generated vortexes that sped up and when they reached the critical velocity they actually cut down through this bed rock and that's the circular depression the part which you see in the middle is the center of the vortex because the waves were moving and the water was moving slower than the vortex. It didn't erode as fast.


    According to Ted, tsunamis the size of the vortex-carver were probably set rolling by asteroids. Impact, earthquake or undersea avalanche, he bets Australia will be struck again. It has already been hit by at least six tsunamis in the past 6,000 years.

    Associate Professor Ted Bryant

    The most recent big one we think occurred about fourteen hundred AD and that one was tossing material up sixty meters high ... and from other evidence around the Jarvis Bay region we think it may have been going up on top of eighty meter high cliffs.


    Yet, the giant waves vary in size and shape, and haven't left their calling cards on every Australian beach. To find out why, mathematician Joe Monaghan puts tsunamis in a tank.

    Professor Joe Monaghan

    What you're going to see is a tsunami running onto shore . We're interested in how the tsunami breaks, what happens here when it meets beaches of different slope. We're interested in the way it runs ashore. We want to know how the sand has moved...

    Leigh Dayton

    Why is it important to know where the sand is after an experiment like this?

    Professor Joe Monaghan

    Well if you're like us and you want to find out about an ancient tsunami ... sediments ... material thrown up from the sea.


    Based on experimental findings, Joe simulates real tsunamis, like the Papua New Guinea wave, which smashed into a lagoon.

    Professor Joe Monaghan

    The front of the tsunami...it will break..


    Using similar scientific tools, Joe is tackling another complex problem: historical tsunamis, triggered by volcanic eruptions. He suspects the fall of the once mighty Minoan civilization of Crete, about thirty five hundred years ago, is linked to a known eruption on the Aegean island of Santorini.But how could a volcano be responsible?

    Professor Joe Monaghan

    They emit what are called pyroclastic flows, fast moving hot gas carrying a great deal of solid material that just pushes into the sea and in pushing into the sea it initiates these tsunamis.


    To test his theory, Ted sets miniature pyroclastic flows off and monitors their waves. It's such a finicky process, he only manages one experiment a day. Still, a computer model based on the hard-won data shows Joe may be right. But with increasing insight into the secrets of tsunamis, why was Papua New Guinea caught off guard? After all, an international, Pacific-wide network of earthquake-sensitive seismographs, sea-level monitors and satellites produces tsunami alerts for member nations.

    Australia is a participant, unlike Papua New Guinea. But even a warning system can be too little too late. And sometimes there's no accounting for curiosity.

    Associate Professor Ted Bryant

    In San Francisco in 1964, after the Alaskan earthquake there was a warning put out for the Pacific and it gave San Francisco about 6 hours. And ten thousand people made it down to the coast line to stand there watching the wave come.


    Fortunately the wave passed them by. If Ted Bryant is right, though, coast-loving Australians are in line for a front row view of a tsunami...anytime. There's even a chance Hollywood will have it right.

    Further Information
    Associate Professor Ted Bryant
    University of Woollongong
    Professor Joe Monaghan
    Maths Department
    Monash University

images - http://digitaljournal.com/img/8/7/3/i/8/8/9/o/Australian-continent.jpg 

For further enlightenment see –

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

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From the New Illuminati – http://newilluminati.blog-city.com

Wednesday 25 October 2006

Ozone Hole Biggest Yet

Ozone Hole Biggest Yet

By Phil Berardelli

The hole in Earth's ozone layer has grown to its biggest dimensions yet, according to scientists at NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The gap--observed last month over Antarctica--was nearly three times the size of the continental United States and about 1% larger than the previous record.

The ozone hole has appeared every Antarctic winter since scientists began taking measurements in 1985. It signals the continued action of ozone-destroying compounds, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), in the atmosphere, which are magnified by the effect of colder winter temperatures on the fragile gas. Because ozone blocks DNA-damaging rays from the sun, scientists are concerned that a weakening of this protective layer could lead to a higher incidence of cancer and infertility among people living in the southern hemisphere.

In 1987, an international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol banned the release of CFCs (once common in refrigerators and air conditioners) into the atmosphere; however, their effect can persist for decades. At the current rate of recovery, scientists estimate it could take another 60 years for the planet's ozone layer to mend completely.

The record-setting ozone hole was observed from 21 September to 30 September by NASA's polar-orbiting Aura satellite, as well as from instrument-laden balloons launched by polar research stations.
Scientists calculated the gap at 27.4 million square kilometers, says Paul Newman, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, which manages Aura. The biggest previous gap was 27.1 million square kilometers, he says, seen in 2003. In addition, the readings showed nearly all of the ozone had been destroyed between eight and 13 miles above Earth's surface. "These numbers mean the ozone is virtually gone in this layer of the atmosphere," says David Hofmann, director of the Global Monitoring Division at NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. "It appears that the 2006 ozone hole will go down as a record-setter."

A record-setter perhaps, but not necessarily meaningful, says atmospheric scientist Michael Newchurch at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. He notes that colder-than-normal temperatures over Antarctica this year accounted for the expansion--a trend that's not guaranteed to continue. On the other hand, Newchurch says, atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are increasing, which could lead to a cooler stratosphere. So "we may not have seen the biggest ozone hole, but soon the effect of declining [CFCs] will overcome the cooling temperatures, and the size of the hole will diminish," he says.

Related sites

from ScienceNOW Daily News
20 October 2006http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2006/1020/1 
image - http://ph.cdn.photos.upi.com/sv/emb/UPI-88061253563766/864ee486ffc716509ae6592b1b9a6b0d/Ozone-depletion-might-be-getting-better.jpg

Don't believe what industry or government tells you. They ARE the (in)vested interests who are destroying our world. The environment is NOT improving, but is still being destroyed. We're all part of the problem or part of the solution. Turn On. Tune In. OPT OUT!    
- R.A.

For further enlightenment see –

The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com

This material is published under Creative Commons Copyright – reproduction for non-profit use is permitted & encouraged, if you give attribution to the work & author - and please include a (preferably active) link to the original along with this notice. Feel free to make non-commercial hard (printed) or software copies or mirror sites - you never know how long something will stay glued to the web – but remember attribution! If you like what you see, please send a tiny donation or leave a comment – and thanks for reading this far…

From the New Illuminati – http://newilluminati.blog-city.com

Monday 23 October 2006

Hive Mind: Busy Nest

Hive Mind
Busy Nest 


This is your life. You're the one who can make dreams come true. You do it every day. Your life is the culmination of all your choices up to this point and this is what you've created.

Conscious creation is more fun than a blindly groping life. Most people are apparently reacting to the stimulus of an illusory ‘outside' world created by the summation of their hopes and fears - robot dreams for robot lives. This is the meaning of Karma and Dharma in the matrix of illusion - the mundane living lie that people are trained to believe from birth.

Only you can make your dreams come true. Having visions of a life you want to live is a good start. Hope can create richer realities and deeper possibilities than fear. Trust in the truths you've known since before you could speak, before your brain was washed and hung out to congeal. Trust in hope and the endurance of Life.

There is no government, no law, no teaching imposed from above. Only the agreements we make and keep with each other are real. A good party has no politics or religion and voting - the worst system for making decisions aside from all the rest - allows us to pick the lesser of two or more evils. No-one with a good heart, mind and spirit can survive the arena long enough to win, so we have a choice of hyenas, dogs and other scavengers to regulate the rule of lore. Trust isn't made for paedophile politicians and preachers - it's for friends, families and strangers with honour and honesty.

Offices and factories are not made for humans or humanity. They're made for money, the honey of the mindless buzzing hive that exists to perpetuate itself at the expense of everything else. ‘Modern' versions of feudal workforces keep free beings of infinite potential shackled to the turgid fantasies of droning businessmen. The mortgaged (measured by death) can't dream for today. 

In the busy nest, the hive-minded city tumours continue in an unchanging deathly illusion of progress. Fashions change and recur while evolution is retarded and channeled down cul-de-sacs of repetition by an Order that fears change, fearing life in the guise of avoiding death. Amid the busy nest hive workers aren't allowed wings. They don't need them. The hive only needs their time, their honey-money, their creative dreaming juice - while it lasts.

The ordered busy nest destroys the wild world on which it depends, killing the branch of the tree of life from which it hangs, pendant with honey, dependent on the illusion of money to make a great leap forward.

But the Great Leap requires wings. You can make it - the hive can't. Stop feeding the hive with your life today. Find another way - you can make anything happen. You do it all the time.

This time, make it pleasant for yourself and others. Do something new and different - live a real life outside the robot matrix, the computer simulation, under the nose of the busy nest, beneath the notice of its radar. 

Real life is you. Have a better one!

- R.Ayana

images - http://hivemindmovie.com/data/images/HiveMindSplashPage_v01.jpg

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