Alien Memories and Dreams
by Brad Steiger

In 1967, I put together a questionnaire that was originally designed as an attempt to establish a pattern profile of paranormally talented individuals, contemporary mystics, and spiritually inspired men and women. Admittedly, in the beginning, I primarily used the questions as a guideline for conducting interviews on a one-to-one basis. These were pretty much basic questions, such as "At what age did you begin to develop mediumship?" "How often do you experience telepathy or clairvoyance?" "Do you believe that you have a spirit guide?"
About 1969, interviewees surprised me by departing from the sequence of the questions to begin to speak spontaneously about their having dreams or memories of having come to Earth from some other planet. Some saw themselves as arriving on some kind of expeditionary unit in prehistoric times. Others perceived themselves as survivors seeking refuge from a devastating interplanetary war. Still others beheld themselves as beings of light, moving through space, reaching Earth and acquiring physical form.
By 1972, the Steiger Questionnaire of UFO, Paranormal, and Mystical Experiences had grown to include far more questions than those on my first elementary note pad, and even greater numbers of individuals began to report their extraterrestrial or multidimensional memories or dream scenarios. In 1987, I combined elements in my questionnaire with the research of Sherry Hansen, who, in 1970, had developed a similar list of questions.
Soon after we began as research partners, we married, and while we have now authored and co-authored many books on many subjects, we continue to receive a steady flow of emails regarding the alien dreams and memories of hundreds of men and women. We also continue to keep the statistics of the questionnaire updated. As of 2008, over 40,000 individuals from all over the planet have returned the Steiger Questionnaire of UFO, Paranormal, and Mystical Experiences. Of that number— · 59% have had dreams or memories in which they were viewing a city or a planet made of crystal
*69% have vivid dreams or memories in which they are in a spacecraft and viewing Earth from a perspective far away from the planet
*69% have vivid dreams or memories in which they are in a spacecraft and viewing Earth from a perspective far away from the planet
*54% perceive themselves in dream or memory scenarios as being an actual member of a UFO crew
*54% perceive themselves in dream or memory scenarios as being an actual member of a UFO crew
*43% state that they have dreams or memories in which they observe themselves coming to Earth as Being of Light
*43% state that they have dreams or memories in which they observe themselves coming to Earth as Being of Light
*44% have dreams in which they are drawn aboard a UFO to receive instructions and counsel *85% believe that they have lived a prior existence on another planet or in another dimension
*44% have dreams in which they are drawn aboard a UFO to receive instructions and counsel *85% believe that they have lived a prior existence on another planet or in another dimension
*53% experienced dreams or memories in which they see Earth as it might have appeared in prehistoric times
*53% experienced dreams or memories in which they see Earth as it might have appeared in prehistoric times

For purposes of research and discussion, we have termed the vast majority of our respondents and interviewees as belonging to four general groups that we have termed the "Refugees," the "Utopians," the "Energy Essences," and "The Helpers."
The Refugee Alien scenario surfaced from men and women who claimed memories of having come to Earth after they had fled their native planet because of great civil wars or cataclysmic natural disasters. In some cases, they seemed to recall having come to this planet on a kind of reconnaissance mission and crash-landed here. In any case, the aliens ended up trapped on Earth, unable to return to their home planet. They described themselves as humanlike in appearance.
The Utopians seemed to form the largest category among our interviewees. They appeared to be deliberate planetary colonizers who erected their space domes wherever they traveled in memory of the lifestyle on their world of origin. They were themselves dome-headed, suggestive of a highly evolved brain capacity, and were similar in all recognizable aspects to Homo sapiens. We labelled them "Utopians" because their descriptions of their social and political structures seemed so idealistically perfect.
The Energy Essences were the strangest of all. These interviewees spoke of existences as disembodied entities of pure energy, yet with awareness. In a sense, they were mind/spirit essences, which were able to exist on even inhospitable, barren planets--or in space itself.
In our opinion, these entities were not at all to be confused with angelic intelligences. In many cases, these essences drifted rather purposelessly through space. In other instances, they approached specific planets with the intention of inhabiting already existing physical bodies.
As I suggested, we gained the most information about the Utopians. We heard of a planet with a reddish sky and with two moons. The cities and the individual homes were described as having been of crystal or some material, which was crystalline in effect. The buildings appeared translucent for the most part, but we also heard descriptions of the sun reflecting off spires and turrets. We were often told that the cities were sheltered under protective domes.
The subjects who recalled lives as Utopians expressed a great nostalgia for the culture of that lost planet. The cities seemed to be run according to the ideals of a perfect democracy. Citizens enjoyed total freedom without the harsh by-products of civilization--crime, hunger, and poverty.
Family units as we know them did not seem to exist. Communal living, of a sort, seemed to prevail, although each person had his individual space and privacy.
Numerous interviewees testified that the Utopians ate very sparingly, most often of a concentrated food that was made into a soup-like mixture. The culture was completely vegetarian with no flesh foods of any kind being consumed.
Most of the Utopians remembered themselves as slender, quite short, with big-domed heads. Although they had little body hair and no beards or moustaches, they did mention longish golden hair and eyelashes. Their skin was most often said to be of golden-brown complexion, and their eyes were of a similar colour.
Music seemed to be an intrinsic element in their culture, and we were told that it was primarily a free form, no repetitive sound that often became a part of their thoughts.
In contrast to the tranquil, gentle lives of the Utopians, the Refugees' memories and dreams were filled with accounts of violent civil wars, burning cities, global holocausts. Many reported that they had fled the planet before it exploded.
The accounts of a beleaguered, dying planet began to sound so reminiscent of tales of the legendary Atlantis that we speculated whether or not that memory which seemed so indelibly etched in humankind's collective unconscious might not have actually occurred on another planet light years away in space.
Although the Refugees were generally less able to provide us with the kind of detailed information about their culture, which the Utopians had given us, we found a number of these subjects concerned with the recall of antigravity devices, cancer cures. fireproofing formulas, and other advantages of their advanced technology.
Most of their memories, however, were cluttered with survival thoughts and plans of escape from their doomed world. We did eventually manage to interview a number of subjects who seemed to have shared lives in the priest craft of a temple on this planet, but they, too, remembered more of the destruction of the building than their daily rituals.
Most typical of the Refugee regressions were graphic descriptions of immense portions of their planet being ripped apart by explosions and of large numbers of the population being annihilated. We also heard from several subjects describing fiery crash landings on Earth or on other planets, as their war-damaged spacecraft failed to negotiate proper landings.
By 1979, we began to hear from increasingly large numbers of questionnaire respondents who claim to recall coming to Earth for the express purpose of assuming incarnations on the planet as part of an extended mission of raising the level of humankind's consciousness. We named them, The Helpers.
Typical of such reports is the one sent to us by A.M., a schoolteacher from Colorado:
In this dream, I am in a place of great (but not blinding) light. Other "beings" are there. It seems that we are in a rather large, round object which hovers a short distance above Earth. I am being shown a chute like passageway leading downward, and I am given to understand that I am to go through this chute.
My feelings about descending are not those of joy, but more like necessity or duty. This all seems to be part of the Plan. My last awareness is of passing downward ... toward the Earth.
There is no feeling of threat or danger, merely some sadness at separation from the other beings. The dream ends. The images remain.
A woman secretary in the California school district informed us that she "remembered" volunteering to come to Earth. Her role was to be that of one of a group of counsellors who would assist Earth to evolve spiritually. On her planet of origin, she was a scientist who worked with channelling light as a source of energy.
According to her alien memories, her first life experience on Earth occurred in the Yucatan, where she was regarded as an oracle and where, for a time, she experimented with hypnotic drugs, which had been carefully devised to enable the native people to establish closer telepathic contact with her.
Jay of Ontario, has his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, and a belief that this is his first incarnation on Earth:
I volunteered to embark upon a specific mission, now nearing the completion of its first phase. It is my understanding that it is my mission to discover and to develop the skills needed to help my fellow human beings, whether they are homo sapiens or homo astrolis.
I also understand that I now have two parts of a three-part puzzle.
The first part involves the fundamental importance of the ways we perceive reality. These perceptions, the operation of which we are largely unaware, can serve to help or to hinder our progress, depending on whether or not they reveal or mask our true pathways.
The second aspect relates to the ways in which we apply our perceptions, as a build-up of others or as a put-down of them or ourselves. Considerable skill is needed here, since put-downs are often subtle and overtly unintentional.
I can only guess, at this point, the basis of the third part. I have been told to work on these two for a while, to get their details, and that the third will come. With the third, the golden chain will be complete and the window will open.
Another interviewee from Ontario, a thirty-two-year-old man, stated that he can recall each of his five previous lifetimes on this planet, and in each prior existence he has served as a contact point for UFO intelligences: On my native planet, I was a dream interpreter. I was sent to Earth to help prepare Earthlings for the coming UFO contact on a global basis.
I lived in a city of light, of crystal buildings, where everything was peace and harmony. I used dreams to interpret any forthcoming health problems and to help people better understand themselves. We had conquered pain and suffering by our mental abilities-and these are gifts that we will one day be able to give to Earthlings. Interestingly, we have heard from a number of members of Native American tribes who seem to fit into this fourth category of aliens on assignments of raising Earth awareness.
A Cherokee physicist, who now lives in Alabama, not only had recall of a past life in the Pleiades, but he was also able to fit his alien memories together with tribal legends that his people had come from another world: We lived in domed cities with translucent walls. We could fly, communicate with animals, and transport ourselves instantly to other parts of our world.I remember our city as a golden color--a place of great beauty and calm. I came with others from my planet to help Earth through its birth pains into an intergalactic community and oneness. We were members of the priest craft in ancient Egypt; we were alchemists in the middle Ages; we are scientists and clergy in the modern world.
A woman named Monica remembers being a scientist from another world who participated in creating the first crude [Homo sapiens] of this world. Apparently, in this scientific work she did, she was cruel and uncaring to these creatures. But something happened. One day she realized these beings had feelings. One of the creatures had taken her hand one day and caressed it. Monica realized then that just because one may have the knowledge to create a life form, doesn't give one the right to abuse a life form.
A forty-three-year-old industrial consultant from Arkansas vividly recalled memories of a life as a "starcraft engineer" who was on board a vehicle that was forced to crash-land on Earth during an expedition to gather raw materials for industrial processing. All our systems were failing, and the pilots could barely keep the craft under control. We had lost most of our drive system, and we were preparing to die in the impact of the crash.... My readouts were going mad, and when I glanced out the porthole, I could see the surface of Earth approaching. After the crash landing in what is now northern Europe-we discovered that the pilots had managed to touch down with only minor damage. But, tragically, although the engineering crew worked for months to attempt a repair, we could not get us space borne again. We couldn't even get our emergency signals to muster up enough strength to have a chance to rescue. I died in what is now Germany, and I lived several lifetimes on Earth prior to my present existence. I feel trapped here. I still want to get back to my home planet.
The whole matter of sensible men and women who claim alien memories and persistent dreams of extraterrestrial origin invites extensive speculation. Are these people, because of their higher intelligence and greater sensitivity, rejecting an association with Earth because of all the inadequacies and shortcomings, which they witness all around them? Does the mechanism of believing oneself to be of alien heritage enable one to deal more objectively with the multitude of problems, which assail the conscientious, and caring at each dawn of a new day?
Dr. Leo Sprinkle, formerly director of counselling services at the University of Wyoming and an internationally acclaimed authority on the UFO mystery, has said that he has also found men and women who claim significant experiences, memories, and dreams about prior existences on other planets. "Although we cannot prove that it is true," Dr. Sprinkle admitted, "I am convinced that it is possible that some people have lived before as aliens. One other possibility is that these memories have been implanted in order to program us to prepare for life off this planet." Professor Sprinkle had heard of the red sky and the two moons from several patients. He had also listened to accounts of crystal cities and translucent buildings. Academically cautious, Dr. Sprinkle was confident enough of his research to state: "These recollections are vivid and powerful, and I believe that these people are being sincere when they say these were their past lives. I have one woman who feels very angry.
She feels she has been trapped here on Earth, and she just wants to get off the planet and return home." Dr. Sprinkle went on to say that most of the people whom he had regressed considered themselves to be part of a larger system, part of a larger order.
Dr. Sprinkle is of the opinion that we should consider the enigma of alien memories from various standpoints: If we don't like the hypothesis that we have been seeded from extraterrestrial beings, we can still accept the hypothesis that somebody--our own subconscious, God, higher beings, somebody --is encouraging us to think in terms of space travel. We may be undergoing a process of mental programming by intelligent beings to provide us with guidelines so that in the future our children or our grandchildren will be able to go to other worlds.
Linda, a nurse who has recently left formal medicine so that she might become a spiritual healer, related the following experiences: My earliest recollection was at the age of five. I was at our country house. It's something I have never forgotten. For some reason I was very upset. I remember standing on the very top of my slide, looking up at the night sky.... I was just about hysterical as I looked up toward space. Through my tears I remember screaming: "Come back, please! Don't leave me here with these barbarians. Why am I being punished so? This is not my home. These are not my people!"
I had an awareness that my people were leaving me behind. My world was the planet Orion. Linda is fortunate in that her husband is very understanding of her beliefs: He now knows and sincerely believes that I am an alien. I've told him about my past lives on this world and my lives on other worlds. I have met a few ... like myself, but only one remains in contact. The others are finding it very difficult to cope with their memories of our true Home. Linda has written a poem, which expresses many of her feelings of being an alien living on Earth: I remember as if it were yesterday.
Three ships approaching Earth--one burning as it entered the atmosphere, our people dying. Were they the lucky ones? A voyage into time to save our planet. That was why we came here. So few of us are left, but we are so close, so very close to accomplishing our task... ...My heart cries for these people and for this Earth, for there is so much agony they have yet to go through. ...This world knows so much beauty, but man has chosen to destroy it and himself. ... Earthman will not conquer space. But in time the Gods will descend to walk with man.

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