The Clem Engine Reborn
Free Energy from Micro-Combustion
by Jerry W. Decker - 11/08/09 for
Usually I hate recaps, where a book or article will consist of the first 80% being history, making the reader wait for the meat of the story, ‘where’s the beef indeed’. So I’ll keep my recap as brief as possible since NEXUS readers usually know these things from their own researches. Bear in mind what you are about to read has been pieced together from various anecdotal information over the years.
The closest I’d yet come to anyone directly associated with the Clem engine was when I tracked down his daughter Teresa (thanks to investigative funding from Ken in Las Vegas) and met with her and her two adult children. It’s a long story and you can read all that I had gathered over the years at, or go directly to the Clem files and it will take you to the Index page which lists four files.
What exactly was the Clem Engine you might ask?
Back in the mid-1970s, gifted inventor Richard Clem was working for the city of Dallas, operating heavy equipment when he noticed that a heated asphalt sprayer for paving streets would continue running for many minutes after the gas engine was turned off. This aroused his natural curiosity and from this, he designed and built a closed system engine that was purported to generate 350 HP and run itself. The engine weighed about 200 pounds and ran on cooking oil at temperatures of 300 F..
Richard installed the engine in a modified automobile chassis and drove the car up and down Central Expressway in Dallas, around the area and even took a trip to El Paso and back. This sensational discovery was in the news at the time and even on local Dallas television.

These spiraling pathways wound around the cone terminating at the cone base in the form of nozzles (rim jets). Construction of the engine was from off the shelf components except for the hollow shaft and the custom cone with the enclosed spiral channels.
When fluid was pumped into the hollow shaft at pressures ranging from 300-500 PSI (pounds per square inch), it moved into the closed spiraling channels of the cone and exited from the nozzles. This action added to the spin of the cone. As the velocity of the fluid increased, so did the rotational speed of the cone.
As the speed continued to increase, the fluid heated up, requiring a heat exchange and filtering process. At a certain velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the drive system and began to operate of itself. The engine ran at speeds of 1800 to 2300 RPM. Literally capturing a ‘tornado in a box’.
Shortly after, the inventor died from a heart attack and I was told his papers and models were removed (later we found out his second wife sent them all to the dumpground as trash!), the son of the inventor is said to have taken the only working model of the machine to a farm near Dallas. There it was buried under 10 feet of concrete and has supposedly been running at that depth for several years. So I was told by Al Holman, my first source.
In later conversations, our contact says the engine had been tested by Bendix Corporation. The test involved attaching the engine to a dynamometer to measure the amount of horsepower generated by the engine in its self-running mode.
It generated a consistent 350HP, (actually it was 325HP) for 9 consecutive days which astounded the engineers at Bendix. They concluded the only source of energy which could generate this much power in a CLOSED SYSTEM over an extended period must be of an atomic nature, or a small hidden internal combustion engine.
I I really question both of these because anything atomic would require many feet of heavy, thick lead shielding and the small engine suspicion makes no sense because 1HP = 746Watts, so 325 HP is about 243KW. We all know how big a gas or diesel powered home emergency power generator is and they only produce 3-10KWs, so I have to discount both of these speculations for power generation.

As the years have passed, we have accumulated slightly more information, such as the fact that he first tried engine oil but found it would break down too soon due to the high heat produced by the engine, so he used Mazola cooking oil which would operate over many months at the requisite +300 degrees F..
Roughly four years have passed with no new information coming in about the Clem engine until around Halloween of 2009. The server crashed and was down for four days so I consulted with longtime friend and associate Dan York and ended up switching the domain name over to where I rented server space, thanks to advice from another longtime, close friend Paul Carlson. I received many emails wanting to know what happened and since my email was also on Dan’s server, I couldn’t answer until I was setup at hostgator.
One of those emails asked what happened to the pictures of the red car that Clem built. I responded explaining I was having to reload all the files so it might take some time. Within the next day or so, I had the Clem files back up and received another email from this guy Jim Ray, who said he was an ex-aerospace engineer. He said he knew Clem and had some inside information if I was interested, well DUH! I emailed him my phone number and he called up that afternoon. He told me he worked with Richard Clem for awhile and helped him build motor #4 which couldn’t duplicate the efficiency of the original motor that Clem destroyed after the death and bomb threats. Just when he thought he’d figured it out, he died the next day.
From the Social Security Death Index;
Richard Clem
Born Oct. 30th, 1928
Died May 1978
Last known address Lewisville, Denton, Texas
SSN 460-20-8591
Born Oct. 30th, 1928
Died May 1978
Last known address Lewisville, Denton, Texas
SSN 460-20-8591
According to daughter Teresa, Clem’s second wife had trashed all of his work and sold off his equipment. Teresa told me she managed to get a working blueprint but Jim says he doubts it because Clem was very paranoid and refused to write down anything that would reveal his secret. That made some sense except Teresa told me she often helped her dad draw up plans and she had one of those drawings, yet when I met with her, she said she had signed a contract with her lawyer and a professor at some local university but admitted none of them had a clue as to how the engine worked.
Following this first phone call from Jim Ray, we exchanged many emails and he sent me about 20 documents of his company’s work (Micro-Combustion, Inc.) with what he knew of the Clem engine and how he had taken it much further, building several working models, which were tested and validated by NASA and by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Jim is President of Micro-Combustion, Inc. and I have been in extensive correspondence with him both to create a website with the intention of getting the word out about this discovery and plans to finally get this engine on the market.
We finally got all the documents posted except one and are now in the processing of tweaking it for a bit of additional information and cosmetic improvements.
If you want to learn more about this rebirth of the Clem motor, please visit and read the various documents. Let me quote from the History page of the website;
“The first engine built by Richard Clem was an engine he built and tested in his shop. That engine had no control valves or any means of controlling the RPMs, or closing off the fluid flow from the hydraulic pump. On the first test, it started running faster and faster, and that was when Richard cleared the shop. The engine RPMs continued to increase until it blew up.

The second engine was built with control valves for controlling the fluid flow, and installed in the red car depicted in the photos. That car was an old Ford. It was driven around town and eventually discarded when the crankshaft twisted beyond repair. Richard was also afraid that Ford Motor Company would lay claim to his engine. Needless to say, Richard was very protective and very secretive about his invention.
The third engine was placed in the old car body sitting in the grass. This is the car that was demonstrated at the Texas State Fair, where the news media rode on the back and Boyd Matson of a local Dallas TV station drove it. This demonstration received national and international attention.
It was at this time that Richard started to receive many threats on his life including bomb scares. Jim Ray, now president of Micro-Combustion, was there and witnessed most of it, including one bomb scare. Then someone came down from Washington and verified what Richard had built and demonstrated, and stated that he would not live thirty days if he did not destroy the engine. He did so but hid some of the crucial parts in an old scrap iron pile located in the back of his shop.
The Bendix Corporation sent down two people to test the engine for emissions or any particulate for 9 days straight 24 hours per day.
A group of people came over from Taiwan and took moving pictures of the car running up and down the road.
Engine #4 was the one on which Mr. Ray assisted, including getting some of the old parts from the scrap iron pile. It was built and put in the same old car in the grass because Richard had now removed any trace of the serial numbers from that car frame and body. This fourth engine was considered the new improved version of his “Hydraulic Motor”. It was more difficult to start; in fact the battery-powered starter would not start. Jim Ray then pushed Richard up and down the road driving his old work truck to get the old car engine started. This engine would not run very long before going dead.
Richard died before he could figure out where he had gone wrong from the first generation engines. He also never determined the chemistry or physics of the engine, and had never developed it far enough to prove out all the scientific knowledge and engineering theories for purposes of patent and commercialization.
Jim was with Richard one Saturday afternoon and he stated that he thought he had figured out where he had gone wrong. The next morning Richard had a heart attack and died. As previously stated, this engine was different from the first three, as validated by a third party from San Antonio.
Several years and many different configurations later, Mr. Ray duplicated this particular engine and then tried over a period of several years to figure out what the first engine’s actual configuration was and how it was different from this new generation engine. However, this engine was the one that produced 10 hp of torque as documented by NASA and Oak Ridge National Energy Lab in 2004 in South Louisiana.

As the president of Micro-Combustion he then figured out how to build this engine with the double chamber, but did not have sufficient funds or shop capability to complete or rebuild this design, instead concentrating on the physics and chemistry of the original engine.
Richard had claimed that it was perpetual motion but since there is no such thing Jim felt there was some unknown factor in the equation of the Laws of Physics.

Jim Ray continued to study the Clem engines, and years later, after the forming of Micro-Combustion, Inc., continued to better understand the principles behind its operation. Patent applications were filed and have since been updated with the important discoveries of Drs. Nguyen and Scott (see Articles and Tests).”
So you can see the progression over time has been a long and hard fought battle to document and validate the Molecular Dissociation process using micro-bubble cavitation. Another quote from the website will further elucidate how the engine works;
“The Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion (CIBC) engine is a new discovery in green energy technology that holds the potential to replace fossil fuel altogether. The basic idea behind this new engine is simple but revolutionary:
it utilizes a small air bubble in a fluid (the fuel) as the combustion chamber to compress, ignite, and capture the energy (heat) released by the combustion of the fuel-air contents of the bubble.

Although the CIBC engine can operate on petroleum-based fuels, they are not required. Its ability to operate on alternative liquid fuels holds the potential, if fully realized, to transform the transportation sector by reducing or eliminating our nation’s reliance on domestic or imported petroleum-based fuels.”
One more quote to give you an idea of the enormity of this work and how it will affect the world once the engines are put into production;
Advantages of the Micro-Combustion CIBC Engine:
1. Combustion of a small vapor/air bubble hydro-dynamically.
2. Not mechanically grounded.
3. Does not emit greenhouse gases (Produces but doesn’t emit).
4. Hydraulic and rotary in operating principle.
5. No need for fossil fuel.
6. No need for refined fuel.
7. Can use any type of oil or fluids in an unrefined state, even used waste oils.
8. Compatible with our present service depot infrastructure.
9. No exotic materials required.
10. Very few moving parts.
11. Compact and light weight.
12. Low cost to manufacture.
13. High peak temperature – higher than Otto cycle (Automobile) or Diesel.
14. More efficient than internal combustion engine or Diesel.
15. Bubble proper is combustion chamber.
16. Bubble combustion heat isolated from material by working fluid.
17. Universal in usage applications, including automotive.
18. Can be downsized without compromising power output.
19. Engine operating principle and function is similar to that of an inertia wheel.
20. Fuel is plentiful, cheap, convenient, and totally domestic without requiring or consuming any additional food source such as ethanol or other bio-fuels.
Well, let’s not be premature, as a matter of fact, I won’t be satisfied until these motors are in use everywhere.

No doubt you can see many correlations throughout history and today, Keely’s Molecular Dissociation and his Cavitation Engine, Schauberger’s Implosion Engine the Zokwendle, Griggs Hydrosonics and several more which adds that much more credence to this new Clem Engine understanding.
"Sonoluminescence can occur when a sound wave of sufficient intensity induces a gaseous cavity within a liquid to collapse quickly. This cavity may take the form of a pre-existing bubble, or may be generated through a process known as cavitation.
Spectral measurements have given bubble temperatures in the range from 2300 K to 5100 K (3680.33F. to 8720.33F.), the exact temperatures depending on experimental conditions including the composition of the liquid and gas. Detection of very high bubble temperatures by spectral methods is limited due to the opacity of liquids to short wavelength light characteristic of very high temperatures.

That is really a 'dry heat'! And who would have thought you could produce that kind of temperature in a liquid environment? So much for heat, now let's find out about sonoluminescent pressure;
"The high resolution multibubble sonoluminescence (MBSL) spectra arising from the ultrasonic irradiation of metal carbonyls and other volatile metal- containing compounds dissolved in silicone oil saturated with helium or argon are reported. These MBSL spectra showed that the pressure within the bubble at the point of emission was on the order of 300 bar (300 bar = 4,351.1321402 pounds/square inch) in argon- saturated silicone oil, which is consistent with simple adiabatic compression during cavitation." - Pressure during sonoluminescence
Of course modern science slowly catches up yet rarely acknowledges the original discoverers of phenomena years ahead of their time. Keely reported blue flashes of light from his acoustic focusing devices which we now call sonoluminescence.

Now tell me you can't imagine how Keely could have used focused soundwaves and tuned resonators to produce hmmm....light....pressure...heat....MOTIVE FORCE?

It is the aether/zpe influx which cascades into the neutral center and is reflected outwards to form the boundary of all matter to create what is called mass, gravity, time, weight and indeed, reality, all of which are encompassed in this seminal singularity animation.
In the terms used by Keely in the late 1800's, he referred to this standing wave boundary as;
'This far shalt thou go, and no further.'
Also see Matter as Bubbles in the Aether - "The occultists labour the point that instead of matter being solid within an empty insubstantial aether, the aether itself is VERY DENSE (one thousand million times denser than platinum, according to Oliver Lodge's estimate), and matter is REALLY JUST BUBBLES-the ABSENCE OF AETHER. The 19th century concepts underlying this occult cosmology are easily visualized in terms of liquid in a cylinder.
Fizzing can be induced if the piston is moved; thus did Cosmic Fohat - Superforce - induce a quantum-vacuum transition (Mulaprakriti to Koilon), releasing energy which tore the aether apart into numerous 'subatomic particles' - BUBBLES - which we see as substantial even though they are, in fact, THE ABSENCE OF SUBSTANCE. Thus was matter SUCKED INTO EXISTENCE in the cosmic expansion. Paul Davies writes that "what appears as empty space is actually a seething ferment....of quantum activity, teeming with [ghost] VIRTUAL PARTICLES and full of complex interactions. ....A real particle...must be always viewed against this backdrop of frenetic activity."
And let's not forget cold fusion, which really isn't 'cold' since the goal is to produce intense, sustained heat for the production of steam to run generators. Do you see all the tie-ins to this fascinating Micro-Bubble Cavitation Combustion discovery?
Imagine an engine the size of a basketball running your car, truck, boat, etc.. And it is scaleable, meaning the bigger it is the more power it produces so we could power trains, shipping freighters, even airplanes, but the best part is to hook it up to a generator and produce all the power for your home.
Finally we could get off the grid which would lead us toward the mythical ‘Autonomous Home’ where you generate all the power you need for heating, air conditioning, cooking, condensing water from the air and dissociating waste. But we still would want, though not truly NEED; internet access, cable tv and cellphones or Skype via the internet.
My dreams of a Utopia grow closer every month, free energy, gravity control, electronic or biological ways to heal and rejuvenate the body and one day I see robot factories mining other planets to produce unlimited goods at no cost to anyone.
This rebirth of the Clem Engine in the form of the ‘Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion (CIBC) Engine’ by the good folks at Micro-Combustion, Inc. is a major stepping stone on that path and I will do all I can to help them complete their work and get these amazing engines on the market. Don’t forget, check out the Micro-Combustion, Inc. website at It is the biggest ‘green’ thing I can think of getting involved with.
Additional Information
I checked out the patent application and found it fascinating. Some of the drawings were so reminescent of the original Clem Engine drawing that I just had to produce a graphic showing these similarities;

~ Check out full details at Micro-Combustion, Inc. ~
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From the New Illuminati –
Iam sorry, but these pictures aren't originals, it's only keelys draft.
ReplyDeleteI have been working on my version of the clem engine.
DeleteI made a water version, this is the link:
I am not biuld a version using cooking oil and a power steering pump.
This is one of the most incredible blogs Ive read in a very long time. The amount of information in here is stunning, like you practically wrote the book on the subject.
ReplyDeleteVery significant article for us ,I think the representation of this article is actually superb one. This is my first visit to your site
ReplyDeleteThere is a huge amount of energy released in the implosion of a cavitation bubble. The energy released appears to happen at the molecular level. I witnessed a 24 inch water control valve totally destroyed by the effects of cavitation (which required very little time a few hours). The flowing water had a velocity of about 14 feet per second inside of the valve at a pressure of 60 PSIG. Sounded like gravel being pumped through the interior of the valve, damage was commensurate with the severity of the noise being given off. Where is that destructive energy coming from? Are we disturbing the electron orbits causing the release of energy stored in the atoms. This would not be nuclear energy per se but related to the forces holding electrons in their orbits.
ReplyDeleteProducing heat by cavitation in a mechanical rotor driven by an electric motor is proven.
It is very easy to see that the Clem engine is composed of two basic parts by observing the construction of the photographs. The radial openings on the left side are centrifugal pump spiral vanes which create suction when the housing is rotated.
The right side entrance opens into opposing vanes one set being stationary. Liquid entering the eye must flow past these generators of turbulence which cause cavitation and the generation of heat. Once in motion the liquid will quickly heat up, which reduces viscosity allowing less resistance to flow.
The magic question: specifically how is the torque produced which turns the rotating elements? Water would easily be turned into steam but more of a problem to condense for reuse vs vegetable oil. Are we dealing with a partial gaseous state of the oil.
This whole idea is certainly worthy of pursuit.
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