Fire From Water
Part 3

Perhaps it’s not surprising from the perspective of this sophisticated brave new Third Millennium, but when Yull Brown developed a pollution-free energy system which replaces fossil fuels with water, his work received many setbacks, from death threats to overt hostility from gas and fuel corporations.
A man of contradictions, Yull Brown was born in Bulgaria and received a degree in physics from Moscow University. As an electrical engineer he specialized in the work of the great persecuted pioneer Nikola Tesla – and spent twelve years in a Soviet work camp. In the partial amnesty after Stalin’s death he was released and came to Australia by way of Turkey.
In the 1970s he developed his system of efficiently splitting hydrogen and oxygen from water and electricity; in his first commercial cell design, 1 Kwh of electricity produced 340 litres of Brown’s gas.
The gas burns faster than any other comparable mixture – the flame front propagates at three kilometres per second, compared with only ten metres per second for the traditional welder’s gas, oxy-acetelene. Intense heat can be produced from a tiny volume of Brown’s gas.
In 1988 Professor Brown demonstrated his welding unit at Melbourne’s Bicentennial Trade Fair. He astounded audiences by vapourising a tungsten welding rod. Tungsten melts at 3,600 degrees Celsius, but was vapourised to a dark gas at 5,960 degrees C – as hot as the surface of the sun – in seconds. Oxy-acetelene burns at only 3,137 degrees C.
Strangely, Yull Brown’s welder produces a long, relatively cool orange flame which you can pass your hand through at a moderate speed, leaving a fine mist of water where it passes. But, without adjustment, the torch burns holes in refractory ceramics (used to line blast furnaces), welds soft aluminium pieces or stainless steel together and house bricks to steel pipe – with perfect welds in which the gas doesn’t cause the metal to oxidise. The flame seems to discriminate between the different forms of material it strikes. Yull told me the primary differentiation was between organic and inorganic materials.
Professor Brown developed a highly efficient electrolytic cell which splits water and hydrogen out of water, without separating them with a membrane. The mixture is stable because the cell produces an exact 2:1 ratio of hydrogen and oxygen (called a stochiometric mix) – the ratio in which these elements are found in water – for use directly in a welding unit that Yull patented and manufactured.
Hydrogen and oxygen are normally explosive when sparked because of an excess of oxygen – but if they are contained in a stochiometric proportion they can be stored together safely; the sparking of the two gases causes the gas to implode, forming water as a residue.
“I explored the nature of water because I believed water stores enormously high energy,” Yull told me in 1989. “When I separate hydrogen and oxygen and burn them I create tremendous heat.
“I have proved that the temperature of Brown’s gas flame is extremely hot – up to 6,000 degrees Celsius. The hydrogen and oxygen, which is a mixture of different isotopes, especially protium, deuterium and tritium, creates a chain reaction which increases the energy greatly, especially in the stochiometric proportion. It is the universal fluid of life. I can store it in a gas that’s not dangerous and compress it.
“There are thirty-six different isotopes of water. The nature of this energy is to be found in the complex chain reactions involved in the creating of different isotopes of oxygen and different types of hydrogen. And we have a tremendous amount of energy passing from one type of water to another.
“It is like a thermonuclear reaction. But safe.”
With this ‘controlled thermonuclear reaction’ Yull claimed to be able to destroy any type of toxic waste – from nuclear waste to PCBs – and render them harmless, leaving only water vapour and carbon.
My next question was about running vehicles on Brown’s gas.
“Running cars on hydrogen is a piece of cake,” Yull replied. “The car I ran was operating on the explosion principle because the motor of the ordinary car runs only on explosions, not implosions. I had to mix Brown’s gas with the air to make and explosion.
“There are two ways of producing energy. In the world today we use only one- explosion to create energy. The other is implosion.
“One thing I always try to explain is this; here is the air and there is the engine. The two should be separate. The engine should not take anything from the air and should not put anything into the air. The first reason is the destruction of the oxygen; the second is pollution.
“The future energy of the world should never take anything from the air. The oxygen in the air is for our breathing. Engines should use Brown’s gas to produce their own hydrogen and oxygen, without taking anything from the air or giving anything to the air.
“The balance of nature is upset. We have a loss of trees through cutting and burning, so w are producing much more carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. To destroy the air is a crime. Air is necessary for breathing. The energy for Brown’s gas comes from electrical energy which is stored up and then released, giving the water back, so we are not destroying the water. I destroy nothing in nature. I only borrow it for some time, and release it back into nature in exactly the same amount. This is the way we have to think if we want our planet to exist. The other way we are completely lost.
“Energy should come from the Sun, wind, tides, waterfalls. Production of electricity from natural energy is well known. The question is, how can we store this electrical energy? Now storage is no longer a problem.
“We have two different types of energy. One is stable, like electricity, which gives us cooking, light and heat. The other is portable energy to put in vehicles.
“If we investigate prices, we will notice that the cheapest energy in the world is electrical energy. My intention was to change one form of energy – electricity, which is stable and cheap – into another form of energy and make it portable. We are making it more economical than petrol. That is what the oil companies don’t like.”
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 4 -
Framed Plaque on Yull's Wall
- R. Ayana
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