Ocean Plasma
Free, Pure Blood Product Alternative
Have you ever heard of Rene Quinton? Probably not. Yet this man saved several thousands of children's lives in France and in Egypt at the beginning of this century by using a serum which now bears his name.
Rene Quinton "was the first person to discern and to investigate the similarity between sea water and mammalian lymph and blood plasma systems. He endeavoured to solve the mysteries of sea water and its compatibility with living organisms by proceeding to carry out several scientific experiments in hospitals. The results he obtained were dramatically unexpected, since several people who were dying regained their vigour. Rene Quinton worked in collaboration with Drs. Potocki, Mace and Jarricot, and for four years he laboured at perfecting his techniques and adjusting dosages. In 1904, he released the results of his hospital experiments in a book entitled, 'L'eau de mer, milieu organique' (Sea Water: Organic Medium). The book was re-issued in 1995 because of the timeliness of its well- researched contents."
In 1921, Dr. Jarricot brought out "The Marine Dispensary" which contained the results of his therapeutic experiments in the treatment of childhood diseases using Quinton's formula.
Hospitals everywhere became aware of Rene Quinton's new therapy and were favourably disposed to its use. Twelve centers for the application of his methods were subsequently established in France, Belgium and Egypt. Unfortunately, the war in Europe put an end to his research and his theories were temporarily set aside. Exhausted by his work, Rene Quinton died in 1925. It was not until the 1980's that French doctors and therapists once again started to investigate his therapeutic approach.
This century-old approach is now widely used in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. A Study and Research Centre has also been established with the aim of making available earlier and current research carried out using Quinton products. Extensive studies are also being made, especially of injectable Quinton Plasma for use in the treatment of severe or advanced diseases, many of which are now on the rise.
Sea water is extracted from a particular location which is situated between 10 meters from the bottom and 30 meters from the surface. This location is called the zone of solar penetration, and is known for its exceptional purity. Isothermic vehicles are used to transport the sea water to the laboratory for processing in less than 48 hours. The bottling in vials and packaging is completed in less than 24 hours under sterile conditions in the absence of any metallic contact or raised temperature in accordance with the original sampling techniques laid down by the physiologist and biologist Rene Quinton and in conformity with present day pharmacological standards as well as those of the G.M.P."
"Sea water tends to maintain its characteristic biodynamism and the molecular balance of a 'living medium'. The entirety of trace elements contained in sea water are to be found in the solution in their active states....
An awesome transformationThis patient went from skin and bones to perfect health in the space of two months as part of a Marine Method cure. Read more about this remarkable case and others like it in these pages.
Seawater is an extraordinarily rich and complex matrix that still possesses numerous unexplained features.
Note first that the structure of seawater remains incompletely known. Indeed, to this day, no model encompasses all its physico-chemical properties. In addition, the elements that compose the marine saline matrix also exhibit specific properties: for example the coefficient of dissociation of salts present in the seawater is higher than that observed in salts dissolved in distilled water, in spite of the simultaneous presence of other salts in seawater. A 33% solution of sea salts, redissolved in distilled water does not exhibit all the properties of natural seawater of the same salinity.
Additionally. most of the constituents dissolved in seawater (except for CaCO3) are far from saturated, irrespective of the importance of the external inputs or the availability of these elements in submerged rocks.
Dittmar's laws show that whatever the total saline concentration, the relative concentrations of the different ions present in the ocean waters with respect to that of chlorine can be regarded as constant. The complex mechanisms governing these concentrations have not been fully explained yet.
Also the issue of artificial seawater reconstitution remains highly complex: chemists have to introduce certain dosage modifications associated with the stability of the elements present at a very low concentration.
The wealth and diversity of mineral salts and trace elements present in seawater are exceptional. Gregory and Overberger have shown that the marine saline matrix contains the 92 trace elements of Mendelev's periodic table.
It includes all vital nutrient salts and trace elements at concentrations ranging from 1 mg/L and 10 mg/L.
It exhibits an important buffering capability, with a pH comprised between 7.9 and 8.3 and a mean saline concentration of 33/%.
Note in particular that all the minerals contained in seawater are at a concentration close to that at which they are usually found in man's internal environment...
text by Dianne Jacobs Thompson - copyright 2006

Plenty more - read it at http://www.truthquest2.com/oceanplasma.htm
Academic article - http://www.oceanplasma.org/
image - http://www.oceanplasma.org/
see also NEXUS New Timesmagazine Vol. 13 No. 6
For further enlightenment see –
The Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com
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