Test confirms Roswell debris is not from Earth
By Alejandro Rojas

The artifact that has been analyzed. Specimen size about 10 mm long. End fragment clipped off for testing. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)
A teacher at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell may have discovered the first scientific evidence of manufactured debris made on another planet. Furthermore, this debris was found near the location where pieces from an alleged flying saucer were discovered outside of Roswell in 1947.

Frank Kimbler (image credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Frank Kimbler teaches high school level Earth Sciences and college level Geology at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. He says he has always had an interest in UFOs, and actually had his own unusual sighting in his twenties. So when he moved to Roswell, he decided to put his expertise to the test and take a shot at investigating the most famous UFO incident of all time, the crash at Roswell.
He says his main goal was to find some physical evidence. He started by looking at some satellite imagery of the alleged “debris site.” This is where rancher, Mac Brazel, had told the Air Force he had found pieces of the crashed object. Kimbler used these images to enhance the infra-red in order to highlight areas where the ground was disturbed. He was surprised to find an area that was similar to what witnesses had described. It was about ¾ of a mile long and a few hundred feet wide, and facing the direction witnesses had reported. He also noticed this area had very straight edges, something unusual for a natural occurrence.
His next step was to get out there with a metal detector to see what he could find. He began making trips to the site in May 2010. Using a metal detector that could find a piece the size of a BB, three inches below the surface, he would be able to find small pieces, which was exactly his goal. In previous archeological digs in the area they had sifted dirt through screens with holes large enough for very small pieces to fall through. Kimbler figured that if there was anything left it would be very small and perhaps in animal burrows, or ant hills. An ant hill was actually where he found his first piece.

Landsat multi-spectral satellite image showing the debris field. The image clearly shows a burn (or disturbed area) covering the exact location of the debris field as described by witnesses. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

The buttons. Tentatively identified as military fatigue buttons late 40's early 50's. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)
This further inspired Kimbler to get some isotope work done on the piece. Kimbler says the isotope work is so important because the ratios are “very much like our fingerprints.” Certain concentrations of elements on earth are unique to Earth. So if you know isotopic ratios for magnesium, it will be the same for anything on earth with magnesium, but if it is not from Earth, it will have a different ratio. For instance meteorites have different ratios because they are not from Earth. Isotopic analysis is necessary to determine if a material is from Earth or another world.

Some of the metal alloy fragments found buried and scattered over the debris field area. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)
Bigelow Aerospace showed some interest in helping Kimbler with his analysis, but after spending months with little results, Kimbler had to go elsewhere. Kimbler was able to find another lab with multiple certifications willing to do the work. The UFO Museum put up the money, and the results were back in five days. Kimbler says he almost fell over when he saw the information. The ratios were off, and as he puts it there were only two answers to explain the results, “either the lab made an analytical error or the material is not from Earth.”

Magnesium isotope fractionation chart modified from the graph used by Dr. Peter Sturrock in his analysis of the Ubatuba UFO fragment. Magnesium bearing compounds, metals, and minerals should all plot on or very close to the line. A chondite is a type of meteorite and since it does not originate from Earth does not plot on the line. The Roswell AH-1 alloy plots way of the line. The AH-1 plot is an anomaly that is either an analytical error or the material is not from Earth. More testing is needed to verify the data to see if it is an error or its from another world. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)
Another important aspect of the material being aluminum and showing unearthly origins is that aluminum must be manufactured. Unlike some natural elements, such as gold or silver that can be found as nuggets in its raw form, aluminum is not found in nature. If this proves to be material not of this earth, it means this was something that was manufactured elsewhere. Thus far humans are not manufacturing anything in space, let alone something that would fall out of space and land outside of Roswell in a location where an alleged spacecraft was found in 1947.
Kimbler says he is being careful before making any definitive claims, but he is “hopeful.” He says certified labs don’t normally make mistakes, and that these people who did the work are some of the best in the business.
The implications if Kimbler’s material turns out to be of extraterrestrial origins and manufacture are of course startling. Could he have the smoking gun to prove we are being visited by an intelligent civilization from another planet, and that they crashed outside of Roswell in 1947? Kimbler says he will keep us up to date, and has been gracious enough to provide us with pictures of the material and the analysis.
Listen to Frank Kimbler discussing his finding on Open Minds Radio.
Note: Most captions provided by Frank Kimbler.

New Mexico Tech microprobe data shows element composition of AH-1. Na and Cl values from small salt crystals embedded on the surface analysis shows AH-1 contains AL Si Mg Mn and Cu with small amounts of Fe. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

University of New Mexico microprobe data shows element composition. Verified the NMT data with analysis showing AL Si Mg Mn Cu with a some Fe. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

Magnesium isotope values from the certified lab that did the analysis. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

AH-1 alloy element composition from the same lab. Shows the AH-1 alloy is a AL-Mg-Mn-Si-Cu alloy. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

AH-1 under magnification shows banded or layered structures in AH-1. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)

AH-1 under magnification shows more areas of banding. (image credit: Frank Kimbler)
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