Why Choose Alternative Three?
The First Hint of a Breakaway
anything? Can you tell us what you see?
GRODIN: Oh boy, it’s really...really something super- fantastic here. You couldn't ever imagine this...
MISSION CONTROL: O.K....could you take a look out over that flat area there? Do you see anything beyond?
GRODIN: There's a kind of a ridge with a pretty spectacular...oh my God! What is that there? That's all I want to know! What the hell is that?
GRODIN: Oh boy, it’s really...really something super- fantastic here. You couldn't ever imagine this...
MISSION CONTROL: O.K....could you take a look out over that flat area there? Do you see anything beyond?
GRODIN: There's a kind of a ridge with a pretty spectacular...oh my God! What is that there? That's all I want to know! What the hell is that?
(Apollo Astronaut "Bob Grodin" -
Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose, and Christopher Miles)
June, 1977
On that Monday evening, the UK's Anglia Television broadcast the last program in its Science Report series, a series of serious science documentaries that were produced by highly respected science reporters. The program was called Alternative 3, and it was simultaneously broadcast in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Greece, and Yugoslavia. However, it was never telecast in the United States. Some say that the "powers that be" prevented it from being screened here.
The documentary focused on a number of amazing "facts":
is a secret joint U.S./U.S.S.R. space program that has gone far beyond
what the public sees. Astronauts landed on Mars in 1962. It has been
discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe.
earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. The increasing "greenhouse
effect" will cause the polar ice caps and glaciers to melt and flood
the Earth.
heat, such as that which is now inevitable, will melt land glaciers. That will
result in a marked rise in sea level and then there'll be the start of the
extensive flooding - with London and New York among the first cities to be
are three possible solutions for mankind:
1 -
Stop all pollution immediately and blow two huge holes in the ozone layer. This
would allow excessive UV light to reach the earth and millions would die of
skin cancer.
Alternative 2 - Immediately begin digging underground cities for the Elite (The "New World Order"?) - the lucky ones deemed worth saving - and let the teeming billions perish on the polluted surface.
Alternative 3 - Build spaceships and get the Elite off the planet - to the Moon and Mars. Kidnap and take along some "ordinary" people for use as slave labor. Use "mind control" techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.
Alternative 2 - Immediately begin digging underground cities for the Elite (The "New World Order"?) - the lucky ones deemed worth saving - and let the teeming billions perish on the polluted surface.
Alternative 3 - Build spaceships and get the Elite off the planet - to the Moon and Mars. Kidnap and take along some "ordinary" people for use as slave labor. Use "mind control" techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.
disappearance in bizarre circumstances in the past two weeks of 20 people
from small coastal communities in Oregon was being intensively
investigated at the weekend amid reports of an imaginative fraud scheme
involving a "flying saucer" and hints mass murder. Sheriff's
officers at Newport, Oregon, said that the 20 individuals had vanished without
trace after being told to give away all their possessions, including their
children, so that they could be transported in a flying saucer "by UFO
to better life". (Alternative 3)
The Elite chose "Alternative 3"
may recall that during the 1970s and 1980s, there were news items about a British
"Brain Drain." It was said that the top scientists of Britain
were being lured away to foreign countries by high salaries and lower taxes.
Many of these, the television program intimated, were never heard from again.
It was as if they had simply vanished off the face of the earth....
The television program hinted that these scientists were really being whisked away as part of... "Alternative 3."
Not only were scientists leaving their homelands for higher pay in foreign countries, many of them were killing themselves or were dying under mysterious circumstances. I believe Omni magazine carried an item about this. Were these deaths really suicides? The TV documentary hinted that scientists who refused to cooperate with "Alternative 3" didn't live long. They knew too much. Or.... were all of them really dead at all? Maybe some of those graves were empty.....
The phones at Anglia Television began ringing as soon as the program was over. In the context that it was presented, as the final installment of a non-fiction science documentary series, people became quite alarmed. Callers were told that the program was originally intended to be shown on April 1st, as an April Fool's joke, but some glitch in the programming schedules had prevented it from being telecast until June. Anglia insisted that the program was a merely a hoax, and that all the people seen in the footage were actors portraying newsmen and scientists.
The television program hinted that these scientists were really being whisked away as part of... "Alternative 3."
Not only were scientists leaving their homelands for higher pay in foreign countries, many of them were killing themselves or were dying under mysterious circumstances. I believe Omni magazine carried an item about this. Were these deaths really suicides? The TV documentary hinted that scientists who refused to cooperate with "Alternative 3" didn't live long. They knew too much. Or.... were all of them really dead at all? Maybe some of those graves were empty.....
The phones at Anglia Television began ringing as soon as the program was over. In the context that it was presented, as the final installment of a non-fiction science documentary series, people became quite alarmed. Callers were told that the program was originally intended to be shown on April 1st, as an April Fool's joke, but some glitch in the programming schedules had prevented it from being telecast until June. Anglia insisted that the program was a merely a hoax, and that all the people seen in the footage were actors portraying newsmen and scientists.
newspapers of the next few days made a joke of the whole affair, comparing it
to Orson Wells' War of the Worlds broadcast in the 1930s.
The Book
That, however, was not to be the end of Alternative 3. By the next year, a book titled Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose, and Christopher Miles, appeared on the bookstore shelves. According to Watkins, Ambrose and Miles didn't help write the book, but their names were included for copyright purposes because they had written the television program on which it was based.
The book was a greatly expanded version of the same story that was told by the television program, with many items that have become part of modern UFO conspiracy mythology thrown in. Things like censored communications between NASA Mission Control and the Apollo astronauts in which the astronauts are supposed to have seen aliens on the moon. The book version also elaborated on the themes of environmental problems and vanishing scientists.
William Cooper incorporated many of the Alternative 3 elements into his complicated conspiracy theories. See MJ-12 and the Secret Government.
Several readers have written to me about Alternative 3. Many are looking for videotapes of the original Anglia Television program. No video tape of the program has ever been released in the U.S., as far as I can determine. You can still obtain a copy of the film on videotape from Anglia Television, but it's expensive, and they won't convert from the European Standard to VHS format for you.
readers ask about the book. It's difficult to locate a copy of the book in the
U.S. these days. It was first printed in the UK by Sphere Books, which
was later bought by Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious
circumstances after his company published one of the last editions of the
book. The book has been through at least seven printings, but it is currently
out of print in the U.S. Amazon.com doesn't even list it, and
they list a follow-up book - Mind Control and UfO's : Casebook
on Alternative 3 by Jim Keith - as being out of
print as well.
Was the Anglia Television program fact or fiction?
Well, everyone involved with the Alternative 3 documentary admits that it was fiction, as Georginia Bruni explores in this column. She spoke to one of the film crew, located the names of the actors, and tried to trace the writers. She says that Christopher Miles, who also directed and co-wrote the documentary, is the brother of actress Sara Miles, but that she was unable to trace David Ambrose, the other writer.
is, however, a British science fiction writer of that name, who may or may not
be the same individual. The writer of the book, Leslie Watkins, was a writer of
thrillers even before Alternative 3. The Fortean Times recently
printed an article in which Nick Austin, then editorial director of Sphere
Books, reveals how he commissioned Leslie Watkins to write the book version
at the behest of literary agent Murray Pollinger.
The question remains, however, as to whether there was any fact behind that fiction.
The question remains, however, as to whether there was any fact behind that fiction.
In fact, the amazing mountains of letters
from virtually all parts of the world - including vast numbers from highly
intelligent people in positions of responsibility - convinced me that I had
ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much. (Letter from Alternative 3 author Leslie Watkins to "MS Dittrich" of Windwords Bookstore) |
Could there be fact behind Alternative 3?
There really was a "Brain Drain", and there still is. Scientists are no different from anyone else; they'll go wherever they can make more money and obtain support for their research. The main cause of Britain's "Brain Drain" was their high income tax rate. I've never seen any evidence that people who left Britain for higher pay elsewhere "disappeared".
I also recall reading in the late 1970s and early 1980s about a mysterious spate of suicides and untimely deaths among scientists, not just in Britain, but all over the world. I believe there was an item in Omni magazine about it. However, no conclusions were reached about any links between the deaths that I ever heard. The statistics may have been exaggerated at the time.
There is a secret joint U.S./U.S.S.R. space program that has gone far beyond what the public sees. Astronauts had already landed on Mars in 1962. It has been discovered that there is other intelligent life in the universe. |
There may be many secrets contained within the U.S. space program, but the scenario that it is really so far beyond the public perception as to have landed on Mars 37 years ago seems highly unlikely. It also seems unlikely that the U.S and the U.S.S.R. would have cooperated to such a degree. More likely, they would have been trying to outrace each other, as was the public perception. As for NASA having knowledge of alien life, who can say?
The earth is dying. We have polluted it beyond repair. Extreme heat, such as that which is now inevitable, will melt land glaciers. That will result in a marked rise in sea level and then there'll be the start of the extensive flooding - with London and New York among the first cities to be affected. (Alternative 3 by Leslie Watkins) |
destruction of the environment is surely a problem. In 1977, it seemed possible
to many that we had damaged the environment beyond repair. We don't hear as
much about the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect today as we did then.
The Alternatives
1 -
Stop all pollution immediately and blow two huge holes in the ozone layer. This
would allow excessive UV light to reach the earth and millions would die of
skin cancer.
It seems that there are already "two huge holes in the ozone layer" - at the poles, attributed to our use of CFCs. Is that really how they got there? Maybe this alternative was tried....
Alternative 2 - Immediately begin digging underground cities for the Elite (The New World Order?) and let the teeming millions perish on the polluted surface.
Some conspiracy theorists apparently think that this alternative is already reality. There are many sites on the Internet about "underground alien bases" and the like.
Alternative 3 - Build spaceships and get the elite off the planet - to the Moon and Mars. Take along some "ordinary" people for use as slave labor. Use "mind control" techniques to control them. Leave the remainder of humanity to wallow in its own filth.
It doesn't seem likely that the space program is that far ahead of the public perception. It doesn't seem possible that the technology was available for self-sufficient colonies on the Moon and Mars in 1977. Theoretically, it could be done today, though...
Alternative 3:
The disappearance in bizarre circumstances in the past two weeks of 20 people from small coastal communities in Oregon was being intensively investigated at the weekend amid reports of an imaginative fraud scheme involving a "flying saucer" and hints mass murder.
Sheriff's officers at Newport, Oregon, said
that the 20 individuals had vanished without trace after being told to give
away all their possessions, including their children, so that they could be
transported in a flying saucer "by UFO to better life".
Sound like "Heaven's Gate"?
want to be a lobotomized slave of the New World Order?
The names and personal details of tens of thousands of people scrutinized by the Special Branch for reasons of national security are to be fed into a new criminal intelligence computer bought by Scotland Yard and shrouded in mystery. |
This would have been possible on a limited basis in 1977, but possible now on a grand scale .... What's all this talk in the news lately about establishing DNA databases, not only of convicted criminals, but of all newborns?
Watkins, author of the book version of Alternative
It would be a mistake to file "Alternative 3" away too cozily with Panorama's spaghetti harvest and other hoaxes. Suppose it were fiendish double bluff inspired by the very agencies identified in the program and that the super-powers really are setting up an extra-terrestrial colony of outstanding human beings to safeguard the species? |
would also be a mistake to take this or any other conspiracy theory too
seriously without some solid evidence....
About Website via Bibliotecapleyades
@ http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_ZK.htm

Alternative 3, The Book
Alternative 3, The Book
By 1978 the story looked like dying a death, when suddenly Sphere Books published Alternative 3, written by LESLIE WATKINS and DAVID AMBROSE. Those who were able to secure a copy read with interest a story that was a follow-up of the television program produced by Spectrum (not Sceptre as some believed) for Anglia Television. And so began The Alternative 3 Saga, and an attempt by thousands worldwide to uncover what they believed to be one of the world’s biggest conspiracies.
I purchased the newly published paperback of Alternative 3 from a popular book store in Berkshire. There in the center of the store was a huge display of the books, as was always the case when they had delivery of what they thought would be a bestseller. I was so excited about the book that I immediately called a friend of mine, a collector of publications on "the unexplained," who I knew had been interested in the television program. The following day he phoned to tell me that the store didn’t have the book, I was surprised, I thought it highly unlikely that they had sold all the copies.
I returned to the store to discover that the display had indeed disappeared,
and there was no sign of the book anywhere in the store. I summoned the manager
who admitted that he had been told to remove the stock from the shelves and
return them to head office. I pushed him for more information, but all he would
say was that it came from high up. It was this incident that prompted me to
believe that there may be some truth to the story of Alternative 3 after
all. Due to public demand the book was re-printed several times in the
following years, and incidentally, it is still listed under World Affairs,
and not as you might expect, fiction.
The publication was intriguing because some names and events were genuine, whilst others didn’t exist. One name mentioned, was that of Otto Binder who was a member of the NASA space program. In the book he’s quoted as saying that NASA killed significant segments of conversation between mission control and Apollo 11, the spacecraft that took Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong to the Moon, and that those segments were deleted from the official record. It’s interesting to note that Binder was also a science fiction writer.
The publication was intriguing because some names and events were genuine, whilst others didn’t exist. One name mentioned, was that of Otto Binder who was a member of the NASA space program. In the book he’s quoted as saying that NASA killed significant segments of conversation between mission control and Apollo 11, the spacecraft that took Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong to the Moon, and that those segments were deleted from the official record. It’s interesting to note that Binder was also a science fiction writer.
to an alleged quote by Binder, when Aldrin spoke to mission control he said:
babies were huge, sir... enormous. Oh God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling
you there are other spacecraft out there.... lined up on the far side of the
crater edge.... they’re on the Moon watching us."
Edgar Mitchell, who is also named in the book, had previously described his
feelings when looking at this world from the Moon.
went into a very deep pathos, a kind of anguish. That incredibly beautiful
planet that was Earth..... a place no bigger than my thumb was my
home... a blue and white jewel against a velvet black sky... was being
killed off."
on March 23, 1974, he was quoted in a London newspaper as saying.
had only three ways in which to go and that the third was ’the most
viable, but most difficult alternative.’
was Mitchell trying to tell us more than 20 years ago -- was he trying
to warn us about Alternative 3?
The book also reported on animal mutilations, space shuttles, man-made domes on the moon, environmental problems, and disappearing scientists. All of which would later public knowledge. Inasmuch as astronomers were seeing and writing about unusual domes that had recently appeared on the moon’s surface.
The book also reported on animal mutilations, space shuttles, man-made domes on the moon, environmental problems, and disappearing scientists. All of which would later public knowledge. Inasmuch as astronomers were seeing and writing about unusual domes that had recently appeared on the moon’s surface.
NASA would announce news
about the U.S. space shuttles, governments would acknowledge the environmental
issues, including the pollution of the ozone layer, and later we would learn of
the many disappearances and horrible suicides surrounding British scientists.
A Letter From Leslie Watkins
The following is a letter from the author of Alternative 3, Leslie Watkins, it was placed in the public domain of the Internet in the VANGARD SCIENCES archives on October 28 1989.
letter to Ms Dittrich from Windwords bookstore (address unknown).
Ms. Dittrich
Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in Alternative 3 and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can.
The correct description of Alternative 3 was given to you by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launch-pad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions:
Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in Alternative 3 and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can.
The correct description of Alternative 3 was given to you by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launch-pad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions:
There is no astronaut named Grodin.
2) There is no Sceptre Television and the reported Benson is also fictional.
3) There is no Dr. Gerstein.
4) Yes, a "documentary" was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called Alternative 3 and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons). This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book, was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools’ Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed.
2) There is no Sceptre Television and the reported Benson is also fictional.
3) There is no Dr. Gerstein.
4) Yes, a "documentary" was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called Alternative 3 and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons). This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book, was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools’ Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed.
TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it
was fiction. I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out,
particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would
regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was
totally wrong. In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all
parts of the world including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in
positions of responsibility-convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed
into a range of top-secret truths.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.
So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel. Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand. For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.
So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
With best wishes
Leslie Watkins
Anglia Television & The Actors
the early ’90s I called Anglia Television and spoke to a charming lady called Maureen
who worked in the records department. Maureen was very helpful and told me she
still received at least one call per month about the program, and that some people
get really angry and can’t accept it was a drama.
told of one student who flew all the way from the United States and
called from Heathrow airport to ask if he could see the film, and that
he really got upset when refused. Maureen was a trainee back in 1977, and she
remembers doing the paste-ups for the special, she worked on stills at the
time. Maureen said they used actors in the drama and suggested I call the London
PR office for permission to give the names and contact numbers of the actors.
gave permission and here are some of the actors who appeared in the TV special:
Actor Role
Shane Rimmer........Bob Grodin (astronaut)
Carole Hazell....... Investigative Journalist
Gregory Munro.......?
Richard Marner...... Dr Carl Gerstien( Professor)
Ivor Roberts........ ?
Fibi Nicholas....... Harry’s Girl
David Baxt.......... Harry
Tim Brinton......... Played Himself As A Presenter
Shane Rimmer........Bob Grodin (astronaut)
Carole Hazell....... Investigative Journalist
Gregory Munro.......?
Richard Marner...... Dr Carl Gerstien( Professor)
Ivor Roberts........ ?
Fibi Nicholas....... Harry’s Girl
David Baxt.......... Harry
Tim Brinton......... Played Himself As A Presenter
spoke to Richard Marner’s agent who assured me that Marner’s CV stated that he
did actually do one day’s filming with the program "Alternative 3"
on January 25, 1977.
later called Richard Marner who confirmed it, and he remarked that it was the
easiest job he’d ever done. He didn’t do any filming in the studio, and
apparently the crew had problems with Cambridge University because they filmed
him on the steps without permission. He said he didn’t even rehearse the lines
and that it was all very rushed. Today Richard Marner is best known for his
part as Colonel Yon Strohm in the British sitcom ’Allo Allo’.
checked with Spotlight, a listing for actors and entertainers, and found
that Shane Rimmer and Ivor Roberts were with Howels & Prior Agency.
Shane Rimmer played the part of the fictitious astronaut, Bob Grodin. Rimmer is
a well known science fiction and spy thriller writer who also does voice-overs
and has acted in numerous popular films and television spy dramas, including a James
Bond movie. He was also the famous voice of Captain Scot Tracy in Thunderbirds.
I understand that Tim Brinton later became an Member of Parliament, and I discovered that the director of the program, Christopher Miles, is the brother of actress Sara Miles. Maureen told me "Alternative 3" was a hoax, Anna Dicki from the London office said it was a drama. Anglia PR lady Veronica Clover told me it was an April Fool spoof and went out on April 1st. I argued that it didn’t air on April 1st, she later checked, realized her mistake and kindly mailed me a photocopy of the original TV Times showing clearly that "Alternative 3" aired on June 20.
I understand that Tim Brinton later became an Member of Parliament, and I discovered that the director of the program, Christopher Miles, is the brother of actress Sara Miles. Maureen told me "Alternative 3" was a hoax, Anna Dicki from the London office said it was a drama. Anglia PR lady Veronica Clover told me it was an April Fool spoof and went out on April 1st. I argued that it didn’t air on April 1st, she later checked, realized her mistake and kindly mailed me a photocopy of the original TV Times showing clearly that "Alternative 3" aired on June 20.
doesn’t remember any of the actors filming in the studio. What I found strange
was that she didn’t mention David Ambrose, but told me that Christopher Miles
devised the original script. However in the book it clearly states that the TV
film was devised by both David Ambrose and Christopher Miles. Leslie Watkins
had no involvement with the television program. In my research I have been
unable to trace David Ambrose, the alleged writer of the TV program. Leslie
Watkins states, he only used Ambrose’s name on the book as co-author for
contractual reasons.
Who, and where, is David Ambrose?
Who, and where, is David Ambrose?
Fiction Based On Fact?
So twenty years on, are we any the wiser? Are there any new clues as to the validity of the story or was it really the greatest hoax ever? Well, if it were a hoax, I would expect the hoaxers to be available for comment on their prolonged success. To sum it up, I agree with the author of the book, Leslie Watkins, I believe the story is fiction based on fact.
the question still remains: where did the fact originate? In their research,
did the science team stumble on above top secret information which had to be
suppressed? In their enthusiasm, did they realize their scoop was too good to
dismiss, and not being able to use the witnesses for the program, did they pull
in professional actors to play the part? But then, I ask myself, why did they
use well known actors, why not new faces? Or maybe David Ambrose,
wherever he is, was just a conspiracy theorist with great ambitions!
And as a final note: the original and only can of film marked Alternative 3 mysteriously disappeared from Anglia’s archives, and apparently it is the only film ever to go missing. But word has it that copies of the film have been distributed amongst several UFO researchers. Well at least they’re in good hands!
And as a final note: the original and only can of film marked Alternative 3 mysteriously disappeared from Anglia’s archives, and apparently it is the only film ever to go missing. But word has it that copies of the film have been distributed amongst several UFO researchers. Well at least they’re in good hands!
Alternative 3 is published by Sphere Books Ltd, a division of Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd., ISBN O-7221-1126-6.
from DavidIcke
Website via Bibiotecapleyades @ http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_ZJ01.htm#The%20Saga%20Lives%20On
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Alternative 3 is funny as hell.... Lets move the "ELITE" off the earth to the moon or mars... Great so who are these elite? A bunch of charismatic LIARS? People with noble looking countenances who know how to lie to get what they want, do we really want to spread professional liars or sales people to other worlds?
ReplyDeleteWho are the REALITY based elite? Well, lets start off by saying that we would literally all be back in the dark ages if it weren't for the brilliant engineers and technical experts who operated the substations and electrical power grids, so are these people considered elite? How about the farmers or plumbers or builders.... Is there room for these elite on the moon base?
What would the mythical elite (politicos and bankers) do without the reality based elite (engineers and technical experts)? They would die off very rapidly....
Always ask, who are the REALITY BASED elite and compare them to the story telling or mythical elite that obviously don't produce one thing of use in our lives other than LIES and fairy-tales..
"Elite?" LOL.... Yes, ship all those elite assholes off the planet please...
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