Curing Cancers Without Drugs or Radiation
Breakthrough Discovery Shows That
Resonant Frequencies Can Kill Cancer Cells
by Anna
An important breakthrough may prevent people from suffering from cancer or the aggressive radiation and chemotherapy treatments used to kill cancer cells.
Anthony Holland, an Associate Professor and Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College in New York, U.S., and his fellow researchers discovered that, by creating custom digital electronic signals, they can destroy cancer cells and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA). In their laboratory experiments, the team used Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to induce sympathetic resonant vibrations which in a short amount of time shattered targeted cells from pancreatic cancer, leukemia, ovarian cancer, and the dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacterium MSRA. Below is an image showing the effect that the resonant frequencies had on leukemia cells.
Just as various sound frequencies can shatter different types of crystal and glass, shattering microscopic organisms is possible because they have many similar properties of liquid crystals.
Holland created a device that uses pulsating plasma lights to emit the right frequency electronic signals to induce sympathetic resonant vibration in targeted microorganisms. Holland’s research showed that not only can one change the vibration of a biological living microorganism with an electronic signal, but also that different frequencies of this electronic signal can be used to target different types of microorganisms.
Below is a TED talk by Anthony Holland during which he reveals his discoveries. Starting midway through his talk, Holland shows stunning videos of how various cancer cells react to eleventh harmonic frequency combinations. It took the researchers over 15 months of trying hundreds of frequency combinations to find the ones with the potential to kill cancer cells. Holland’s goal is to create a treatment that can be used to shatter cancer cells and heal cancer patients painlessly and without toxic methods.
From Waking
Times @
Researchers Demonstrate How Cancer Cells Are Obliterated By Resonant Frequencies
by Jeff Roberts
A new cancer
treatment is using resonant frequencies to shatter various types of cancer
his Tedx Talk, “Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies,” Associate
Professor and Director of Music at Skidmore College, Anthony Holland, tells the
audience that he has a dream. That dream is to see a future where children
no longer have to suffer from the effects of toxic cancer drugs or radiation
treatment, and today he and his team believe they have found the answer.
of us have likely seen or heard of people shattering glass with the sound of
their voice. This amazing feat, Holland explains, is due to a phenomenon called
resonant frequency. When someone taps a glass, it emits a natural resonant
frequency. To induce shattering, a person must match the resonant frequency of
the glass with the vibration of their voice, getting louder and louder until
the glass finally breaks.
this phenomenon into account, Holland and a team of researchers wondered if
they could induce the same effect in a living microorganism or cell. They came
across the work of a Chinese researcher, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, who conjectured that
live cells exhibit similar properties much like liquid crystals do. With this
in mind, Holland and his team wondered if they could affect a cell by sending a
specific electric signal, much like we do with LCD technology.
searching the patent database for a device that could accomplish the latter,
they came across a therapeutic device invented by a New Mexico physician by the
name of Dr. James Bare. The device uses a plasma antenna that pulses on and
off, which, as Holland explains, is important because a constant pulse of
electricity would produce too much heat and therefore destroy the cell.
the next 15 months, Holland and his team searched for the exact frequency that
would directly shatter a living microorganism. The magic number finally came in
the form of two inputs, one high frequency and one low. The high frequency had
to be exactly eleven times higher than the low, which in music is known as the
11th harmonic. At this 11th harmonic, microorganisms begin to shatter like
crystal glass.
practicing until they got efficient at the procedure, Holland began working
with a team of cancer researchers in an attempt to destroy targeted cancer
cells. First they looked at pancreatic cancer cells, eventually
discovering these cells were specifically vulnerable between 100,000 –
300,000 Hz.
they moved onto leukemia cells, and were able to shatter the leukemia cells
before they could divide. But, as Holland explains in his talk, he needed
bigger stats in order to make the treatment a viable option for cancer
patients. So what kind of numbers did they produce?
Oscillating pulsed electric field (OPEF) technology is
literally shattering targeted cancer cells like crystal glass.
repeated and controlled experiments, the frequencies, known as oscillating
pulsed electric field (OPEF) technology, killed an average of 25% to 40% of
leukemia cells, going as high as 60% in some cases. Furthermore, the
intervention even slowed cancer cell growth rates up to 65%. It was a double
team also found success attacking ovarian cancer cells. Most recently, they
tested the treatment against the deadly super bug MRSA, an organism that
is resistant to many common antibiotics. Thousands of people die every year
from MRSA, Holland explains, and the drugs normally used against the pathogen
are known to have toxic side effects. Incredibly, the frequency therapy
eliminated antibiotic resistance, and researchers were able to introduce a small
amount of antibiotic to kill the bug.
hopes that one day the treatment will override the toxic conventional
treatments currently available for patients. At the end of his speech, he
describes his vision for the future of cancer clinics:
also noteworthy to mention that in 1920 that Royal Rife first
identified the human cancer virus using the world’s most powerful microscope.
After identifying and isolating the virus, he decided to culture it on salted
pork. At the time this was a very good method for culturing a virus. He then
took the culture and injected it into 400 rats which as you might expect,
created cancer in all 400 rats very quickly. The next step for Rife is where
things took an interesting turn. He later found a frequency of electromagnetic
energy that would cause the cancer virus to diminish completely when entered
into the energy field. The great discovery led Rife to create a device that
could be tuned to output the frequency that would destroy the cancer. He was
then able to treat the cancer within both rats and patients who were within
close proximity of the device. You can read more of that here.
From Collective
Evolution @
For more information about curing disease with resonance
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From the New Illuminati –
Dear Illumni. The treatment for all types pf cancers no matter what stage of mutation that it was in or type of cancer , the treatment was original discovered by a man named Sir Royal Rife back in the thirties. Please research this as I have a few patents pending based off of Sir Royal Rife and Nikola Tesla's experiments. The discovery is not new it has been swept under the carpet due to Big Pharma, Big business and way to much uninvited political / intervenntion because of greeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!! But excuse me I am a woman therefore I have no brains let alone any common sense in a so called mans world. Mr. Roberts is nothing more than a thief skating on other peoples research just like Mr. Edison did to Nikola Tesla! And that is all I have to say about this!
ReplyDeleteKimberly Packard/ Douglas Wyoming USA
You may note our links to Royal Rife articles at the end of the post.