Are We in a State of Emergency – Or Are We?
Imagine how easily this could cause massive problems for anyone; your cellphone being monitored and then the data turned over to the FBI without any cause at all .. WOW to say the least.
Your cellphone data could be used to prove where and when you supposedly were.
Heaven forbid something bad was happening there, because your cellphone records would put you right smack dab in the middle of it; by sheer Location Association…
We are discussing Security and its implications. This patriot act and the phone record issue are apparently a remnant of the Bush Administration’s over zealous application of the state of emergency; declared wayyyyyyyyyy back in 2001, post 9/11; the so-called Patriot Act. I wonder why Mr. Obama hasn’t repealed it yet? America is not in a State of Emergency – Or Are We?
Americans have fewer and fewer civil liberties every day. This is apparently a part of the control of the terrorist information schemes. The FBI claims that cellphones are used more frequently in terrorist scenarios, so that gives the FIB the need to tap your phone and use the data without a court order, a suspicious lead or even a real reason. It’s all over the news these days, everywhere. We’ve added a few stories below for your convenience [see original site at end of article for video clips].
I think that most of us take it for granted when we use our cellphones that they’re private and the conversations are secure. Well that’s no longer the case and… it’s going to get worse. There are no courts holding up the civil rights statutes for citizens, and the cellphone providers apparently don’t even require a warrant for release of the information any longer. They ask the carrier and the records are delivered without any question, comment or notice to the owner of the phone number.
Knowing This, I think that in the future we’ll see more use of throwaway phones and wifi. That means that the government will have to come up with better, more ingenius ways to steal our privacy. I hope you are thinking when you are talking, and putting that phone down as soon as possible. The less they have to work with, the better for everyone. Remember that this data is being warehoused until they need a reason to pull it out. That reason will only be known by those who decide that our Fourth Amendment Rights can be bent or tossed
Using my smartphone to answer email and look at sites has never been one of the things I do regularly - mostly because I am patient enough to get to a computer. I do it occasionally, if I’m in transit or not near a pc. Otherwise I can usually get my office to wait for me to get back to them or handle it by phone. There is rarely a moment when I don’t have the luxury of turning it off.
Just like now. If I’m at home and I am not expecting any calls, it’s off. If it’s charging, it’s off. If I’m not working, it’s off. I don’t need or desire an electronic tether, ever. To be honest I quite often pick it up on the way out the door, turn it on and realize it needs charging – so I turn it back off and put it into my purse for emergency use only. That suits me just fine.
I suggest you ask your cellphone provider what their rules are on releasing information to third parties on your account records. The best advice is to turn that cellphone OFF when you don’t need it
You just don’t know who is intercepting your signal and phone information. These days it’s much smarter to Turn It Off if you’d like to maintain some state of personal freedom. Knowing that my cell carrier uses triangulation makes me consider switching, so that I can try to stay off the grid as much as possible.
Can you imagine that by the end of 2010 DARPA wants to produce an instant internal blueprint of any building which will include Human Breathing and Heartbeat Readings in the contrast? Can you imagine that by 2014 robot cops are expected to be used to hunt down criminals? So where does that leave us ?
It Just Might Surprise you,
In a case pending before the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals the Justice Department argues that it need only show “reasonable grounds” to believe that cell phone records are “relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation” in order to access them. The issue illustrates a clash between federal criminal statutes, in this case the Stored Communications Act, and the Fourth Amendment. Privacy and civil rights advocates are closely watching the case as one that could set the standard for understanding the extent of individual privacy rights in the digital age.
The issue is not whether or not the government is entitled to cell phone location data, but rather, what legal showing the government must make before getting that information. In this case federal prosecutors had made a request for cell phone location data in connection with an ongoing investigation into a larger-scale narcotics trafficking and other violent crime. The location data was necessary, the government argued, because one of the targets of the investigation had used different vehicles and properties to conduct a variety of illegal activities making traditional physical surveillance difficult.
But the lower court had ruled that citizens maintain a reasonable expectation of privacy in those records and use of their cell phone does not suspend that expectation. So, just like any other search, before the government can access that information it must meet the standard Fourth Amendment probable cause showing. The government disagreed and appealed the ruling, arguing that it need only meet the lower reasonableness standard.
Related articles by Zemanta
- U.S. seeks right to track people by their cellphones (
- Should police need probable cause to request mobile-phone location data? (
- Justice Dept. wants phone locales without warrant (
- Phone Co. Keeps Records Of Where Your Cell Phone’s Ever Been – And FBI Wants ‘Em (
- Appeals Court To Hear Cell Phone Tracking Case (
Edited From – Mama Asid's ENTREPOD @
Monday, February 15th, 2010
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