"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Monday 25 May 2009



Part One of a Series


©1997, Wm. R. Lyne

Does the name Nikola Tesla ring a bell with you? If not, let me first say that Tesla was a pioneering inventor and technological philosopher whose science and ideas we use more today more than ever before, yet only recently has his name resurfaced in alternative literature. His name was once a household word, sixty or seventy years ago. Thirty years ago, only a tiny few faithful and persistent admirers and experimenters knew of Tesla's work, yet there are those within the inner sanctums of the 'national insecurity' establishment who have never forgotten it. You've most likely heard the name being used in current alternative literature by the many Johnny-come-latelys who have recently joined a bandwagon of nouveau "Tesla experts".

That's O.K., but what took them so long? You can't really blame them for being so suddenly astounded, considering the long and thorough eradication of Tesla's name from encyclopedias and books on science, invention and technology.

The conspicuous vacuum created where the mention of Tesla should have been, as one who made such important contributions to science, technology, and the quality of our lives, raises ominous questions as to why his memory became virtually stricken from history almost the day after his death. What did Tesla discover which threatened the powers that be? Since we already know about the many patented inventions, my assumption has always been that the unknown, still classified works were far in advance of the published ones, and were in realization of projects about which Tesla had announced he was working on, or had already tested and developed, but had not yet "...given to the world".

The discoveries in question---the very existence of which are categorically denied by establishment and corporate scientists---are such things as...

- flying saucers and electro-propulsion
- "free" or "environmental" energy discoveries
- alternative "ether" physics and science
- Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

We know from available documentation and reliable sources that these discoveries and developments were realized by Tesla before his death, yet are still classified. Among his many patented inventions, numerous startling discoveries and surprises have been recently found by researchers and experimenters, which show in retrospect that his claims were modest.

Tesla was born in Smiljan, Lika, Austro-Hungary (now Serbia), in 1856, and died Jan. 3, 1943 in New York City. An early biography, Prodigal Genius, the Life of Nikola Tesla, by John J. O'Neill, was initially published three times in November, 1944. In case you are wondering, the three publishings in the same month were not due to landslide sales at the bookstores, but rather to O'Neill's having been threatened and censored by the FBI, and forced to republish several times because of their deletion and censoring of material which to this day is still classified. It was odd, given Tesla's repeatedly unsuccessful efforts to get the attention of the war department, met with ignorance and shoddy treatment. It was not until after it came to their attention in 1942, that the Nazis were building flying saucers and other 'fantasy' weapons based on Tesla's inventions, that the U. S. Government became so concerned.

So why hide something from the American public today which the Nazis stole before 1934? In the case of (flying saucer) electro-propulsion, this invention is not only classified, but the very existence of it is categorically denied by the government, while its covert agents in the UFOlogy community attribute it to extraterrestrial, "alien" origins. What better way to deter civilian scientific investigation into the obvious?

I first heard of Tesla in 1943, as a child of four, when his death was lamented by Elmer Schlosser, a neighborhood adult friend who first told me about him. I also once had in my collection of old books, a well-preserved, beautiful old commemorative book issued by the 1893 Chicago World's Fair --- the Columbian Exposition ---which featured Tesla as its honored guest. There were numerous photos of Tesla's inventions and some articles. Today, over 54 years after Tesla's death, experimenters are still conducting exciting and trail-blazing experiments with Tesla's discoveries of over 100 years ago, and continuing to find 'hidden' meanings in some of his early writings and patents.

There have been countless speculations as to what Tesla's most secret discoveries were. At the time of his death, there were in all, the approximate equivalent of a railroad boxcar load of Tesla materials confiscated by the FBI, from around four different storage locations and Tesla's hotel storage and hotel room and safe. Of this, a total of only about 150,000 documents were released to Tesla's Yugoslavian relatives, now held by the Tesla Institute in Belgrade. These documents and old models, primarily of a historical nature, comprise most of the published Tesla materials of the institute. 

The huge volume of the rest of the documents and models was retained by the Custodian of Alien Properties in an unclassified state, because the government's "experts" had declared that none of it was worth classifying, from 1943 until 1945, when, following the arrival of the Nazi scientists and the secret war files of Nazi Germany, acquired under Operation Paperclip, the spooks from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base hurried up to the warehouses of the Custodian of Alien Properties, and took possession of all the documents and other materials, and every bit of them have been classified at the highest level ever since, the government having declassified NONE of them.

The remainder of Tesla's papers are still classified --- literally tons of notes, documents, drawings, and plans. The government distributed false rumors that "Tesla never kept notes", which was a blatant lie. The notes on his Colorado Springs experiments alone (1899-1900) were enough for a large-format book of 433 pages. Considering the fact that Tesla continued to do some mysterious research at the Colorado Springs laboratory for a number of years---from which we have no notes---there is ample cause for suspicion. It is known from Tesla's own word's that these additional experiments at Colorado Springs were much more far-reaching.


In 1979, when I tried to gain access to Tesla papers held at the J. Robert Oppenheimer Study Center, at LANL ("Los Alamos National Lab), the government admitted possession, but denied access for lack of the appropriate "badge" (security clearance). Tesla's papers are now held at least in part, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. On that same day, I found the hydrogen bomb plans on the public access shelves, yet was denied access to Tesla's papers. What could be more sensitive than the hydrogen bomb, which was invented by Tesla prior to 1943?

After the war, in 1946, at age 8, when our family returned to the little west Texas town of Kermit, I visited the radio shop of my old friend, Elmer Schlosser, and lugged home a pile of salvaged electronic components he gave to me, after a savvy little Tesla talk. I assembled the components, ran a ground line up a tree, placed my newly assembled device in my tree house, erected an antenna constructed of screen wire, and attempted to 'radio in' some power. Unsuccessful, I nonetheless continued my experiments with electromagnetism for eight more years, until I set them aside for twenty years. In 1975, I resumed my "Tesla project", eventually built a number of Tesla coils, and even began giving some lectures and demonstrations in the Santa Fe area to small gatherings.

In late 1974, the CIA had commenced a pattern of harassment originally intended to "motivate" me to accept an executive position later offered to me by George Bush, in early 1975. I rejected the offer and immersed myself deeply in intense research, and the harassment continued and intensified so much that it finally brought my research to a temporary standstill between 1986 and 1992, which provoked the first publication of my book, Space Aliens From the Pentagon, in 1993. I issued a revised and expanded second edition in late 1995. Another of my books, Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It, concentrates on the 19th century "aether" science leading up to Tesla's discovery of electro-propulsion, and I also include a couple of astounding Relativity-destroying "free-energy" re-discoveries.

Tesla's holy grail was to build his "electric flying machine", and to draw some of the "environmental energy" out of the cosmos. This plan involved a theory of radioactivity under development by Tesla in the 1890s, which entirely presaged and conflicted with currently accepted Relativism, quantum mechanics, and nuclear energy theories. (This is not to say that something called "classical quantum mechanics" may not be valid, as I distinguish it from "Relativist quantum mechanics").

To Tesla, so-called "atomic energy" was in fact the result of "environmental energy" emanating from the cosmos, and made known to us via "radioactive" matter, which he said had the peculiar property of resonating and reacting with ubiquitous "cosmic radiation" (a term used by Tesla before 1900).

The "cosmic radiation" of which Tesla spoke was of much higher frequency than what we call "radioactive emanations", which to Tesla were the result of a "step-down" process, in which certain peculiar matter reacts to and converts ubiquitous, omnidirectional cosmic radiation---which today we call "zero point radiation" ("ZPR")---from higher frequencies, to lower, more useful and appropriate frequencies, such as gamma, x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared radiation, as well as magnetism and even electrical current. These step-down frequencies are much easier to detect and measure than the ZPR.

The existence of the ZPR was well known to Tesla in the 1890s, but it was not until recently that it became scientifically accepted as a proven fact. This radiation is of such high frequency that it normally passes through space, the earth, and our bodies without harm or incident, in constant equilibrium, because its short wavelengths do not normally react or resonate with the atoms of most matter. It is so-called "radioactive matter" --- according to Tesla --- which has a peculiar atomic structure which reacts with this radiation to produce "radioactivity". "Atomic energy", to Tesla, comes from the ZPR, not atoms. If a lump of radium, for example, could be shielded from the effects of the ZPR, said Tesla, it would no longer show radioactivity.

Most naturally radioactive elements are dense and "unstable"---that is, they are said by the Relativists to "decay" as radiation is emitted, to elements of lower atomic numbers. The Relativists---with whom Tesla vehemently disagreed---believe that naturally radioactive elements spontaneously lose mass in the process of such "decay", so that the energy released as radioactivity, is equivalent to the lost mass according to Einstein's equation, E = MC2.

 This always seemed untenable to me, since such elements would have to have
 been, by the related cosmological myth of the "Big Bang", older than the earth, yet geological examination shows that they are found to have evolved through physical processes which have occurred within natural structures here on earth. If such elements had been part of the alleged Big Bang, they would have fully "decayed" before now. On the other hand, if such elements are in the process of being continually evolved by natural conditions within earth, as well as in outer space, through electrical, magnetic and other physical forces, the reasons for their presence is more reasonable. I don't think this is any surprise to the "national security" elite. Something else is going on, and someone else knows it.

If non-radioactive elements are converted into radioactive ones by the forces of nature, what are these processes? In a New York Times article of July 11, 1937 (pg. 13, col.2), in one of Tesla's famous birthday announcements, Tesla stated that he had developed a process for the "manufacture" of radium (transmutation from other elements), which was so efficient that it could be sold for $l.00 per pound. He also announced that he had "absolutely developed" a system for the interstellar transmission of energy. He said he had been working in "several laboratories", but refused to disclose their locations. His working model, he said, "...employs more than three dozen of my inventions. It is a complex apparatus, an agglomeration of parts." It could convey "...several thousand units of horsepower to other planets, regardless of the distance", traveling "...through a channel of less than one-half of one-millionth of a centimeter." Further, he said, "...it is not an experiment. I have built, demonstrated and used it. Only a little time will pass before I can give it to the world."

That time never came. In less than six years, his death occurred in the presence of two FBI agents and a German nurse, and the Nazis had had his plans under active development since as early as 1936.

These facts demonstrate that even in his 80s, in 1937, Tesla was involved in secret research at several undisclosed laboratories, on technology which today remains highly classified, yet neither the general public nor anyone at the International Tesla Society seems to have any idea as to the details, because they have been concealed from us by the "powers that be". Through some ingenious investigating, it is possible to reconstruct some of the facts. In focusing on just Tesla's publicly available technology, it is obvious that, even in it, there is the air of the fantastic, the almost incredible. Taking this a step further, it is possible to reconstruct much of the unknown Tesla discoveries from publicly-available sources, in order to see what has been carefully hidden from us by our own government and the corporate fascists who control it.

.........to be continued.........
Next: Part II: Tesla's Greatest Unknown Technology


Tesla's ingenious design for the wireless transmission of electricity.

1. TRANSFORMER comprising:
a. Thick Coil of short length and few turns, which acts as the primary in the transmitter and as the secondary in the receiver.
b. Thin Coil of longer length and many turns, which acts as the secondary in the transmitter and as the primary in the receiver. This coil would be 50 miles in length or one fourth the wavelength of a lightwave whose circuit was 185,000 miles long.
ac. Magnetic Core attached to the earth and elevated terminal.
2. POWER SOURCE deriving energy from coal or a waterfall.
4. CONTAINER OF LIQUID AIR (-197°F) which causes "an extraordinary magnification of oscillation in the resonating circuit[s]."
5. ELEVATED TERMINAL or bulbous top for accumulating stored charge. To obtain highest possible frequency, a terminal of small capacity (like a taught spring) and high pressure is employed.
Figure 1. The sending and receiving magnifying transmitters are built essentially the same way. The length and size of the tower and transformer is in a harmonic relationship to the electromagnetic properties of the earth. It has a multipurpose function. Standing k waves generated in resonant relationship to known earth currents could be used as carrier frequencies for transmitting electrical power.
Real scientists have known for centuries that the earth is a giant electromagnet having a North and South magnetic pole. Tesla was using this knowledge to broadcast electricity just like radio and TV waves are broadcast.
The stationary earth is a giant electromagnet and absorbs millions of volts daily in the form of lightning.

xtra images - http://www.henrymakow.com/gerufo1.jpg

William Lyne image - http://www.echoesofenoch.com/Lyne007.jpg

For further enlightening info enter a word or phrase into the search box @  New Illuminati:

@  http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com (or click on any tag at the bottom of the page for direct references)

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com


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  130. "My primary goal this year is to make adjustments to Korea as quickly as possible," said Ji, who spent three years in Japan before her Chelsea stint and has never played club football in her native country. "I want to get on the same page with my teammates."

  131. "Incheon Hyundai Steel have been dominant, but I think things will change a bit. That's what I am here for," Ji said. "If we can be competitive against Incheon, I think it will make the league more interesting."

  132. Ji wore No. 10 with Chelsea but said she chose the new number at Suwon for a couple of reasons.

  133. She hoisted 13 trophies with Chelsea: six Super League titles, four FA Cups, two league cups and one Community Shield. Ji capped off her career by helping Chelsea to a double this year, as they captured the Super League title and the FA Cup.

  134. Ji ended a successful eight-year run with Chelsea FC Women earlier this month and signed with Suwon FC Women of the WK League, Tuesday. The club formally introduced her in a press conference at Suwon City Hall, some 45 kilometers south of Seoul, Thursday.

  135. She scored 68 goals in 210 matches in all competitions for Chelsea; and is third on the club's all-time lists in both goals and matches.

  136. "I haven't played with Korean teammates since I was 20 years old (as a university student)," said Ji, who turned down an offer from Chelsea and from a few U.S. clubs. "I have a lot of friends at Incheon, but they will now be enemies. It's going to be fun."

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