Mystery Explosion at Secret Chinese Installation
by Haisheng Liu
I was asked to translate a recent submission to viewzone that contained the following images, taken from the google-earth program. Of course I checked the archives to be sure they are correct and noted the GPS coordinates so anyone can confirm that these things are real.
The top of this unusual rectangle construction spans 5670 feet -- over a mile -- and the road-like structures are as much as 100 feet wide! Google-earth images show the construction at various times going back to 2005. It is always covered with mud and the surrounding land shows no signs of activity for miles (except some miles to the West, where a perfect square of earth about a mile wide has been covered over with sand). Prior to 2005 the google-earth images are blurred in this specific area, suggesting it is not new. It appears to be made somewhat thick as it has not buckled or cracked over the years.
But wait, there's more weird things in this immediate area:
As you will want to see these for yourself, the coordinates are provided. Zoom in on some of the remains of buildings and camps. They are all vacated and look like they were ransacked. There's a sign of an explosion in places with the ground riddled with 10 foot craters, as if cluster-bombed. And the weird shapes... are they runways? antennae? symbols?
With a little exploring I came across this image of a remote village -- I mean in the middle of nowhere -- devoted to laying out this reflective stuff in a specific pattern.
And here, at the end of the runway, antenna, symbol (whatever) is this odd thing.
It even has a HAARP-like installation (see 40 24'17.50"N 93 38'15.75"E).
What we were told in the email:
The reader says this is Top Secret area in a remote part of China. This is the Chinese "Area 51" where captured (alien?) technology is kept and tested. It is also nearby where the nuclear bombs were detonated many years ago. Supposedly the main laboratories are underground. You can see the entrances if you look at the images. Contact has been made with other "technology" (?). A new propulsion system was being tested. But it was not well controlled and could not be stabilized. An accident happened and the device blew up. The area is very contaminated now.
Then there's this:
There certainly is strong evidence that something came from "above" and blasted this site (and most others in the area). Is this all just a hoax? Check this for yourself with google-earth and let us know what you find.
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