Roswell’s Memory Metal: The Air Force Comments; NASA Gets Involved & New Clues Are Found
By Anthony Bragalia
The “memory metal” debris found at the UFO crash site at Roswell in 1947 was both the conceptual and the technical impetus for today’s “Shape Memory Alloys” or “Morphing Metals” such as Nitinol. The Roswell debris was analyzed by Battelle Memorial Institute in the late 1940’s under a Wright-Patterson Air Force contract. These historical truths were established in a years-long (and continuing) investigation which has been detailed in the second edition of the book Witness to Roswell …
Now this author reveals for the first time:
- - NASA’s extraordinary and telling interest in morphing metals research and why this is so
- The US Air Force’s opinion on the Roswell-Nitinol Connection
- The reason that the memory metal is the vital clue to the solution to both the Roswell crash and the entire UFO mystery
- Further insight into the astounding history, significance and “meaning” of the memory metal
This line of investigation continues to bring forth additional documents, witnesses and circumstantial evidence which supports the fact that an unknown craft of unknown origin -and comprised of previously unknown materials- crashed to Earth over six decades ago. It also confirms that the overriding concern was to find out what the craft was made of.
The official “co-inventor” of Nitinol shape memory alloy at the US Naval Labs (along with Fred Wang) was William Buehler. In an authorized Oral History, Buehler complained that after his “discovery” that is was the space agency NASA that “independently retained Battelle” to “conduct further characterization studies” on Nitinol.
And this makes complete sense. The memory metal was inspired by the materials of construction from a spacecraft found at Roswell. This means that the material must have application in aerospace. And indeed it does. Today, NASA itself plans to apply the material in its most revolutionary and technologically advanced craft ever developed. And even more incredibly, the memory metal itself may hold the clue to “Free Energy” and interstellar propulsion using Nitinol Heat Engines! Recent research confirms that Roswell’s memory metal is going back into space, the Outer Space from which it originated.
NASA’s Langley Research Center in VA is key to this endeavor. Its Center for Excellence in Materials is working feverishly on Shape Changing aircraft. The following video demonstrates this fact- and that they want to transfer this technology to industry:
Dr. Anna McGowan is NASA’s Program Director for Morphing Materials. She is a champion of such materials because they “allow change from one configuration to another.” In a recent interview (that did not mention potential Roswell-impetus) McGowan expanded on these themes.
She states that this “change” can have real-world applications in the development of advanced spacecraft. By having shape-changing craft, one can control drag reduction, load reduction, noise reduction and the control of sensors and actuators using such material. Most importantly, such material may one day be used as the basis for a “self-healing spacecraft skin” which can repair itself. Such morphing allows the craft to “remember” prior configurations or “remember” itself for future function. When the material can morph, the shape of the craft can be changed to best suit the environment in which it traverses. And such a material can “self-disguise” aircraft and spacecraft- allowing it to “confuse” onlookers.
McGowan participated in a workshop in France in 2007 entitled “Aerospace Workshop on Adaptive Aerospace Structures and Materials” She explains that emphasis should be placed on the range of potential Shape Memory materials such as alloys, polymers and composite constructions. Of course the debris at Roswell was described as “like both metal and plastic (polymer)” by several witnesses. And incredibly, General George Schulgen (in a Secret Memo composed just months after the Roswell crash) wrote to select staff on the potential “Items of Construction” of UFOs that they were likely of “composite construction.”
McGowan then goes on to say that specific attention must be applied to the extreme challenges of “processing and fabrication” of such materials. In this same Secret Memo from General Schulgen in 1947 he speaks specifically of UFO material being made “by unusual fabrication methods.” General Arthur Exon, Base Commander of Wright Patterson in the 1960s (who was Roswell-aware) commented to author Kevin Randle of the debris that he had learned that “the processing of the material was somehow different.”
Sixty four years after the Roswell crash, the US government is still grappling with the challenges of Nitinol and Shape Memory. Although engineers and scientists have conducted countless studies, have composed numerous white papers and have diagrammed and micro-photographed such material for decades, the precise mechanisms behind “material that remembers itself” has yet to be fully understood.
NASA has a long history of conducting materials science and engineering experiments in space. Many of these studies remain classified. This author has reason to believe that NASA took Nitinol into space for secret experimentation. Emerging information indicates that it was placed in specialized testing chambers during the Space Shuttle and Space Station missions in the 1990s. The weightlessness and gravity-free environment of Outer Space may have revealed clues to the “strange fabrication and processing” as well as insight into just how and why material can “morph.” More on this will be reported in a future article.
Finally, Nitinol -or morphing memory metals- may hold the clue to cosmic propulsion and potentially infinite energy. NASA (and other government entities including the US Naval Labs in MD where Nitinol was “invented”) have been quietly working on “Nitinol Heat Engines.” Work on such engines as to date been largely theoretical. In the video below, the basic principles of such a Nitinol Heat Engine are showed in model-scale:
She states that this “change” can have real-world applications in the development of advanced spacecraft. By having shape-changing craft, one can control drag reduction, load reduction, noise reduction and the control of sensors and actuators using such material. Most importantly, such material may one day be used as the basis for a “self-healing spacecraft skin” which can repair itself. Such morphing allows the craft to “remember” prior configurations or “remember” itself for future function. When the material can morph, the shape of the craft can be changed to best suit the environment in which it traverses. And such a material can “self-disguise” aircraft and spacecraft- allowing it to “confuse” onlookers.
McGowan participated in a workshop in France in 2007 entitled “Aerospace Workshop on Adaptive Aerospace Structures and Materials” She explains that emphasis should be placed on the range of potential Shape Memory materials such as alloys, polymers and composite constructions. Of course the debris at Roswell was described as “like both metal and plastic (polymer)” by several witnesses. And incredibly, General George Schulgen (in a Secret Memo composed just months after the Roswell crash) wrote to select staff on the potential “Items of Construction” of UFOs that they were likely of “composite construction.”
McGowan then goes on to say that specific attention must be applied to the extreme challenges of “processing and fabrication” of such materials. In this same Secret Memo from General Schulgen in 1947 he speaks specifically of UFO material being made “by unusual fabrication methods.” General Arthur Exon, Base Commander of Wright Patterson in the 1960s (who was Roswell-aware) commented to author Kevin Randle of the debris that he had learned that “the processing of the material was somehow different.”
Sixty four years after the Roswell crash, the US government is still grappling with the challenges of Nitinol and Shape Memory. Although engineers and scientists have conducted countless studies, have composed numerous white papers and have diagrammed and micro-photographed such material for decades, the precise mechanisms behind “material that remembers itself” has yet to be fully understood.
NASA has a long history of conducting materials science and engineering experiments in space. Many of these studies remain classified. This author has reason to believe that NASA took Nitinol into space for secret experimentation. Emerging information indicates that it was placed in specialized testing chambers during the Space Shuttle and Space Station missions in the 1990s. The weightlessness and gravity-free environment of Outer Space may have revealed clues to the “strange fabrication and processing” as well as insight into just how and why material can “morph.” More on this will be reported in a future article.
Finally, Nitinol -or morphing memory metals- may hold the clue to cosmic propulsion and potentially infinite energy. NASA (and other government entities including the US Naval Labs in MD where Nitinol was “invented”) have been quietly working on “Nitinol Heat Engines.” Work on such engines as to date been largely theoretical. In the video below, the basic principles of such a Nitinol Heat Engine are showed in model-scale:
By using dual hot water/cold water chambers and a unique pulley system, the Nitinol wire’s precise cycle of continuous shrinkage and expansion makes the “water wheel” spin perpetually in motion.
However this author has learned that NASA has been working on Nitinol Engines for space propulsion for over 20 years! A December 1, 1988 document (declassified and entitled “Direct Conversion Technology”) features a chapter beginning on Page 29, “Thermoelastic Convertors-Nitinol Engines.” Though the report is generated by the US Department of Energy (interestingly authored by a scientist from EG&G, a company recently Roswell-implicated) the report is not a DOE report. Buried within the document we learn that this work was done “through an agreement with NASA” and that “the work herein was performed by NASA.”
The US Air force Responds to The Roswell-Nitinol Claims
This author has heard from a former US Air Force official about the Roswell-Memory Metal scenario. Colonel Richard Weaver is the author of the official Air Force’s 1994 debunking report “The Roswell Report: Case Closed.” He contacted me on April 27th, 2011 in reply to my email to him. Weaver held several high-level roles in intelligence (and in disinformation operations) with the USAF and he now heads a corporate security consulting firm. He commented at some length on my Roswell memory metal “angle”:
“Very interesting material, Mr. Bragalia. And you have obviously done a great deal of research on this particular topic, to which I must confess that I am almost totally ignorant.” Weaver continues by explaining to me that he never thought to thoroughly investigate the reports of memory metal found at Roswell: “Until actually looking up those terms (Nitinol, shape memory) in Google/Wikipedia, I had no previous knowledge of them… I was though aware of various claims made by Jesse Marcel, Jr. and others about and amazing material that sprung back to its original shape after having been wadded up.”
I asked Weaver if he had ever examined any of the National Laboratories (like Sandia) or its contract-operators (like Battelle Memorial Institute) for “clues” during his Roswell investigation. If there was material recovered from the site, it makes absolute sense that such material would be analyzed by such labs. Weaver admits the government’s failure to do so:
“We had no charter or authority to examine any records stored or maintained by any of the National Laboratories- that would have been up to the GAO.” Weaver excuses their neglect in doing so by saying: “Their purpose was to search for existing records …and not conduct an investigation of every claim that has been made concerning the event.”
This author is convinced that had the GAO and USAF Roswell investigations were more genuinely “investigative” – to include examining the records and talking to the former employees of our National Laboratories- that the Roswell mystery would have been long-solved. I asked Weaver if he knew then what he does now about this Roswell avenue of investigation what he would think about Nitinol. He responded:
“Based upon the descriptions that I have found for the material ‘Nitinol’, I would say that the foil-like material used in the Rawin targets (of Project Mogul), while flexible, did not meet the description of the characteristics for the alloy Nitinol.”
Weaver still believes that the Roswell crash was resultant from an errant Project Mogul balloon. But he clearly finds this information fascinating and that it was “reasonable research upon which reasonable men can disagree.”
Other Historical Mentions of "UFO Memory Metal"
There are in fact other (though very rare) mentions of such memory metal in the historical UFO literature that this author has uncovered:
Researcher Leonard Stringfield wrote in a book in 1978 called “Situation Red” of such a report. He recounts the story of MD in Argentina who said that he had encountered a landed UFO in 1950. Stringfield writes, “He was also amazed at the skin of the saucer, which was metallic in appearance, but had a ‘rubbery’ feel to it.” Researcher Coral Lorenzon tells of the same incident in his 1966 “Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence” and says that the Doctor “said that the disk appeared metallic but had the resilience of rubber.” Of course the skin of the alien spacecraft sounds suspiciously like what was reported at Roswell, having the power to return to its original form or position after being bent, compressed or stressed.
Although a more “esoteric” story, in 1957 Cynthia Appleton of Birmingham, UK reported an encounter that she had with an alien presence. This report is recounted online and in the UFO literature. Cynthia asked the “presence” why there were visiting our Earth. She got the reply that “We have to visit your world to obtain something of which we are running out.” When she later attempted to recall the name of the material they wanted to recover, she thought that they might have said “Titium” (tite-ee-um). When she told her husband this, who knew his way around metals, he replied “You mean Titanium.” Of course “Titanium” is one of the two essential elements need to create the memory metal Nitinol. And when researcher Kevin Randle asked General Arthur Exon of Wright Patterson what metal/s were used in the Roswell debris, Exon specifically referred to Titanium.
Former engineer Ralph Ring claims in an online video interview that consciousness and morphing metal have a great deal to do with interstellar travel. Ring was associated with the very controversial inventor Otis T. Carr in the late 1950s. Carr was, in this author’s opinion, a self-taught scientist who was onto great discoveries but who was also an “over-claimer,” greedy and alcoholic. Carr made attempts at the development of an interstellar spacecraft utilizing electro-magnetic and electro-gravity propulsion concepts. He even constructed several prototypes.
Engineer Ring states that when they powered up the craft, Carr counseled them to achieve a certain pre-arranged “mental state.” As the power wound up and they achieved they desired “state” Ring said, “The metal turned to rubber and it was resilient to the touch.” He says that it was like “rubber metal.” There is an amazing parallel to this story, one that is verified: In the early 1970s the US Navy Labs’ Fred Wang (co-inventor of Nitinol) tested a psychic’s ability to bend or morph Nitinol using mental energy.
Memory Metal's "Meaning" To UFOs
What material could be better for an interstellar vehicle that one that could provide its own energy source, disguise itself at will, work in all environments and be able to heal itself when compromised? Perhaps there is “Intelligent Material” of which the UFO is made that is so “malleable” that it may be able to change state, allowing for interstellar travel. Morphing is key to cosmic transport. The craft’s material must be eminently adaptable, changing and restructuring itself at the crystalline and molecular levels- and likely even at the interdimensional level. It may be both physical and paraphysical.
Though the craft are comprised of elements and are comprised of ‘material’ - they are also ‘amorphous’ and in some way must manipulate time and space. So the material must be able to “change up” instantly and at will. It must morph. Here we see in the video below an example of a morphing UFO. This is a stabilized version of the video. Though some believe it to be of balloons, I do not think so- and there are countless (and increasing) examples of such craft in our skies beyond this video, whatever one may think of it:
Why The Very "Idea" of Memory Metal Helps Prove Roswell
The Roswell memory metal revelations have been met with the gamut of responses from far and wide. But it is one, simple, small post that was made on an online discussion group related to unexplained mysteries that gave me pause. This individual made an extraordinarily perceptive comment on that site and it has stuck with me. Its beauty is in its simplicity:
“When you have a number of people from different locations of the country identifying the exact same exotic properties of the materials recovered from New Mexico, then there is no room left for claims of ‘active imaginations’ because these folks were all singing to the same tune of the exotic nature of the materials, which were not known at the time, and were alien to mankind.”
In other words, they described a material with such unusual properties years before such material became known to the general public (or would even have been invented!) The very fact that many credible first-hand witnesses recounted a remarkable metal that would “remember itself” is in and of itself remarkable. Not only was such a material never even speculated on (even in cartoons) in 1947- most people today in 2011 would have no idea what you were talking about! Remember that even Colonel Richard Weaver of the USAF himself told me that he had never even heard of Nitinol or Shape Memory alloys in his life before my articles!
Well then how would 80+ year old Roswell witnesses know about Nitinol? Even if they were recounting it in 1980? What would even possess such elderly and rural people in the first place to conceive of such an idea as “morphing metal”? What would even make them think of such a thing unless it did not actually happen? What would instill such a novel idea as “moving metal” into so many different people –separated now by time, years and distance- had they not seen it? It simply makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, I strongly suspect that if one were to conduct a national poll of US adults, far less than a half-percent would have ever heard of Nitinol- or be able to in any way define “shape recovery.”
Material is Not Immutable

And more concretely, we live in an ever-changing Universe. In order to traverse it, the material we use to do so must be able to “change” as well. If galactic flight exists, matter must not be immutable. It must be able to change state- and then “remember” its original form. It must morph. Our linear thinking makes it difficult to conceive of such “malleable matter” - which is why our very mind’s relationship with matter must change if we are to ever enter the Interstellar Age.
By Anthony Bragalia
The Bragalia Files
The Bragalia Files
From The UFO Chronicles @
. . . More
See Also:
Roswell and Nitinol, the Memory-Metal: A Rejoinder by Nick Redfern
UFO NEWS | Test Confirms Roswell Debris is Not From Earth
Roswell 'Memory Metal' Back Engineered?
Roswell and Nitinol, the Memory-Metal: A Rejoinder by Nick Redfern
UFO NEWS | Test Confirms Roswell Debris is Not From Earth
Roswell 'Memory Metal' Back Engineered?
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