"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Sunday 18 April 2010

Jets Pursue UFO over the M5, West Midlands

Jets Pursue UFO over the M5, West Midlands

February 2010

According to media reports a cameraman has filmed the dramatic scene of two British fighter jets chasing a mysterious aircraft that looked like a circular UFO. This video, which is believed to have been taken from a West Midlands service station car park in the UK, has drawn millions of hits on the internet.

"This is one of the best videos I've seen. It could be a new drone - that might explain the military jets," the Sun quoted expert Nick Pope, who probed UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence.

"But you don't normally test-fly secret projects in daylight. Alternatively, this could be the real thing - a UFO in our airspace and military aircraft scrambled to intercept, probably due to it being tracked on radar," he added.

The British defense ministry refused to comment on the alleged sighting, but confirmed it would scramble jets to meet an air threat. Meanwhile, a police official from West Midlands said: "We are not aware of any reports of unidentified aircraft."

source: news.xinhuanet.com and youtube.com

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