How did you get here? By forgetting the lessons of history?
The (2004) US Elections:
The Mother of all
Vote Frauds
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin
The 2004 election has already been rigged. The corporations and the military industrial complex have bought themselves a government and they aren t going to let some silly little presidential election jeopardize their investment. []April 7, 2004Machines will produce 99.4 percent of the election results for the upcoming 2004 presidential election. With all the hoopla over voting machine "glitches," porous software, leaked memos, and the creepy corporations that sell and service these contraptions, and with all the controversy that surrounds campaign financing, voter registration, redistricting issues, and the general privatization of the election process, we are missing the boat on the biggest crisis facing our democracy. Americans aren't really voting. Machines are. Call it faking democracy. [Online Journal]
Alex Pelosi's new film "Diary of a Political Tourist" catches a tipsy Congressman Peter King making a comment at a White House function before the election had been finished that, "It's already over. The Election's over. We Won." When Pelosi asks, "How do you know that?" King replies, "It's all over but the counting. And we'll take care of the counting." [Common Dreams]
November 1, 2004 - When would-be-voters were asked whether the nation was headed in the right direction, about 52-55% people have replied negatively. Under this scenario, the leadership change is all but assured. Mr. Bush and his campaign team may project an optimistic outlook as they spoke before the media tonight, but I feel that while Bush s number is hovering around 47-48%, which is the same number for Kerry, it does not bode well for the Republican candidate.
You wouldn't steal George, would ya? Incumbents never make surges from their last horse race number.Examples:1956 Eisenhower's final horserace projection 59.5%, his actual vote total 57.8%1964: Johnson's final horse race projection 64%, his actual share of the vote 61.3%In 1972 Nixon's final horse race projection tally 62%, his actual vote total 61.8%In 1976 Ford's final horse race projection number 49%, his % share of the vote 48.1%.In 1980, Carter's final horse projection numer 44%, his real % of the vote 41%.In 1984 Reagan final horse race projection tally 59%, his real share of the popular vote 59.2%.In 1996 Clinton's final horse race number 52%, his actual share of the vote 49.2%The alleged miracle comeback of incumbent Harry Truman can not be included in this study because Gallup issued it's "final" result 2 weeks before the election.
On November 2, 2004 President Bush defied both public opinion and history to win the election
51 - 48.
How was this done? Simple...Vote suppression/voter intimidation and deception. Shortages of voting locations and ballot forms. Foreign monitors barred from polls. Unmatched exit polls/actual results - actual results always skewed to Republicans. Masses of e-Voting "glitches". Computers lost votes. Presidential votes miscast on e-Voting machines throughout the US. More recorded votes than voters. Republicans gained 128.45% in Florida counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats lost 21% - some districts showed gains of over 400% while one, Liberty County, gained over 700% for Republicans.Warren County officials locked down the county administration building on election night and blocked anyone from observing the vote count as the nation awaited Ohio's returns. Bush had 'incredible' vote tallies. 7% turnout reported in Cleveland precinct. In Cuyahoga County different towns had the exact same number of "extra" votes. And on, and on...Full details:
Pre-November 2
Dirty tricks return to the sunshine state
Phony letters tell people they cannot vote
58,000 Absentee Ballots Missing in Florida
New Florida vote scandal feared
Gallup Poll Racially-Biased
Electronic vote machine too easily corrupted
Purposely Corrupted Diebold Voting Terminals
Paid Bush supporters cause uproar
1 Million Kerry Votes Already Stolen November 2
Late Ruling Allows GOP to Challenge Ohio Voters
Foreign monitors 'barred' from US polls
Six news groups sue Ohio elections chief
Voting list snafu causes problems in Marion County
Bogus calls target area Democrats
GOP doing all it can to keep minorities from voting
Is there inner-city election suppression in Ohio?
E-Voting Problems Crop Up
November 3
Group tallies more than 1,100 e-voting glitches
Residents turned away at polls
E-Voting machines give Bush 5% advantage
Exit polls and actual results don t match
CNN changes Ohio exit poll page
Errors plague voting process in Ohio, Pa. November 4
Kerry Won. Here are the Facts.
Global monitors find faults
Vote Fraud - Exit Polls Vs Actuals
FRAUD!! in Ghanna Ohio
"More votes than voters: Now THAT'S a mandate!"
N.C. Computer Loses More Than 4,500 Votes
Presidential Votes Miscast on e-Voting Machines
November 5
Some observations of the 2004 election
Something looks very wrong in Florida...
Maryland e-voting controversy in presidential race
Bush s tally was supersized by a computer glitch
Should America Trust the Results of the Election?
Software flaw found in Florida vote machines
Election problems due to a software glitch
Warren's vote tally walled off
Group Finds Voting Irregularities in South November 6
Evidence Mounts That Vote May Have Been Hacked
Massive Voter Suppression and Corruption in Ohio
November 8
Ohio Whitewash November 9
Countinghouse Blues - Too many votes
Bush's 'Incredible' Vote Tallies
None Dare Call it Voter Suppression and Fraud
November 10
7% turnout in Cleveland precinct?
The Mystery of the Cuyahoga County vote totals
Computer glitch baffles county clerk
Judge Rejects Suit Over Absentee Ballots
Florida "E-Touch" - "Optical Scan" discrepancies November 11
The sorting and discarding of Kerry votes begins
Elections board to probe missing voting forms
Glitch causes Franklin Co. recount
GOP Wants Exit Polls Abandoned
Sworn testimony of voters
Dr Stephen F. Freeman from the University of Pennsylvania calculated that the odds of just three of the major swing states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania all swinging as far as they did against their respective exit polls were 250 million to 1.
IN mid-August [2003], Walden W. O'Dell, the chief executive of Diebold Inc., sat down at his computer to compose a letter inviting 100 wealthy and politically inclined friends to a Republican Party fund-raiser, to be held at his home in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. ''I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year,'' wrote Mr. O'Dell, whose company is based in Canton, Ohio.
Votergate is an investigative documentary feature film uncovering the truth about new computer voting systems which allow a few powerful corporations to record votes in secret.

11/11/04: MSNBC looks at 2004 election fraud.
The Stolen Election Audio Collection:
Vote Fraud is Real- Wake Up America
The Myth of a Divided America
In the year 2004 America spilled into the streets, frustrated, furious. This video shows the real America ignored by the corporate controlled media. See what America really thinks when allowed to speak without censorship.
Kerry has clearly shown he is not willing to take a stand on this issue. And indeed you will find a great reluctance in the entire government to address the fraud because of their fear that if the present election is revealed to have been a fraud, the public will start to question whether previous elections were equally fraudulent, knowing that evidence to support such a conclusion is in abundance for those who look. The American people are at risk of waking up and realizing that they did not in fact vote for the governments which have been in power over them for decades, and did not in fact vote to approve any of the disastrous fiscal and military policies the government has set, and that in fact the majority of Americans have never agreed with much of what has been going on. If the election is revealed to be a fraud, Americans will rightly conclude that they are under no obligation to obey the government any longer, to follow the government's dictates or to surrender their money and children to a bunch of unelected thugs.
Updates: Gallup: Bush Approval Rating
Lowest Ever for 2nd-Term Prez at this Point
April 5, 2005's not uncommon to hear or read pundits referring to President George W. Bush as a "popular" leader or even a "very popular" one. Even some of his critics in the press refer to him this way. Perhaps they need to check the latest polls.
President Bush's approval rating has plunged to the lowest level of any president since World War II at this point in his second term, the Gallup Organization reported today.
"All other presidents who were re-elected to a second term had approval ratings well above 50% in the March following their re-election," Gallup reported.
Bush's current rating is 45%. The next lowest was Reagan with 56% in March 1985.
More bad signs for the president: Gallup's survey now finds only 38% expressing satisfaction with the "state of the country" while 59% are "dissatisfied." One in three Americans feel the economy is excellent or good, while the rest find it "only fair" or poor.
Gallup noted that more challenges lie ahead for Bush, including public doubts about his Social Security plan and Iraq policies.
Here are the approval ratings for presidents as recorded by Gallup in the March following their re-election:
Truman, 1949: 57%.
Eisenhower, 1957: 65%.
Johnson, 1965: 69%.
Nixon, 1973: 57%.
Reagan, 1985: 56%.
Clinton, 1997: 59% .
Bush, 2005: 45% .
Okay, tell us again how Bush won his re-election even though all the exit polls showed Kerry in a landslide. Go on. Tell us. We LOVE that one. It's almost as funny as the one about Saddam's 'nookular' weapons.
As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.
The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the General Accounting Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage. The government's lead investigative agency is known for its general incorruptibility and its through, in-depth analyses. Its concurrence with assertions widely dismissed as "conspiracy theories" adds crucial new weight to the case that Team Bush has no legitimate business being in the White House. [Free Press 10/26/2005]
The Government Accounting Office has confirmed what the blogs reported and the mainstream media media dismissed as "conspiracy theory". The electronic voting machines were wide open to fraud, and fraud likely occured in Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, and New Mexico, among other states.
See also: 20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
Bald-Faced Lies About Black Box Voting Machines
November 3, 2004 WhatReallyHappened Readers Lettersfrom What Really Happened ELECTION FRAUD 2002
It's all here, too much to read in one day. I suggest you get a cup of coffee and start out by reading Votescam. Votescam lays out the blueprint that everything else is essentially built apon. Save for future reference and send out to everyone!
"The concept is clear, simple, and it works. Computerized voting gives the power of selection, without fear of discovery, to whomever controls the computer," - James & Kenneth Collier, authors of VoteScam (1992) "There are no documented cases of electronic vote-rigging occurring anywhere in the country, but only because it's nearly impossible to prove." "Hand counting is the gold standard against which we check machine counting efficiency." - James Baker "Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything."
- Joseph Stalin "I think it is safe to say at this point that the election of 2002 lacks any credibility at this point. Too many "mistakes", too many malfunctions, too many missing documents, too many dirty tricks, all combine to destroy the illusion that the results to be announced have any basis other than in wishful thinking by those in control of the vote counting process. Certainly the sudden abandonment of the VNS exit polls suggests that the actual polling results are so far out of alignment with the desired results that the media predictions had to be shut down." Votescam. This is as good a place as any to start and this is what initially sparked my interest to really dig into this story and find out more. Go to the link marked "Chapters" and read all about it. Vote of No Confidence Everything you need to know about stealing elections For all its apparent benefits, touch-screen voting is not a panacea, according to several nationally recognized computer experts. There are no documented cases of electronic vote-rigging occurring anywhere in the country, but only because it's nearly impossible to prove. elephant in the room is vote theft on a massive scale is now effectively illegal for citizens in 49 states to count their own votes on election day. The Greatest Cover-Up Of All: Vote Fraud In America and M.I.T. Computer Experts -- Hacking the Machines Why One Tech Maven Fears Computer Voting Rebecca Mercuri loves computers. But when it comes to counting votes in an election, she favors plain old paper. Computers, she says, just can't be trusted with our democracy. Voting Machine Technology - It's Not SecureHave elections in America been rigged to slowly, but surely shift power to the right? In the secretive world of voting machines, anything is possible.\ Right-wing, radical political activists financed USA's largest voting machine company. Who are Diebold? The corporate officers are as thick as thieves with the Republican hard right religious nut division. When it comes to elections in America...assume crooks are in control...and then act accordingly. Thirty-one city newspapers have documented voting errors that only add to the ballot-stuffing, dead-people-voting, hide-the-ballots-in-your-trunk, absentee-faking problems of the past. Computer Vote Counts are Unverifiable TESTIMONY OF A COMPUTER EXPERT: The Judge stated in his ruling that "There is no adequate and proper safeguard to prevent the computers from being programmed to distort the election results." Why we need to know who owns voting machine companies Diebold Magic? Republican Controlled Voting Machines Hand Suprise Victories to...
Guess which party? Voter News Service sitting on Election Day data "Congress could force these companies to submit current source code as a pre-condition, if they wanted to. Congress could keep it secret, so the copyright and trade secret laws would not be infringed. The Senators or whatever would have to sign non-disclosure agreements... there's no valid reason this code is not checked for accurary. Which leaves only invalid reasons for not checking the code - and that would be that they do have ways to monkey with the votes." The Real Scandal Is the Voting Machines Themselves Computerized vote-counting is a terrible system. This is only news to those who haven’t been paying attention. Rage Against the Machine Machines don't have political beliefs. But computer programmers do. Voting Machine Companies owned by conservative Republican businessmen, bankers, religious nuts Repository for Voter Complaints Republicans dominate the voting machine business:Republican Voting Machines, Election Irregularities, and "Way-Off" Polling Results Voting Machines - High Tech Ambush In America - Assume Crooks Are In Control
The Nightmare Scenario Is Here - Computer Voting With No Paper Trail
"The code behind exit poll tabulation is astoundingly simple to write. And the more simple it is, the less error prone. Why, with two years and millions (billions?) of dollars could they not get it right? When I took Oracle 8i, we were taught DB querying on the first day, and produced percentage based results the first week. This story is hole-ier than a hula-hoop." Florida 2002: Sluggish Systems, Vanishing Votes
Alert: Ghost Precincts, Vigilance Needed Broward vote total off in reporting glitch The missing 104,000 votes raised questions about the county's $17.2 million electronic voting system Arkansas Republicans went to court to keep votes uncounted A statewide recount in Alabama's gubernatorial election demanded by Democratic Governor Siegelman gave victory to his Republican challenger:
Problems in Texas with touchscreen voting machinery
Kansas provisional ballots caused problems
South Carolina's voting equipment creats difficulties
"The likely truth is that the "invalid numbers" were showing the opposite of the intended result. Better to just throw the whole notion of "asking voters who they voted for" out the window with a cheesy and unbelievable excuse, and rely on known methods such as stolen ballot boxes and outright fraudulent punch machines and the like. THOSE methods have been working for millenia, and that is why the VNS fell back on them, as opposed to
exposing the FACT the fraud starts and ends at the tippity-top. ' Nebraska's election fiasco
New Jersey's tally delayed by computer problems,0,808514.story?coll=ny-ap-regionalwire
MASSIVE POLLING FRAUD IN FLORIDA Michigan ballot shortages and polling problems San Francisco ballot shortages
Proprietary software makes inspection of electronic voting systems impossible
Republican Manufactured Voting Machines Ivolved in Election Fraud ON SCRAPPING THE EXIT POLLS
"I'm astounded that no one finds this to be of any interest. If you're going to fix an election one thing you need to worry about is an outside party monitoring that election and using well-established and accepted methods of predicting its outcome. Suppose the consortium had McBride beating Bush by 5% and yet Bush was declared the winner. Two possibilities: either the exit polling methodology was flawed or the election was stolen. Are we to believe that a consortium of the nation's most prominent news organizations is so incompetent as to have this happen to them?"
Massive voter fraud was being planned for months. The fix was in. Be warned. This exclusive interview with Greg Palast will boil your blood.
High-tech voting system working fine "Go back to sleep, citizen. Nothing to see here!"
"I'll tell you right now, this election is fixed!"
Flyers were being left on cars in black neighborhoods warning that voters with outstanding tickets or warrants might be arrested when they show their ID to vote. Early voters were met by poll watchers from the Republican Party of Arkansas who demanded identification and challenged voter ballots.
Background Stories about ES&S Voting Machines
Chip Glitch hands victory to wrong party. Guess which party?
Great Bartcop article on Voting Machine Fraud, Execs GOP contributions
Fraudulent automated phone messages in Florida Bush said he was unaware of the phone call effort - even though the call says it was ``paid for by Jeb Bush for Governor Campaign''
Vote Fraud Texas style
There's only one reason the exit poll has been scrapped. How could they explain away a (potential) lead by the democrats and then suddenly have the GOP controlling congress.
Voting Problems In Orlando, South Florida "These folks are so crooked they have to screw their socks on in the morning"
How VNS helped to rig Nov. 5 Election for GOP
Why did VNS bow out the morning of the election? Did somebody get a horse's head in their bed?
Voter News Service Meltdown - Washington Post article
"Voter News Service (VNS) is a top-secret private consortium owned by ABC News, The Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News. It's current headquarters is in Brooklyn, New York. It's been around (under different names) since 1964. It's the only company whose exit poll results are used by the news media to announce the "projected" winners in races for the president, U.S. House and Senate, state governors, and select races. With the use of computerized vote counters and the news networks exclusive control over polling data in major elections, the gates to election fraud were wide open. Computerized voting machines have now made election fraud as easy as stealing candy from a baby... If VNS is helping to rig elections, why are they doing it? Generally speaking... I believe that the same people who can't rake in enough money, also can't get enough power. The news networks are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the richest corporations and individuals in the world. They certainly have an agenda. Their arrogance and disregard for the little guy is clear. They may think that we're not smart enough to pick the 'right' kind of leaders... right for them, that is. So they might try to do it for us. Voter News Service warrants an investigation. Its operations should be shut down regardless. It's in a perfect position to sabotage the election process. Let the counties count the vote and report it to the states. If it takes a day or two for the states to report the results... so be it. Democracy takes time."
Why did VNS bow out the morning of the election?
VNS got into a lot of trouble for correctly calling Florida for Gore after exit polls showed him winning by a comfortable margin. After that 'debacle' they were forced to completely re-design their computer hardware and software. They were my client, and ran on a large IBM mainframe with legacy software. They were forced to get off the mainframe and on to a completely different hardware and software platform. Everything had to be built from scratch. Supposedly, they didn't have time to fully test the new environment thoroughly far enough ahead of this election cycle. Therefore, they chose to use this election to test the new environment, but not publicly release the results. Why does VNS think their "Gore wins" Florida 2000 projection was wrong? Bush guaranteed he would win Florida, even after VNS said he lost it. Why is nobody else suspicious?
More Magic: winning vote totals uncanny. County Judge Danny Scheel received 18,181 votes. Republican Carter Casteel got exactly 18,181votes. Republican state Sen. Jeff Wentworth also got 18,181 votes. - CIA link? VNS, the guys who are deep sixing their exit poll data, used an outside company to develop their computer programs. It turns out that the company is..... Battelle Memorial Institute, an Ohio-based technology company that also works as a defense contractor to help build the new VNS system. A Battelle spokeswoman declined comment on Tuesday's performance. " From: Battelle was also under investigation during the search for the anthrax killer. Rothschilds are part owners of voting machines. They were also behind the whole Enron debacle. Now they will be in charge of the software that runs the voting machines. The other owners have simular NWO backgrounds as well. Think the November 5, 2002 US General Election went smoothly?
Return to top of What Really Happened
On November 2, 2004 President Bush defied both public opinion and history to win the election 51 - 48. How was this done? Simple...Vote suppression/voter intimidation and deception. Shortages of voting locations and ballot forms. Foreign monitors barred from polls. Unmatched exit polls/actual results - actual results always skewed to Republicans. Masses of e-Voting "glitches". Computers lost votes. Presidential votes miscast on e-Voting machines throughout the US. More recorded votes than voters. Republicans gained 128.45% in Florida counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats lost 21% - some districts showed gains of over 400% while one, Liberty County, gained over 700% for Republicans.Warren County officials locked down the county administration building on election night and blocked anyone from observing the vote count as the nation awaited Ohio's returns. Bush had 'incredible' vote tallies. 7% turnout reported in Cleveland precinct. In Cuyahoga County different towns had the exact same number of "extra" votes. And on, and on...Full details: |
Pre-November 2 Dirty tricks return to the sunshine state Phony letters tell people they cannot vote 58,000 Absentee Ballots Missing in Florida New Florida vote scandal feared Gallup Poll Racially-Biased Electronic vote machine too easily corrupted Purposely Corrupted Diebold Voting Terminals Paid Bush supporters cause uproar 1 Million Kerry Votes Already Stolen | November 2 Late Ruling Allows GOP to Challenge Ohio Voters Foreign monitors 'barred' from US polls Six news groups sue Ohio elections chief Voting list snafu causes problems in Marion County Bogus calls target area Democrats GOP doing all it can to keep minorities from voting Is there inner-city election suppression in Ohio? E-Voting Problems Crop Up |
November 3 Group tallies more than 1,100 e-voting glitches Residents turned away at polls E-Voting machines give Bush 5% advantage Exit polls and actual results don t match CNN changes Ohio exit poll page Errors plague voting process in Ohio, Pa. | November 4 Kerry Won. Here are the Facts. Global monitors find faults Vote Fraud - Exit Polls Vs Actuals FRAUD!! in Ghanna Ohio "More votes than voters: Now THAT'S a mandate!" N.C. Computer Loses More Than 4,500 Votes Presidential Votes Miscast on e-Voting Machines |
November 5 Some observations of the 2004 election Something looks very wrong in Florida... Maryland e-voting controversy in presidential race Bush s tally was supersized by a computer glitch Should America Trust the Results of the Election? Software flaw found in Florida vote machines Election problems due to a software glitch Warren's vote tally walled off Group Finds Voting Irregularities in South | November 6 Evidence Mounts That Vote May Have Been Hacked Massive Voter Suppression and Corruption in Ohio |
November 8 Ohio Whitewash | November 9 Countinghouse Blues - Too many votes Bush's 'Incredible' Vote Tallies None Dare Call it Voter Suppression and Fraud |
November 10 7% turnout in Cleveland precinct? The Mystery of the Cuyahoga County vote totals Computer glitch baffles county clerk Judge Rejects Suit Over Absentee Ballots Florida "E-Touch" - "Optical Scan" discrepancies | November 11 The sorting and discarding of Kerry votes begins Elections board to probe missing voting forms Glitch causes Franklin Co. recount GOP Wants Exit Polls Abandoned |
Dr Stephen F. Freeman from the University of Pennsylvania calculated that the odds of just three of the major swing states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania all swinging as far as they did against their respective exit polls were 250 million to 1. |
IN mid-August [2003], Walden W. O'Dell, the chief executive of Diebold Inc., sat down at his computer to compose a letter inviting 100 wealthy and politically inclined friends to a Republican Party fund-raiser, to be held at his home in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. ''I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year,'' wrote Mr. O'Dell, whose company is based in Canton, Ohio. |
Vote Fraud is Real- Wake Up America
Kerry has clearly shown he is not willing to take a stand on this issue. And indeed you will find a great reluctance in the entire government to address the fraud because of their fear that if the present election is revealed to have been a fraud, the public will start to question whether previous elections were equally fraudulent, knowing that evidence to support such a conclusion is in abundance for those who look. The American people are at risk of waking up and realizing that they did not in fact vote for the governments which have been in power over them for decades, and did not in fact vote to approve any of the disastrous fiscal and military policies the government has set, and that in fact the majority of Americans have never agreed with much of what has been going on. If the election is revealed to be a fraud, Americans will rightly conclude that they are under no obligation to obey the government any longer, to follow the government's dictates or to surrender their money and children to a bunch of unelected thugs. |
Updates: Gallup: Bush Approval Rating Lowest Ever for 2nd-Term Prez at this Point April 5, 2005's not uncommon to hear or read pundits referring to President George W. Bush as a "popular" leader or even a "very popular" one. Even some of his critics in the press refer to him this way. Perhaps they need to check the latest polls. President Bush's approval rating has plunged to the lowest level of any president since World War II at this point in his second term, the Gallup Organization reported today. "All other presidents who were re-elected to a second term had approval ratings well above 50% in the March following their re-election," Gallup reported. Bush's current rating is 45%. The next lowest was Reagan with 56% in March 1985. More bad signs for the president: Gallup's survey now finds only 38% expressing satisfaction with the "state of the country" while 59% are "dissatisfied." One in three Americans feel the economy is excellent or good, while the rest find it "only fair" or poor. Gallup noted that more challenges lie ahead for Bush, including public doubts about his Social Security plan and Iraq policies. Here are the approval ratings for presidents as recorded by Gallup in the March following their re-election: Truman, 1949: 57%. Eisenhower, 1957: 65%. Johnson, 1965: 69%. Nixon, 1973: 57%. Reagan, 1985: 56%. Clinton, 1997: 59% . Bush, 2005: 45% . Okay, tell us again how Bush won his re-election even though all the exit polls showed Kerry in a landslide. Go on. Tell us. We LOVE that one. It's almost as funny as the one about Saddam's 'nookular' weapons.
Bald-Faced Lies About Black Box Voting Machines
November 3, 2004 WhatReallyHappened Readers Letters
- Joseph Stalin is now effectively illegal for citizens in 49 states to count their own votes on election day. The Greatest Cover-Up Of All: Vote Fraud In America and M.I.T. Computer Experts -- Hacking the Machines Why One Tech Maven Fears Computer Voting Rebecca Mercuri loves computers. But when it comes to counting votes in an election, she favors plain old paper. Computers, she says, just can't be trusted with our democracy. Voting Machine Technology - It's Not SecureHave elections in America been rigged to slowly, but surely shift power to the right? In the secretive world of voting machines, anything is possible.\ Right-wing, radical political activists financed USA's largest voting machine company. Who are Diebold? The corporate officers are as thick as thieves with the Republican hard right religious nut division. When it comes to elections in America...assume crooks are in control...and then act accordingly. Thirty-one city newspapers have documented voting errors that only add to the ballot-stuffing, dead-people-voting, hide-the-ballots-in-your-trunk, absentee-faking problems of the past. Computer Vote Counts are Unverifiable TESTIMONY OF A COMPUTER EXPERT: The Judge stated in his ruling that "There is no adequate and proper safeguard to prevent the computers from being programmed to distort the election results." Why we need to know who owns voting machine companies Diebold Magic? Republican Controlled Voting Machines Hand Suprise Victories to...
Guess which party? Voter News Service sitting on Election Day data "Congress could force these companies to submit current source code as a pre-condition, if they wanted to. Congress could keep it secret, so the copyright and trade secret laws would not be infringed. The Senators or whatever would have to sign non-disclosure agreements... there's no valid reason this code is not checked for accurary. Which leaves only invalid reasons for not checking the code - and that would be that they do have ways to monkey with the votes." The Real Scandal Is the Voting Machines Themselves Computerized vote-counting is a terrible system. This is only news to those who haven’t been paying attention. Rage Against the Machine Machines don't have political beliefs. But computer programmers do. Voting Machine Companies owned by conservative Republican businessmen, bankers, religious nuts Repository for Voter Complaints Republicans dominate the voting machine business:Republican Voting Machines, Election Irregularities, and "Way-Off" Polling Results Voting Machines - High Tech Ambush In America - Assume Crooks Are In Control
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