DNA scientists claim that Cherokees are from the Middle

“The Cherokees have lived in the Southeastern United States for over
10,000 years. Cherokees developed and cultivated corn, beans and squash – “the
three sisters” – along with sunflowers and other crops. Archaeological
evidence, early written accounts, and the oral history of the Cherokees
themselves show the Cherokees as a mighty nation controlling more than 140,000
square miles with a population of thirty-six thousand or more. Often the
townhouse stood on an earthen mound, which grew with successive ceremonial
In his famous book, “The History of the America Indians” eighteenth
century explorer and trader, John Adair stated that several hundred Cherokees,
living in the North Carolina Mountains, spoke an ancient Jewish language that
was nearly unintelligible to Jews from England and Holland. From this
observation, Adair extrapolated a belief that all Native Americans were the
descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
Adair genuinely admired Native Americans and was married to a Chickasaw
woman. However, his popular theory was twisted during the American Revolution
to something else. In the new version, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel had built
the thousands of mounds that dotted the landscape of eastern North America, but
the Indians had killed all the “civilized Jews.” Frontier preachers gave
sermons which demanded that their parishioners go out and slaughter the evil
savages, who had killed the “civilized Jews.”
By the late 20th century, things had gone to the other extreme in North
Carolina. In 1976 the North Carolina state government directed a team of
professors to prove that the Cherokees had been in their state for at least
1000 years. It was called the North Carolina History Project. The
archaeologists and historians justified their bonus paychecks by dutifully
re-labeling all Native American archeological sites in the western third of the
state as “Cherokee” or “Proto-Cherokee.” The widespread Creek Indian place
names were re-labeled “ancient Cherokee words whose meanings have been lost.”
This academic fraud flew in the face of early Colonial archives that
described several other ethnic groups living in the region prior to 1715, but
no Cherokees. The word “Charaqui” first appeared on a European map in 1718.
Almost all radiocarbon dates for documented Cherokee villages, come from after
Academic fraud becomes historical absurdity
Two subsequent generations of archaeologists
and historians have so thoroughly quoted each other in academic papers that no one realizes that
North Carolina had a different history before 1976. The absurd results is that
the Coweeta town site, one mile north of the Georgia state line, is labeled a
Cherokee – Pisgah Phase town. Its sister towns immediately south of the state
line are labeled Etowah and Lamar proto-Creek towns by Georgia archaeologists.
The same proto-Creek pottery and architecture is found in all these towns.
Coweta is a Creek word and has no meaning in the Cherokee language.
Some Cherokees and Cherokee wannabe’s took
the situation beyond absurdity in the 1990s. In 1754, the British Crown “gave”
the Cherokees a vast territory in the Southeast that included the territories
of all tribes allied with the French. In return, the Cherokees agreed to send
warriors to fight the French in New York. Almost immediately thereafter, the
Creek Confederacy dramatically won the 40 year long Cherokee-Creek War and took
back a fourth of the Cherokee’s core territory that had been captured from the
Creeks 40 years earlier.
In 1757 the Cherokees attacked their former British allies. Great
Britain won the war and took back most of the land that it had given the
Cherokees in 1754, PLUS almost all the Cherokee lands in North and South
Carolina. Non-Cherokee tribes in western North Carolina were also forced to leave.
After 1763, what is now the Cherokee Reservation was 35 miles outside the
eastern Cherokee boundary.
In 1990 the U.S. Department of the Interior created a map of
traditional Native American territories as part of the Native American Graves
and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA.) The mapmakers labeled the vast “seven state”
area given to the Cherokees in 1754 as traditional Cherokee territory. To that
they added northwest Georgia and northeast Alabama, where the Cherokees lived
from 1785 until 1738, plus huge sections of North Carolina, South Carolina and
Georgia where the Cherokees never lived.
The NAGPRA laws froze into stone a myth that the Cherokees were descendants of all the Indians who lived in this territory since mankind came to North America.
The NAGPRA laws froze into stone a myth that the Cherokees were descendants of all the Indians who lived in this territory since mankind came to North America.
Until the late 20th century all Cherokee leaders consistently said that
they never built any mounds. Suddenly, with the contrived history created by
the State of North Carolina in 1976 and the U.S. Government in 1990, a new
generation of North Carolina Cherokees assumed that the maps meant that they
had built most of the mounds in the Southeast. They were the “Master Race” of
the Americas. That line of thought was extended to the belief that they were
the ones who first domesticated corn, beans and squash, as stated by Dr. Duncan
above. A film recently produced by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
claims that “the Mayas and Aztecs were the descendants of the Cherokees.”
DNA tests create a
There are currently no DNA tests that can accurate label someone a descendant of a particular Indian tribe in
eastern North America. The people, calling themselves full-blooded Native
Americans, from the eastern United States, are not the same people,
genetically, who greeted early European explorers. A few reputable laboratories
are now attempting to create reliable DNA markers for individual tribes, but
the obstacles are monumental.
Perceiving a vast potential market from the millions of Americans, who
proudly claim that their great-grandmother was a Cherokee Princess, DNA
Consultants, Inc. initiated comprehensive DNA testing of the Cherokees living
on the Qualla Reservation in western North Carolina. The North Carolina
Cherokees were chosen because after 180 years in the west, Oklahoma Cherokees
are so thoroughly mixed with other ethnic groups, that any DNA test marker
obtained would be meaningless.
The laboratory immediately stumbled into a scientific hornet’s nest.
That Cherokee princess in someone’s genealogy was most likely a Jewish or North
African princess. Its scientists have labeled the Cherokees not as Native
Americans, but as a Middle Eastern-North African population. Cherokees have
high levels of test markers associated with the Berbers, native Egyptians,
Turks, Lebanese, Hebrews and Mesopotamians. Genetically, they are more
Jewish than the typical American Jew of European ancestry. So-called
“full-blooded” Cherokees have high levels of European DNA and a trace of
Asiatic (Native American) DNA. Their skin color and facial features are
primarily Semitic in origin, not Native American.
There is a major inaccuracy in most articles about this controversy.
Both DNA Consultants and journalists are stating that the research results from
the Qualla Reservation apply to all Cherokees. Genetic research associated with
the filming of the History Channel’s “America Unearthed” found separate
populations of Cherokees outside the reservation with very different genetic
profiles. In several counties, the “Cherokees” had profiles identical to
Georgia Creeks, and often carried Maya DNA like the Georgia Creeks. In one
county, the “Cherokees” were predominantly Quechua from South America, or
else mixed Quechua, Maya and Creek. Many of the residents of the Snowbird
Cherokee Reservation in Graham County, NC look like the Zoque of Mexico, who
created the Olmec Civilization. They are called “Moon Faces” by the
Cherokees on the main reservation.
At present, the researchers at DNA Consultants seem unaware that throughout
the 1600s Iberian Sephardic Jews and Moorish Conversos colonized the North
Carolina and Georgia Mountains, where they mined and worked gold and
silver. All European maps show western North Carolina occupied by
Apalache, Creek, Shawnee and Yuchi Indians until 1718. Most of these indigenous
tribal groups were forced out in the early 1700s. Anglo-American settlers
moving into northeastern Tennessee and extreme southwestern Virginia mentioned
seeing Jewish speaking villages in that region until around 1800.
How the occupants of the North Carolina Mountains became a mixed
Semitic, North African, European and Native American population, known as the
Cherokees, remains a mystery. Slave raids may have been a factor. The 18th
century Cherokees were the “biggest players” in the Native Americans slave
trade. Perhaps young Sephardic females were captured by slave raiders to be
concubines and wives.
It is also known that around 1693, the British put together an alliance
between eight small Native towns with Creek names in northwestern South
Carolina and the powerful Rickohockens of southwestern Virginia to thwart the
expansion of French colonies. The modern Cherokee language seems to be a
mixture of Rickohocken, Shawnee and Creek. There is obviously much that
anthropologists and historians do not know about the early history of the
Southern Highlands.
From Native American
Here @ http://www.nativeamericanhere.com/uncategorized/dna-scientists-claim-that-cherokees-are-from-the-middle-east/
Missouri Cherokee Tribes
proclaim Jewish Heritage
The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory has recently shocked the world by claiming their ancient Oral legends tell of a Cherokee migration made to America from the area known as Masada.
This startling evidence is being offered to the public by Beverly Baker Northup whom is the spokesperson for their organization. The evidence offered in support of this connection to Cherokees escaping the mountain fortress of Masada is based in part of what Northup claims is stories passed down from elders and the similarity between ancient words.
Beverly Baker Northup believes there is a connection between these two peoples based on evidence of Jews of the region around Masada during Roman times wearing braided hair and the similarities that the spokesperson attributes to Hebrew language.
"The story has been kept alive among our Cherokee people that the Sicarii who escaped from Masada, are some of our ancestors who managed to cross the water to this land, and later became known as Cherokees. (Please note the phonetic resemblance of Si'cari'i and, Cherokee or Tsa'ra-gi'.)"
Northup claims that the famous scholar Josephus wrote that there were escapees from Masada in which the spokesperson for the Northern Cherokee states that this is evidence that gives credence to this connection between the Cherokee Indians and the Jews.
In addition to other startling claims, there is also the belief by the Northern Cherokee that a rock that was uncovered in Tennessee in 1889 that is named the Bat Creek Stone, proves a transatlantic connection to Jews.
Northup believes that the scratched writings on the rock indicate that the stone is evidence of a first century Atlantic Crossing to America by these escaped Jews that later became known as the Northern Cherokee Indians.
The Northern Cherokee attempted to gain full legislative recognition in the State of Missouri in 1985 that was eventually vetoed by Governor John Ashcroft. Governor Ashcroft made the following statement concerning his decision to veto the recognition of the Northern Cherokee:
"The Federal Government has traditionally exercised authority with respect to Indian Affairs. I am not persuaded that the state has such a substantial interest in this area that it should become involved in the recognition of Indian tribes."
Sources among some federally recognized Indian Tribes have stated that Mr. Ashcroft's comments were 100% correct and should be referred to from time to time.
From Free Republic
@ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/848921/posts
Testimony from the
American Indians
James Adair is an earliest source of information concerning the American
Indians. He observed several Israelite characteristics in
the southern American Indians.
James Adair was a backwoods preacher that lived and traded with the
Southern Indians some forty years; he was called, by various writers, an
Englishman, a Scotchman, and an Irishman. He was of a noble birth, whose family
was of Earldom. His book was first published in London in 1775, and the main
reason he wrote this book was to give evidence to show that the Indians were
the lost tribes of Israel.
In recent times many stones have been turned up in America with ancient
writings on them. These writings were compared to writings in the old world,
and have been identified. These writings were found to be Arabic, Basque,
Celtic, Cuneiform, Egyptian, Gaelic, Greek, Iberian, Libyan, Norse Runic,
Numidian, Phoenician, and yes, there is ancient Hebrew inscriptions as well.
One of these inscriptions is the "Bat Creek Stone" discovered in
Loudon County Tennessee....
Usually interpreted "Only for the Yehudim"
With inscriptions like this popping up, its easy to see how someone
could come to such conclusions of the American Indians being the lost tribes of
Israel, but James Adair had no rocks to go by.
Moses warned the Israelites that if they departed from the covenant
faith that "YAHUWAH shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end
of earth even unto the other." Deuteronomy 28:64. Most scholars interpret
this to mean everywhere but America.
It is not the burden of this book to belabor the point too long, but it
is in order to at least mention some points, because they are so interesting.
The American Indians did practice certain aspects of the Hebrew
religion. "Cotton Mather in Boston, in the course of a long series of
extraordinary letters to the Royal Society in London, drew attention to the
existence, in Connecticut, of a tribe of Indians which practiced
circumcision." America B.C. p. 17
Even today the Cherokee nation honors the 7th day of the week. The
numbers 4 and 7 are sacred to them, largely because it is the fourth
commandment that sanctifies the seventh day.
A few evidences that James Adair listed:
1) They constructed their place of worship so "that their backs are
to the east, and faces to the west", this is after "the Jerusalem
copy"! Adair's History of the American Indians p. 118
2) "They do not pay the least perceivable adoration to any images,
or to dead persons; neither to the celestial luminaries, nor evil spirits, nor
any created being whatsoever. They are utter strangers to all the gestures
practiced by the pagans in their religious rites." Ibid p.20
3) "The Germans among them, frequently say "Yah-yah",
as an affirmative, they call them Yah-yah Algeh, Those of the
blasphemous speech'; which strongly hints to us, that they still retained a
glimpse of the third moral command delivered at Sinai." Ibid p.70
4) They "observed a weekly sabbath". Ibid p. 79 [This
Sabbath is the seventh-day, as the Cherokee observe and many Seminole, the same
day which Jews observed]
5) When they go to war they always carried their "sacred ark"
with them! Ibid p. 162
6) They rejoiced "at the appearance of the new moon." Ibid
p. 20
7) They "observed a year of jubilee"! Ibib p. 226
8) They used the word "HalleluYah" in their religious
gatherings etc.
James Adair, throughout his book, notes the set-apart name used by these
American Indians as Yo He Wah.
Josiah Priest, in his book American Antiquities p. 76 bears out that
this was from the Choctaw and Florida Indians.
from Yahushua @ http://www.yahushua.net/YAHUWAH/chapter_13.htm
Ancient ‘Ten Commandments’

It says on the rock:
יהו”ה אלהינו

of Albuquerque, and west of Los Lunas, New Mexico, an ancient inscription was
carved into the face of a boulder centuries ago. It is the text of the
Ten Commandments, written in Hebrew.
Of particular interest is the fact that the type of Hebrew
writing that was used was Paleo-Hebrew,
which is the form of Hebrew writing
that was used for approximately a one-thousand-year period,
ending about 500
BC. This means that we can fairly
conclude that the inscription of the Ten
Commandments was engraved on the face of
a boulder in New Mexico, North America, sometime prior
to 500 BC!
The Holy One of Israel
led colonies of righteous Israelites to the
land of America, prior to the destruction
of Jerusalem and the Babylonian dispersion
that occurred in about 587 BC. Harvard scholar Robert Pfeiffer. Pfeiffer, an expert
in Semitic languages, concluded that the
mysterious inscription was written in a form
of Paleo-Hebrew and paraphrased the Ten Commandments.
am Yahweh thy God who brought thee out
of the land,” Pfeiffer’s translation began.
“There shall not be unto them other
gods before Me.”
Hebrew scholars, such
as Cyrus Gordon of Brandeis University near
Boston, have vouched for its authenticity.
Historian Steven M. Collins points out that
the “Las Lunas Stone” inscription in
archaic Hebrew was written in the Hebrew
letters of the style of the Moabite
Stone, dated to about 1,000 B.C. This
would place the writing on the stone
to the time of the kingdom of ancient
Israel under its most affluent and powerful
king, Solomon, who reigned from 1014 B.C.
to 974 B.C. sea voyages around the
world were fairly common during the time
of king Solomon, the son of David,
during Israel’s “golden age.”
incredible wealth also strongly points to
the Las Lunas stone inscription as having been carved during his reign. Financing
sailing voyages of discovery and maritime
trade is no small feat. Vast sums and
investments are required. Solomon was the
wealthiest king who ever lived, and
undoubtedly had the resources to fund such
far reaching and dangerous voyages. Also,
during his reign Israel was in league
with the other major world powers of the day, including Tyre and the Phoenicians,
and the nation of Egypt.
site is located 35 airmiles due SW of
Albuquerque on Hwy 6 (Historic ‘Route 66’)
at mm18 S of I-40 or 16 miles W
of I-25 at Los Lunas (where for it
has also become known as the “Los
Lunas Decalogue”).
been said there exists about 2,000 glyphs
around Hidden Mtn. for a radius of
about 6 miles.
next most significant locale Hebrew is not
far away (in the Purgatoire River valley
due South of La Junta Colorado), where
the oldest written inscriptions in the US
are (c.1250 BCE. conservatively), from the
earliest Ligature phase of word-formation by
‘tying letters together into a picture’.
Those too have YaH inscriptions identifiable
with the Exodus people.
The actual massive rock which appears like a
small ship with cleared keel (maybe what
attracted his attention to it), of
the volcanic basalt from the top Tertiary shelf is a remnant of geological prehistory
which fell 2/3 of the way down the
mountain to become what now has stood
ground 2500+ years as a massive “Mezuzah”
(Bible script found at every Jewish
doorway). Set at a Right angle to the
Left of the main entry before a natural
gateway to this ancient site with
Altar having the same writing but at
exactly the opposite angle Leftward unto facing
the River where it’s flowing in a
strait line perfectly perpendicular to it.
Being the
greatest of only three ‘10 commandments’
stones found anywhere in the world (the
others being the “Ohio Decalogue” a much
smaller example in a unique type of the
post exilic Jewish square script and another
one of the “Michigan Artifacts” found
written in a Cuneiform style of Hebrew
graphics!) and therefore most worthy of
copy, these are made utilizing the complete
Alphabet, the best example of the print
closest to that writing of the original
tablets, as the Paleo is the only
Hebrew having an equal size characters
letter set which plotting on both sides
of two tablets according to the accounts
would’ve required. These remakes of it are
correct down to the very angle it sets
at, but without the ancient scribes mistake
of overlooking a part afterward realized and
inserted (with a diacritical mark^), with
the corrected spelling of a couple of
the words and addition of yet a couple
more he passed up for an accurate to
Exodus 20 readable abridgement of the full
Decalogue (as below unembossed)
are a surprising number of evidences and
corroborations that there have been Israelites
visiting and living upon the American
continents for thousands
of years.
Other inscriptions,
also written in Paleo-Hebrew, have been
discovered in the states of Iowa, Ohio,
and Tennessee, as well as in Brazil. In
Newark, Ohio, a carved stone of curious
workmanship was discovered which also bears
an engraved inscription of the Ten
Commandments of the Covenant – in
Paleo-Hebrew. At a site known as Bat
Creek cave, in Tennessee, an ancient Hebrew
inscription has been found which mentions
the Israelite tribe of Judah!
Another fascinating
archaeological discovery in America is an ancient artifact bearing an old Hebrew
inscription of the Ten Commandments unearthed
in Ohio in 1860. The tablet also
includes a scene of an individual –
Moses – carved into the front of the
tablet in considerable detail, holding the
tablets of the Ten Commandments. This
artifact was discovered in an ancient burial
a doubt, these various inscriptions firmly
establish the fact that Israelites
were in America long before the arrival
of Europeans!
Native Language & Customs
There are many Native American Indian customs that confirm the fact of their Hebrew origins. Many of those customs and linguistic evidences were noticed and recorded by the first Europeans who had contact with the various Indian tribes. Congressman]; A View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith; and American Antiquities, by Josiah Priest.
old customs of the American Indian people
included many
rituals that were the same, or partially
modified, from the equivalent Hebrew observances
of the Mosaic Law. Each Indian tribe displayed some
customs or traditions that are definitely
Hebrew in character. Examples include:
circumcision in some tribes; ritual purification
after touching a dead body; laws of
unclean meats [many Indian tribes followed
the dietary laws]; cities of refuge [to
which a person who accidentally
had committed a felony could flee for
safety from retribution]; levirate marriages [the
obligation of a brother to ‘raise up
seed’ to a deceased brother who left
a childless widow]; laws of niddah [separation] for menstruating women; ritual purification in
preparation for warfare; manner of marriage,
divorce, and punishment for adultery; their
lunar-based calendar; animal sacrifices; and many
strong example of the Hebrew origin of
some American Indian people includes the
observance of annual holy days, which
correspond with the appointed feasts of the
Bible. For example, many Native American
tribes celebrated a spring holy day known
generally as the “feast of green corn”,
which was observed at the time of the full moon in early spring. Corresponding
with this, we find that in the Hebrew
calendar, the name for the month in
which the Passover occurs was originally known as
which can be translated as “green ear
[of grain]”. Like the ‘feast of green
corn’, the Passover was observed at the
time of the full moon. Indian legends,
including that of the Yuchis, stating
they had migrated to the area of
Florida and Georgia from the region of the
Bahamas. According to their legends, the island sank beneath the sea and they fled for their lives.
Bahamas. According to their legends, the island sank beneath the sea and they fled for their lives.
These same Yuchis later migrated to the Oklahoma territory, where they eventually settled down. Amazingly enough, they show strong evidence that they had contact with the Old World in historic times. They have a custom which is unique among the American Indians. They are racially and linguistically different from their neighbors. Every year on the fifteenth day of the sacred month of harvest, in the fall, they make a pilgrimage. For eight days they live in “booths” with roofs open to the sky, covered with branches and leaves and foliage. During this festival, they dance around the sacred fire, and called upon the name of God. The ancient Israelites had the virtually identical custom, in many respects. In the harvest season in the fall, on the 15th day of the sacred month of harvest (the seventh month), theycelebrate the “festival of booths” for eight days. During this time they lived in temporary booths, covered with branches, leaves, fronds. This festival goes back to the time of Moses and the Exodus from ancient Egypt (Leviticus 23). Dr. Cyrus Gordon, of Brandeis University in Boston, was privileged to sit in on one of the fall harvest festivals of the Yuchi Indians, and listened to their chants, songs, and sacred ceremonies. An expert in Hebrew, Minoan, and many Middle Eastern languages, he was incredulous.
As he
listened, he exclaimed to his companion, “My
God! They are speaking the Hebrew names
of God!”
of the best-educated Europeans who first
contacted American Indians in eastern North
America noticed that, in the language of
many tribes, there were numerous words that sounded the same,
and had the same meaning
as Hebrew words! Among those reaching this
conclusion were notable early immigrants to
North America, such as William Penn, Roger
Williams, and Jonathan Edwards. Words that
have the same sounds and meanings in
Hebrew as they do in Indian languages
include words for: man, wife, the heavens,
prayer, winter, as well as numerous verbs
and phrases. Among the words that were nearly identical to the Hebrew were
[corresponding to Yahweh], and ha-le-lu or ha-le-lu-yah.
Similarly, in the mid-1600’s, reports of
Hebrew-speaking Indians in South America first
came to the attention of Europeans. As
in North America, not only did the
Europeans discover many strong similarities
between the spoken
languages of the Indians and the Hebrew
language, they also reported seeing inscriptions
written in Hebrew, and a very strong
similarity between Indian customs and Israelite
made to America thousands of years before
Europeans because there were sailors from
the tribe of Zebulon and they went all
over the world and left there mark.
They left from the City of Eilat also
it is recorded in the Old Testament
that Solomon sent his navy all over to
bring copper and silver and gold and
tin and minerals like turquoise for the
temple he was about to build. Also the
name and continent is mentioned in The
books of Talmud and Mishna that was
written thousands of years ago. Israel knew
that the world was round. The Vatican
accepted the world being round after man
stepped onto the moon and then and only
then did they apologize for wishing to
burn Galileo at the stake for stating
that the world is round.

Here is the language connection
God Secret @ https://godssecret.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/oldest-known-10-commandments-is-in-america-in-ancient-hebrew-script-from-time-of-king-solomon/
For more information about native Americans see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/native%20americans
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Well that would explain the brutal treatment of the American Cherokees, and theft of their land. I think it is called Karma, or what goes around comes around. And it is quite ironic, that these supposed Hebrew descending Indians were wiped out by their fellow Yahweh followers, via their manual of genocide, the Torah or Old Testament inspired, "Manifest Destiny", ie invading and stealing lands from the natives of that land.
ReplyDeleteOh those precious misunderstood downtrodden Jews, always the victims, NEVER the perpetrators.
"throughout the 1600s Iberian Sephardic Jews and Moorish Conversos colonized the North Carolina and Georgia Mountains, where they mined and worked gold and silver." Mining gold and silver, now that sounds about right.
Deuteronomy 20:10-15 – When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby."
Such a wonderful guiding light for humanity, observe the results.
Sure you dont have any Cree blood?
DeleteGet off the Jew kick, FYM... Know the real problem, our acceptance of a fairy-tale based society informed by a price system that is set up to destroy everyone. Jews aren't the problem, again a few of them are smart enough to form networks that uses our own gullibility's against us, it's the nature of the system we have accepted, FYM... Don't blame the Jews for something you accept, again, loo into the mirror, it is there you'll find your biggest problem!
ReplyDeleteMy great, great grandfather was a cherokee chief and I know this as a fact thanks to ancestry.com.
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I am the owner of this blog post on the other hand is a green light to the owner of this website and I am the only one who is going to pay for the first place? I am the first to see what I was just about anything you want to do it tomorrow morning at least one more day to the next level of my life I am the king cherokee I have a kmx on left hand palm
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting perspective on Cherokee history.