A Supernova that Exploded in 1987 Caused Something So Huge
that it Affects Us All
decades ago] in the year 1987, something happened and the world felt it. The first globally
synchronized meditation –commonly known as the first “Harmonic Convergence” – took
place. Tens of thousands of people gathered all around the world at sacred
sites around the planet to co-ordinate their intention. What intention? José
Arguelles, who initiated the meditation put it this way:
comes a point when things have to change. A vibration signal was sent out.
Where the signal was coming from – whether it was coming from our genetic
coding, whether it was coming from the Earth, whether it was coming from outer
space, or whether it was coming from all of those – this signal went out and
people responded to a signal. It is very much like when a species gets a signal
to change the direction of its migration pattern."
what is this all about? And why [three decades] ago? Is this just some new age
speculative talk? As much as world change is not a concept that needs to be
backed up by science to be recognized as important, interesting studies have
shown that this evolutionary movement isn’t just a coincidence or a simple
initiative of a few individuals. The whole cosmos seems to be in.
Cosmic Rays and
Human DNA
delving into the significance of the year 1987, let’s explore what scientists have
discovered to be a key factor in the evolution of life: Cosmic rays. Cosmic
rays are light waves of a very high frequency that have been shown to transform
human DNA –therefore affecting human evolution. In fact, an analysis of ice
cores extracted from polar stations in Greenland and Antartica have
demonstrated that about 12,000 years ago and 34,000 years ago, an incredible
increase in cosmic rays occurred. Scientists were astonished to find that both
times correspond to periods of great leaps in human evolution in terms of art,
technology and state of consciousness. Andrew Collins, a science and history
writer who has studied the effects of cosmic rays, said:
effects of cosmic rays on our own genetics has led to mutations within the
body, within the mind, the brain, that has altered our perception of reality…
The correspondence between ancient cosmic ray levels and sudden evolutionary
leaps and human technology and art are facts.”
as far back as 1973, famous science writer and astronomer Carl Sagan spoke
about how cosmic rays cause DNA mutations and would have affected human
rays are passing through the Earth and our bodies all the time due to ambient
processes of the cosmos – hence why there is always a slow and gradual
evolution taking place. However, in 1987 – the same year when a spark of change
was being felt across the world –something different took place. A Supernova
occurred close enough to the Earth that it was visible to the naked eye. Cool,
but what does that have to do with anything?
Supernova is a rare stellar explosion so powerful that its radiation can
briefly outshine an entire galaxy, releasing as much energy as the sun is
expected to emit over its whole life. What type of energy are supernova’s known
to emit? You guessed it: Cosmic rays. 1987’s supernova – scientifically
referred to as Supernova 1987A – propelled evolution-inducing cosmic rays
throughout the universe that have reached planet Earth and are still affecting
us to this day. In 1987, an evolution in consciousness began – followed by a
growing global movement for change. Coincidence or not, the connection between
rising frequencies and rising consciousness is factual...
and after the year of 1987, many other celestial events have occurred; the most
known being a massive increase in solar flares (also producing cosmic rays) and
a rapid decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field – both of which are happening to
this day. The Earth’s magnetic field is known to act as a shield against high
frequencies… so what happens when it weakens? All the goodness of high
frequencies seeps right in. Now many would think this is crazy because of the
common belief that they are dangerous, however the purpose of cosmic rays and
other high frequencies isn’t to fry us alive; but to gradually instigate the
evolution of our DNA; the blueprint of our level of consciousness.
Berrenda Fox, physiologist and naturopath (who was later on “silenced” by the
government and given a bad name to suppress such information) said it herself:
"I am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes… Some adults that I have tested actually do have another DNA helix forming. Some are even getting their third. These people are going through a lot of major shifts in their consciousness and physical bodies, because it is all one. In my opinion, the Earth and everyone here is raising its vibration… A lot of the old paradigms can no longer exist, yet are fighting to be maintained, but there is no doubt that it is changing. Those of us who have chose to live at this time are the forerunners of almost a new species."
this be the beginning of another evolutionary leap? I think so.
Collins – http://www.andrewcollins.com/page/articles/thecygnusmystery_evolution.htm
Law of Time – http://www.lawoftime.org/infobooth/hc24.html
Evolutionary Leaps – http://www.evolutionaryleaps.com/2011/10/do-cosmic-rays-trigger-evolutionary-leaps/
Rense – http://www.rense.com/general53/dna.htm
Law of Time – http://www.lawoftime.org/infobooth/hc24.html
Evolutionary Leaps – http://www.evolutionaryleaps.com/2011/10/do-cosmic-rays-trigger-evolutionary-leaps/
Rense – http://www.rense.com/general53/dna.htm
From Collective
Evolution @ http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/12/06/cosmic-rays-the-evolution-of-consciousness/
For more information about mutation see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/mutation
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I participated in the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. I remember it well. I put my whole mind and soul into the experience.
ReplyDeleteIt does appear as if major revelations are occuring. It also appears as if the
Controllers are fully aware that the masses are stirring. That is why there is an uptake on the rapidity of their false flags, and ever present desire to push the NWO takeover of the planet through Agenda 21 and feeding the police state. There are ongoing attempts to control the internet. I must admit, I am frustrated with how so many continue to remain willfully ignorant and insouciant. According to the Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, we only need 10% of humans within a populace to shift the paradigm. Scientists have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society - See more at: http://news.rpi.edu/luwakkey/2902#sthash.GLtHOnJO.dpuf
- The reason I left New Age religion, is because there was a growing emphasis placed on remaining ignorant of the increasing level of corruption in all areas of life. I found that most adherents to the religion, were mostly concerned with getting "their good" and to hell with the rest of the world.
Do you think we now have 10% of humanity that understand 9/11 was an inside job? I think that in the United States we do.
After the Harmonic Convergence impossible things occured - South African Apartheid ended almost overnight without the violent bloodbath long predicted to accompany its demise; a miracle, really. Similarly, the Cold War ended suddenly and seemingly impossibly, with the near instant deconstruction of the notorious Soviet empire. Vast swathes of the globe began to experience unprecedented freedoms. Then the internet began, and humankind started to link up into a conscious global network, and all things seemed possible.
DeleteOf course the events of 2000-2001 scotched all that, after the neoconmen oil men stole the US election and faked another Pearl Harbour to control the hearts and minds of an unfortunately warlike superpower.
Now it's up to us to find the path to a more fruitful, constructive, survivable timeline again. It would all be very tragic if it wasn't so funny.
So it goes.
So what is this paradigm shift to the next big belief system, FYM? Could it be that our current state of psychosis depends on beliefs that are not supported by the facts of nature?
ReplyDeleteIs belief really going to be a central theme in the next big paradigm shift, or is our collective acknowledgement of realities solutions to our most complex problems going to finally open us up to a sane and rational world acting in harmonious accord with natures laws?