Connecting the Dots of Our Ancient Past
The Ancient Australian Connection
by Sonya van Gelder
During the past couple of decades, much information has come to light, regarding the existence of pyramidial structures found all over the globe, not just the well known ancient sites found in Egypt and South America. We find huge megalithic structures from Bosnia to Indonesia and Japan, in my opinion we need to look at what can be discovered here in Australia as well.
I would therefore like to share some of the anomalies I have come across myself, knowing this will only be scratching the surface of a very ancient land full of mysterious wonders.
Much of this information has previously been documented by various Australian Researchers, supporting links will be shared when or if possible.
The pyramid measured to be 30.4 metres (100ft) high and has six stone terraces varying from 10 metres wide at the bottom to two metres wide towards the top, incorporating some natural rock features. Stone blocks for many of the terraces have been shaped, and squared . The structure itself is not your standard triangular pyramid one would expect to find in South America or Egypt, but rather a hill/mound terraced by a spiral of 13 stone pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow center erected on the summit.
"A stone
gateway stands on the lower slopes of the pyramid alongside other
standing stones, said to be inscribed with mysterious symbols."
- Gordon Marshall
A local man by the name of John Green, who was known to be quite friendly with the local Aboriginal tribe, described the structure extensively in his diaries back in the 1800's. The structure, now overgrown and bulldozed in some areas resembles little of what John Green originally described. The official government report via an archaeological survey undertaken by Michaelo Morwood in 1967, claims it to have been a terraced mound, erected by a local grape farmer in the early 1900’s. However, there have been ancient artifacts found in the vicinity, and it is said that some of local town buildings were built from the original sandstone blocks retrieved from the area.
Archaeologist Greg Jefferys, conducted a survey while a student in 1990, and another survey and a limited excavation in 2007, and laid many of Morwoods claims to rest. His interesting report can be found here...
For more detailed information
regarding artifacts found in the area, and elsewhere in Australia, please
see Tristan Rankin's website - Awareness Quest at...
Stone wall in the town of Gympie said to have been quarried from the Gympie Pyramid
Interview conducted with Greg Jeffries - 5 key points dating this structure to pre Cook times.
As previously stated in the prior article, Gympie has a history of gold mining, a goldmine that was continuously worked for 60 years between 1867 and 1927, may have ancient connections to Egypt. Hard rock production totaled 116 tons of gold and it is rumored that the gold in the funeral mask of Tutankhamen can be traced to Gympie.
Ancient Aboriginal legends tell how people in large ships sailed into Gympie (now 34 miles inland), dug holes in the hills, erected the "sacred mountain" found nearby and interbred with local inhabitants.
Lakes or seas used to extend from the coast almost to the base of the pyramid, which is apparently supported by geological evidence. This could account for foreign contact in the area, and seismic uplift has since emptied the lakes. Interestingly, evidence of ancient mining and smelting was recently found here, as well as traces of a causeway or stone quay. - Jonathan Gray
Further north, in far North Queensland lies an area rich in mineral deposits. Located near Cairns, Queensland is a 922m high pyramid shaped mountain, called 'Walsh's Pyramid', which is part of a granite intrusion that underlies the Bellenden Ker Range in Queensland's Wooroonooran National Park. Although the pyramid shaped mountain is thought to be a natural formation, many reports have surfaced over the years, documenting unusual finds in the area that suggest the possibility of ancient visitors of Egyptian and Phoenecian heritage.
So many reports in fact, that it would be a time consuming task to cover all details in this article. I would highly recommend the interested seeker look at the abundance of information found on the following websites, which includes the investigations of Marilyn Pye released in 1985 regarding the Gordonvale Scarab uncovered in the area.
You might also like to look at the extensive research of Rex and Heather Gilroy encompassing an ancient step pyramid hidden deep in the Cape York Peninsular, originally found by a Cooktown farmer, while clearing rainforest in a remote area in the mid-19th century. Locals also speak of a stepped pyramid found near Gordonvale, whether this is one and the same, I am unsure, but the date given to the two differ, as the one at Gordonvale was said to have been uncovered in 1890.
A few other finds in the area include...
- A Grecian coin dated at 23 BC. and more scarabs were found in Gordonvale, Cairns as well as rock inscriptions discovered in 1910 and 1978, suggesting that a second Egyptian colony had begun c. 200 – 300 BC.
- The Brisbane 'Sunday Sun' newspaper dated 24th July, 1989, featured an article that cited a small stone scarab with hieroglyphics – an amulet or seal of office for an important official had been unearthed in 1910 at Mossman, North Queensland. The scarab was originally found two metres below the surface during the construction of a well. It was 9cm in length and made of sandstone. It is known that scarab seals were worn or placed on property from Egypt to Syria. Commanders of the Egyptian ships and army forces also used them as insignia. It also reported of an unusual mound with a perfect square base was found in dense rainforest near Townsville.
- 2000 year-old Greek and Ptolemaic coins were reportedly found at numerous coastal locations in northern Australia. The most notable was one found by Andrew Henderson in 1910 at the Barron Falls near Cairns, Queensland. It was identified as a Ptolemy IV bronze coin bearing a recognizable head of the horned Zeus of Ommon. It was 1½" in diameter and ¼" thick and regarded as a priceless relic. It was apparently identified by the Brisbane Numismatic Society c. 1959 as being minted in Barce, Cyrenaica during the reign of Pharaoh Ptolemy IV who ruled from c. 221 to 204 BC. The reverse side shows an eagle riding a thunderbolt – a Ptolemaic insignia.
- A Rameses I royal cartouche (an oval ring enclosing Egyptian hieroglyphics) estimated to be several thousand years old was dug up in North Queensland in 1911.
- In 1912, workmen digging a well shaft at Gordonvale south of Cairns unearthed, at a depth of 12 feet, a large rock carved in the form of a scarab beetle, an object of worship in ancient Egypt.
- In the late 1960's, Rockhampton in Central Queensland was credited with the finding of an Egyptian calendar stone and gold scarabs, gold coins and other artefacts estimated to be aged around 2700 BC.
- An obelisk stone with a pyramid apex was found in scrubland at Coen in North Queensland in 1978.
- Magnetic metallic granite artefacts similar to Black Mountain rocks outside Cooktown, North Queensland were supposedly found at the great pyramid in Egypt.
Please see -
Various rock inscriptions were uncovered by
Rex and Heather Gilroy
ironstone slab measuring 2.5m length by 1.7m width and 40cm thick lay against
the summit terrace of the west face of the Step pyramid in Cape York. It
was later translated to read:
“The mines in the
mountains, watched over by Ra’s Eye, the Sun, as he rises over the ocean
to shine even in winter. He cares for the land with his light.
Ta-na, our King, the
dark-haired, arrived here by the ‘Ship of the Royal
Banner’. He
officiates at the pyramid ceremonies and rules over the mines of shining
gold and copper”.
inscription bought to my attention, said to have been found at the base of
Walsh's Pyramid can be seen below...
New South Wales
surfing the net a couple of years ago, I came across a small article about an
unusual step structure found in the Garigal National Park, north of
Sydney, only an hour's drive from the Egyptian hieroglyphs found at Kariong.
On one of my journeys up that way, I decided to investigate the claims
further. It was a cold wet autumn morning in May, and I was
travelling solo, apart from the many friendly leeches which took great pleasure
sharing the warmth of my blood.
area is quite inaccessible, considering the rest of the National Park
encompasses over 2000 hectares of land, and is full of walking and
bicycle tracks, which in itself I found quite odd? There is a dirt road
located at the higher northern side of the area, but has a gate, which is
always locked, denying easy access. Never the less I embarked into thick
scrub on the lower southern side, finding my way along the base of the
structure, which did seem to incorporate many large stone formations, similar
to what one would find in the megalithic sites around the globe using the
polygonal building technique mentioned in part one of this article.
My journey led me to some unusual finds, one of which was a stone block, which was located at the bottom of the base. A rectangular shape, with 3 of the 4 edges found to be reasonably straight. The fourth edge was a perfect concave shape, running from the top all the way down to the bottom, which struck me as being shaped by hand, rather than a natural formation.
Further on, I came across a rock ledge that had a hand print imbedded into the sandstone rock. Unfortunately the camera had just run out of battery, so I was unable to photograph it. The weather was unfavourable, so I made the decision to return another day, with the hope of investigating the area more thoroughly, which I hope to do in the near future.
- With Pack
Horse to Lobb's Hole CJ Harnett, 1949
Western Australia.
The Kimberley region is located on the north west of W.A., bordered on the west by the Indian Ocean, on the north by the Timor Sea. No doubt, also
an area that was visited by ancient seafarers on their journey's from the
Middle East, via the ancient port of Dwarka in India.
An area abundant in rock art and aboriginal cave
paintings, many of which depict the ancient Wanjina, known to the aboriginals
as the sky spirits. To the Aboriginal
people who live in the Central, Northern and East Kimberley region, including
Mitchell Plateau and King Edward River areas of Western Australia, the Wandjina
has a deep and meaningful relationship with their heritage and their culture.
By no means do I discount the aboriginal legends regarding the
sky spirits, as their keeping of oral ancient knowledge is profound, however I
do see some difference in a particular sketch done by explorer George Grey in
1838, compared to many others located in the caves of the Kimberley's. Grey
observed a few of these paintings were unlike the majority being
drawn by the local natives. There is one painting which was described by
Grey ...
"It was
the figure of a man, ten feet 6 inches [3.2 metres] in length, clothed from the
chin downwards in a red garment, which reached to the wrist and ankles"
"... The face and head of the figure were enveloped in a succession of
circular bandages or rollers ... these were coloured red, yellow and white: and
the eyes were the only features represented on the face. Upon the highest
bandage or roller, a series of lines were painted in red."
characters around the halo-like object around the head appear to be an early
Phoenician writing from around the region south of 'Tyre', around the time of
'Ahiram' (10th Century BC). The garment depicted in this particular
painting is more in keeping with the garb worn in the Middle East region.
The halo around the head could well be that of a turban styled head dress
to protect the skin from the hot sun and salty winds of the sea.
also recorded the find of a European sculptured in the hard rock,
evidently with instruments such as the natives do not possess. The sculpture
has never been located by subsequent visitors to the area.
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