Illuminati Hypnosis
History of Hypnosis for Programming Humanity
Dissociation is used as a defence to protect a person from overwhelming pain and trauma. It is a natural ability of the brain. Hypnosis or hypnotic trance is a form of dissociation. There are a number of types of dissociation: amnesia, subliminal states, localized paralysis, anesthesia’s, and hallucinations. Hypnosis can reproduce all of these dissociative states. The mind naturally hypnotizes itself under various conditions.
Perhaps the reader has been driving along a familiar road and the next thing you knew you were arriving home, having driven in a trance. Now let’s suppose you are driving to a movie and you are discussing next week’s plans with your wife. The complex thinking required to drive just happens. You are awake talking to your wife, and yet on another level you were in trance driving the car. You as a subject were both in hypnotic trance (driving) and awake (talking about plans).
There are 5 levels to the subconscious that the mind will naturally dissociate to. The other deeper levels require help to access. People naturally can think on two levels. Because people’s minds function on multi-levels and there is a continua on a spectrum that runs from conscious to unconscious, it is often difficult to pinpoint just exactly what state of mind the brain is in at a certain point, because there is no single answer.
A light trance is where a person is daydreaming about his girlfriend. A moderate trance is where he imagines he is in bed. A deep trance is where he physically feels he is in bed with his girlfriend. Sleep is where one dreams of being in bed. Behavior modification is carried out in the light to deep trances. The deep trance is a very creative level.
Hypnosis appears to affect several areas of the brain–the brain stem is modified into the hypnotic state, and the mid brain centers are inhibited so that other areas–the motor, sensory and memory areas can be manipulated. Further not all hypnosis works the same way. Hypnosis can be used on the intellectual part of the mind, the social-spiritual part of the mind, and the primitive reproductive part of the mind.
The skilled hypnotist will decide which area he wants and how to work with that area. Both Christians and Illuminati members who are skilled in understanding demonology, believe that there is a demonic side to hypnosis also. It should come as no shock to people that in the World Book Encyclopedia hypnosis is listed under Magic as a related article, but not under Medicine. Some Christians class hypnosis as a form of divination and enchantment. It certainly can be a form of control. In occultist W.B. Crow’s book Witchcraft, Magic & Occultism, it lists hypnotism as an occult science.
There is open debate whether hypnotism is simply part of the brain’s natural abilities or if supernatural elements are part of the process. There is no debate that historically, hypnosis for centuries has been the guarded secret of the occult world.
During shock or stress, the body’s limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, releases substances which encode all the internal and external pieces of information being sensed into a deep level of consciousness. These memories often become dissociated from normal states of consciousness. In other words, when the mind-body returns to this state (where it was in during shock/stress) the mind can re-access those memories. However, until the mind returns to this shocked state, it doesn’t pick up the information it has embedded.
The Monarch programmers are acutely aware of how the mind functions, and how information and memories can be trapped in the mind. There are different neuro psychological states. Also there are said to be 12 levels to the subconscious mind. Then on top of this the mind has the ability to create amnesia barriers. Hypnosis is a valuable tool to move the mind to different neuro psychological states and to get the mind to different levels of the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis can also play a role in working around amnesia, since both are types of dissociation. Hyperventilation helps a person induct into a hypnotic trance. Torture, depersonalization, fear and acute anxiety stimulate the body to hyperventilate. So the fear, torture and depersonalization are aids for the hypnotist to help induct a person into a hypnotic trance.
Hypnotic cues can be given to cause the body to go into various dissociative states. This could be a post-hypnotic suggestion that causes hyperventilation and an accompanying trance state. Hypnotic cues that are tied to every day objects enhance the programming. Everything in life becomes a cue to reinforce the programming. That may seem on the surface to be an exaggeration, but it is only slightly enlarged from the truth.
The programmers do in fact examine a person’s life, and then tailor their cues to what the person will be around. For instance, the programmer may force the child to smoke and then tell it that every time they blow out smoke they will think about their master. The programmed alters don’t dare not to smoke on fear that they will be punished. The smoking in turn reinforces the power of the hypnotist/master.
Much of the good that therapy can do is in effect to de-trance or de-hypnotize clients. Most of the alters of a Monarch system go their entire lives in trance. Common objects in a person’s life that can be hypnotically given a programming meaning include music, tones, colors, the sight of a book or Bible, the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill, pictures of God, silk scarf’s, jewelry, lights, sounds, TV programs, and countless other things. The limit to this is simply the programmer’s creativity.
The power of hypnosis is often underrated because the power of the mind is underrated. The mind can decide to control its breathing, heart beat, blood pressure and other things that were once thought to be involuntary. The brain produces a substance which is a tiny peptide molecule called enkephalin which acts just like morphine and reduces pain. The brain can be hypnotically trained to release enkephalin so that the brain doesn’t perceive pain.
A common hypnotic device for washing away pain is running water. The victim is hypnotically told to go to a waterfall and wash their pain away. (According to a programmer the average healing rate is 3 times quicker under hypnosis than without).
The fantastic abilities of the mind to control what happens to it are very remarkable (such as its natural healing abilities), but most of this is being kept a National Secret so that it can be used against humanity to enslave us to demonic-empowered power hungry monsters, rather than to benefit humanity. Several people in intelligence agencies quietly bemoan the fact that secret research could be helping humanity instead of controlling it. The human mind has been found to be like an immense symphony orchestra, each part doing what it does best under the guidance of a director part similar to the conductor of an orchestra.
A non-multiple’s brain delegates responsibility to parts of his brain yet retains control over the process. His mind will shift from one ego state to another, & still retain its identity. In contrast, the multiple’s brain also delegates responsibility and shifts from one ego state to another, BUT doesn’t retain a “cohesive self hood or self-identity. The mental mechanisms are similar, but the experience is vastly different. Rather than an orchestra playing together, the multiple’s brain is full of competing isolated parts (instruments so to speak) that are playing in isolation.
Out of the chaos of all these independent amnesic parts, the programmer through hypnosis/& fear then becomes the conductor to help bring order out of chaos. If the multiple is to regain a chance to orchestrate their own life again, they must re-establish communication between the different parts of what should have been their own orchestra, and get internal people to harmonize their music of life.
Good programmers do not need to formally induct their victim into hypnosis. However, if they need to, the Monarch slaves are well conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and fingers being snapped. Hypnosis was a well developed art by the early 20th century. And testing and refining continued all along. For instance, the. U.S. military was conducting extensive tests of subjects under hypnosis during W.W. II. In spite of all this, the CIA was still seeking better rapid induction techniques for their slaves during the 1950s. MK Ultra Sub-project 128 dealt with rapid induction techniques, especially Sub-project 128-1. Some of their drug testing was done at Lexington, KT Detention Hospital.
The ability to distinguish between magic and hypnotism may not exist for the child in situations where they are witnesses to the power of hypnotism exercised by a programmer. This makes the adult programmer, who is a big person look all powerful.
Another danger inherent in hypnosis are complications (side effects) that hit a percentage of those who are subjected to it. Hilgard (1974) discovered 31% of the 120 university students participating in a study of hypnosis had complications that lasted from 5 min. to 3 hours after trance, which included headaches, dizziness, nausea and stiff necks. Fritz is aware of one woman who, after the one & only hypnotic session she was the subject of, developed the complication of having nightmares of snakes crawling all over her. (For further study the reader may want to read MacHovec, Frank. “Hypnosis Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Vol. 31, No.1, July, ‘88, p. 40+).
Regular gentle electrical stimulation in many parts of the brain including the lower part of the reticular formation can change the state of consciousness from alert to sleepy. An electrical band attached to a box is sometimes placed on the victim to produce a hypnotic state.
There are several ways to alter a person’s state of consciousness, but the most popular one by Monarch handlers is to use a combination of drugs and hypnosis. Drugs are used to facilitate hypnosis. Modern drugs do almost all the work for the hypnotist. They place the person in an altered state and make them willing to take any order. Often survivors remember orange or grape drinks, or something else which they were given, which were used to give the child drugs. One Monarch slave (Cathy O’Brien) wrote about having been given hypnotic drugs via a Grasshopper ice cream drink.
Occasionally, hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on unwilling subjects. They have 3 major ways to get around this. They can induce hypnosis by disguising what the hypnotist is doing, they can wait until the person is asleep and talk to him while asleep, or they can administer drugs. Also the Network has some high-tech equipment which stimulates the orgiastic state (sexual ecstasy) part of the brain. By moving the body into this state, the mind opens up all the unconscious states. Then sophisticated brain wave machines program thoughts into the person. A computer disk is put into the electric shock machine and it runs a program that sends electric jolts down six nodes. The brain’s reticular formation serves as the brain’s mechanism involved in regulating alertness and awareness.
Various kinds of stimuli will enter the brain through its various methods of sensing and learning. With total sensory deprivation (done by placing the victim in a salt water tank with electrodes that shock the body until it stops all movement) the reticular formation will place the mind into a primitive state of consciousness where the programmers can place in post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level.
As previously mentioned, this level achieved by total sensory deprivation of the Monarch slave is same primitive level as the brain’s commands to keep the heart beating. Depending on what type of signals are coming in to it from the various sensing agents of the brain, the reticular formation will then make a decision what state of consciousness to place the mind in. If the reticular formation does not send out “alert” signals, then the brain will get sleepy. Damage to the reticular formation can cause a coma. The two thalamus lie just above the brain stem.
The right and left thalamus are the brain’s selective attention mechanism. That is to say, they decide what it is important for the brain to focus its attention on. The right thalamus is connected to attention to visual shapes and the left to our attention to things describable in words. Ten to fifteen repetitions at one second intervals are enough to cause the brain to lose interest in something. At this point the neuron’s in the reticular formation quit paying attention to whatever it is. For instance, your brain will listen to a clock tick for only 15 intervals before it quits listening to a clock in the room. But the brain’s alertness can be reactivated by a strong and sudden stimulus like a loud sound or a flash of light. This is why 3 gunshots or 3 flashes of light are used as standard access triggers for Monarch slaves. Three was also found to be the best number to get the job done.
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