"All the World's a Stage We Pass Through" R. Ayana

Wednesday 8 April 2009

An Eastern Ultimatum to the Western Illuminati

An Eastern Ultimatum to the Western Illuminati


Western Illuminati powerbrokers like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have exerted so much control over some Eastern economies that the Oriental secret societies have challenged them to step down without a fight.

Interview with Benjamin Fulford by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan

The son of a Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford rebelled against his upbringing and at the age of seventeen made his way by boat into the heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of former cannibals. Continuing to seek answers and better understand western society, he spent time in a self-sufficient community in Argentina before heading to Japan to attend university.

Principled, brave and still a diehard idealist after all these years, he resigned as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes magazine after investigating a scandal which the editorrefused to report. As he researched world affairs further in his own time, he uncoveredfor himself the complex web which is global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, and also the existence of racially targeted bioweapons such as SARS.

It was these plans for global depopulation that upset some important and powerful factions in Japan, Taiwan and China. After being approached by a real-life, present-day n i n j a, matters came to a head in 2007 when Benjamin became the first Westerner for 500 years to be admitted into the ranks of the Eastern secret societies, a vast group with six million members. Acting as their spokesman, he stepped up to the plate to deliver a simple message to the Illuminati that they must recognise their time is over, step down without a fight and allow the world to thrive as it should—or face the consequences from up to 100,000 professional assassins for whom no love is lost towards the self-styled ruling elite of the planet. This message was first communicated through Dr Henry Makow (http://savethemales.ca/002056.html) in June 2007 and Jeff Rense (http://www.rense.com/Datapages/fulfdat.htm) in July 2007.

Project Camelot travelled to Japan to meet with Benjamin Fulford. Our comprehensive interview presents the far-reaching and literally incredible background story—and will also enable the Illuminati, who we have every confidence watch our videos carefully, to be reminded that the ultimatum is real, serious and still in force.

Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the next Finance Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan's five trillion dollars of foreign reserves to eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the generations of damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man with a deep understanding of both East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the box, a lover of peace who is unafraid to speak warrior words.

— Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, Project Camelot


Kerry Cassidy (KC): You [worked at F o r b e s] for six years, I understand.

Benjamin Fulford (BF): Yes, about six.

K C : And you've been living and working as a writer and journalist in Japan for 20 y e a r s ?

B F : More than that. I first came in 1980. I went to university here.

K C : Did you know at that point you were going into economics?

B F : I just wanted to learn. I didn't think about majors and jobs. In fact, I took every subject there is. I took economics, sociology, anthropology, math, biology, you name it. I eventually got a degree from the University of British Columbia in Asian Studies with a China-area specialty. I went to Sophia University in Japan for three-and-a-half years. I took about eight years' worth of undergraduate courses—way more than I needed.

K C : How did you learn Japanese?

B F : Well, two ways. I took a two-month intensive course at the University of British Columbia before coming, and then I arrived in Japan. I spent three days at a Japanese school and I said: "This is useless." I got a job as a bartender in a bar run by a gangster. It was from 9 pm to 5 am. It was the sort of place where they had fights and sometimes people come in naked— kind of the lowest level of Japan you could find, basically. But the good thing about the bartending job for learning the languages that drunks keep saying the same thing over and over again, so eventually you pick it up!

K C : So do you write Japanese at all? Can you read it?

B F : I've written, I think, over a dozen books in Japanese, many of them best-sellers.

K C : Oh, right. Are your books available in English?

B F : No. No. I deliberately switched to Japanese a few years ago, after I left F o r b e s, because I knew that I was dealing with something dangerous and I didn't quite understand what it was. I remember being warned, for example, by Makiko Tanaka, the former Foreign Minister, and the daughter of Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, who was taken down in the Lockheed scandal. She told us: "Hey, if you start looking into this stuff, you're going to get killed." So I knew that there was something very dangerous but I didn't know exactly what it was. So I kind of went underground and started writing in Japanese.

Bill Ryan (BR): What was the stuff that you were starting to get into which you were warned about?

B F : When I was at F o r b e s I had already written several stories about the Yakuza, the gangsters, and I got lots of death threats as a result. The Moscow Bureau Chief for F o r b e s, Paul Klebnikov, was shot 10 times outside of his house and taken to the hospital and put into the elevator. The elevator stopped for eight minutes. That's where he died.

K C : Wow! What year was this?

B F : Five or six years ago, I think. And around that time, some people from the Osaka newspaper and CBS television came to me and said that the head of the Goto crime syndicate was in UCLA Berkeley University Hospital, getting a liver transplant. Now, this raised a lot of interesting questions. What is a known gangster and criminal doing getting a visa to the US? And why is a 70-yearold guy like that getting bumped to the top of a long waiting list for liver transplants? So I start thinking: "Well, maybe he's doing some work for the CIA or something." I was going to write this up in Forbes.

Before that, I called up a very senior gangster source I knew and told him about this. And he said: "Hey, if you write that, you're going to get turned into fish paste." "What? I don't respond to threats," I said, and you never threaten. I said: "I'm a well-known journalist. If you kill me, it'll cause a lot of trouble."

"We won't kill you, we'll just disappear you. Say goodnight to your girlfriend, and that's it. You'll never be seen again." And then he named a couple of journalists who disappeared.

K C : Oh, man.

B F : And I remembered. There was a guy, for example, who wrote about how the Aum Shinrikyo religious sect was importing amphetamines from North Korea and selling them to the Goto Gang. He disappeared after writing a few articles like that.

K C : Has he ever been found?

B F : No. Oh no. A whole bunch of 'em disappeared. And a lot of the Japanese journalists told me: "The only reason you're still alive is because you're a white guy. If we tried to write that same kind of stuff, we'd be dead." So I knew there were some dangerous people. By the way, this gangster guy, when I told him about the liver transplant thing, finally said: "Look, I won't be able to talk to you again if you write that story." And I thought: "Okay. This guy is a very senior source and he has given me a lot of valuable information and I don't want to lose this connection over one story." So I decided not to write the story, but it was a very, kind of, bad atmosphere.


Japanese gangsters, Chechen bodyguards

B F : Then I flew off to Sakhalin, in Russia, the Russian Far East, where they have all the oil and gas now, to do a story. The local representative of this gang was waiting for me and he took me around. I was taken to a giant casino with about 400 Chechens standing outside. It was like something in the movies. They all had guns, you know, and they were hired by the Japanese gang as bodyguards for their casinos.

K C : C h e c h e n s ?

B F : Chechens, yeah. Working for Japanese gangsters. There's a lot of stuff going on that you just don't see on the surface. In Asia, you'll find that there's no real line between gangsters and government. It's all a continuum. So you can almost think of these gangsters as...

K C : Well, some would say that's true, you know [Kerry laughs], in the US and Russia, and...

B F : Sure. In the US...parts of the CIA are basically organised crime in what they're doing. In large part they're honest people trying to defend their country, but there are groups in there, as we all know...they smuggle drugs and do all sorts of criminal stuff.

So I'm sitting in this "club", and this guy is sitting beside me. He's not like the one I knew in Tokyo, who was like a high-level businessman. This guy is a little thug, dangerous, not a nice guy. And he's very, very tense. I say: "Listen, I wanna go home." He says: "No, no, you can't. You're going to be killed or something, right?" And I realised I was being set up. I was being set up for a hit! So I think quickly. I point to these two oil men and say: "You're gonna have to worry about yourself. See those guys? They're CIA and they're guarding me. Plus, I have a file that will go public if anything happens to me, that names names and puts you all in jail." It was total bluff, okay? I didn't have any such file, and these guys were just oil men, but, you know, what could l do?

And the guy just gets up like a rocket with the phone. And I pick up my phone and I call the gang boss and say: "I'm not here to write about your dealings with Russian gangsters and stuff. I'm here to write about the oil industry. I'm not gonna cause you any trouble." So the guy comes back. He's all relaxed. And I say: "Okay. Good night." And that's it. [Kerry laughs.]

B R : Sounds like something out of a movie.

B F : Yeah. But the Chechens really did shoot my colleague. That was after this happened to me... So, once that took place, I did make a file and I still have it—in hard discs and DVDs with voice recordings and videos. For example, a well-known Japanese Prime Minister has murdered three women and I have the proof in one of these [cases]. A lot of stuff like that. But my job is not to try to expose people. Okay? That's not where I'm coming from. That was just insurance I had to take out. I don't need that insurance any more because now I have the secret society backing me... I'm trying to save the planet. So this stuff will never come out, probably ever, as long as they don't kill me, basically. If they do, there'll be horrible repercussions of all sorts. But, again, I'm trying to make a win-win situation for everybody. Okay? So, now we'll go back to when I just arrived in Japan.

Financial reporting as mass psychology

K C : So, you're in Tokyo, you've gone to college. Did you go apply to
work for Forbes at that point?

B F : No, my first job...well, I wanted to write a "theory of everything". But, you know, you can't really pay the bills that way, so the first job I got was with an outfit called Knight Ridder, part of the Knight Ridder newspaper chain, with their financial wire. So I would go meet the finance ministers and governors of the Bank of Japan. I wrote all the market news. My stories would move the dollar, or move the yen, or move the commodities every week, back and forth. It was really amazing to see that. What I learned there as a financial market reporter is that, really, finance is mass psychology... That was a very interesting lesson that you don't learn in the school club.

K C : You learned the power of the written word at that point?

B F : Well, it's the information and how they all have this story that they're following and they're looking for slight changes. For example, the Governor of the Bank of Japan says: "Well, we might tighten interest rates a bit." And everything moves. Right? Or even for the commodities markets. Rumours that China's gonna buy oil, or something like that, will cause everything to move.

K C : We listened to this interview with the Canadian radio and you show an incredible understanding about the economy of the world, really, and about what makes it tick. Where did you learn everything about that?

B F : Well, of course, I did all the university classes in economics and stuff. But, basically, for over 20 years I've been following it, writing about it. I mean, everybody comes to Tokyo: presidents and prime ministers, finance ministers. You have the G7s and all that stuff... And I've been interviewing gangsters, prime ministers, finance ministers, presidents of big companies, presidents of small companies, you know—just more than 20 years, almost 30 years, interviewing all sorts of people.

You suck in huge amounts of information and look for the nuggets that are easy to understand and convey the essence, and you give that to the public. So that's the job. You're an information filter.

B R : But there are other financial journalists out there who're just towing the party line. This is categorically what you h a v e n ' t been doing. You're a real maverick in this field.

B F: Well, you see, it's very-high-level propaganda. They're brainwashed. They really, really do not understand, at the essence, what it's all about. And that's the trick. They try to get people sidetracked into esoteric mathematics, and they try to cover it with lots of complex words... It's like almost a deliberate confusion, because at the essence it's really very simple.

Economics is people working to earn their living. Finance is the process of deciding what people will do next. They try to not let us understand this, especially the part about finance. And that is the key to the world's problems now.

Power behind the scenes

K C : As a journalist, didn't you get pushed back from F o r b e s' s
saying "No, don't write this" or "Don't write that"?

B F : Okay. The first thing I noticed in Japan—that everything was not as it seemed — was when I saw some peoplelined up at a little booth. And I said: "What are you doing?"

"We're changing our prizes for money" — from the pachinko, which is a kind of slot machine. And you find out that they have a huge gambling industry, with giant neon signs everywhere, that's basically illegal. And yet it functions, openly and with rules. For example, no matter how hard you could try, it's going to be hard to lose more than $1,000 a day at those places.

So, here you have a whole system outside of the legal framework; it connects policemen, gangsters and businessmen. This made me realise that something was different about this country. What I learned was that the so called "legal democratic system" was a "front" for a very different, real power structure. This is something that I learned in tidbits. First was the pachinko.

A friend of mine got beaten up by a gangster in front of a police box. We went to the police box...and the policeman said:

"You shouldn't pick fights with gangsters." So I say: "That's weird." But again, I thought this was just related to gambling and prostitution, which is a grey area anywhere, really.

As a financial journalist with the wire service, it's very important to be quick. If you beat your competitors by 30 seconds, it's considered a big scoop. So you have to find out where the power comes from. And talking, for example, to the bureaucrats at the Agriculture Ministry, they said: "Well, if you want to know what's really happening, talk to Mr Kato Koichi."

He was the LDP powerbroker, and he was the man making decisions then. So I got to know him. Once I got called as a pinch-hitter [stand-in] for one of his speeches. Then he came up and made his speech, and he was very impressive. He got a big fat envelope of cash.

Then, I thought the Finance Ministry was the real source of power in Japan — that's what people believe. It was the m o s t powerful bureaucracy. But when I started talking with the people at the Finance Ministry, they told me finally: "If you really want to know what's going on, you have to go to Nomura Securities."

This was in the '80s. It's different now. But in the '80s, during the bubble, Nomura Securities had a "VIP" list of 5,000 people. They had these two bosses—the big Tabuchi and the little Tabuchi, not related—who were later proved to be connected to a big crime gang. They would take all these journalists, politicians, all the sort of top movers and shakers, and they'd lend them a couple [of] million dollars, and they'd say: "Buy this stock." And then they would take every salesman in the country and all their journalistic connections and say: "These are the stocks you gotta buy now." And every housewife and small businessman and doctor would buy these stocks, the price would go up and the VIPs would sell. So that was how they controlled. Politics.

K C : You say it's different now. So how's it different?

B F : Well, it's different players, different ways of handing out the money. And in fact, that is the core of the problem which we're dealing with. But we'll do this step by step because it's easier to see the whole story then.

So I got quite cynical about Japan, but the real clincher for me was the ju sen housing loan scandal. This was a bunch of companies that lent only for real estate. After the Japanese bubble burst, it was the first time they were gonna use taxpayer money. By the way, in 1992 the Japanese government already knew they had 200 trillion yen in bad debt, but the newspapers only said two or three trillion. It wasn't until more than ten years later that they finally admitted the whole number. That's what's happening in the US right now— only they're not gonna have ten years because they didn't borrow it from other Americans. They borrowed it from the rest of the world. So you'll see huge changes ahead.


Debt scams and murders

B R : I remember you said to Rense that you felt that, in your opinion, the US debt was $120 trillion. I went and looked it up and thought: "I wonder where that figure comes from..." So I'd like to ask you that.

B F : I can tell you right now. The $66 trillion comes from the essay by a Professor Kilborn that was published by the St Louis Federal Reserve Board branch in 2005. And that's the money they owe to American citizens—stuff they promised to pay, like Medicaid and social security and things like that. It's in that essay. You can find it. Now the other $53 trillion is the amount of dollars out in circulation outside the US. So add them together and you get $120 trillion. And not only that, a GDP of $13 trillion. This is where the whole scam unravels.

K C : So, you've got the housing...

B F : Alright. So, here's the point. I was working for the Nihon Keizai Shimbun [Nikkei]; it's like the Japanese Wall Street Journal. It's in Japanese, but it's their number-one business/finance newspaper by far. They were talking about pouring in tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money to bail out these companies. There were some weird discussions about "borrower responsibility". So I turned to them and said: "Well, who are the borrowers?"

And it turns out—my sources were people at the Bank of Japan and various other agencies like credit-rating agencies— that more than half the loans were made to gangsters, to Yakuza gangs. So, to me it was an amazing thing. Here we have the government using tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to bail out companies that lent money to gangsters, and they were all headed by former Finance Ministry officials.

So you see a link now between the Finance Ministry officials, the politicians and gangsters. They're using taxpayer money to give to the gangsters. So I wrote this up in the English Nikkei and there was a h u g e reaction. Over 400 foreign journalists and magazines wrote similar stories. Half the housing loans were to gangsters, right?

Then Newsweek wrote a story almost identical to mine. And then the Nikkei, my own paper, said: "According to Newsweek, half the loans to the j u s e n companies are to Yakuza." And I went to the editor. I said: "Hey, I wrote that story first. Why do you say 'According to Newsweek'?" They called me up and they gave me the Editor's Award and $50.00 [laughs] and then they told me: "Mr Fulford, you know, you really shouldn't write stuff like that. It's just not done, and it could be dangerous."

After that, they started watching me. They would not let me write anything except the stuff the government announced. So I started to realise that the Japanese press was not at all free. It turns out there was an editor at the Nikkei, Mr Otsuka, who won a bunch of awards for writing about the Itoman scandal...and then he was suddenly sent off to some weird subdivision and removed from the reporting business. And he got very suspicious. He started following the president around. It turns out they lent a hundred million dollars to gangsters  —money that would never come back. And the Itoman scandal was a huge one where, basically, one of Japan's largest banks, the Sumitomo Bank, had been taken over by a crime syndicate.

Anyway, I started to realise that the newspapers and the politicians and the bureaucrats and the gangsters were all in together in some kind of crooked power structure that was totally different from what people were seeing on their television and reading in their newspapers. And I got totally disgusted when they started suppressing my stories.

So I quit the Nikkei. I worked as a freelancer for a while for the South China Morning Post and a bunch of places before I got the job with Forbes. And at first, the people at Forbes w e r e happy to let me write stories about gangsters. I did one on Public Works that got a formal letter of protest from the Japanese Embassy in Washington. I thought: "Gosh, I hit a sore point." And then another story I did... 

When they were finally starting to clear up the bad debt with the banks, I was finding that all sorts of people were dying. And this was either committing suicide or disappearing, whatever. But this was not a typical, what you call hara-kiri, suicide, where you did something bad and you kill yourself to apologise. It was people who were going to testify, people who were going to prosecute people. For example, there was a financial scandal, and the president of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, which is now part of Mizuho, was due to testify. 

The day before he was going to testify, at 11 o'clock at night his wife left the house and about 10 men in black clothing showed up, the lights turned off, then they left. At around 1.00 am the wife came home and he was dead. And they said it was a suicide. Now this came from the English version of the Yomiuri newspaper. It did not appear in the Japanese version. At this point, I had made lots of gangster connections because I had realised that to understand what's going on in finance, you need to talk to gangsters. Otherwise, you don't know what is going on at all.

K C: O k a y .

B F: And so...there was a bank called the Nippon Credit Bank that turned into Aozora Bank. I think it's now owned by one of the US hedge funds. Maybe Carlyle? I can't remember. I'll have to check. But, anyway, [a] director from the Bank of Japan, Mr Honma, was made president. Two weeks later he was found hanged, and they said it was a suicide. I knew this guy from when I used to cover the Bank of Japan. There's no way he could have committed suicide... 

Apparently he was killed because of a bunch of loans to North Korean credit cooperatives. He was going to call in his bad loans. And if he did that, he would have exposed a huge North Korean ruling party underground link. The North Koreans have been sending pachinko money to Japan, [selling] amphetamines, doing all sorts of stuff, and to get the police to turn a blind eye they paid huge bribes to the ruling party over the years.

K C: Did you write about this?

B F: I wrote it in Forbes, yeah. The editors were such chickens that they really took a lot out of that story, but it's still there... So I started digging deeper. But then suddenly Forbes starts putting pressure on me. I had a story about GE doing some very funky accounting here involving billions of dollars and, you know, they killed it without explanation. Then Citigroup was kicked out of Japan for money laundering for gangsters. That story didn't run... I was getting ready to quit. At that point, a book of mine appeared in Japanese and became a best-seller. I didn't need the income.

K C: A book about what?

B F: This was stuff that came out a long time ago, some of the stuff I just told you about—the murders and the other stuff going on, things about Japanese corruption. A lot of people in Japan knew something like this was going on. And so, anyway, I wrote several best-sellers like that. So I had an independent income.
But what really made things click for me was, I was on a TV debate show with some of Japan's top politicians. And I said: "These are the guys running this country? Come on!" Now I know, of course, they're just actors reading a script, but at the time I thought: "My God, I could do better!" This suddenly was... truly enormous. I realised: "Oh my God, the Japanese have five trillion dollars in overseas assets. That's enough money to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Then why don't they use it?" I said: "I'll become a Japanese citizen, I'll try to run for office and I'll try to convince them to use this money to save the world." You know, that makes so much sense. . .

So I wrote two chapters that would have really named names—specific politicians, specific crimes, specific gangsters. It would have been so much of an exposé, I would have had to either leave Japan or be killed after the book was published.

The very day after I sent the two chapters to my agent, in English, I got a call from the granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, Kaoru Nakamaru, and she said to me: "You know, Mr Fulford, you really should not get the Yakuza angry. Are you sure that's what you really want to do? Isn't there something else you'd rather do?" And she tells me that a "goddess" contacted her through the astral plane and was worried about me! Well, it turns out the "goddess" was the Japanese Security Police! [Both laugh. ]

And I realised: "Yes, I want to save the world." And unlike so many people that want to do that, I actually had a concrete method with this five trillion dollars. You can't take that money out of the US because that would ruin the US economy, so you have to pay Americans to do it so that they benefit as well. So I said: "Okay, we'll do it in such a way that the Americans benefit, too; then they can't complain." And this is what I started saying. I started writing books along those lines: why don't the Japanese save the world?


Rothschild and Rockefeller control

B F: But what happened, though, was this Meiji Emperor's granddaughter handed me a 9/11 video and said: "Look, Mr Fulford. You know all about the corruption in Japan, but you have no idea about the corruption in the world." And when she gave me that I was shocked. Remember, I was a financial journalist for a long time and because so many people read what you write, it moves markets. There is a constant barrage of people trying to feed you BS information, which means you build very high immunity to false information. The problem that most people at the high level of western society have with the 9/11 thing is, they say: "I don't care what evidence they show me; there's no way on Earth that the New York Times , Washington Post, BBC would be reporting this." Because to accept that it was a cabal in the US government that did this, it means to accept that the entire belief system you have about your society is wrong.

K C: Uh huh.

B F: Having experienced what I did at F o r b e s with censorship and what I knew about the Japanese corruption, I started to do the research to find out what's been going on here. The answer is, essentially, that European society is not really "democratic" any more. It's a plutocracy combined with an aristocracy, and the "democracy" is kind of a way of keeping tabs on the "sheep" sentiment. I can show you, within the normal matrix of financial reports, Wall Street Journal stuff, how to trace it.

What I did, finally, to figure this out is go back to the 1918 edition of Forbes and their first "Rich List". You find that the top 10 richest Americans controlled 70 per cent of the money in the country. John Rockefeller I was worth about US$30 billion in today's money. I think he controlled 25 per cent of all the wealth in the US at the time. The reason why the Rockefellers do not appear as so "Rich" in the Forbes list (and remember, one of my jobs was to identify billionaires and count their money) was because it's put in as a "charitable foundation", and in fact they have hundreds of them [foundations]: Rockefeller, Carnegie, Brookings—a whole alphabet soup of them.

But each generation of the Rockefeller family and the other families, the Morgans, who are the Bush people...you can see that they inherit the power. They still control that money. And they have a system so that each generation has one person in charge. So it's like a kind of hidden aristocracy. Instead of inheriting land, they inherit assets and everybody who works within those assets is like a peasant working on the lord's estate. So, if you work for Standard Oil, you're a Rockefeller serf in a way, because they have the ultimate control.

K C: Okay. That's the Rockefeller side of things. Are you also able to trace it from the Rothschilds, the European side?

B F: Yeah. Now, the Rothschild thing goes back 300 years, basically. I think this is well-known stuff... However, I think the Rothschilds had very deep religious convictions and were at heart fairly decent people. Although they apparently financed and engineered the US Revolution in 1776—with East India Company money— they also financed and engineered the Meiji reforms. These are good things, in many ways. Canada has always been Rothschild territory, and Canada is a very nice country, you know?

So I don't think they're on the same level. Their system was, basically, ancient Babylonian royalties. This is where it gets really weird and esoteric, but it goes back 5,771 years. The Rothschilds used to say they were descendants of Nimrod, who conquered the peoples of Babylonia — a herding people, a pastoral people. They [the Rothschild predecessors] conquered the peoples of Babylonia, or present-day Iraq. They said: "Well, isn't there some way we can herd people the way you herd sheep?" And they came up with a system: you have to control their food supply; you have to control their information supply; and you have to have means of violence to discipline them...

K C: But, this is the Illuminati you're talking about, right?

B F: Well, I mean, you can call it Illuminati or you can call it the King's Court. I started looking up how the ancient Sumerian society was managed, and you find that it's really quite similar to the modern United States. In Japan, they used to call the Finance Ministry the "Big Warehouse" Ministry... And remember, if you control the food supply then you can hire warriors and intellectuals and control society—control their thinking, control their food, and control them through violence if necessary. And that's how it works even now. That's why it's so important to understand that finance is control over your food supply…

B R: Control over your energy supply as well.

B F: Energy supply, yes. But I mean, at the end of the day it's food. Without it, you die.

K C: Basically you keep people busy by sending them to war?

B F: Apparently what happened was that, in 1812, the American Republic decided not to renew Rothschild's banking licence and the American people took control of their own money. That's why Rothschild invaded the United States, and that was the real reason for the war of 1812. For the next century, the Rothschilds plotted and schemed to get back control of the US money supply and therefore the American people...

John Rockefeller I was into oil, and he would buy the refineries. He would come up to a guy at an oil refinery and offer him cash and a low price. If the man refused to sell, he'd cause problems with the workers or maybe sabotage, whatever necessary. And the Rothschilds took note of this Rockefeller guy and they decided they'd help him. They would allow him to transport his oil at much cheaper rates than all his competitors. So he got the oil monopoly. In 1913, finally, the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, the Warburgs, this group of families, were able to take over the Federal Reserve Board, supposedly on behalf of the Rothschilds. But I do believe that Rockefeller staged a sort of coup d'état. He said: "Hey, I control the American army and I control the American economy, and so

I'll cooperate with you, but I'm in charge here." And he took over the United States. So I think you [the USA] became a Rockefeller fief, not a Rothschild one. They meet and they cooperate.

K C: Right. So, to this day, you feel that there's cooperation?

B F: I think there is some cooperation. I think there is also conflict. If you look at the pattern of European versus American voting in the UN, you can see the difference between the two sides.

K C: Right. So where does Japan fall in this group?

B F: Okay. Now, in Japan what happened was... after Admiral Perry came, Lord Rothschild sent a fleet and they attacked the Satsuma and Choshu clans in the south. They had the Kinmu Emperor murdered and they installed a 16-year-old boy by the name of Toranosuke Omura as the Meiji Emperor. They financed the modernisation of Japan. So they set up the royal family, the emperor, in power and they helped him modernize Japan. They fought the Russians. I think the Japanese were very grateful. In 1903, after the victory, the Japanese emperors were made par with British royalty. Every emperor goes to Oxford to study.

But I think that after World War II, the Japanese started to get disillusioned because they were not treated as equals. They were not given what they felt a fair deal. They felt there was racism. In the 1930s, the Japanese made a break for independence. They wanted to set up the [Greater East] Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. They wanted to modernise all the "yellow" countries so that they could stop colonisation by the whites. So the reason the Japanese were able to take over most of China and were only stopped by US invasion was because a lot of the Chinese actually welcomed them. This is something that you don't read in your history books.

There was an attempt by the Asians to prevent being colonised. They looked at the Europeans as like the Borg in Star Trek: only one way of thinking is correct. Can you imagine this giant pyramid of a society with this eye at the top: "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." It's how they looked at it, and there's something to it. There's a sense that if it's not done the western way, it's wrong... Americans are, what, four per cent of the world's population with 20-some per cent of world GDP but 50 per cent of the world's lawyers and 50 per cent of the world's military expenditures. So, too much time is spent arguing and fighting, as far as the Asians are concerned. [He laughs.] Remember, they look at things very differently and it takes a long time to understand their perspective.

Postwar Japan

K C : But you wrote a book about Rockefeller and his role.

B F: Okay. What happened was, once I started to understand all this, I realised that, after World War II ended, control of Japan went from the Rothschilds to the Rockefellers. And at first they said to the Japanese: "You just go ahead and develop your economy any way you want. Rebuild your economy and as long as you're militarily allied to the US, that's all we care about." [That was] until the 1980s, when Japan had these huge trade surpluses and this made them [the Rockefellers] very, very nervous. And I now realise why, because they [the Japanese] thought they had won World War III without firing a single shot, because they had managed to control most of the world's financial assets. And money is power. If you have that money, you can hire the soldiers, you can hire the intellectuals, you can…

K C: So how are you saying Japan did this?

B F: By working hard and generating trade surpluses — electronics, cars, you know, nice products that people want to buy. And they [the Japanese] had the control of the money. This is where they [the Rockefellers] started to get worried. They set out to put the Japanese back in their place. They managed to get them with this bubble, which was basically on US orders. They said: "First of all, we want you to raise your yen." Right? Because they didn't want the Japanese to have control of the money. And the yen went from 360 to the dollar to, at one point, 79 to the dollar. But all that happened was the Japanese moved their industrial base to China and South East Asia and got them rich. So that didn't work. Finally, what they were doing was bullying and killing Japanese politicians.

K C: Who were?

B F: The Rockefellers, I would say, at the end of the day, in order to make sure they [the Japanese] never were presumptuous enough to use their money the way they wanted to, but rather just hand it to the Americans. And I still haven't checked this out, but I'm pretty sure if you add up all the Japanese trade surpluses and the numbers and then compare it to what is now officially recognised as Japanese assets, you'll find that the trade surplus is much bigger. In other words, it's like… you go to a bar and you say: "Put it on my tab." And then, after a few years, you say: "Well, look, forget about half my tab." And so the idea is: "We'll just keep taking money from you forever." It's like tribute payments to the Roman Empire. They send cars and they send TVs and they get nothing back except paper. This is how they look at it, and it's right. For 34 years, the Americans have been getting stuff from all over the world and not paying for it.

Bill: Why have the Japanese then tolerated that for so long?

B F: First of all, after World War II they truly and genuinely fell in love with the United States. They were told they were gonna be tortured... I remember this guy [talking about] shivering in fear about the war, when American soldiers were coming. And the [soldier] guy gives him a Hershey bar, right? This was symbolic. They were really well treated. Up until the fall of the Soviet Union, they also really felt that they needed the Americans to protect them. They [the Americans] had created this illusion of fear: "If you don't have us, you're going to be conquered."

[The Japanese] have been subjected to very intense propaganda since the end of World War II. There was a Dr Funai who had a senior

American officer stay at his house after World War II. The officer said to him: "We're going to change your education system so you don't get any more geniuses." And they did. The propaganda the Japanese have been subjected to is that they've been given an inferiority complex, they've been told that America's a wonderful country, and they've been told that without American protection they're doomed. Their education has been deliberately "dumbed down" so they don't know how to argue, they don't know how to debate. They've been trained not to have opinions.

K C: But isn't this also part of the Oriental mindset that even the emperors kind of push down to the people?

B F: In the traditional Confucian model, the key is that the people at the top have to be...very morally upright and treat their country like their family, like their kids, and be nice to them. So that's the difference in philosophy. It's not just one of blind obedience to a tyrant, but rather, ideally, it's like a generous and gentle father-figure. What you see in North Korea is a remnant. What you saw with the Maoist thing was this traditional sort of kinship system of Asia.

K C: Your explanation has to be a little bit simplistic in terms of why they would accept this kind of "dumbing down" of Japanese society across the board. What was in it for them?

B F: Well, when you enslave a person, you beat the hell out of them and then you be really nice to them. In effect, you say: "Hey, if you do what I say I'll be really nice to you and treat you well, but, remember, if you don't..." That's what those nuclear bombs were about. But also, the Japanese were able to develop their economy. They were left alone for a long time. It's only in recent years that it's become kind of really bad, noxious. Okay? There's an illness at the heart of the American system. And what it boils down to, if you look at financial flows, is that money has been going from the poor countries to the rich countries. And within the rich countries, it's been going from the poor to the rich. It's like a giant sponge sucking up all this life energy. The poorest people on the planet are forced by agribusiness and other things to the lowest level, and the only thing they can do is sit on something even lower, the poor little weak creatures. They have to burn down forests to make new farmland because they've used up their farmland and they don't get access to fertiliser, so they have to, you know, ravage the planet.

So, the source of poverty and environmental problems in the world is the people who own the Federal Reserve Board and their policies of prioritising the rich and everything to the rich. That is the essence of the problem.

The Japanese have had their savings stolen from them and they've been forced to adopt economic policies that have increased poverty here. The so-called reforms that Prime Minister Koizumi and [Finance Minister] Heizo Takenaka were forced by the Americans through blackmail to impose on the Japanese have meant that… A recent survey by the Asahi newspaper shows that the amount of people who think their lives have got worse since these reforms began is more than double the amount of people that think it got better. They have created a society split between the very rich and the poor.

American society is also the same. American male workers' salaries peaked in 1973, and they've been falling ever since. So, if you look at the gross mean product — in other words, the level at which half the people are below and half the people are above — you'll find it's very close to the poverty line. They've been taking money. Just too much money has been going to the rich and they haven't had proper ways to spend it. They've been deluded into thinking that the problem with the environment is too many brown people burning down forests, so the answer is to get rid of them. They have been manufacturing diseases. There is solid evidence that AIDS (HIV) was made by the US military as a bioweapon against Africa...

Project Camelot
Tokyo, Japan, February 2008
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Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan are the team behind Project Camelot (http://projectcamelot.org). If any readers have inside information which they would like publicized, Project Camelot promises full confidentiality and a wide audience for the disclosure of important subject matter.
Editor's Note:
Due to space constraints, we are unable to publish the complete transcript of this interview with Benjamin Fulford. To download the video of the interview and the three-part transcript, go to http://www.projectcamelot.org/benjamin_fulford.htm.
Visit Benjamin Fulford's website at http://benjaminfulford.com/indexEnglish.html.

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