Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.
Man has spent more than 99.9% of his time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Man lived in hunter_gatherer society for one million years........Man lived in agrarian society for 10,000 years........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years during which he has destroyed the entire planet.
Millions of other species destroyed environment only for food........Industrial man has destroyed environment for food, clothing, shelter PLUS thousands of consumer goods and services.
Industrial man has destroyed EXPONENTIAL EXTRA ENVIRONMENT.
The collective work of human society must be limited to food, clothing and shelter........Millions of other species only get food from earth.
More than 99% of collapse has already happened........Only human collapse is yet to happen........Millions of other species have already been decimated by industrial activity.........Man is next on the list........Human collapse will come with lightning speed now.
Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.
Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth.
Cities are the Graveyards of Nature, Urban Dwellers the Executioners.
Stop Education.....Close Down Universities.
Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities.
Bring this Technology.....Bring that Technology.
Bring this Technology.....Bring that Technology.
Industrial Society trying to save environment, not by stopping Industrial Activity but by changing Industrial Technology is like the Police trying to save the victims of mass shooting not by stopping the Gunman but by changing his Gun.
The nonsense of Sustainable Development.........Keep a balance between Industry and Environment.
You cannot keep a balance between two things when one of them destroys the other.
If your house is on fire do you keep a balance between House and Fire???
You douse the fire.........If you don't douse the fire your house gets destroyed.
Sustainable Development is an oxymoron........It is like Peaceful War.
Industry has destroyed environment.
The only way to save environment is by stopping industry.
Hundred years of industrial activity has destroyed what was created by nature in millions of years.
All money of industrial society is blood money.........All money of industrial society comes from industrial activity that has destroyed Forests, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere..........All money of industrial society comes from industrial activity that has tortured, slaughtered and decimated millions of species.
The more money you accumulate the bigger the criminal you are.
Millions of other species don't need money to live on earth..........Human species is the only lunatic species that invented money.........The food of millions of other species does not come from money..........Human species is the only lunatic one whose food comes from money.
Industrial society has created a lunatic system where food comes from money........This has led to a lunatic situation where the farmer who is producing food is starving to death because he doesn't have money to buy food whereas the parasitic urban population which is not even producing food has grown obese from overeating because it has got tonnes of money to buy food.
Urban work has destroyed the planet........Urban work has destroyed forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere........Urban work has decimated millions of species........Urban work is criminal........Urban work must be stopped immediately.
For millions of years there was just one main activity / occupation on earth - "Searching for Food" / "Producing Food"..........Urban population of industrial society is the anomaly that is producing consumer goods and services.
Urban jobs and professions have destroyed the planet.
The entire urban population of industrial society is criminal.
The crime goes unchecked because 50% of population is now urban.
The crime goes unchecked because urban population is running the system.
All urban jobs, professions and activities of industrial society are extra, unnecessary, destructive and worthless.
For millions of years, both adults and the offspring of millions of animal species "searched for food".
For 1 million years in hunter_gatherer society both adults and children "searched for food".
For 10,000 years in agrarian society, both adults and children "produced food"
In industrial society which has only existed for 100 years, urban adults are producing consumer goods and services in industries and corporations..........Their children go to schools and universities where they learn how to produce and sell consumer goods in future.
Industrial society has destroyed necessary things for making unnecessary things.
Industrial society has destroyed Forests, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere for making consumer goods.
If you don't get consumer goods you will not die.
If you don't get food to eat you will die in a month.
If you don't get water to drink you will die in a week.
If you don't get air to breathe you will die in a few minutes.
It was the west that started industrial revolution..........It was the west that forced industrial lifestyle on Asia, Africa and America whose cultures it had destroyed during the era of colonization.
We can use our time and energy for three kinds of activities........Physical Work, Subjective Work (Experience) and Mental Work.
For millions of years on earth environment did not get destroyed because activity was limited to physical work or subjective experience.........Millions of animal species did physical work........Man did physical work in hunter_gatherer stage and agrarian stage.......A very small percentage of population that did not do physical work spent its time and energy on subjective experience - religion, spirituality, yoga, meditation, pranayama and the arts.
Largescale destruction of environment began when man started using his time and energy for mental work - science, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, mathematics, business, finance, economics.........This led to industrialization and production (and selling) of thousands of consumer goods and services.
As long as we limited our activity to physical work or subjective experience we destroyed very little environment.
When we switched over to mental work / desk jobs, we started producing (and selling) consumer goods and ended up destroying the planet in just about 100 years.
Monsanto is Evil.......Nuclear Industry is Evil.......Coal Industry is Evil........Bank Industry is Evil........Oil Industry is Evil........Weapon Industry is Evil.......Mining Industry is Evil..................Really???
Who is running all these Evil Industries???
The urban population of industrial society is running all Evil Industries.........Billions of urban people are employed in Evil Industries..
Urban Population is Evil.
Urban Jobs are Evil.
Urban Professions are Evil.
Don't blame Big Corporations for environmental destruction...... Blame University Graduates and Urban Population.
All Corporations [big or small] are being run by University Graduates and Urban Population.
Don't blame Nuclear Power Plants, Coal Power Plants, Industrial Dams, Oil Industry, Tar Sands & Fracking Industry, Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Transportation Industry and GM Food Industry for environmental destruction...... Blame University Graduates and Urban Population.
The entire work force of Industries and Corporations [White Collar and Blue Collar] is made up of Urban Dwellers......Billions of Urban Dwellers are employed in millions of Industries and Corporations.
Urban Population and Urban Work have destroyed environment.
Billions of Urban Dwellers are engaged in the destructive cycle of "Production of consumer goods and services" , "Selling of consumer goods and services" and "Buying of consumer goods and services".
University Graduates and Urban Dwellers are the butchers of environment.
Degrees = Destruction.
Education has destroyed the planet.
Universities have destroyed the planet.
The most destructive person in this world is the University Graduate........Millions of industries and corporations that are destroying environment are being run by university graduates.
University Graduates are responsible for all Industrial Activity in this world that has decimated millions of species and destroyed Forests, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere.
Scientists, Engineers, Economists, MBA's, Business and Finance Graduates have destroyed the planet.
The most dangerous and destructive industry in this world is Education Industry.
All Industrial Activity that is destroying environment is being run by Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education.
Universities and Colleges are producing millions of Scientists, Engineers, Economists, MBA's, Business and Finance Graduates who are running and promoting all Industrial Activity in this world.
Education Industry is the source of all Industrial Activity.....All other Industries are by products of Education Industry.
Education Industry is the Mother of all Industries.
Education Industry is the Mother of all Environmental Destruction in this world.
Destruction of environment can never be stopped until Universities are closed down.
Decimation of millions of species cannot be stopped until Universities are closed down.
Destruction of Forests, Rivers and Oceans cannot be stopped until Universities are closed down.
Billions of animals have been slaughtered in Industrial Slaughter Houses because of Education.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for Industrial Farming of Animals, Construction of Industrial Slaughter Houses, Refrigeration/ Transportation Industry which transports live and dead animals all over the world and Marketing Industry which sells meat.
Billions of fish have been killed by Industrial Fishing because of Education.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for Industrial Ships which catch fish, Refrigeration/ Transportation Industry which transports fish all over the world and Marketing Industry which sells fish.
Billions of acres of Forests have been destroyed by Industrial Activity because of Education.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Marketing Industry, Construction Industry, Transportation Industry, Oil Drilling and Refining Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road networks which are destroying forests moment by moment.
Billions of wild animals in forests have been killed by Industrial Activity because of Education....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for the decimation of wild animals.
Billions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste has contaminated the environment because of Education.....Millions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste and eWaste are being added to environment every day because of Education.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for the poisoning of Rivers, Oceans, Land and Sky/ Atmosphere.
Millions of acres of Fertile Soil has been killed by Cement, Concrete and Asphalt because of Education....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for destruction of fertile soil by Construction Industry.
Education is responsible for thousands of tonnes of Nuclear Waste produced by Nuclear Industry which will keep contaminating the planet with hazardous radioactivity for the next thousands of years.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for Radioactivity produced by Nuclear Industry which will remain a potential source of Death, Cancer, Multiple Organ Failures, Physical Deformities and Mental Abnormalities for thousands of years.
Education is also the source of Banking Industry [ IMF, World Bank and Millions of other National and International Banks] which is financing all Industrial Activity in this world that is destroying environment.....Banking Industry is being run by millions of Economists, MBA's, Business and Finance Graduates.
Education is also the source of the "Military Industrial Complex"....Millions of tonnes of Weapons and Explosives are being produced by "Military Industrial Complex" because of Education.....Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education is responsible for Production, Transportation and Marketing of weapons all over the world.
Climate Agreement will save environment just like Coalition of the Willing saved Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan..........The term "Clean Energy" is like the term "Peaceful War"..........Every method of energy production destroys environment........Electricity produced by any method is further used by millions of industries and corporations that destroy more environment.
Choosing between Fossil Energy and Alternative Energy is like choosing between Cruise Missiles and Drone Attacks.
Clean Energy will save environment from Fossil Fuel just like Communism and Socialism saved the world from Capitalism.
How do solar panels and wind turbines come into existence........Are they being imported from Mars???..........Production of solar panels and wind turbines promotes Mining Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Electricity Industry, Transportation Industry, .......All these industries are big destroyers of environment.
Production of electricity destroys environment......Use of electricity destroys more environment.......Electricity (produced by any method) is used to run Mining Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Oil Industry, Automobile Industry, Rail Industry, Airline and Shipping Industry, Meat and Fishing Industry.......All these industries have collectively destroyed the environment and planet.
All industrial activity is interlinked and interdependent........Every industry promotes other destructive industries.
It is not Fossil Fuel that has destroyed environment ........It is the production of thousands of consumer goods and services that has destroyed environment.
Industrial governments holding a conference to stop Climate Change???
It is like the Weapon Industry holding a conference to stop Wars.
It is like the Tobacco Industry holding a conference to stop Smoking.
It is like the Alcohol Industry holding a conference to stop Drinking.
It is like the Fast Food Industry holding a conference to stop Obesity.
It is like Petrol trying to extinguish Fire.
Can you save environment by reducing global emissions by 20% while increasing hundreds of other industrial activities???
Can you stop wars by reducing production of one weapon by 20% while increasing production of hundreds of other weapons???
If people are getting killed by Knives, Guns, Machine Guns, Tanks, Carpet Bombing, Cruise Missiles and Drone Attacks, can you save them by reducing just one kind of attack by 20%???
How can industrial governments ever save environment when they are destroying more and more environment by promoting Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP???
Millions of other species destroyed environment only for food.........Industrial man has destroyed environment for food, clothing, shelter plus thousands of consumer goods and services.
Industrial society is a lunatic society that is talking about saving environment by destroying exponential extra environment.
Height of Insanity.........Insanity raised to the power of Infinity.
Environment can only be saved by stopping the extra destruction of environment for thousands of consumer goods and services.
How was environment saved for millions of years before industrialization........Was it saved by Global Conferences???
For millions of years environment was not saved by Environmental Organizations, Activism, Money, Technology or Debate.
It was saved by the absence of industrial activity for production of consumer goods.
The collective work of society should be limited to food, clothing and shelter........Millions of other species only get food from earth.
Industrial society has destroyed the planet with Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry,Construction Industry, Electricity Industry, Oil Industry, Automobile Industry, Rail Industry, Airline Industry, Shipping Industry, Meat and Fishing industry.
If you want to save environment you have to stop all these industries.
Science, technology and industrialization have destroyed the planet.
Hundred years of industrial activity has destroyed what was created by nature in millions of years.
Industrialization = Destruction of forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere.
Industrialization = Torture, slaughter and decimation of millions of species.
Industrialization = Billions of tonnes of plastic waste and chemical waste.
Industrialization = Billions of tonnes of gaseous waste and ewaste.
Industrialization = Butchering of billions of animals in industrial slaughter houses.
Industrialization = Killing of billions of acres of fertile soil with cement & concrete.
Industrialization = Poisoning of planet with nuclear waste for 50,000 years.
Industrialization = Decimation of fish in the oceans by industrial fishing.
Industrialization = Acidification and warming of the oceans.
Industrialization = Oxygen deprived dead zones in the oceans.
For many decades Politicians and Economists have been fooling the world with promises of eradicating poverty and unemployment..........Industrial society can never eradicate poverty and unemployment because it is the cause of both.........Have you seen poverty in millions of other species???.......Have you seen unemployment in millions of other species???
Poverty came into existence when man created wealth.
Unemployment came into existence when man created employment.
Millions of other species don't have unemployment.........Only human species has unemployment.........The combined population of millions of other species is (was) much greater than the current human population, yet they don't have unemployment........Even human unemployment came into existence after industrialization and urbanization........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years.......How much unemployment existed in this world before industrialization???
For one million years man lived in hunter_gatherer society .........There was no unemployment.
For 10,000 years man lived in agrarian society in villages ........More than 99% of population was producing food........There was hardly any unemployment.
Unemployment is a consequence of urbanization........Unemployment is a consequence of employment.........When there was no employment there was no unemployment either........Unemployment came into existence when man created urban jobs and professions.........Even rural unemployment in industrial society is a consequence of industrialization and urbanization.........Millions of villages in this world were destroyed to build thousands of cities and by millions of industries and corporations that are run by billions of urban dwellers........Billions of acres of agricultural land has been destroyed by millions of industries and corporations run by urban population........Where will the rural population work when urban population has destroyed villages and farmland???
The problem is not unemployment......The problem is employment.
Employment has destroyed the planet.
Jobs have destroyed the planet.......Urban jobs have destroyed the planet.
Politicians who want to give jobs to all should be given a taste of their own medicine........Economists who want to give jobs to all should be given a taste of their own medicine........Send 1000 workers to the homes of every politician and economist (who wants to give jobs to all) and tell them to work non-stop, picking up all the things lying in their homes, breaking them up to produce new things out of them.
The homes of these politicians and economists would get ruined in one day.
This is exactly what has happened to the planet in the last 100 years..........Billions of urban people worked non-stop in industries and corporations which has led to destruction of forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere........It has led to the torture, slaughter and decimation of millions of species.
Work is the biggest evil of industrial society........Work turned into overwork after industrialization.........Work turned into extra, unnecessary and destructive work after industrialization..
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.
The entire urban population of industrial society is criminal.
Urban jobs and professions have destroyed the planet.
The crime goes unchecked because 50% of population is now urban.
The crime goes unchecked because urban population is running the system.
There are millions of species on earth........Only one species has poverty.......Only human species has poverty.......Millions of other species don't have poverty.
Man is still trying to eliminate poverty when animals managed to do it millions of years ago.
There are no poor animals in the wild because there are no rich animals in the wild.
Poverty is a consequence of wealth.
Poverty came into existence when man created wealth.
There were no poor people in hunter_gatherer society because there were no rich people in hunter_gatherer society.
In agrarian society there was very little poverty because were very few rich people.......Very few people like the Kings and Land Owners were rich.......When very few people are rich you don't notice poverty.......When very few people are rich then poverty becomes the normality and wealth becomes the anomaly.
In industrial society there are millions of billionaires and millionaires .......As a consequence of this there are billions of poor people.
All problems have been worsened by industrialization.........Poverty is no exception.
Poverty is a very minor problem compared to the environmental problem........Industrial society has destroyed environment.........After destroying environment man will not even exist on earth.
Life can sustain on earth only when everyone is poor and simple not rich and consumerist.
All money of industrial society is blood money........All money of industrial society has blood of nature on it........All money of industrial society comes from industrial activity that has destroyed forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere ........All money of industrial society comes from industrial activity that has decimated millions of species.
The more money you accumulate the bigger the criminal you are.
The entire monetary system of industrial society is criminal and destructive.......Out of millions of species on earth only the lunatic human species invented money.........Out of millions of species only man needs money to live on earth.......Out of millions of species on earth human species is the only crazy one whose food comes from money.
Industrial society created the monetary system to sell and purchase consumer goods and services.........Production of consumer goods and services has destroyed the planet.
There was very little exchange of money in pre-industrial / agrarian society........There were very few consumer goods in existence and they were mostly exchanged through the barter system.
All problems of industrial society have either been created by industrialization or worsened by industrialization.........All problems of industrial society are unsolvable because industrialization itself is the cause of problems.........Problems of industrial society can go away only when industrial society goes away.
Millions of other species have already been decimated by industrial activity.......Man is next on the list........Human collapse will come with lightning speed now.
The collective work of human society must be limited to food, clothing and shelter.........Millions of other species only get food from earth.
Man has spent more than 99.9% of his time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Man lived in hunter_gatherer society for one million years........Man lived in agrarian society for 10,000 years........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years during which he has destroyed the entire planet.
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.
Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.
Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth.
Cities are the Graveyards of Nature, Urban Dwellers the Executioners.
Stop Education.....Close Down Universities.
Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities
Military Industrial Complex = War and Terrorism.
War = Terrorism.
War is the biggest act of Terrorism.
If you kill one person it is Murder.
If you kill a few hundred it is Terrorism.
If you kill a few million it is War.
If you kill the entire planet it is Progress, Growth, Development.
Weapon industry came with industrialization.......War industry came with industrialization.........Global wars came with industrialization........Global terrorism came with industrialization........ Global wars and terrorism cannot be stopped without eradicating industrial society.
Lockheed Martin.......Boeing.........Raytheon..........Northrop Grumman..........General Dynamics........And hundreds of other weapon manufacturers.........These are the real terrorists whose weapons have fuelled war and terrorism all over the world..........Weapons produced by these corporations have killed millions of people.
How many global wars and global acts of terrorism happened in pre-industrial society???.........They were not possible In the absence of Weapon Industry, Transportation Industry and Communication Industry.
In a non-industrial world NATO couldn't have meddled in the Middle East or Afghanistan.........ISIS, Taliban or AlQaida couldn't have attacked the west because guns and explosives did not exist before industrialization........The one and only cause of all problems is industrialization.
The nonsense of Cold Wars and Hot Wars came with industrialization........NATO created Taliban to fight Russian forces in Afghanistan.........NATO is responsible for the emergence of ISIS.........NATO attacked and flattened Iraq........NATO toppled Saddam Hussain who was holding the country together........The chaos and violence that resulted from American invasion of Iraq led to the emergence of ISIS.
What is being used for war and terrorism???..........Are flowers being used for war and terrorism???
The more weapons you produce the more war and terrorism you will have.
Do you see war and terrorism in millions of other species???
Millions of other species never produced weapons.
War industry came with industrialization........Weapon industry came with industrialization........All the war, violence and terrorism in this world has been fuelled by millions of tonnes of weapons produced and sold by the weapon industry.
Countries that have produced and sold weapons are the biggest terrorists.
Corporations that have produced and sold weapons are the biggest terrorists.
All problems have been worsened by industrialization........In pre-industrial society more than 99% of population was producing food........The armies of kings consisted of just a few hundred soldiers........How much war and violence would you expect in such a society???
In industrial society 50% of population is not producing food.........It is doing destructive work.........Millions of people are working for the Weapon Industry........Millions of people are employed in the Army, Air Force and Navy........Millions of people are working for the Intelligence Agencies.
Largescale war, violence and terrorism is a natural outcome of this.
Technology is the biggest terrorist.........All the guns, weapons and explosives came with science and technology.
Pre-industrial wars were fought face-to-face, on foot or horse-back, with swords and spears.........Industrial weapons can kill from thousands of kilometers away....... Bombs and missiles can decimate people from a distance.
Wars have happened on earth for thousands of years.........But there is a world of difference between pre-industrial wars and industrial wars.
Comparing pre-industrial wars with industrial wars is like comparing the Lamp with the Sun.
More people have died in hundred years of wars after industrialization (20th century) than in thousands of years of wars before industrialization.
World wars happened only after industrialization.........World wars were not possible in pre-industrial society.
In pre-industrial society war and violence was mostly localized.......In pre-industrial society countries in one continent could not have caused war and violence in countries of another continent.
Even religious conflicts have been aggravated by industrialization and urbanization...........In pre-industrial society people of one race and religion mostly stayed in one region because of the absence of industrial transportation........This minimized religious conflicts.
America is the biggest manufacturer and supplier of weapons in the world which have fuelled war, violence and terrorism everywhere that has killed millions of people.
America has bombed every continent in the world.....Killed millions of people with smart bombs, depleted uranium bombs, carpet bombing, drone attacks, economic sanctions and embargoes..
America has toppled governments.....Installed puppet regimes.....Destabilized the entire world.
3000 people died in the World Trade Tower collapse........America created a big ruckus.......It attacked and flattened Afghanistan and killed hundreds of thousands of people directly or indirectly.
More than 10,000 people died in Bhopal Gas Tragedy in India in 1984.......Half a million people were maimed for life........Genetic disorders will continue for generations.........The worst industrial accident in the world caused by American company Union Carbide.........America resisted the extradition of Warren Anderson , chairman of Union Carbide for 30 years.......He died last year.......No american got punished for the biggest industrial crime in the world.
The entire industrial society is a terrorist........Industrial society has destroyed forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere.......Industrial society has tortured, slaughtered and decimated millions of species.
Industrialization was the biggest act of terrorism in this world.
Hundred years of industrial activity has destroyed what was created by nature in millions of years.
Industrial society has destroyed the planet with Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Electricity Industry, Oil Industry, Automobile and Rail Industry, Airline and Shipping Industry, Meat and Fishing Industry.
All problems of industrial society have either been created by industrialization or worsened by industrialization.........All problems of industrial society are unsolvable because industrialization itself is the cause of problems.........Problems of industrial society can go away only when industrial society goes away.
Man has spent more than 99.9% of his time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Man lived in hunter_gatherer society for one million years........Man lived in agrarian society for 10,000 years........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years during which he has destroyed the entire planet.
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.
Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.
Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth.
A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing down as depression / anxiety.
A travelling society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing down as depression / anxiety.
A society that entertains itself every day experiences every non-entertaining moment as depression / anxiety.
There has been an exponential increase in the rate of visual and verbal processing after industrialization.........In pre-industrial society visuals would change only when man physically moved himself to new locations or when animals, objects and things (cloud, rain, water) moved before him..........In industrial society the rate of visual processing has skyrocketed because of books, magazines, television, video games, films and internet.
The same exponential increase has happened with verbal processing.........In pre-industrial society verbal processing mostly happened when there was face to face verbal exchange........In industrial society the rate of verbal processing has risen exponentially because of print industry, radio, television, films and internet.
The consequence of exponential increase in visual and verbal processing is that people of industrial society have become incapable of processing slow visuals and words.........Slow visuals and words make people restless, uneasy, bored, anxious and depressed.
People of industrial society experience depression / anxiety in understimulated environment..........They are always chasing overstimulated environment.
Mental illness is a consequence of the switch-over from physical work to mental work / desk jobs........Mental illness is a consequence of the switch-over from living in small communities to large cities........Mental illness is a consequence of the switch-over from producing food to producing consumer goods.
For millions of years on earth man did hard physical work........Mental work / Desk jobs have come into existence only in the last hundred years.
For millions of years man lived in small groups / communities.........Large cities having millions of people have come into existence only in the last hundred years.
For millions of years man either searched for food or produced food.........The urban population of industrial society is producing thousands of consumer goods and services.
You can never escape from madness once you have created extra professions........Industrial society has created hundreds of extra professions for its urban population which is not producing food which used to be the main occupation for thousands of years before industrialization..
Industrial society created the fields of Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience.........Industrial society created the Pharmaceutical industry.
Psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists have created new mental diseases.........Pharmaceutical industry has created new medicines for the new diseases..
The cycle of madness can never end in industrial society.
The entire industrial society is insane and criminal.
Industrial society has destroyed forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere........Industrial society has decimated millions of species.
Can there be any bigger proof of insanity, abnormality and criminality???
Millions of other species destroyed environment only for food...........Industrial man has destroyed environment for food, clothing, shelter plus thousands of consumer goods and services........Industrial man has destroyed exponential extra environment.
Can there be any bigger proof of insanity, abnormality and criminality???
All problems of industrial society have either been created by industrialization or worsened by industrialization.........All problems of industrial society are unsolvable because industrialization itself is the cause of problems.........Problems of industrial society can go away only when industrial society goes away.
Man has spent more than 99.9% of his time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Man lived in hunter_gatherer society for one million years........Man lived in agrarian society for 10,000 years........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years during which he has destroyed the entire planet.
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.
Urban jobs and professions have destroyed the planet.
The entire urban population of industrial society is criminal.
The crime goes unchecked because 50% of population is now urban.
The crime goes unchecked because urban population is running the system.
For millions of years there was just one main activity / occupation on earth - "Searching for Food" / "Producing Food"..........Urban population of industrial society is the anomaly that is producing consumer goods and services.
For millions of years, both adults and the offspring of millions of animal species "searched for food".
For 1 million years in hunter_gatherer society both adults and children "searched for food".
For 10,000 years in agrarian society, both adults and children "produced food"
In industrial society which has only existed for 100 years, urban adults are producing consumer goods and services in industries and corporations..........Their children go to schools and universities where they learn how to produce and sell consumer goods in future.
Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.
Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth.
Millions of other species destroyed environment only for food.
Industrial man has destroyed environment for food, clothing, shelter PLUS thousands of consumer goods and services.
Industrial man has destroyed Exponential Extra Environment.
The collective work of human society must be limited to food, clothing and shelter.........Millions of other species only get food from earth.
Millions of other species have already been decimated by industrial activity.........Man is next on the list........Human collapse will come with lightning speed now.
Industrial activity is destroying food and water..........There will be severe shortage of food and water in the coming years.
Food is going to vanish from earth in the coming years........Industrial society is killing agriculture by changing global weather with industrial activity........Agriculture requires regularity of weather........It requires heat, cold and rain at the right time and in the right measure..
Global weather is regulated by Forest Cover, Ice Cover, Ocean Temperature and Atmospheric Temperature........Industrial activity has decimated Forest Cover.........Industrial activity has decimated Ice Cover / Glaciers........Oceans and the Atmosphere have been made warmer.........These changes have made the weather extreme, irregular and unpredictable........This has led to drastic increase in the intensity and frequency of Droughts, Floods, Storms, Cyclones, hurricanes and Tornadoes........Agricultural production has already been affected by these changes........Agriculture is going to collapse completely in the near future.
There will be no food for man to eat........Man has already decimated fish in the oceans with industrial fishing.
The land and the sea are the only two sources of food on earth.........Industrial man has destroyed both.
Industrial activity is melting glaciers that give birth to most of the rivers in this world........Most rivers will cease to exist very soon.......Industrial society has already destroyed millions of ponds and lakes with construction industry and many other industries........Groundwater reserves have already been depleted by diesel and electric pumps.
No Food.........No Water.
End of man on earth.
Elections are the biggest fraud of industrial society........Choosing between two political parties is like choosing between Cruise Missiles and Drone Attacks..
Politicians win some elections, lose some elections ....... The planet is the loser in all elections........Industrial society is unsustainable.......Industrial governments have destroyed the environment with industrial activity.........The system needs to be stopped immediately not voted back to power again and again through elections.......All industrial governments are equally harmful, destructive and evil........It doesn't even matter who wins the election to form the government.
Industrial society needs to be abolished, eradicated, dismantled immediately.
Industrial governments have destroyed the planet with industrial activity..........One species cannot destroy exponential extra environment when millions of other species destroy environment only for food.........One species cannot have hundreds of rights when millions of other species don't even have the right to live on earth.
One species cannot get Salary, Pension, Healthcare, Insurance Plus thousands of consumer goods and services when millions of other species only get food from earth.........Industrial governments gave more and more to humans by taking away more and more from millions of other species.........Result - Forests, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere destroyed........Millions of species decimated.
Industrial governments have destroyed the planet with Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Electricity Industry, Oil Industry, Automobile Industry, Rail Industry, Airline Industry, Shipping Industry, Meat and Fishing Industry.
What are people going to do with votes and elections on a dead planet???
The planet is dying and gasping for last breath because of environmental destruction and people are debating Politics, Elections, Gender, Inequality, Sexuality, Poverty, Unemployment, Economy, Inflation.
Politicians of industrial society who cannot even solve personal and family problems are talking about solving national and international problems.........Politicians of industrial society who cannot even control their body weight and mind are talking about solving global problems.
How can international agreements work when even marriage agreements are not working in industrial society???
No one can solve the problems of industrial society........All problems of industrial society are unsolvable because industrialization itself is the cause of problems.
Political debate cannot solve any problem...........Debate itself is one of the biggest problems of industrial society........Endless debate on endless issues is a disease and insanity of industrial society that invented the Print Industry, Radio, Television and Internet.........Millions of pages of debate is another toxic waste of industrial society which has also produced millions of tonnes of Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous Waste and Ewaste.
Smaller the system the more stable it is.
Larger the system the most unstable it is.
Global village was bound to collapse.
Before every election in the last hundred years people have believed the new President winning the next election will solve all problems and turn the country into a paradise.......It never happened in the past and will never happen in future........Industrial governments have turned this world into hell.
A car whose brakes have failed is hurtling towards a cliff at breakneck speed........Instead of trying to bring the car to a halt, the passengers are fighting over who should drive the car for the next four / five years........Environment is collapsing, the planet is crashing and politicians are fighting over who should run the government for the next four / five years..
Election after election........One election gets over and people start talking about next election.........Speech after speech..........Debate after debate.........Stop this election madness.
There is a criminal nexus between Politicians and Corporations...........Corporations fund the elections of politicians.........Politicians return the favour by helping corporations in expansion of their business empire.
Millions of other species don't even have the right to live because their habitats have been destroyed by industrial activity..........After taking away the rights of millions of other species, Industrial man wants hundreds of rights for himself.........Right to food, clothing and shelter, Right to buy thousands of consumer goods and services, Right to salary, pension and education, Right to healthcare, welfare and insurance, Human Rights, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Gay Rights, Lesbian Rights, This Right, That Right..........Height of Insanity.
Animal Holocaust is happening in this world every minute, every second........Only a non-industrial society can save animals........There was very little killing of animals in pre-industrial society, so little that it was almost zero compared to the trillions of animals killed by industrial society.
Animals, Forests, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere are not saved by activism, organizations, theory, philosophy, terminology, discussion, debate or argument.........For millions of years before industrialization, animals and environment were not saved by any of these.........They were saved by the absence of industrial activity.
Animal Genocide came with industrialization........The mega crime of animal slaughter came with industrialization..........Meat Industry came with industrialization.......There was very little killing of animals for food or any other reason in pre-industrial society.
Industrial society has killed billions of farm animals in industrial slaughter houses, billions of wild animals by destroying forests with industry, billions of fish with industrial fishing.......All this killing was absent in pre-industrial society.
Everyone is killing animals in industrial society........Those who are not killing animals directly for food are killing them indirectly for consumer goods and services.
Production of electricity, oil, car, computer, television, washing machine, mobile phone and thousands of other consumer goods and services has destroyed millions of acres of forests which has killed billions of wild animals.
Genocide of animals cannot be stopped without eradicating industrial society.
Today you can go to the market and buy unlimited quantity of meat.......This was not possible in pre-industrial society when most of the people lived in villages and there was hardly any meat market.
The nonsense of eating meat or fish every day or several times a week is a consequence of industrialization.
In pre-industrial society only those who lived near the river or ocean could eat fish every day..........In industrial society billions of people who are living hundreds and thousands of miles away from rivers and oceans are eating fish every day or many times a week because of Industrial Fishing, Industrial Transportation, Industrial Refrigeration and Industrial Marketing.
In industrial society millions of tonnes of meat and fish are being sent from one country to another country, from one continent to another continent.
In pre-industrial society most of the meat eaters could eat meat only on special occasions.
In pre-industrial society most of the food was vegetarian most of the time.
In pre-industrial society most of the people were vegetarian most of the time.
In pre-industrial society very few animals and fish were available for killing and consumption in the absence of industrial farming of animals, industrial slaughter houses, industrial fishing, industrial transportation, industrial refrigeration, and industrial marketing.
In pre-industrial society bulls and cows were needed for ploughing and tilling the fields.......for milk and manure.......for drawing out water from the wells......Cow dung cakes were used as fuel for cooking .......There was no way farmers would kill them for meat because their very survival depended on them.
It was the arrival of tractors, electricity, diesel and electric pumps that made animals redundant for farming........This led to mass slaughtering of cows.
Most of the people in this world are alive today because of cows and bulls.........It was cows and bulls that kept people alive for 10,000 years during the agrarian stage........It was cows and bulls that sustained agriculture and farming for 10,000 years during the agrarian stage.
Industrial society is slaughtering the very animal that kept its ancestors alive for 10,000 years in agrarian stage.
Meat Industry is not the only industry that has killed animals........Hundreds of other industries have killed wild animals by destroying forests.........Forests have been destroyed by Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Electricity Industry, Oil Industry, Road and Rail Industry, Ports and Airports.
Industrial activity for production of consumer goods has destroyed billions of acres of forests which has killed billions of wild animals........Industrial activity for production of consumer goods and services has destroyed oceans which has killed billions of marine creatures.
Millions of tonnes of industrial chemicals, waste and oil spills have killed billions of fish and marine creatures.
Industrial activity has made the oceans acidic and warmer.......It has created oxygen deprived dead zones in oceans.......This has killed billions of fish.
Millions of animals, coastal birds and fish are dying from either eating plastic or from getting entangled in plastic nets and ropes.
All this killing was absent in agrarian society.
Largescale hunting and poaching is a consequence of industrialization.......There was hardly any global trade in animal organs in pre-industrial society in the absence of Transportation Industry, Communication Industry and Marketing Industry.
Torture of cows for milk is also a consequence of industrialization.........In pre-industrial society more than 99% of population lived in villages........Most people had cows........People consumed milk produced by their own cows........There was very little selling of milk for money or profit........There was very little torture of cows for milk.
In industrial society the urban population is not producing milk........It is buying milk with money........This has led to largescale torture of cows.........Milk industry is torturing cows.........Milk corporations are torturing cows........Cows have been confined to prison like enclosures........They have no freedom to move........They never see sunlight or pastures........ .They are injected with steroids and oxytocin........Cows are separated from their calves right at the time of birth........Cows are not allowed to feed their own calves.........When the cows stop producing milk they are sent to slaughter houses for butchering........That is the life of a cow in industrial society.
All this torture of cows was absent in pre-industrial society.
Food is going to vanish from earth in the coming years........Industrial society is killing agriculture by changing global weather with industrial activity........Agriculture requires regularity of weather........It requires heat, cold and rain at the right time and in the right measure........Global weather is regulated by Forest Cover, Ice Cover, Ocean Temperature and Atmospheric Temperature.
Industrial activity has decimated Forest Cover.........Industrial activity has decimated Ice Cover / Glaciers........Oceans and the Atmosphere have been made warmer.........These changes have made the weather extreme, irregular and unpredictable........This has led to drastic increase in the intensity and frequency of Droughts, Floods, Storms, Cyclones, hurricanes and Tornadoes........Agricultural production has already been affected by these changes........Agriculture is going to collapse completely in the near future.
There will be no food for man to eat........Neither grains nor meat.......You need food grains to produce meat.
Man has already decimated fish in the oceans with industrial fishing.
The land and the sea are the only two sources of food on earth.........Industrial man has destroyed both.
Animals are not the only ones being killed by industrial society........Industrial society has killed animals, trees, air, water and soil.......Industrial society has killed all living and non-living things on earth........Industrial society has killed forests, rivers, oceans and atmosphere.
All problems of industrial society have either been created by industrialization or worsened by industrialization.........All problems of industrial society are unsolvable because industrialization itself is the cause of problems.........Problems of industrial society can go away only when industrial society goes away.
Man has spent more than 99.9% of his time on earth in non-industrial societies.
Man lived in hunter_gatherer society for one million years........Man lived in agrarian society for 10,000 years........Man has lived in industrial society for just about 100 years during which he has destroyed the entire planet.
If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever.
If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month.
That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP.

Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.
Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth.
Uproot all the cement.
Dig out the asphalt in the street.
Demolish the skyscrapers.
Bring down the mountains of concrete.
Uncover the earth.
Let the soil live again.
Let the soil breathe again.
Let the soil grow again.
Soil = Life
No soil , No life.
Fertile soil is the source of life.........Millions of plant and animal species that live on land get their food from soil.........Industrial society has killed the very source of life by covering billions of acres of soil with cement, concrete and asphalt.
Billions of acres of fertile soil have been killed by Construction Industry, Mining Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Electricity Industry, Oil Industry, Millions of Kilometers of Road and Rail Networks, Thousands of Ports and Airports…
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From the New Illuminati –
Well, I agree and disagree with this article.... Yes, the root problem is our socially accepted PRICE SYSTEM which automatically leads to a wasteful industrialization program that includes rural areas...
ReplyDeleteWe certainly don't need to go back to the dark ages in order to find our dynamic equilibrium again. There are environmentally friendly free energy technologies that can be utilized for the great benefit to ALL, technologies that work in harmony with natures laws.
The question is, are we willing to get rid of the political money concept (price system) in order to have healthy minds, bodies, and environments etc???
We need to return to local communities. Local foods, local schools, local doctors, neighbors helping each other. Plowing up these pristine lawns and plant some fruit & nut trees, and vegetables. Swaping skillslocally. My parents never asked where do you shop, they always asked, where do you TRADE.
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents lived on very little money, they lived on the land, and loved the land, took good care of the land, no pesticides,no phosphate fertilizers, no electricty, no running water. A hand pump on the back porch and one in the kitchen. There was no garbage pick-up because there was very little garbage. They made their underwear out of flour sacks. They used spanish moss to stuff cotton mattresses. And they loved each other and had to depend on each other.
Get out of the city while you can. Make that a priority. Nothing is worth staying in Babylon. Prepare as best you can. If shtf, you want to have a plan.
Yet Agenda 21,( why don't people discuss Agenda 21-especially those fighting so hard to support the corporate media mainstream theory human induced C02 climate change. Oh no, it's not there constant usage of chemicals. Do you see that stopping? They want to stop YOU, not themselves. The answer from the Controllers aims on moving the masses into cities, high-rise blocks of stack & packs, with a centralized computer running lives. technocracy, and everything wll be measured and alloted. No private land ownership, that is why rural roads are not being properly funded. Many small farmers & rural folks are being driven into the cities, because of lack of basic services. This is being done on purpose. They plan on raising taxes so high people with land will have to sell. At which time the uber wealthy can swoop in like the reptiles they are and snatch it up. That will leave large swaths of open land for them. People could return to local trading, goods for services. It could be done. Each person has at least one skill, something they could offer. This is how life was in my parent's early adulthood before WW2. Before WW2 most U.S. citizens lived on farms or in rural areas. That is a fact. During WW2 48% of all vegetables were grown in backyard "Victory Gardens". Geoengineering is real. We are being sprayed with aluminum, barrium, & strontium & various other bizzarre elements.Some have an odd disease called Morgellons, a condition of "fibers" that actually move. They want to transhumanize us. Cull the herd and then have robots do the work or "upgraded" humans. DON'T ACCEPT THE CHIP! That is a main reason why the weather is so erratic, geoengineering. They are lying when they say they are just "thinking about" solar radiation management.We are already being sprayed. There is scientific evidence that the chemtrails are actually trapping heat. With all the unecessary death& pain of sentients, amidst the ongoing grief, it is hard sometimes to carry on, or not shake people and scream wake up & look up! You can and will hang on. If you are strong enough to be aware of the truth, you are equally strong enough to live through these times. I still think there is time to turn the ship around. I feel that in my bones. I would not say so, if it were not so. I loved your style of writing, Sushil. I love it when writers get staight to the point. It's so rare. May all beloved sentients who leave through pain be in Paradise.
Go live in your commune free your mind and dull your mind with the all the BS you're programmed to believe in...
DeleteAye - Sushil cuts through the crap to the heart of the matter. Mayhap there is still time to turn the ship around - but we've already hit the iceberg and there are very few lifeboats. It may not be so wise to blame external agencies like corporations, banks and governents (or even the so-called 'price system') if everyone is part and parcel of it, wilfully buying into it and wilfully working for The Man who is poisoning them and their children. Every worker who props up this industrialist's nightmare is equally culpable, alongside the Rockefellers, Morgans, Monsantos and other Govcorps. Everyone who doesn't opt out is destroying the planet. Everyone who decides to eat a hamburger while knowing where it comes from and the damage their appetite does is a monstrous demonic murderer.
DeleteTurn on. Tune in. Above all, OPT OUT! There are still wonderful wild places that need your protection and that will nurture you - but only if you leave all the toxic crap behind, physical and mental. You can't have a clean river if the soap or 'sunscreen' on your skin is washed off in it when you swim, or is washed into the water table when you shower. You can't have clean soil if your manure and urine is contaminated with pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
You are either the problem or not. How we treat other and what we imagine we have a 'right to' are the things we must all address, here and now, wherever we live.
What do you really know about TECHNOCRACY, FYM? NOTHING!