Why Neither Prison nor Paradise is Home
by Rebecca
Yet now, the once inviting waters of spirituality are increasingly muddied by scientific studies and spiritual practices that generate more questions than answers.
And in my field of Exoconsciousness, even the spiritual halcyon days of John Mack are muddied.
Gone are the days when John declared from a rarified Harvard podium that spirituality provided answers to those experiencing confusing extraterrestrial contact.
John offered hope of spiritual integration through extraterrestrial contact. He guided many to perceive their contact as a meaningful part of their lives and their identity.
We are 10 years past John’s work, yet Ufology is still deep in dualities. One of our prominent dualities perceives Earth life as a Prison or a Paradise. (Perfect World Paradox)
Can we step out of this duality?
Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia
as Prison: Let’s draw the Go to Jail card first.
The ET-UFO community labeled Earth life as a prison for many years and under many guises: Archons, Anunnaki, Devil, Lucifer, Grays, Reptilians, Illuminati, Black hats, and today’s transhumanism agendas—GRIN: genome, robotics, information, nanotechnology. (See Joseph Farrell)
Earth as a prison planet represents the pathway of humans becoming machines.
No way, you respond, horrified. I would never want to be a machine!
You may jeer at any human wanting to become a machine, but listen to what people are saying.
How many pilots, witnessing their profession dissolve into drones, would volunteer to become robotic?
How many Mensa types would line up for a computer implant to make them even more intelligent?
How many athletes would volunteer for superhuman implants?
How many parents would give their life savings to insure a healthy genome generated child?
me a Machine
Being human increasingly means becoming a machine. And we are queuing up in the “make me a machine” line just like we do at the Apple store for our next generation phone. It is happening magically—right before our eyes. And we know the magicians.
But there is a trade-off. As we become human machines, the bars of our self-imposed prison exponentially multiply. That is the tradeoff—technology for imprisonment. You can spin the technological reality, but you are captured by the spell, integrated into the machine and it’s still a prison.
Let’s draw the Get out of Jail card: Paradise
The ET-UFO community labeled Earth life as a paradise for many years and under many guises: angels, space brothers, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Acturians, white hats, bodhisattvas, and councils.
At the first cursory glance the Paradise card looks easy and inviting.
Spiritually I simply pull myself from the shadow-self of my imprisonment and fear and merge into the light of paradise. I remove all my evil attachments. Easy enough.
Or is it?
If paradise is enlightenment, what do we know of enlightenment?
me Enlightened
Several founders of our country—Hamilton, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin—were deists. They labeled themselves men of the Enlightenment. They believed in a god who was architect of the universe. This god created the universe and then departed, allowing it to unfold as a new world paradise utopia. They believed in an unattached god. They would have made Buddha proud. And their Masonic Brethren.
Of course the deism of our country’s founders also included a great deal of secrecy, slavery, elitism and classism, which later evolved into eugenics and surveillance to guarantee their paradise survived.
We can argue that the founders’ limited, prejudicial beliefs and societal structures caused their utopia to become a nightmare. But I question laying the blame at their feet. Are we not responsible for our current state of affairs?
Recently I listened to a Skeptiko interview of Jeffrey Martin who is researching enlightened individuals and teaching enlightenment.
Jeffrey interviewed numerous enlightened individuals and found that most are characterized by a certain detachment, even a detachment in love. He quickly clarified that the enlightened ones loved their families, just not with the same attachment or energy. This detachment flowed from their spiritual practice.
Once again there was a trade off. Paradise was detachment. I began to wonder if the founders’ enlightenment was similar to those in Jeffery’s enlightened communities. Were they deists, sharing an architect god? Were they allowing the unfolding of life to proceed without interference? They were living in paradise, in the peaceful acceptance of the now.
Yet, as an Exoconscious being, a wife and parent, I wonder about this peaceful detached spiritual paradise. Was I willing to make the trade off of paradise with detachment?
Nature of Duality
One important aspect of duality is that when you release one side of the duality (prison) you need to release the other (paradise). Was I willing to do this? As I considered the tradeoffs, the task became easier.
In fact, I began to see that the prison and paradise duality was actually sourced in the same controlling belief systems, mostly religious, secret societies, we humans created. We control ourselves via technological surveillance on one side and enlightened detachment on the other. And then we imprison ourselves further as we fabricate new problems that need new utopias.
There’s always a prison that needs a paradise. And I am increasingly convinced that one needs the other. In the words of Jerry Maguire, “you complete me.”
As I released the prison-paradise duality, another way of being emerged.
Prison-Paradise Dualism to Exoconscious Parenting
Most parents are not deists. Few of us believe in an architect of the universe who sets things in motion and then detaches and departs.
We are creators first. Midwives to one another. Hands-on. Parents, grandparents. We monitor our young child’s every move. We nurture non-stop. There is no looking away. Even for a second.
But there is a trade off in parenting. Parenting is immersive, intimate involvement. We must be an ever-present parent – for our young children to thrive. It’s head-first, over-involved. Three meals a day, snacks, washing, cleaning, monitoring, and hugging. Lots of hugging. Your body is attached to your child’s…until one day you are no longer in your body and then you are attached in a different way.
If prison is the synthesis and paradise is the antithesis, then might parenting be the alternative path we are looking for?
in on our Exoconscious Home
When the ET-UFO community labels Earth life as a parent—where are the ETs?
The ET, exoconsciousness, is within us.
Being exoconscious, as a way of being human on Earth, connected to and communicating with extraterrestrials, means that we look inward.
Not outward—inward.
There will be appearing and disappearing lights in the sky. There will be visitations and messages. There will be public disclosure pronouncements. These will come and go. We humans remain Exoconscious.
Phone Home
The bottom line is that we humans possess an innate ability to connect and communicate with extraterrestrials. The first call we make is to awaken ourselves. We are the ET who phones home.
ET Phone Home means to know ourselves as cosmic beings.
As we become exoconscious, ET, we learn to parent ourselves. We become involved and nurturing. We become an ever-present Exoconscious parent and thrive in this conscious universe.
As we thrive, we create a home. We live as exoconscious humans in a rather messy house (consciousness) filled with involved, hands-on love of ourselves, other beings and our planet.
There’s not much time off. There’s not much rest. There’s not much nirvana.
But we find bliss in lots of beings to love, when we first learn to love ourselves as Exoconscious. And eventually, we make a home for ourselves as Exoconscious ETs on the Earth. A place to belong. We phone home and answer our call.
Hello, ET, I’m Home.
From Exoconsciousness @ http://rebeccahardcastlewright.com/2015/04/20/why-neither-prison-nor-paradise-is-home/
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Friday, May 22, 2015
ReplyDeleteEnlightenment is only achieved when human understanding reaches beyond the human construct of a god or a divinity or a spirituality.
Throughout human history, the subject of Enlightenment has been written about, discussed, and imaged countless millions of times. Also, throughout human history the point of focus for Enlightenment is that an individual must seek the answers outside his or her capacity/ability to utilize reason and logic reasonable and logically.
The numerous and diverse methods other people have devised for an individual’s enlightenment come with some nuggets of universal truth, but also come with biases and misinterpretations which are much more likely to lead an individual into confusion than they are apt to lead to enlightenment. Besides, the diverse methods other people have devised for enlightenment come at a high cost in personal time and treasure.
The worldwide failure of focusing on others for answers is evident. One need only be immersed in a day or two of current worldwide news events. It is clear to all but the head-in-the-sanders that humankind has not perpetuated Paradise on Earth.
The insanity of applying the same paradigm over and over and yet having the same disappointing to disastrous results time and time again just does not seem to register with the worldwide population. En masse they lead quietly desperate lives scratching for survival, and hoping without real hope that ‘the next life’ will be better. Well, there is no ‘next life’. This life is the only life that you know is yours to live.
The methods other people have devised, when accepted by an individual, initially removes ½ of the power and authority an individual possesses to utilize reason and logic reasonably and logically, and always leaves a residual shadow of doubt as a consequence.
All that being said, it must be time for a paradigm shift. Over the millennia all the outside angles have been explored, leaving one avenue remaining.
To look inside for the answers appears to be the answer.
But then a question arises; How does an individual go about looking inside?
That issue and ideas regarding your comments in the next blogpost,
Stephen Kirby
Conscience-ness Recovery and Retention Center
Aye - Enlightenment is always here, shining behind the veil of linguistic thought perpetuated by the monkey mind (just like this!)