I Spit on Your Grave
Pro-Nukers Spread Death and
Pestilence. Always.
by Bob Nichols
Master-Sergeant Woods readies the Gallows at Nuremberg in 1946
Throughout history tyrants slaughtered innocent people without remorse. Pro-Nukers make them look like grade school children in comparison. We all know the tyrants names: Stalin, Hitler, Genghis Khan.
But, who knows the name of your local random murderer – your local Pro-Nuker? Killing is what Pro-Nukers do best. The numbers of the nuclear dead are astonishing. What’s more, they’ve got your number, too. Which Humans?
For many sincere but superficial people everyone “has some good in them.” How many times have you heard that trite phrase? It is as overtly stupid as it is blatantly untrue. For real evil we have only to look to the persons present in every country who are “Pro-Nukers.”
For they are the today’s embodiment of lasting evil throughout the centuries. Their hatred of fellow humanoids on this planet is a plague far worse than any disease. Normal humans with everyday emotions absolutely mystify them; therefore, the Normals must be controlled and obliterated.
The Pro-Nukers first pulled the trigger that annihilated more than One Billion 200 Million of us since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
Now they are only speeding up the killing, maiming and mutation of humans, animals and plants, in fact, of all life on the planet. The Earth is already fully consumed by their poisons. There is no cure; and, there is not even any medicine. That is an absolute.
All will
perish, one point two billion (1,200,000,000.) already croaked. This was
calculated by a genius mathematician and radiation expert named Sister Rosalie
Bertell, a Catholic nun.
Like Lobsters in a Cooking Pot
“Radiation?…on that…yes I heard something about it”
As many people know, lobsters in a cooking pot aren’t aware the temperature of the water is rising as they are actually cooking. The gradual increase in temperature is not even noticed by the big bugs so many people like to eat.
Humans are no different. Placed in an atmosphere that’s slowly poisoned over a period of 67 years, humans only complain of aches, pains and nosebleeds; but, the few that realize what is happening to everyone’s’ insides are hushed by the complacent.
Since this thing started in 1945 whole countries fell past the point of no return and are extinct; but, don’t know it yet. One such country that is well known is Israel. They are just a minor, short-term regional bully kept on a short US leash. Spending time worrying about the Israelis is pointless.
Many people are just too dumb to “connect the dots.” Others think some god or space aliens will show up soon and save us all. Yea … when pigs fly.
I have highlighted parts of Dr. Scampa’s AIPRI comment below so that we can understand how the “authorities” use common words to lie to everyone everyday.
Know this Reader: All Reactors Leak All the Time. That the reactors are safe is the first Big Lie about all things nuclear that you were told and believed. All atomic reactors and atomic bombs create the same radioactive products. The difference is the Atomic Bomb detonates in Milli-seconds; the giant reactors detonate over many years and are far bigger. Both their poisons are always the same.
The big nuclear reactors in, or next to, your city are just stationary operating nuclear weapons. The 1,946 different deadly substances produced by them cannot be contained and even migrate through the reactor walls. The operators make it easy for others to escape into the air we breathe by regularly removing the reactor lid for weeks at a time. All the radiation is exhausted to “the atmosphere” in “releases” conveniently “approved” by the “authorities.” It works the same in every country.
Heart disease is the biggest result of radiation poisoning; not the cancers you were told by the Pro-Nukers and believed.
What to do with the Pro-Nukers
Some don’t have to wait long…
The DAs can, in rapid succession, Perp Walk the monsters, stop off at a Criminal Court then with all due speed continue to a sturdy Gallows and hang them by the neck until dead as quickly as possible; all with “full visibility and transparency.”
Veterans world wide are trained for hand to hand combat with deadly enemies. Normals are clearly at a loss for any good answers. Vets uniquely know what to do. It changes nothing; but it sure does feel good to see the Perps swinging in the Radioactive Wind their malevolence created. Payback is Good.
Dr. Paolo Scampa, the famous physicist, knows precisely how we are all being poisoned. Here is Dr. Scampa to tell us a way the Pro-Nukers lie to us every day and the reality behind the lie. The French to English translation is primarily by Google. I am responsible for any and all errors in the English translation.
Notes and Sources
cracher sur vos tombes Dr. Paolo Scampa, AIPRI, December 11, 2012. For
French speakers, http://aipri.blogspot.com/
The “new” evidence map of
cesium-137 in soil at Fukushima has spread. See page 12 cards MEXT and JAEA.
See also List of the R & D results
done by JAEA (Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)? ?Nov. .2012
Bertell’s book “No
Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth (revised 2001)“According
to the estimates of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, a radiation expert of world renown,
1.2 billion people on our planet have already been killed, maimed or sickened
by nuclear weapons testing and nuclear reactors world-wide. She based her
calculations on readily available UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) reports, and she calls them conservative.
testing: 1,138 million victims, Weapons production: 3.2 million victims,
Military nuclear accidents: 16 million victims, Nuclear reactors: 21 million
victims, Nuclear reactor accidents: 15 million victims, Medical radiation use:
4 million victims, Total:1.2 billion victims of the Nuclear Age.
“Day 532 Post Fuke
Blues,” by RosyHeart, Artist, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrAHn3Ox0YU
“Chronic inflammation,
mutation and cancer,” Stephan Christen, Tory Hagen, M K Shigenaga, and Bruce N
Ames, pages 35 to 88 in book. 319 references in one article.
C E Finch, Biology
of human longevity. 182 pages of references.Microbes and Malignancies, Infection as a cause of human cancers, edited by Julie Parsonnet.
All Nuclear Reactors Leak All of the Time
the Nuke Boys like the Mad Dogs They Are
by Bob
Old Snake Oil ad from Science Based Pharmacy
Reportedly Americans widely believe in God and lead
the world in the percentage of citizens in prison and on parole. That is actual reality from an imaginary character in a TV show. The
Gallup Poll also says it is true and has been for years.
Most Americans believe that nuke reactors are safe
and quite sound, too. Wonder why they do that?
Most people at one time
in their lives watched as steam escapes from a pressure cooker and accept it as
real and true. A reactor is very much the same thing. The “cooks,” called
“Operators,” even take the lid off from time to time too.
A nuclear reactor is just
an expensive, overly complicated way to heat water to make steam. Of course all
reactors leak!
All nuclear reactors also
actually manufacture more than 1,946 dangerous and known radioactive metals,
gases and aerosols. Many isotopes, such as radioactive hydrogen, simply cannot
be contained. So, they barely even try. It is mostly just a show for the
The four exploded reactors, still burning in Japan after two
years, are like dropping four radioactive GBU-39 Bombs[2] down a Bunker vent
guaranteeing an astonishing 100% Cancer & Heart Disease rate in surviving
personnel. Except, in this case, the whole planet gets zapped.
The US reactors – embrittled, decrepit and crippled
– are run about 20% harder than their nameplate capacity, thanks to an always
obliging and ever-so-helpful Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC.) The
“Commission” likes to act as if they monitor public health; but, the NRC never
met a little nuke reactor UpRate Request they did not like.
That means the aging
nukes are run hotter and harder at higher temps and pressures while the
“Commission” aggressively monitors the resulting decline in public health.
Marine Corps Base Camp
Pendleton is the major West Coast base of the United States Marine Corps and
serves as its prime amphibious training base for Assault Craft Unit 5.
About 21 million people
are in the San Diego/Tijuana-Los Angeles areas. Do the Pro-Nukers care? Of
course not. Attention Marines: See Sources and Notes Item No 13 below.
The radioactive San
Onofre steam and smoke is guaranteed to add to the radioactive particles from
Fukushima’s six trashed reactors and a thousand and one other nuclear
“accidents.” Plus, there are daily leaks from all reactors. Have you ever heard
of anything more idiotic or FUBAR?[3] Does anybody see a pattern here?
This persistent routine
has been repeated again and again for 66 years. Veterans and other troops,
these nuke Psychos are taking shots at your back! What the hell do you normally
do when a confirmed, blood thirsty Psycho who’s also a very good sniper draws
down on you and Fires? This is the exact same thing.
The Pro-Nuker snipers shoot tiny, invisible machine
guns that crash through your skin and never stop firing. In fact, you will be
dead long before that. A good ole U238 machine gun fires 850 rounds a minute
for an eternity of majestic proportions – up to Ninety Billion Years. [4]
All your cells within range die and turn to dead
puss filled spheres inside you. There is no medicine, no treatment, certainly
no cure. Demand an autopsy after you pass to count your internal levels. Leave
instructions to file Murder charges against GE, other manufacturers and your
local reactor personnel. Strike back from the grave.
Isotope weapons never jam, either, unlike human invented
machine guns that run out of rounds or jam. Even if our machine guns could fire
continuously, the barrels would melt from the friction and heat buildup.
No way – that doesn’t
happen with the very powerful nuke rounds. To make it even worse for us, the
muzzle velocity on some rounds approaches 3,000,000 Meters per second.
Amazingly enough, in the
US alone, there are currently close to 40,000 State and local prosecuting
attorneys.[5] In addition, there are the 50 States’ Governors – all of whom
have an Army that works for them with tanks and millions of other weapons and
Master-Sergeant John C. Woods, 3rd Army
Governors and prosecuting attorneys, get off your butts and take down
all the nuclear reactors. Do your Jobs!
The nuke reactors are
just great big stationary nuclear weapons that all leak and are aimed squarely
at American voters, your major donors included.
Then Perp Walk the
criminals to Court, all fair and square legal like, and hang them till very
dead in front of TV cameras.
Of special note:
Master-Sergeant Woods, the Hangman for the 3rd Army in the European Theatre
during WWII was extremely good at his job.
He was tasked to execute
a slew of high-ranking Nazis after the Nuremberg Trials in 1946 at the end of
Master-Sergeant Woods enjoyed a large audience of top
allied Generals; yet he was solely in charge. It took 26 minutes for one of
those snakes to finally croak. That was a job well done. We must do no less.
Jim W. Dean
2013 by Bob Nichols. All right reserved. Distribute with Sources and Notes and
credit. Bob Nichols can be reached at duweapons@gmail.com
Sources and Notes.
1. Rube. Source, Google
Search, April 3 2013.
a. Rubes Comic Strip on
GoComics.com www.gocomics.com/rubes
b. Talking cows,
less-than-bright kids and multiple varieties of flora and fauna make their
appearance in the witty offbeat cartoon panel, Rubes by Leigh Rubin.
c. Rube – Definition and
More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rube
d. They treated us as if
we were a bunch of rubes.
e. Rubes – definition of
Rubes by the Free Online Dictionary … US and Canadian slang an
unsophisticated countryman. [probably from the name Reuben]. rube (rub) n.
Informal. an unsophisticated person from a rural area; … www.thefreedictionary.com/Rubes
2. GBU-39 “Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions ,” Jun 9, 2012, Bob Nichols, VeteransToday dot com, http://www.veteranstoday.com/?p=210465
3. FUBAR. Fucked Up
Beyond All Recognition.
4. U238 Machine Gun. GI’s
Brains Fried by Military Dispensed Nose Candy Bob Nichols, October 2, 2010, http://www.veteranstoday.com/?p=52531
5. 40,000 State and local
prosecutors. The National District Attorneys Association http://www.ndaa.org/
6. Photo of
Master-Sergeant Woods, 3rd Army.
7. Facebook Pages, Walls
and Events. Apr 6, 2013, “The over One Billion Members of Facebook and others
can and should routinely check the following Fb Pages and Blogs for accurate
information about this on-going Extinction Level Event.” – Bob Nichols,
VeteransToday Columnist.
8. Chernobyl:
Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature, written by A. V.
Yablokov, V. B. Nesterenko and A. V. Nesterenko, published by the New York
Academy of Sciences in December 2009, translated and edited into a book by Dr.
Janette Sherman.
Download a pdf here: Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for …
– StrahlenTelex
http://www.strahlentelex.de/Yablokov%20Chernobyl%20book.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Chernobyl Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment ….. contrary to elementary observations about the nature of the primary interactions …
Chernobyl Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment ….. contrary to elementary observations about the nature of the primary interactions …
9. “Day 532 Post Fuke Blues,” by RosyHeart,
Artist, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrAHn3Ox0YU http://tinyurl.com/agk9n4l
10. “Chronic
inflammation, mutation and cancer,” Stephan Christen, Tory Hagen, M K
Shigenaga, and Bruce N Ames, pages 35 to 88 in book. 319 references in one article.
11. C E Finch, Biology of
human longevity. 182 pages of references.
12. Microbes and
Malignancies, Infection as a cause of human cancers, edited by Julie Parsonnet.
13. Attention all United
States Marine Vets, remember this pamphlet when you were at Camp Pendleton?
Marine Corps
Pendleton, California 92055
I Spit On Your Grave
by Dr.
Paolo Scampa
The deception of dose factors which quantifies the biological damage caused by internal contamination is in the falsification of physical denominator of the equation Energy / Mass through which they are calculated. Pseudo low doses are the direct result of criminal artifacts created by the irrational increase in the denominator of the division Energy / Mass.
Violating the most basic physical laws, the denominator of this equation to the satisfaction of the industry of death is indeed artificially separated from the distance traveled by the particles alpha and beta in tissue while it is a direct function of their trajectory. In these dose factors the energy range is small and arithmetically falsely dissipated in a live volume that is often larger than the living being.
By neglecting the impact point it is easy to make digitally low doses. Any increase in the denominator beyond any physical reason for this is indeed to artificially lower the ratio, in this case the dose. 100 divided by 2 is one thing, 100 divided by 200 another.
Some examples of elements decreasing in beta
The incorporation of 1 Bq of cesium-134 considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 8.09 * 0.418 MeV decays E6 * 1.602 E-13 Joule = 5.417 MeV for E-7 is 5.417 Joule Erg which dissipate according to the ICRP in body mass of 79.66 kg … ((8.09 * 0.4180 MeV Emissions E6 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (6.800 E-9 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 79.66 kg) having a radius of (79658.1384 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 26.6920 cm. The particle goes 205.3 times more than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed in these calculations is reduced by 8.66 million times. (The element has a half life of 2.07 years, a biological half-life of 71 days and an effective period of 64.9 days.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of cesium-135 considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 1.87 E7 0.269 MeV decays * 1.602 * E-13 Joule = 8.058 MeV for E-7 is 8.058 Joule Erg which dissipates, according to ICRP, in a body weight of 1.12 t … ((1.87 * 0.2690 MeV Emissions E7 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (7.200 E-10 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 1.12 t) having a radius of (1119205.4824 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 64.4081 cm. The particle goes 805.1 times more than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed is reduced in these calculations 521,860,000 times. (The element has a half life of 2.30 million years, a period of 150 days and biological effective period of 150 days also.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of cesium-137 considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 8.67 * 0.514 MeV decays E6 * 1.602 E-13 Joule = 7.140 MeV for E-7 is 7.140 Joule Erg which dissipate according to the ICRP in body mass of 148.75 kg … ((8.67 * 0.5140 MeV Emissions E6 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (4.800 E-9 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 148.75 kg) having a radius of (148750.2595 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 32.8693 cm. The particle goes 205.4 times more than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed in these calculations is reduced by 8.67 million times. (The element has a half life of 30.07 years, a period of 70 days and biological effective period of 69.6 days.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of Strontium-90 considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 6.32 E8 0.546 MeV decays * 1.602 * E-13 Joule = 5.533 MeV for E-5 is 553.284 Joule Erg which dissipate according to the ICRP in body mass of 368.86 kg … ((6.32 * 0.5460 MeV Emissions E8 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (1.500 E-7 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 368.86 kg) having a radius of (368856.0188 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 44.4894 cm. The particle goes 278.1 times more than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed is reduced in these calculations 21.50 million times. (The element has a half life of 28.79 years, a biological half-life of 34 years and an effective period of 15.6 years.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of tritium (H3) considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 1.08 disintegrations E6 * 0.00569 * 1.602 MeV E-13 Joule = 9.867 MeV by E-10 is 0.010 Joule Erg which dissipate, according to the ICRP in body mass of 3.80 kg … ((1.08 * 0.00569 MeV Emissions E6 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (2.600-E 10 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 3.80 kg) with a radius of (3795.0569 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 9.6763 cm. The particle crosses 10 microns of tissue and goes in the calculations 9676.3 times further than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed in these calculations is reduced 906 billion times. (The element has a half life of 12.33 years, a biological half-life of 8.7 days and an effective period of 8.7 days.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of phosphorus-32 (“radiopharmaceutical”) because of the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 1.02 * 1.710 MeV decays E6 * 1.602 E-13 Joule = 2.784 MeV for E-7 Joule is 2.784 Erg which dissipate, according to the ICRP in body mass of 87.00 kg … ((1.02 * 1.7100 MeV Emissions E6 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (3.200 E-9 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 87.00 kg) having a radius of (87004.8548 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 27.4885 cm. The particle goes 37.7 times more than it can physically go … Ie the effective dose absorbed is reduced in these calculations 53,390 times. (The element has a half life of 14.28 days, a biological half-life of 19 days and an effective period of 8.2 days.)
The incorporation of 1 Bq of iodine-131 considering the effective period leads after 50 years to collect 9.45 * 0.606 MeV decays E5 * 1.602 E-13 Joule = 9.176 MeV by E-8 or 0.918 Joule Erg which dissipate, according to ICRP in body mass of 12.07 kg … ((9.45 * 0.6060 MeV Emissions E5 * 1.602 E-6 * 1 MeV by Erg EBR) / (7.600 E-9 Sv / Bq Bq * 1 * 100 erg / gr Rad * 100 / Sv) = 12.07 kg) having a radius of (12073.7527 cm3 / (4/3 * 3.14159)) ^ (1/3) = 14.2315 cm. The particle goes 79.1 times more than it can physically go … ie the effective dose absorbed is reduced in these calculations 494,240 times. (The element has a half life of 8.023 days, a biological half-life of 138 days and an effective period of 7.6 days.)
The “new” evidence map of cesium-137 in soil at Fukushima has spread. See page 12 cards MEXT and JAEA.
See also List of the R & D results done by JAEA (Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)? ?Nov. .2012
Published in
the AIPRI Blog Tuesday, December 11, 2012.
Editing: Jim W. Dean
[Veterans Today Editor’s Note... Something you might have missed...I did: ...May 17th, 2012... Japanese officials are currently engaging in talks with Russian diplomats about where tens of millions of Japanese refugees might relocate in the very-likely event that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility’s Reactor 4 completely collapses. According to a recent report by EUTimes.net, Japanese authorities have indicated that as many as 40 million Japanese people are in “extreme danger” of radiation poisoning, and many eastern cities, including Tokyo, may have to be evacuated in the next few weeks or months to avoid extreme radiation poisoning... Jim W. Dean]
From Veterans Today @ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/08/i-spit-on-your-grave/ and http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/04/06/all-reactors-leak-all-the-time/
For more information about nuclear radiation see http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/radiation
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My step-father was a top executive engineer for Honeywell Munitions way back in the early 70's. A so called brilliant man, though I never looked at him that way, in fact I looked at him as being quite the NAZI and insane. He was a big advocate of nuclear power... I remember when I was in my early 20's in the mid-1980's, I would argue with him, that Nuclear power was the worst form of energy on the planet and could potentially poison the entire earth, he just wouldn't hear me, and this caused me to distance myself from him and my mother, to this day, I think they're some of the most idiotic people on the planet and yet they're rewarded by the mainstream as being geniuses, as I'm ostracized as being a nutcase for not accepting the so called NORM.... God, I hate these brainwashed sheep....
ReplyDeleteassholes rub ]n the site....
ReplyDeleteI mean asshole run this site!