Activities and Motivations of ET Races Interacting With
Extraordinary Facts and/or Fabulous Myths?
by Eliot Estep
each passing day, more and more of us are awakening to the reality of
extraterrestrial life here on Earth… We are attempting to bring you crucial and legitimate
information regarding the implications of this phenomenon and what this means
for humanity going forward.
I cannot say with absolute certainty that the races described in this article
are indeed active and catalogued, I believe it is time for us to start taking
the next step, moving beyond the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials into the
next stage of questioning. The evidence to support the reality of
extraterrestrial life is overwhelming, but it has not been easy to identify the
different races that have been visiting planet Earth for quite some time.
UFO sightings continue to persist and have become increasingly bold in their
displays, almost as if those responsible are gauging our response to their
presence. An avalanche of testimonies from high-level military and intelligence officers, astronauts, physicists, senators, whisteblowers, contactees, abductees, and those with
genuine experiences continue to bring forth the most compelling evidence about
human-extraterrestrial interaction, some of which is actually taking place with
our governments in secret.
leaked classified documents and political cables also confirm that extraterrestrial life is
well known within the corridors of power and influence. World leaders and
virtually all US Presidents have known about it for more than half a century,
although they have kept this knowledge from the public for many reasons. For
example, the image below is from (what I believe to be) a genuine Majestic-12 manual
that states in no uncertain terms that the public is never to learn of the
existence of extraterrestrial beings. While this continues to be the policy
today, it is vitally important that we are informed about these matters for
they are having a much larger impact on our world than we may realize at first.
The Majestic 12 documents have been the subject of great debate among UFO
historians, if you’ve never heard of them we encourage you to research the
topic. The documentation has been leaked, and many historians attest to their
“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they
exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.”
– President Harry S. Truman. April 4, 1950. White House
Press Conference.
"There is no doubt in my
mind, after 37 years of study and investigation that the evidence is
overwhelming that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled
vehicles whose origin is extraterrestrial. There are no acceptable arguments
against flying saucer reality, only people who either haven’t studied the
relevant data or have a strong will not to believe that Earth is at the bottom
of the heap sociologically and technologically in our local galactic
– Stanton Friedman, nuclear physicist and
leading UFO researcher, author of several
books and numerous articles on UFOs.
main questions that arise from these revelations are: what are the ETs doing
here? Who are they and what are their intentions? What has the scope of this
interaction been and how is it affecting humanity? Should we be concerned about
their presence here? Furthermore, why are they going to such great lengths to
keep their activities and presence a secret? I do
not claim to know for sure, I just want to provide the information that’s been
floating around for a while, and encourage us to begin asking more questions
rather than “Are UFOs and Extraterrestrials real?” This article examines deeper
concepts, so be prepared!
to the courageous efforts of dedicated researchers, truth-seekers, and so many
more, we may be able to shed some light on these questions accurately. The UFO
and ET researcher community has been active for more than 60 years, especially
following the Roswell incident in 1947, but is still without a widespread
consensus as to what is really happening and why. Some proclaim that all
extraterrestrials are benevolent in nature and are only here to help humanity.
Meanwhile, evidence of more sinister extraterrestrial activity in the form of
alien abductions, animal mutilations, collaboration in deep underground
military bases, etc continues without being fully factored into the big
picture. How does this all add up? After all, who is really here and what are
they after?
help answer these questions, I would like to share with you one extremely
relevant report written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D of Exopolitics.
This report was first published on July 26, 2004 and is quite possibly the most
clear and well-written overview of the various ET races that have been engaging
humanity. It describes who these main races are, what they look like, where
they come from, and what they are doing here. This groundbreaking report is
backed by more than 140 sources and clearly has taken years to research and put
together. I strongly recommend that you read it through in its entirety to gain
a full appreciation of the scope of the extraterrestrial visitation and
interaction that is taking place here on Earth.
The goal of this article
is to identify the main races that are engaging humanity in order to stimulate
greater awareness and incite further research into these matters. Be
forewarned: the information you are about to read is not for the faint of heart
and can be quite overwhelming if you are not already well-versed in
extraterrestrial matters. This will almost certainly change your perspective of
the world forever so please proceed with caution and discretion.
A Report on the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Races Interacting
with Humanity by Michael E. Salla, PhD
the Abstract: “There are an extensive
number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with Earth
and the human population. In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired US
army Sergeant who served in the US Army for 22 years and participated in
covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and
extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s), revealed
there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known to the US military. From this pool of extraterrestrial races, a number
are more active than others, and can be claimed to have the most significance
for human evolution and sovereignty. This report describes the main extraterrestrial
races most commonly referred to in the literature who appear to have most
strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and their
impact on a range of systemic global problems. The report distinguishes between
these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either
two distinct groups.
The first
group contains extraterrestrial races with which ‘shadow governments’
responsible for extraterrestrial affairs, have reached agreements with and even
collaborated in a number of joint projects. The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and the
‘shadow government’ in the US and elsewhere suggests the existence of a
military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests.
There is also a second grouping of extraterrestrial races that lie
outside of this web of clandestine agreements between extraterrestrial races and
‘shadow governments’/national security agencies. Most ‘contactees’ report these
races to be ‘friendly’ to human interests suggesting a more ethical approach to
the challenges confronting humanity as it prepares for the truth about the
extraterrestrial presence and challenges posed by advanced extraterrestrial
report goes into detail on both groups: those that are here to subvert,
manipulate, and control humanity vs. those that appear to be assisting humanity
by taking a non-interventionist approach. It is important to state
definitively that not all ETs are strictly benevolent or malevolent. Just as
there are self-serving, manipulative, and predatory humans, the same can be
said for extraterrestrials, even those with highly advanced technology. Of
course there are also wise, loving, altruistic, and service-to-others oriented
beings that reside in the physical universe as well. But our allies are not
here interfering and secretively intervening in human affairs. The Greater
Community of intelligent life that we are emerging into is filled with
lifeforms at all levels of evolution and conscience, and it’s important that we
are aware of this. Romanticizing all ETs as benevolent and harmless is naive
and actually dangerous because it engenders an attitude of passivity,
ignorance, and compliance, characteristics which virtually guarantee
manipulation and enslavement. Therefore, we must learn to be discerning and
critical when it comes to dealing with all extraterrestrial races. We shall
know them by the fruit of their works, not just by their reassuring words,
fanciful images, and extravagant promises. Our trust must be earned, not just
given away unconditionally, for the fate of this world and the future of
humanity is at stake in these matters. Exercising discretionary wisdom
regarding all exopolitical issues remains of prime importance now and during
all future interactions to come.
that have been collaborating with shadow governments and the military-industrial-extraterrestrial
complex (MIEC) continue to have a
tremendous impact on humanity, most of it being extremely negative and without
our consent or awareness. The scale and intensity of these activities goes so
far beyond what we may imagine at first glance. It is a total full-blown
reversal compared to what we are led to believe as “conventional life”, which
is nothing less than a massive hoax to keep us blinded and distracted about
certain obvious realities that are easy to see and understand once the veils
have been removed. There have been numerous diplomatic agreements and covert
technology exchanges between several groups of ET races and ultra-secretive
government groups, such as Majestic-12. One particular treaty signed between
the Grays and the Eisenhower administration in 1954 gave these ETs the
“right” to abduct and experiment on a small segment of the US
population, birthing widespread alien abductions that still persist to
this day. Meanwhile, ongoing black budget projects in deep underground military
bases (DUMBs) continue to consume untold amounts of resources and are the real
“cutting-edge” of all scientific and technological innovation, unfortunately
being harnessed for destructive purposes and causing much more harm than good.
Service To Self Extraterrestrials
group of ETs primarily consists of the Short Grays, Tall Grays,
Indigenous Reptilians, Draconian Reptilians, Sirians from Sirius B, and the
These are the races that comprise the worldwide extraterrestrial intervention
that is currently taking place in secret, as these beings are here to undermine
humanity’s sovereignty and power by capitalizing on our weaknesses in order to
eventually gain total control of Earth. They are manipulating and using human
elite power groups to gain influence and ascendancy in the world and also by
instigating and promoting conflict, instability, self-destructive tendencies,
and many other ways of dividing and conquering humanity.
primarily exercise their power in the mental/astral environment through
interference, pacification, persuasion, intimidation and all other forms of
mind control. These methods have been found to be far more effective in
controlling human subjects and the physical environment, being far less
destructive than resorting to brute force to accomplish their goals. Several of
these groups are working together and there is often a strict hierarchy of
operations in effect.
there is also much conflict and discord among conflicting groups who are vying
for Earth supremacy, matters which we cannot comprehend the full scope of at
this point. Many of these repressive interplanetary renegades have been
abducting humans against their will, subjecting them to invasive experiments,
cruel tortures, advanced mind control procedures, and scores of other human
rights abuses.
and inducing war, poverty, violence, mass consumption, separation, division,
fear and other negative emotions are the primary means of controlling the human
population, and some of these beings are literally feeding on the emotional
energies emitted by humanity. Please read through the following table
carefully, for these beings are not to be trusted and they are enemies to human
freedom. We must learn about our enemies directly to understand the best
approaches in dealing with them wisely.
Table 1. ET
Races Cooperating with the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex
ET Races
Main Activities
Resulting Global Problems
‘Short Grays’
(Zeta Reticulum & Orion)
Abducting civilians, genetic experiments, mind
programming, monitoring humans through implants, cloning and creation of
human-Gray hybrids.
Traumatized ‘abductees’, genetically modified humans,
humans monitored with implants, mind programmed ‘abductees’
‘Tall Grays-Whites’
Genetic experiments, creating a hybrid human-Gray race,
mind control and diplomatic agreements with the ‘shadow government’.
Genetically modified humans, humans monitored with implants,
mind programmed ‘abductees’, political elites compromised, national security
agencies infiltrated, human rights abuses
Indigenous Reptilians
Manipulating human elites, institutions & financial
systems, influencing religious belief systems, militarism & removal of
history of human civilization.
Human rights abuses, elite corruption & domination,
control of the media & corporations, divisive religious dogma, historical
amnesia, culture of violence
Draconian Reptilians
(Alpha Draconis)
Controlling human elites, institutions & financial
systems, militarism, creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity,
harvesting humans, manipulating Grays and Earth Reptilians.
Concentrated global wealth & poverty, corrupt elites
& institutions, ethnic/religious violence, human rights abuses, culture
of violence & terrorism, drug trade & organized crime
(Sirius B)
Participate in technology exchange programs that promote
military cooperation to potential extraterrestrial threats.
Covert weapons research, use of exotic weapons, abuse of
civilians in time travel experiments.
Control long term human evolution through elite groups,
systems and institutions, and manipulating human consciousness. Compete with
Draconians for control of Earth.
Elite manipulation, religious fundamentalism,
patriarchal global culture, culture of violence
is said that the Short Grays are a genetically-engineered worker race that can
be remotely possessed via consciousness by their superiors, making them very
useful for specific tasks and in serving as scapegoats for treacherous
activities being perpetrated by other races. The Grays are very logical and
psychically attuned beings, operating in a hive-mind consciousness, although
they do possess their own individuality in some ways.
shorter Grays are often managed and overseen by the taller 7-8 foot Tall Grays.
These taller beings are the “diplomats” of the Grays and have apparently met
with certain Presidents and military officials on many occasions. The Tall
Grays oversee the abductions that take place, while the short grays do most of
the labor. The Grays have been actively carrying out genetic experiments on
humans in order to create a hybrid human-gray race that would be suitable to “lead”
humanity in a new world order that they are actively instigating. They have
made a tremendous amount of progress in their plans and it is possible that
some of these hybrids are already integrated into human societies at some
levels. These beings look totally human, yet their allegiance and consciousness
is part of the Gray collective, along with their superior mental/psychic
abilities. Make no mistake about it, the Grays are a self-serving group that do
not value human freedom. They are here for their own purposes and domination of
this planet is one of their goals. They view us as their property and are not
to be trusted.
to Jim Sparx, an abductee/contactee who claims to have met a number of indigenous
Reptilians, these beings have interacted with humanity for millennia, both
assisting humanity and using us as a resource. He states that the Earth-based
reptilians ‘harvest’ humans in a way that does not challenge our presence on
the planet, which is a very accurate representation of what has been happening.
However, there are more powerful ‘off-world’ reptilian beings that are much
more intent on dominating and subjugating humanity that we need to be aware of.
are known as the Draco-Reptilians, a ‘master Reptilian race’ that originally
come from the Alpha Draconis star system. According to contactee Alex
Collier, “the Draconians are the force behind the repression of human
populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief systems and
restrictive hierarchies.” The Dracos have two main castes:
a renowned warrior class that are 7-8 feet tall and a royal class known as the
Ciakar, which are similar to what we know as dragons. Collier states:
Draconians are a very large reptilian race, otherwise known as “the Dracs”.
There is royal line of the reptilian race called the Ciakar. They range from 14
to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages
and they are awesome beings. They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely
clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.” The report elaborates:
“Collier claims that according to the Draconian world view, they were the first
intelligent species in the galaxy and seeded many worlds with their biological
off-spring. The Draco Reptilians therefore see themselves as the natural
rulers of Reptilian ‘controlled’ worlds such as Earth, and view humans as an
inferior species. The Draconians are interested in harvesting the Earth’s
resources while ensuring that these resources are efficiently exploited.”
appears that there is a strict hierarchy involving the Dracos and the other
malicious ET races. According to several sources, the Dracos control the
Indigenous Reptilians, who in turn control the Grays. In hierarchical
structures, power is the name of the game, and these races are all about power
and influence. Since they are highly technological societies, they require
resources to maintain supplies and will go to great lengths to secure
biological and mineral resources, which are rarer than you might think in a
vastly populated and competitive universe.
their goal and their aphrodisiac is having total power and control over others,
meanwhile ensuring the survival and advancement of their own species. In my
view, this is largely why we can see so many insignias, crests, patches, and
symbols that show reptiles and dragons throughout our recent history,
particularly on sinister top-secret NASA/PSYOPS mission patches such as
these shown above. This is letting us know through symbolism who the real
controllers of Earth are, and it is likely that we have been experiencing
reptilian manipulation for much of our history. This is also why there are
repeated insinuations about the elites being ruled and corrupted by reptilian
influences, as this is literally what has been happening for quite some time
reptilian influence over humanity is vast and it is imperative that we start to
see their control mechanisms for what they are and to stop feeding into them
with our own energy. We can start by turning off the TV, stopping the support
of war and violence, letting go of our addictions and bad habits, and
cultivating the desire to transcend our ignorance and apathy once and for all.
We must face them directly and with integrity, taking a true stand for our
power, authority, and sovereignty on this planet.
is important to realize that all these beings can implant false thoughts and
emotions into our minds, which we would perceive as totally real. They are
skillful manipulators in the mental/astral environment and they have been
studying humans for a long time, so they know exactly what drives us, what
motivates us, and how to pacify us. Much new age spirituality and channeled
messages, especially those portraying themselves as “friendly”
(extraterrestrial) entities are actually reptilian-based and masquerading as
light, while being used to pacify and deceive millions around the globe who are
eager for change. This is why becoming strong in Knowledge
and with your individual connection to Spirit is vital and necessary to avoid
being controlled and influenced by these entities. Learning to project a strong
mental shield of white light around your mind and aura, along with asking for
the assistance of your Divine helpers is highly recommended as this will become
very useful in the times ahead.
Potentially Positive Extraterrestrials
second group of beings are largely ‘human’ extraterrestrials who come from
various planets and star systems such as Lyra, Vega, Pleiades, Sirius, Procyon, Tau Ceti,
Ummo, Andromeda, and Arcturus. These beings do not cooperate directly with the
MIEC and are seemingly concerned with the emancipation of humanity, raising the
collective consciousness, and conflict resolution. Some of these races have
faced the problems of predatorial intervention on their homeworlds as we are
today, and some are here to warn us and to help us genuinely face these threats
with wisdom.
reason that I say “potentially positive” is because we are not exactly sure of
all the intentions of these beings and why they are really interacting with
humanity in select cases. It appears that several of these races do not
interact with humanity at large, only on an infrequent individual basis for
select contactees, choosing to live/operate on Earth primarily in seclusion.
Some of these beings look like us in many ways, perhaps with differing skin
colors and facial features and they are quite fascinating to read about in the
report. While this may be hard to imagine, it seems that there are many humans
who live beyond the borders of Earth in different star systems and other
‘That we, as a product of
extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool
consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least
22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit,
the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty.’ As a result of this genetic linkage, the
extraterrestrials in this group outside of the MIEC apparently view humanity in
much the way a protective parent might view an adolescent son/daughter in a
dangerous environment. The vital interests of races in this category are to
ensure that global humanity evolves in a responsible way without endangering
both itself and the greater galactic community of which it is part.”
Table 2.
Service To Others ET Races Outside the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial
in Global Solutions
Helping surface humanity learn of its ancient Earth
history, restore human longevity, changing unhealthy belief systems &
protecting the environment.
Environmental Protection, promoting bio-diversity, human
health & longevity, recovery of humanity’s history
Disseminating the unique history of Nordic human race in
the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human motivations and potentials.
Recovery of humanity’s history and Lyran heritage, understanding
galactic history, discovery of the human essence, diplomacy & conflict
resolution, global education
Disseminating the unique history of the darker/blue
skinned human race in the galaxy, and assisting in understanding human
motivations and potentials.
Recovery of humanity’s history and Vegan heritage,
understanding galactic history, discovery of the human essence, diplomacy
& conflict resolution, global education
Helping humanity find freedom from oppressive structures
through consciousness raising.
Universal human rights, participatory democratic
systems, evolution of human consciousness, global education
Promoting effective resistance to extraterrestrial
subversion, developing ‘multidimensional consciousness’, using mental imagery
to prevent ET mind control, monitoring unfriendly ET activity
Exposing ET subversion, ending global secrecy of ETs.
multidimensional consciousness, deprogramming mind control, universal human
rights, internet & global communication
Tau Cetians
(Tau Ceti)
Exposing ET subversion & control, identifying
corrupt elites & institutions, uplifting human consciousness, negating ET
mind control and dealing with militarism.
exposing government/ financial corruption & elite
manipulation, monitoring ET infiltration, multidimensional consciousness,
deprogramming mind control, conflict resolution
Facilitating decisions of the Galactic community in
dealing with the current Earth situation, innovative strategies for resolving
conflict, the education of youth, and crop circles.
education of psychic/crystal kids, peace education,
exposing elite manipulation improved global governance, diplomacy &
conflict resolution, extraterrestrial communications
(Sirius A)
Assisting in building a suitable ecological system for
(human) evolution on Earth by altering the ‘bio-magnetic energy grid’ of the
Environmental Protection, promoting bio-diversity,
raising human consciousness, evolution of the biosphere
Sharing technical information, transforming scientific
culture, and global education.
Transforming scientific paradigms, developing
alternative technologies, educational reform
Alpha Centaurians
(Alpha Centauri)
Promoting social justice and human freedom, and
responsible use of advanced technology.
Social justice at a global level, zones of peace, human
rights, sustainable development
Integrating spiritual values with advanced technologies,
in providing strategic advice in transforming planetary systems, and crop
global governance, integrating global financial,
political and societal systems, coordinating relationships with ETs,
diplomacy and conflict resolution, extraterrestrial communications
Reading the descriptions of these beings is truly worth
your time as it is too much to detail in this article. Dr. Salla has done an
excellent job in compiling this report and these Tables, and his research is
based on some of the most reputable and credible sources available. If even any
of this is true, this changes everything, as we realize that our perspective of
earth has been one of being isolated and supreme beings on this planet, two
fundamental assertions that are proving to be false. While there are many ET
beings who are assisting us at this time, we are the ones who must ultimately
do the work to restore humanity’s future on Earth. No one is going to come save
us, and those that do eventually reveal themselves will most certainly be here
to dazzle and seduce humanity into subjugation, just like they showed us in the
TV series V
important thing to realize is that we are destined to become an interplanetary
and interstellar race. This process is going to unfold dramatically over the
next few years and decades, as more and more revelations surface and humanity
begins to remember its cosmic heritage. How we get through this is going to be
determined by our collective response to the intervening alien presences
currently operating secretly on Earth. There is so much that we are just
getting a glimpse of and finally re-awakening to that are going to alter the
course of human destiny forever.
the end, life in the physical universe is all about freedom, and it is not as
widespread as we may imagine it to be. Genuine freedom must be earned,
protected, and vigilantly maintained once acquired. Right now we have a lot of
work ahead of us as we are only just beginning to face the Great Waves of Change and
the reality of living in a world in decline. The challenges ahead will make or
break us so it is vital that we are informed and prepared. For this reason, I
encourage reading the Allies
of Humanity Briefings, for they are the most accurate, direct, and
necessary when it comes to understanding and facing the Intervention
successfully as a free and self-determined race.
This is both a great difficulty and a great opportunity for your race, for it is perhaps only the overshadowing of the Greater Community and the difficulties that it will confront you with that will enable humanity to unite and to find its common ground. Whether this can be accomplished remains to be seen. But the challenge is upon you and that challenge confronts the life and the future of every person living in the world today.
– The Allies of Humanity, Book Two, First Briefing: The Universe into Which You Are Emerging
to the Briefings, the requirements for freedom in the Greater Community are
unity, self-sufficiency, and being discreet in all our affairs. Currently, we
are plowing through our natural inheritance at an alarmingly destructive rate,
a problem which is being actively fueled by predatory Greater Community forces.
We are not united sufficiently as we are still actively competing and killing
each other without seeing why this is so detrimental for our longevity as a
race. It is high time we learn to see past our petty human differences and
realize that we are just one race in a great sea of life in the physical
universe. Peace, cooperation, strength and freedom are possible if humans were
at least united in the knowing that we must work together to live on this planet as the primary stewards.
Preserving and living in harmony with this wondrous natural environment should
be out highest priority, ensuring the stability, longevity, and most beneficial
evolution for humanity and all life on this planet.
have much wising up to do, as the possibility for failure is actually high in
our case. Overcoming human denial and our violent tribalism will be major
obstacles now and in the future. The weakness of the Intervention lies in that
they are counting on us remaining ignorant and acquiescent about their presence
and goals here. The world needs more people who are courageous enough to speak
out about the alien presence and its implications. The consequences of alien
domination coming to fruition would be disastrous and catastrophic for the
human race on Earth, and it is a version of the future that most of us would choose
to avoid if we could.
reason we have come at this time is to assist and inform humanity during its
emergence into the Greater Community. We are here to be of service and to give
all of ourselves to a Greater Plan, which we cannot fully comprehend but can
work through us as we are divinely present. This is the greatest threshold that
the human race will ever face, and we are going through it in our lifetimes and
for the generations to come. Please consider doing your own further research to
confirm and clarify what has been presented here. Share and discuss these
issues with those you care about and spread this awareness. We are all in this
together and we can succeed if we genuinely make the effort. I will provide
some additional essential resources that you may find useful in your quest for
more answers.
you for your consideration of these vital matters and may you be blessed and
guided by Knowledge in the times ahead.
Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan – - an absolutely excellent writeup that exposes all facets of the alien agenda in a well-written, well-researched manner. Highly recommended.
Discerning Alien Disinformation Part 1 – – an introduction to the ET agenda including the Greys, Reptilians, Mantids, Nordics, and the general capabilities of aliens.
Discerning Alien Disinformation Part 2 – – the hidden nature of alien control, energy harvesting, implants, mind programming, hyper-D manipulation, steering of mass consciousness.
Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out - this chilling interview describes many aspects of the Dulce underground base, including its history, construction, some of its operations, how it maintains secrecy, what types of aliens are working there, what they eat, the weapons/technology/security of the facility, and many other details. He possessed ULTRA-7 security clearance which was allowed access to the ‘alien only’ levels, including “Nightmare Hall”.
Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner - one of the pioneers in all abduction research. She mysteriously died of “cancer” in her 40′s after revealing too much about the truth behind the abduction phenomenon. Her books have since been taken out of print.
Allies of Humanity Briefings - a group of extraterrestrial beings who have observed the Intervention taking place on Earth. Their perspective offers the clearest big picture understanding of what is happening, what is at stake, and what we can do to stop the Intervention and emerge as a free and self-determined race into the Greater Community.
The New Message from God - The New Message is not based upon any existing religious tradition or spiritual teaching. It is a gift for people of all nations and faiths. It honors the enduring truth in all the great Messages that the Creator has ever given to the world, yet it is unlike anything that has ever been revealed to humanity before. The New Message from God is a genuine communication from the Creator that has been sent into the world at a time of great change, conflict and upheaval. The New Message provides the knowledge, wisdom and direction that humanity could not provide for itself to meet the great challenges that are now facing the entire human family.
Compilation of Articles, Books, Links by Researchers on Military Abductions (MILABS)
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From the New Illuminati
The bigger the lie and or fiction and the more it's told, the more likely people will believe in the lie and the more easy it is to convince people to see things your way, and if you can convince people to see things your way, then you own them. In a price system, it's all about who can tell the biggest lies. I love the lies about aliens.
ReplyDeleteHaving seen/experienced a close up sighting of a large cigar shaped UFO in 1964, when I was 5 yrs old & with a friend, opened my mind to 'its a huge & unknown universe, we are just a part of'. This large UFO, 400 to 500 meter's away, went from an idling pace to an instant take off, like Star Treks 'Warp speed'. We were both 'gob smacked' & ran to our parents holiday shack, in a state of heightened excitement, yelling feverishly about the whole event. It's still vivid to this day & has helped me keep an open mind to many possibilities.
ReplyDeleteWe saw one in 1964 too, along with thousands of others, and many more of various kinds since that time. Only a few weeks ago an unmarked jet black hovering craft - around 200 metres across, festooned with triangular prism-shaped black extensions - floated just above the forest only a couple of hundred metres from the freeway we were driving along. It was gone beyond a hill before anyone in the vehicle could retrieve a camera. But there is no evidence it was alien - unlike some other undeniable encounters of note.
DeleteThere are many sources of saucers... See