Pleomorphic Microbes:
The Hidden Cause of Cancer and Autoimmune
by Walter
For nearly
a century we had increasingly strong evidence for a common microbial
cause of cancer and autoimmune diseases but now we also have visual proof. A
newly developed research microscope can show us in great detail what happens in
the blood of individuals who develop these diseases. What it shows is that the
key for understanding their cause and cure is the rise, or perhaps better the
uprising, of an endogenous microbe in the blood.
on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 19th century the scientific community
adopted the concept of monomorphism.
This means that microbes always maintain their basic shape as virus, bacterium
or fungus. The term pleomorphism,
on the other hand, as coined by the French chemist and biologist Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908), refers to the ability of microbes to
change from one form into another, similar to a caterpillar changing into a
While a
causal correlation between cancer and microbes has been shown only in
a few rare or animal tumours, several independent researchers have reported the
proliferation of certain microbes in all cancer patients. One of the first was
the German professor of zoology and microbiology Günther Enderlein who described in 1925 the different stages of a
microbe that is normally present in the blood as tiny colloidal protein units.
protein units appear to originate from the natural breakdown of cellular
components and may be essential for healthy blood. In degenerative diseases,
especially cancer and autoimmune diseases, but also Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
and Fibromyalgia, these protein units grow into increasingly higher bacterial
forms and finally into fungi. Conventionally these forms are called Enderlein structures and are the basis of Live
Blood Analysis as presently used in natural therapy.
mostly without knowing of each other's work, several other researchers -
including Royal Raymond Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, Alan
Cantwell and Gaston Naessens - have described the
same phenomenon. Orthodoxy, however, has a dogma that says microbes
always have the same form and cannot change from viruses into bacteria and
fungi. This is because orthodox microbiologists commonly observe dead stained
microbes in dead tissue, or live ones for short periods, instead of live
microbes in live tissue at very high magnification over long periods.
special interest are experiments of Dr Livingston-Wheeler who injected cultures
of pleomorphic organisms into mice. When small
amounts were injected then an autoimmune disease developed but higher doses
produced tumours or cancer. Accordingly these cancer-forming microbes have
often been called cancer viruses or cancer microbes.
growth cycle of pleomorphics includes a stage as
cell-wall-deficient microbes or CWD. These may arise endogenously within our
body or arrive from the outside as mycoplasma.
Orthodox microbiology does not recognise that CWD can arise endogenously but mycoplasma are known since 1898 as the smallest group of
bacteria. The term "myco" indicates
fungus-like properties while "plasma" points to the soft shell
without a cell wall. They are actually living particles of bacterial nucleic
acid and are regarded as being parasites in our body.
Mycoplasma or their spores are so small that, like viruses,
they go through bacterial filters and may contaminate blood used for
transfusions. Often mycoplasma infections remain
symptomless until one suffers a traumatic event or when health deteriorates for
some other reason. Because of the missing cell wall mycoplasma
do not respond to most antibiotics. Commonly mycoplasma
infections are associated with the presence of other pathogenic microbes and
special interest are presently the microbes associated with Lyme disease which
can naturally originate from tick bites. The bacteria that cause Lyme disease,
the spiral-shaped Borrelia, have been shown to exist
in a bacterial as well as in a mycoplasma form and as
spores. They also can hide from the immune system by using markers of normal
body cells.
Lyme disease started in 1975 as an epidemic in the town of Lyme, Connecticut,
close to a biological warfare research laboratory. US government scientists
hold a patent on behalf of the US Army for the crystalline mycoplasma
fermentans. This semi-synthetic species appears to be
much more dangerous than the natural variety (
Mycoplasma fermentans is an
important agent in several modern diseases which suddenly appeared in epidemic
form such as AIDS, Lyme disease, Gulf War Syndrome, and Morgellons
disease. Various mycoplasma species are associated
with pneumonia, bladder infections, endocrine dysfunctions, gastro-intestinal
distress, and other conditions. A key problem with mycoplasma
is their disruptive influence on cholesterol and other sterols, and even worse
is the toxic effect of the Borrelia spirochete on our
lipoproteins, thereby wrecking our fat metabolism.
microbes of Lyme disease may trigger
hundreds of different symptoms and have now been shown to mimic most
chronic diseases, especially chronic fatigue conditions, fibromyalgia, and
autoimmune diseases in general, but also mental conditions such as
schizophrenia, depression, and Alzheimer's disease. Some of these, including
Parkinson's disease, could be cured by eliminating the mycoplasma
infestation (
The New
researchers of pleomorpic processes were restricted
to a magnification of about 2000 times and a resolution of 200 nm while this
method allows magnifications of up to 30,000 times and resolutions of less than
100 nm with great depth of focus in natural colours. Therefore everything can
now be seen in much greater detail, and even be filmed. Orthodox
microbiologists have used conventional analytical methods and theories to prove
that the observed Enderlein structures are dead
protein aggregates, but if they would
instead use the Olbrich method and film the
development and movement of these entities then they would be unable to
defend their dogma.
recommend that you watch these two videos:
runs for 22:34 minutes and shows the activity and development of pleomorphics in the blood. A longer video made earlier and
of lesser quality but showing additional interesting scenes is at
(50:50 minutes). Disregard the scientific details of the explanations, and
especially the difficult-to-understand names of the various microbes and
processes, and just focus on what you see. Even watch it all a second time to
let it better sink in.
for detailed drawings and descriptions of the development cycle of these pleomorphic microbes. In the head of these club-shaped
microbes one can see new spores or viruses evolving, and when the whole structure
reaches a certain size the head explodes and releases a new batch of
virus-sized particles into the blood. Immune cells or phagocytes gobble up
these virus forms, but if there are too many they just continue to develop
inside the phagocytes into club-shaped forms. These eventually break out again
with large heads full of viruses that they release into the blood.
Nature of Pleomorphics
videos show that healthy blood is clean with well-formed red blood
cells, also called erythrocytes. In addition there is a faintly perceptible
background structure of tiny globules with a single tail. During an acute
infection some of these globules grow much bigger and develop a second tail,
but after the infection has cleared up they disappear again. If the body is
generally more unhealthy or in a so-called pre-cancerous condition then these
structures remain permanently visible as round or elongated club-shaped forms.
interesting phenomenon is the movement of these globules in and out of
erythrocytes. Pleomorphics live mainly on our blood
sugar, and when it is high they are mainly outside in the plasma but with low
blood sugar they move back into the erythrocytes where they find more food.
Then after eating sweet food they come back out again.
As the
immune system continues to deteriorate fungus-like forms with long threads
develop and grow increasingly bigger. The rigid and flexible fibers shown in the pleomorphic
videos reminded me of the weird-looking specimens of Morgellons
disease that I once viewed. In this disease strange synthetic-looking fibers come out of the skin. This suggests to me that Morgellons may be the result of the crystalline mycoplasma species developed by the US Army.
time-line shows that the first patent application was in 1986 and the final
patent granted in 1993, while the term 'Morgellons
disease' was coined in 2002. Successful self-help methods for Morgellons on the Internet seem to be effective against mycoplasma in general. It appears that the US Army started
experimenting with mycoplasma soon after the end of
WW2 as suggested by several strange epidemics such as the Royal Free Epidemic
of 1955 involving Myalgic Encephalitis, now more
commonly called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
fungal forms are present at the end-stages of cancer and Aids. It is recognised
that frequently the cause of death is due to systemic fungus infestations or
mycoses. Conventional theory assumes that these are secondary to tumours or the
AIDS virus, while the observed pleomorphic life cycle
shows that these and their fungal stages are the primary cause why people die
of cancer and probably AIDS. The reason for the lethal effects of severe
mycoses is probably a combination of poisoning of the energy-producing
mitochondria inside cells by fungal toxins and the destruction of erythrocytes
by pleomorphics.
These pleomorphics not only fill the inside of red blood cells
and deplete them of nutrients, they also form spines and long protrusions in
the cell wall when they move out into the plasma. Someone with myasthenia
gravis, an autoimmune disease, once mentioned that he was shocked to see that
most of his red blood cells looked like black sea-urchins. These erythrocytes
can no longer supply nutrients to the body and are quickly destroyed in the
This is
the real cause of severe anaemia that is so common in advanced cancer and
various other diseases. In the end stages of cancer nearly 100% of erythrocytes
are strongly infested and dysfunctional. This then leads to cachexia
(muscle wasting with extreme fatigue) as the leading cause of death in cancer
and AIDS. However, as shown in the longer video, with special Enderlein vaccines even in advanced cancer the erythrocytes
could be returned to health within one month with simultaneous shrinking of
existing metastases.
You may
wonder how it is possible for a single cause such as an overgrowth of the blood
with pleomorphics to lead to many different diseases.
The answer is basically the same as why a cyclone or hurricane can destroy one
building and leave another one undamaged, or rips off the roof of one and
causes water damage in another. When the immune system is severely weakened
then any pathogens have free range, and the weakest organ will be the first to
Orgone Experiments
work was so threatening to the medical establishment that all of Reich's
published books were burned and equipment destroyed under FDA supervision.
Because he maintained that a court was not a proper place to discuss a
scientific theory, he died 1957 in an US jail (
most important achievement, which I regard as the greatest scientific discovery
of the last century, was the bion as the basic unit
of biological life. He found that every kind of food and vegetable matter when
heated to incandescence and then dropped into a sterile nutrient solution
evolved into round moving or pulsating bions that
appeared blue in dark-field or when viewed with a fluorescent microscope. Reich
sacrificed fine structure details and observed mainly at 3 - 5000x in order to
better see colour and movements.
stronger the blue colour, the higher the vitality of the entity. Under these
conditions healthy erythrocytes have a blue appearance while dead ones are
black. According to Reich this blue glimmer is the characteristic of bio-energy
or life-force which he called orgone. It is present
not only in all living matter but also in water and air. Orgone originates in the sun and is transmitted by
sunlight. Bions, the biological units of orgone, may gradually aggregate and evolve into amoeba-like
or protozoan structures.
described another formation derived from degenerating proteins as T-bacilli,
which stands for the German 'Todes Bacilli' or 'death
bacilli'. These can easily be cultivated from cancer tissue, the blood of
patients with cancer or precancerous conditions, and also from degenerating
blood. Injected in high doses they can kill mice within 24 hours, in lower
doses they produce cancerous growths. They are black, lancet shaped and of
similar size as described by Olbrich.
interesting is the observation that the blue bions
paralysed and killed the black T-bacilli and even the much bigger proteus bacilli. In the same way strongly blue erythrocytes
killed T-cells and pathogenic bacteria, but thereby the erythrocytes lost some
of their blue colour, indicating that their vitality diminished in the process.
strongly charged red blood cells entered a tumour, cancer tissue started to
disintegrate into non-motile T-bodies. But in addition also the red blood cells
disappeared and only T-bodies remained visible. The tumour developed large
cavities which filled up with T-bodies. Macroscopically the originally
blood-red cavities turned into a rust brown colour from the disintegrating
tumour and blood cells.
observed that weak erythrocytes could be charged to become strongly blue and
vital by using sunlight, and especially his orgone
accumulator which concentrates orgone from the
atmosphere. Some healers have the ability to channel strong bio-energy with
their hands and to some degree even remotely with their mind.
cancers, autoimmune diseases and chronic infections seem
to be associated with degenerating blood. This becomes apparent from the weak orgone charge of red blood cells and the presence of pleomorphic microbes in both plasma and erythrocytes. The
weaker the blue colour and the more widespread and evolved the pleomorphics, the more is the blood degenerated and the
more advanced is any chronic disease.
there is a concern that blood used for transfusions can be contaminated with mycoplasma. This, as well as the formation of T-bacilli in
degenerating blood, may be factors in the observation that transfusions often
lead to worse outcomes than giving no blood (
it is important for us to understand the conditions that cause blood to
degenerate. A main cause is the presently widespread 'leaky gut syndrome'. In
this condition the intestinal wall is permeable to microbial products present
in the intestines, and also to only partly digested proteins which can now
enter the blood. This greatly weakens not only the immune system, which tries
to keep the blood clean, but also the vitality of red blood cells which become
increasingly susceptible to invasion by pleomorphics.
Leaky gut syndrome appears to be a frequent outcome of antibiotic and chemo
therapy and of other drugs that interfere with our intestinal flora. This
allows Candida and other pathogenic microbes to take over and invade the
intestinal wall, causing inflammation and making it permeable.
contributing are chronic infections and inflammations in other parts of the
body. Further implicated is anything that reduces our vitality, such as stress
and worry, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, processed food and
nutritional deficiencies, exposure to microwaves and electromagnetic radiation,
root canal treatment, fluoride and mercury as from amalgam fillings, and
generally pollution of any kind.
to Reich T-bacilli originate from the degeneration of every type of protein.
This degeneration starts when proteins lose their vitality. We commonly
experience two forms of protein degeneration: one comes from the inappropriate
use of cooked food, and the other from gradually accumulating protein waste in
our tissue.
can lose its vitality through cooking, storage or various mechanical processes.
Food begins to lose vitality immediately after cooking, and a few hours later
it has completely disappeared. Therefore, if we eat soon after cooking we still
get much of the original vitality but the next day this cooked food may become
a source of T-bacilli. In a similar way does fresh food lose its vitality
during long or inappropriate storage or mechanical processing, and can then
become unhealthy. This should not be a problem with properly dried food and
baked products.
observation of Reich may provide a solution. If bions are mixed with T-bacilli
then the latter will be eliminated. Therefore if we mix some fresh food high in
vitality with devitalised food then the overall body reaction will be positive.
This also ties in with the observation that cooked food tends to cause
digestive leukocytosis. This is an increase of the
number of white blood cells after eating cooked food, indicating the presence
of something toxic, but this reaction does not occur after eating raw food.
Apparently leukocytosis can be prevented by adding
some raw food to cooked food.
Traditionally the vitality of food has been checked by
psychic means as with a pendulum but now an objective instrument is available
and even affordable. This is the Experimental
Life-Energy Field Meter ( It sells presently at $US 360 so that a group of
individuals could easily share in its cost and use.
The second form of protein degeneration is the
accumulation of protein wastes inside cells and tissue. This commonly happens
as we age, and is especially noticeable in all kinds of degenerative diseases.
Up to 70% of the volume of some cells can be filled with stored decaying
matter. This problem arises mainly from habitually eating proteins without
their natural enzymes. Most of these enzymes are destroyed by heating over 45
degrees C. The solution is either to eat mainly raw food, or under-eat, or have
periodic raw food cleanses.
Autoimmune Diseases
mechanism of mycoplasma infections lets us understand the
true nature of autoimmune diseases. During the acute initial stage of a
bacterial infection the immune system eliminates most of the invading microbes
but some of them manage to survive by hiding inside the cells of a vulnerable
organ or gland. They may remain there, possibly in their mycoplasma
form or even as spores, until the vitality of the host, and especially of the
immune system, sufficiently decline.
they gradually come out again into the blood, but this time camouflaged by
being clothed in the biological markers of the cells in which they have been
hiding. This may work for some time but eventually the immune system looks
through the deception and starts attacking these imposters. Unfortunately,
genuine body cells with the same markers get attacked as well. This then leads
to an autoimmune disease involving the organ or gland in which the original
invaders had been hiding.
my own experience in addition to publications by others show that such
autoimmune attacks can be stopped with appropriate natural therapies. To be
successful the blood needs to be cleaned of the pleomorphics
that weaken the immune system and the red blood cells. Then immune cells can
also eliminate the disguised microbes with the deceptive markers from the
blood. This eventually stops the attack of normal body cells with these
markers. Any surviving invaders may hide again as spores in suitable host
cells. Such spores may even be transmitted to the offspring.
may start with a primary infection similar to that described for
autoimmune diseases, or from pleomorphic microbes
arising in tissue weakened by accumulated protein waste. In this case the body
contains the microbial infestation by encapsulating it. This is similar some
trees forming bark tumours when stung by certain wasps. As long as the blood is
clean a tumour is just a tumour, not malignant and not a cancer.
if the blood becomes infested with pleomorphics,
often in response to an emotional trauma, the encapsulated microbes start
multiplying and develop into higher forms. They produce growth hormones which
cause the tumour to expand. Now the tumour is malignant but still contained.
This situation may persist for many years with the tumour slowly growing or
becoming dormant for long periods, depending on the vitality of the body and
the strength of the immune system.
after many years, and with a worsening pleomorphic
presence in the blood, some tumours may form distant metastases. But the trend
in modern medicine is to remove even small tumours. This now allows more
dangerous microbes to spill into the blood, and dormant micro-metastases
already present to spring into life years earlier than they would otherwise
have done (
even these metastases do not normally kill the patient. Commonly tumours only
kill directly if they press on vital body structures. Instead, most cancer
patients die from cachexia - severe weight-loss and
muscle wasting. The cause of this cachexia is
progressive anaemia due to the destruction of most erythrocytes by pleomorphics. This is the main cause of death from cancer.
Regenerating the Blood
It should now be obvious that the most important
requirement to overcome a chronic
disease, or to become really healthy and make our body disease-proof, is the
regeneration of our blood. We need to remove any higher pleomorphic
forms, and recharge our red blood cells with vital energy. This is the goal.
When the blood has been regenerated then the immune system seems to be capable
of eliminating pleomorphic invaders also in tumours and affected organs. This then shrinks tumours and stops autoimmune attacks.
Our effort may start with sanitising
the gastro-intestinal tract by using a combination of anti-microbial remedies
and suitable probiotics or fermented foods. Continue
this for several months or until any related disease symptoms are under
control. For a recommended program see
Combine this with a high-quality diet high in fresh raw food (e.g., preferably a moderate exercise
program and suitable outdoors activity. Try to minimize the negative factors
mentioned in the previous section.
In addition pay attention to blood in meat products.
Blood that is low in vitality disintegrates rapidly into pathogenic pleomorphics, and especially T-bacilli. This shows the
wisdom of ritual slaughter whereby the blood is drained from the animal. This
is supported by the holy books and religious traditions of meat-eating
societies, not only in Islam and Judaism, but also based on Bible traditions in
early Christianity. In contrast, fresh
and healthy blood is a powerful
healing agent and has been used for transfusions to cure cancer. The Masai rarely eat meat but typically drink fresh blood of their cattle mixed with raw milk. Zulu tribes also drink fresh
animal blood, and Mongols would drink blood from one of their
A good way to check your progress is with Live Blood
Analysis. If it does show problems in the blood then have another check about
every three months until the appearance is normal. I generally recommend to
follow your own program rather than mixing it with other remedies that may be
offered. Another possibility is to use a Life-Energy Field Meter to monitor the
vitality of your blood and urine.
Rational Cancer Treatment
Some special consideration may be appropriate for overcoming cancer, especially if a large tumour or metastases are present. There are several
You may
focus mainly on restoring vitality. Wilhelm Reich did this with his orgone accumulator. Even when tumours disappeared many
patients died, presumably from the toxic effect of disintegrating large tumours
which overloaded the organs of elimination.
The Gerson Diet is based on fresh vegetable juices to provide
vitality and strongly focuses on eliminating the generated toxins. This gives
it a much better success rate. However, it often leads to massive inflammations
or healing crises when the immune system starts attacking the pleomorphics and any tumours. One also needs to be careful
not to unduly raise the blood sugar level when drinking juices of sweet
vegetables, such as carrots - at least half of such juices should be from
green-leaf vegetables, and be sipped gradually.
crises can be avoided by greatly restricting food intake as with the Grape Diet
on about 1 kg of grapes spaced out during the day, or with the Breuss Diet on half a litre of fresh vegetable juice sipped
during the day. Both programs are scheduled to last for 6 weeks. With this
approach the body tends to auto-digest any tumours, and the pleomorphics
starve to death, but one needs to have reasonably good weight and energy to
start with. Alternatively one may use several periodic raw-food cleanses of
shorter duration.
another approach is to alkalise the body. Professor Enderlein
found that pleomorphic structures dissolved in an
alkaline milieu. We cannot make the blood more alkaline then its natural
slightly alkaline pH of about 7.4, but we can make the lymph system alkaline
and with this any tumours. This may be done with different versions of sodium
bicarbonate therapy, and to a more extreme degree with caesium chloride. This
may eliminate tumours without much inflammation and also helps to clean the
A variety
of antimicrobial remedies and devices have been used for which there is
widespread anecdotal and often also research evidence of efficacy. Most of
these have strong antifungal properties and tend to work without generating
strong inflammations. It appears that they mainly clean the blood. Without the
presence of pleomorphics tumours just seem to fade
well-known examples are olive leaf extract, pau d'arco extract, non-acidified sodium chlorite, kerosene,
and Lugol's iodine solution; ozone and hydrogen
peroxide if used intravenously; electronic zapper, and various electronic
devices, such as the Rife Frequency Generator, which radiate specific
frequencies to destroy pleomorphics. Jim Humble (
claims success with intensive MMS therapy but this is difficult to evaluate
because of severe harassment and suppression by the FDA. Minocycline
and Doxycycline are conventional antibiotics that work
for CWD bacteria and have been successful with various autoimmune diseases when
used in very low doses over long periods. However, care must be taken to add
antifungal remedies and probiotics.
My own
preference is to combine a high-quality diet with periodic raw-food cleanses,
alkalising the body, and long-term use of moderate amounts of periodically
changing antimicrobial remedies and devices. I also like vitalising the blood
by exposing the veins under the arms and inside of the legs to sunlight. Continue
these efforts until the blood appears to be clean and/or tumours have
disappeared or are apparently dormant. For details see The
same approach is also suitable for autoimmune diseases and other degenerative
medicine cannot adequately explain how tumours kill patients. The available
evidence leads me to conclude that tumours are more or less harmless, and that
it is mainly the blood contamination with pleomorphic
microbes which is the real killer in cancer, AIDS and various other diseases.
Health-Science-Spirit @
For more information about cancer see
For more information about mycoplasma see
- See ‘Older Posts’ at the end of each section
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