Introducing the YILDIZ Magnetic Motor
By Jorge L. Duarte,
Electromechanics and Power Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
International patent nr. WO 2009/019001 (A2): DEVICE HAVING
The invention relates to a device having an arrangement of magnets for generating an alternating magnetic field that interacts with a stationary magnetic field. The device comprises a rotor and a stator disposed coaxially to a rotatably mounted shaft. The rotor comprises one or more first magnet sequences and the stator one or more second magnet sequences. The first and second magnet sequences each comprise two or more dipole magnets, the arrangement and orientation of which may vary.
World patent number: PCT/EP2008/006459
Germany: NR 10/2007/037186
- PCT: PCT/EP/2008/006459
- Certificate
of unusual results
The demonstrated YILDIZ motor presents very peculiar characteristics. The stator of the machine is composed of 12 segments, 7 of which have been opened and offered to the audience for inspection after the machine had been in operation for about 30 minutes. It should be noted that the audience, not the inventor, had requested that the operation be stopped in order to proceed with the inspection of the internal parts.
After removing the 7 segments from the stator, it was possible to see and touch the exterior of the rotor inside in the machine. The rotor rig is made of aluminum, where also small magnets are fixed in holes. It is remarkable that, when the machine is in operation, this metallic cylinder spins at about 2000 rpm in the close proximity of the strong stator magnets without noticeable heat dissipation. Strange, because one would expect the induction and circulation of significant eddy currents in the aluminum. Isn’t it nice that all the inspected segments and the rotor were not hot after opening the machine? Only a slight temperature increase has been perceived in the neighborhood of the mechanical bearings. In fact, in order to rotate the metallic cylinder at this speed, in the proximity of the stationary magnets, a substantial amount of power would be required.
If it were the case of hiding a battery somewhere in the remaining closed parts, from an energetic point of view, I would prefer to construct the rotor from materials other than metal.
A fan was connected at the extremity of the rotor. All together, we have seen a ventilator in operation at the exterior of the machine, together with an "eddy current dampener" at the interior. This is really an unusual combination that requires a not inconsiderable bit of energy to keep the cylinder spinning!
Furthermore, it should be noted that the remaining closed segments in the stator are not symmetrically located around the rotor. In the case of a hidden battery in these parts, it is also imperative to use semiconductor switches in quite efficient power electronic circuits, for the purpose of producing high-intensity pulsating currents through windings (again heat dissipation, which is unfavorable for hidden electronics). The pulsating currents are a necessary condition to create a pulsating magnetic field that would cross the air gap between stator and rotor, in this way allowing the rotor to maintain its rotation. While producing torque, a pulsating magnetic field would also induce strong eddy currents in the rotor, on top of the previously described "dampener" effect, and so on... Really, even for a skilled engineer, the implementation of all these sophisticated circuits does not make any sense.
True, the internal parts of the rotor have not been inspected. But, whatever its contents might be, it does not dismiss the argumentation above. That is because the rotor external rig is made of aluminum and encrusted with magnets. The spinning magnets in the rig are expected to induce eddy currents in the aluminum parts of the stator, and the stationary magnets in the stator are expected to induce eddy currents in the rotor rig. Both sides, stator and rotor parts, were barely warm when opening the machine.
Altogether, although the embodiment of the invention has not yet been fully open for inspection, it seems to be evident from the achieved results that the working principles go beyond a conventional technology based on hidden batteries to supply the necessary energy to run the motor.
magnetic energy
Firstly, we should examine the possibility that the delivered mechanical energy could be taken from the magnetizing field stored by the permanent magnets. By considering a total weight of 24kg of all operating Neodymium magnets in the motor – that is 50% of the motor’s weight – a total maximum of stored magnetic energy can be calculated to be 0.25Wh, or 15 watt minutes. Only the mechanical power that keeps the air flowing through the tube placed in front of the propellers was already measured to be 10W. Therefore, if the motor runs longer than 2 minutes, it is clear that the mechanical energy has not been transferred from the magnetizing energy stored by the magnets. And that was the case.
A candidate explanation on how the YILDIZ motor runs could come from mainstream physics based on the notorious statement E=mc2. We could speculate that the energy is continuously supplied by reenergizing the spins of the elementary magnets via photon flux from gravitational fields. Otherwise stated, the self-sustained vibrations of the magnets in the motor would somehow resonate with gravitational fields.
In order to confirm this possibility, an extremely careful and sensitive experiment should uniquely demonstrate that the weight of the motor reduces during the running process, and that the weight does not change when the motor stops. But that means if the weight is reduced by 1g during the running process, then about 25,000MWh needs to be converted. Well, this is equivalent to supplying, uninterruptedly, 2kW electricity to more than 1200 households for one full year! Nevertheless, if the motor does not change weight during the experiment, there is another interesting possibility for a candidate energy source as forecast by Quantum field theory.
Vacuum energy
Quantum field theory states that all fields – especially electromagnetic fields – have fluctuations. Otherwise stated, at any given moment their actual value varies randomly around a constant mean value. Even perfect vacuum at absolute zero temperature has fluctuating fields known as "vacuum fluctuations" or "zero-point fluctuations", of which the mean energy at every point in space corresponds to half the energy of a photon. As a result of quantization, the vacuum tacitly has an extensively complex structure. All of the energetic properties that a particle may have are present at every point in space, like a chaotic "sea of activity". On average, all these superimposed properties cancel out, and the vacuum is, on balance, "empty". However, random vacuum energy may be displaced to coherent patterns, with observable results that can be directly measured by experiments. The Casimir forces are an example where zero-point fluctuations interact with parallel metal surfaces, with separation distances at micron length scales, and deliver work.
Actually, any physical object interacts with the chaotic vacuum fields and produces some coherent interaction. In that case, we could speculate that, due to the ingenious construction of stationary and vibrating permanent magnets, the YILDIZ motor might have the property of changing the randomness of quantum fluctuations into useful energy, and therefore allows unfolding energy from the surrounding space without recourse to other sources. A fundamental assumption is that enough energy is displaced from the vacuum fluctuations to maintain the presence of a strong circular (in general, spiral) magnetic field around the rotor. The magnitude of the vacuum energy is beyond imagination, but physicists try to give some idea of it when remarking that the energy in a single cubic meter of space would be enough to boil all the oceans of the world.
Clearly, we need more experiments to decide which theory has the potential to help us understand and improve the YILDIZ motor. Still, don’t you agree that, although the apparatus has not yet been fully open for inspection, the demonstration in Delft has shown a few points that do deserve some attention?
35+ Reasons Why I Think Yildiz' Magnet Motor Really Works
Muammer Yildiz prepares to open
his booth at the Inventors Expo at Palexpo on April 10, 2013
As I fly home from this trip to Geneva where I attended the 41st International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, Switzerland, at whichMuammer Yildiz demonstrated his magnet motor design (thanks to all you who chipped in to make this trip possible), I thought I would compile a list of a few reasons why I believe that what was demonstrated was indeed an all-magnet motor, and not some kind of trick, hoax, or scam.
(They shouldn't put power plugs on airplanes. It makes it hard for me to sleep knowing I could be working. So much easier to sleep when I only have so much power left in my batteries. So adjusting my biological clock to Mountain Time will have to wait a day.)
Though we were hoping to see the motor run for five days continuously, thereby ruling out any kind of hidden battery or other conventional energy storage mechanism that might have been concealed out of view inside the motor body, it turns out that the motor only ran for 4.5 hours continuously on the first day, before a malfunction occurred.
The malfunction was of four magnets that came loose. The motor slowed, and after a while, a noise could be heard, which is what spurred Yildiz to turn it off.
That night, in the privacy of the motor home he had rented, he opened the motor and extricated the four magnets, two of which had obvious damage to them. In order to clean up the motor of those fragments, he would need 1.5 days and a large area to disassemble the entire motor, clean each magnet (not easy to do) and reassemble the motor.
Instead, he opted to not try and resume continuous operation, but to just give brief demonstrations of the motor running for about a minute, starting it up by releasing the braking mechanism, then stopping it by re-engaging the braking mechanism. He didn't feel the motor was stable enough to run continuously, and he didn't want a cascading, cataclysmic malfunction of this motor that is 15 years old and allegedly contains some 1200 magnets.
There was talk that he might get the smaller motor running, a task he attempted until 4 am the second night, but apparently abandoned.
Prioritized List of Reasons
So, notwithstanding a lackluster demonstration from the vantage point of running it long enough to rule out a hidden battery or other conventional energy storage mechanism, here is a prioritized list of reasons I think that what Yildiz demonstrated is indeed an all-magnet motor, to the level that I would say that this is the "most likely" conclusion:
- No heat, according to measurements made by a laser thermometer, at the most likely places. While running continuously, the motor measured the same temperature (22 C) as ambient temperature. These measurements were taken about every half hour, and recorded. The only place with a slightly elevated temperature (23 C) was at the front and back bearings.
- Conventional electric motors produce heat when they run. The more efficient they are, the less heat they produce, but they do produce at least some heat -- more than what was measured.
- Most all other energy-related technologies involve at least SOME HEAT when they operate. This laptop I'm using right now gets plenty warm when I have it turned on.
- HEAT EXPECTED FROM EDDY CURRENTS. There are obviously magnets inside the motor, and according to Duarte, there are moving magnets in the rotor portion of the motor. In conventional settings, when magnets pass by aluminum, an eddy current is created. You've seen illustrations of dropping a magnet down an aluminum tube, and it doesn't drop at free-fall speed, but drops at a constant rate, much slower than the pull of gravity, due to these eddy currents resisting its fall. When such magnets are run at high speed, in vicinity of aluminum, normally, the aluminum will heat up. But in this setting, it doesn't. Something very unusual is happened here. (Theoretically, another inventor, YoungTesla (at YouTube), who came to the expo and hung out at the Yildiz booth, who claims to have built a working magnet motor himself, says that the way Yildiz' motor probably works is that instead of going to heat, the eddy currents are deployed in such a way as to modify the magnetic field of the magnets, assisting the rotational movement.)
Dr. Jorge
Duarte explains the motor to a booth visitor, April 10, 2013
- Dr. Jorge Duarte, Assistant Professor from Eindhoven University in The Netherlands, was fully present at the booth during the expo, explaining its function, rationale, evidence, and ramifications. He strikes me as a very honest and sincere person. I have a hard time believing that he is lying or making things up. He seemed intent on helping people understand and appreciate what they were seeing. He has made this stance even though it jeopardizes is academic prowess among his peers. He is not just a passive reference, but an active and passionate proponent of the technology.
- He says, "I am not a 'believer,' I 'know' this works."
- He said he has measured that motor in a laboratory setting running continuously for more than 5 hours, producing a calibrated load of 240 Watts.
- Also at that time, under conditions of confidentiality of the proprietary nature of the design, he said that Yildiz let him see inside the motor and that there were no batteries in there -- only arrangements of materials consistent with an all-magnet motor.
- Duarte has some preliminary
scientific models to explain why this phenomenon works. They seem
plausible -- a good starting point for the scientific discussion that
needs to take place to model this phenomenon.
Me and Yildiz at Rene's villa,
April 8, 2008
- Confidence in Muammer Yildiz. I realize that there is a lot of skepticism regarding Yildiz due to having this for so long and still not having a scientific validation published about it. From my vantage point, I can see why that has been the case, and it has a lot to do with politics of science, not true science. People have validated it, but have not published those validations. Despite his challenging personality, I have confidence that he is not the kind of person to run a scam or a hoax.
- Yildiz has been pursuing this for 33 years, with apparent working prototypes for at least the most recent 15 years.
- Formerly, he was a Police Chief, and he has a good reputation to uphold, both for himself and for that position.
- Having spent quite a bit of
time with him this past week, I will say that he strikes me as an honest,
dedicated, sincere person. He is not a businessman. Hopefully, others can
take care of that for him. He is, first and foremost, an inventor.
Murat, Yildiz, and Halil at Rene's villa on April 8, 2013
- Other Personnel References:
- Halil Turkmen and Murat Selcuk Taluy, Yildiz' close associates, have both seen inside the motor and confirm that there are no batteries in there. They also strike me as honest and sincere people. Halil has received no pay for his assistance. He does what he does voluntarily.
- Mr. X (a person I have known for a few years, who has been tracking free energy technologies for years to find working designs ready to assist to bring to market, and who is not easy to convince of something) said of this technology: "Of all the [clean energy] technologies I know of, this one is the most promising." He is going to be having his group perform a scientific validation of a recently completed, alleged 5 kW design, at the end of May. And they are likely to also help bring the other talents to the table: business, legal, finance, licensing, manufacturing, etc. On April 16, he wrote to me: "Yes, we hope to get all unnecessary rumors about the technology out of the way once the testing is completed... And I also think that we can work with the group to find a reasonable licensing approach for everyone..."
- Other pillars in the FE
community who came to inspect the motor at the booth seemed impressed
(not just with the motor but with all the aspects, including those I am
elaborating here). These witnesses included Adolf Schneider
(Switzerland), Ronny Korsberg (Norway), Paolo Mazzorana (Italy), Dick
Korf (Holland), Giorgio Iacuzzo (Nexus, Switzerland), Roman Susnik
(Slovenia), and Eleftherios Chatzakis (Greece), and many others.
- The start/stop performance of the motor is consistent with an all-magnet motor.
- When the motor is not spinning, it is under tension, wanting to spin up, held still by the braking mechanism. As soon as the brake is released, by Yildiz hitting a mallet against a screw driver, pushing the brake mechanism out of position, the motor immediately spins up, in maybe 1/5 of a second, to its full speed. (Duarte says that the stable speed is achieved through a feedback mechanism that prevents the motor spinning to destruction.)
- I saw Duarte demonstrate to someone that when stopped, the blade is under tension of the brake, not easy to turn. (I asked Yildiz if I could try moving it for myself, but he declined. He may have not understood what I was asking. He may have interpreted my hand signals as a request for him to run the motor again.)
- When the motor is spinning,
and Yildiz engages the braking mechanism through an opposite method to
releasing the brake (he hits the start/stop mechanism in the opposite
direction, then fastens a screw to hold it in that position), the motor
spins to a stop in about 4-5 seconds -- much slower than it takes to
speed up when the brake is released. This slow-down time is consistent
with A) stopping a body in motion with kinetic energy to resist, B) the
motor wanting to keep the motion going, working against the braking
RPM data taken by Yildiz on April
10, 2013 at the Inventors Expo
- RPM Data not consistent with electric motor
- If there were some kind of hidden electric motor, you would expect the speed of rotation at a given setting to be quite constant, not fluctuating up and down as was measured on April 10, 2013 during the first 4.5 hours of continuous running. Also, if that motor was powered by batteries, you would expect a gradual decline in speed as the battery power diminished. Of course, there could be some kind of sophisticated circuitry to mimic what was seen.
- The substantial diminishing in power down to 1500 rpm near the time that the motor was shut off also corresponded to the arrival of a noise that was not there before. That is not consistent with the notion of a hidden motor.
- The increased noise arriving, and the magnet fragments allegedly retrieved from the motor that night are consistent with the story that was told us by Yildiz about why he shut it off.
- Other claims to all-magnet motors.
- This isn't the only claim to having achieved continuous rotational movement through magnets alone, with no electricity involved in creating that rotation. See Directory:Magnet Motors. There is little doubt in my mind that such a thing is possible, generally speaking.
- The movement of the smaller motor is consistent with an all-magnet motor, without any kind of electric motor involved. Though this doesn't necessarily mean that the larger motor has the same configuration, at least it shows some unusual aspects that illustrate that Yildiz is indeed working with all-magnet designs. I know of no electric motors (including stepper motor) that exhibit all of these attributes.
- At very slow speeds, you can feel and see the cogging of magnets (or magnet sets?) as they pass by one another.
- At slow speeds, it is very difficult to push the blade past a cog point, so much so that you could cut your finger on the blade in the effort if you are not careful.
- After (manually) pushing the blade or spinning the shaft fast enough to make a full rotation, it spins quite easily. That slow-speed resistance is gone.
- As it comes to a stop, it
bounces back and forth like 270-degrees a couple of times before the back
and forth motions become smaller, consistent with magnetic action.
- There are a number of evidences that show that there are many magnets inside, both stationary (stator) and moving (rotor).
- The cogging effect mentioned above.
- A magnetic sheet that shows emanating magnetic fields, could be seen to move as the small motor turned (manually).
- Two cell phone apps with a magnetometer showed increasingly higher readings as they approached the motors (the smaller motor had a larger external field than the larger motor). As they got too close, the red warning sign would illuminate, warning of a field that could damage the phone. For the small motor, that distance was about 2 feet. For the larger motor, that distance was about 6 inches. (Also, this wasn't repeated to my satisfaction, but apparently while the larger motor was running continuously, at 1/2 meter distance, the magnetic field around it was actually measured to be significantly lower than ambient level. It could have been a glitch in the app. I saw some weird stuff when we were taking measurements a couple of days later.)
- A magnet-attracting coin or magnet held perpendicular to the motor would flit back and forth as the small motor was slowly turned, consistent with a changing magnetic field as the internal magnets passed by.
- I didn't see this illustrated while I was there, but I was told (including by Duarte) that there was a strong magnetic field that could erase magnetic media such as on credit cards, cameras, phones; or effect devices such as pacemakers.
- Coins with magnet-attracting metals in them were strongly attracted to the motor, but not everywhere, just to periodic locations where the stator magnets were located inside.
- I am not an expert in motor sounds, but to me, the starting and running of the motor did not have the sound of an electric motor.
- Spiritual/psychic/intuitive witnesses:
- A couple of my psychic friends said that Yildiz is a good person with a real technology.
- Healer, Daniel Zeuke, who
traveled from Lake Constance (Germany and Switzerland border) to meet
Yildiz and see the motor, said that Yildiz has a clear energy.
Now, with my explaining my reasons, and having given you a lot of video, live streaming, and explanatory support for what I said above, I'm curious what you, our audience, think at this point about the Yildiz magnet motor.
Here's a link for the following survey:
- - - -
Q. Do you think Yildiz really has achieved an all-magnet motor? See
- Certain of it
- Most likely
- Maybe
- Probably not
- Definitely not
- None of the above
- - - -
I personally would not rank it as "certain", but "most likely." Given the number of times I've been initially fooled by what appeared to be legitimate stuff, I can't say "certain" until I see inside for myself, or see it run long enough to rule out any kind of conventional energy storage.
I can't think of anything that would satisfy many of the above observations, but I could be wrong. So even though I'm not "certain", I'm about as close as one could get.
I'll not elaborate here some of the drawbacks of the technology and the inventor. I mentioned those in my story about my trip to Fabrice Andre's lodge near Mont Blanc, which could be our new #1 technology in the Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies listing.
Again, thanks to all of you who chipped in to help make this trip possible, especially Rene, who let us stay at the B&B villa he rented across the border in France; and Ronny, who rented the motor home we slept in outside the villa, and paid for the gas for our various travels on this adventure; and an anonymous donor who's near $700 contribution pushed us over the minimum needed to make the trip.
Meanwhile, we did have some unexpected expenses with the trip, and I'm still coming up short for meeting the ongoing expenses for running PES and supporting my family of 6 (I do this work like 80 hours/week as my only source of income); so if you could chip in on the "Support Sterling at Yildiz Demo" campaign, I'd surely appreciate it.
Next stop: the Premier of Steven Greer's Sirius documentary film in LA with my wife on April 22, a month early anniversary celebration for us. Thanks to those of you who helped make that possible. I wouldn't be able to do this without my wife's support. There are few ladies who could endure what I've put her through. I'm so fortunate.
While there, I'm going to be stopping in to see the Cogar International technology, with a few scientist friends.
From Pure Energy Systems News @
For more information about magnetic motors see
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