The UFO ‘Miracle’ of Fatima
Blessed Virgin Mary Sightings
Similar to UFOs
Alien Identities: The Fatima Case
by Richard L. Thompson
Here I will briefly discuss one example of an encounter with beings of a more positive spiritual nature. This is the story of meetings that took place in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, between three children named Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta and a brilliantly effulgent lady whom they understood to be the Virgin Mary. As we shall see, this story is relevant to the UFO question, and it is backed up by an unprecedented amount of eyewitness testimony.
The meetings occurred on the 13th of the month for six successive months in a natural amphitheater called the Cova da Iria near the town of Fatima. Revelations were made to the three children in the presence of a large throng of onlookers, which increased greatly from month to month as news spread. The actual visions of the beautiful lady could be seen only by the three children, and so our knowledge of these visions is limited to their testimony. However, during the revelations there occurred related phenomena that were witnessed by large numbers of people.
The demigods and their wives were overwhelmed with eagerness to witness the rasa dance, and they soon crowded the sky with their hundreds of celestial airplanes. Kettledrums then resounded in the sky while flowers rained down and the chief Gandharvas and their wives sang Lord Krsna's spotless glories.
As for the aerial globe, one eyewitness, Mgr. J. Quaresma, described its appearance on September 13, 1917, as follows:
"To my surprise, I see clearly and distinctly a globe of light advancing from east to west, gliding slowly and majestically through the air...Suddenly the globe with its extraordinary light vanished, but near us a little girl of about ten con- tinues to cry joyfully: 'I still see it! I still see it! Now it is going down!'"
In his report about what happened after these events, Quaresma said, "My friend, full of enthusiasm, went from group to group... asking people what they had seen. The persons asked came from the most varied social classes and all unanimously affirmed the reality of the phenomena which we ourselves had observed."
::: The Solar Miracle :::
one of the revelations, the child Lucia had requested that a miracle be shown so that
people unable to see the divine lady could believe in the reality of what was
happening. She was told that this would occur on the 13th of October, and she immediately communicated this to others.
Dr. Joseph Garrett, Professor of Natural Sciences at Coimbra University:
"The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl, when suddenly a clamour was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible."
Dr. Formigao, a professor at the seminary at Santarem:
"As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendour. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multi-colored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes. The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees."
Similar testimony was given by large numbers of people, both from the crowd at the Cova da Iria and from a surrounding area measuring about 20 by 30 miles. The presence of confirming witnesses over such a large area suggests that the phenomenon cannot be explained as the result of crowd hysteria. The absence of reports from a wider area and the complete absence of reports from scientific observatories suggest that the phenomenon was local to the region of Fatima. It seems there are two possibilities. Either remarkable atmospheric phenomena were arranged by an intelligent agency at a time announced specifically in advance or coordinated hallucinations in thousands of people were similarly arranged at this time. By either interpretation, it is hard to fit these phenomena into the framework of modern science.
Although there seems to be a remarkable amount of testimony attesting to the unusual phenomena at Fatima, it is also relatively easy to dismiss them, if that is what one wants to do. For example, consider the following statement by a skeptical newspaper reporter:
"According to what we heard, there were people who seemed to see the sun leave its supposed orbit, break through the clouds and descend to the horizon. The impression of these seers spread to others, in a common effort to explain the phenomenon, many crying out in fear that the giant orb would precipitate itself to the earth on top of them, and imploring the protection of the Holy Virgin. The 'miraculous hour' passed."
Here simple suggestibility and crowd hysteria are used to explain how a few people's imaginary ideas were spread and amplified by frenzied believers. However, this doesn't explain how it came about that many people in surrounding communities also witnessed the solar spectacle. For example, in 1960 the Rev. Joaquim Lourenco, a canon lawyer of the diocese of Leira, described what he saw as a boy in the town of Alburitel, some nine miles from Fatima:
"I feel incapable of describing what I saw, I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes [maybe it did not look like the sun because it wasn't the sun... it was a UFO - ww]. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment."
It would seem unlikely that mass hysteria would give rise to the same illusions in Fatima, Alburitel, and other separated communities.
::: The Beings Seen at Fatima :::
message was non-Biblical, and a messenger from God would not contradict the
Gospel. No matter what puny humans do, God will carry out what He has
determined to carry out i.e. Divine punishment of sinful dwellers on the Earth.
The intelligent supernatural being pretending to be Mary urged the listeners to
"pray constantly", say the Rosary, and vaguley somehow "turn
back towards God". Despite human efforts or some rebel angel or demon pretending
PROPHECY SAYS IT WILL. The Book of Revelation will be fulfilled just as God
says, and the prophecy of Daniel concerning the "tribulation" will
come to pass, no matter what puny humans do. And if this glowing creature is
really the mother of Jesus, then where is the Good News in her message? She
says nothing of Christ's Atonement, and her message is inconsistant with the
Gospel. Galatians 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that
trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached
unto you, let him be accursed. - ww]
Before their meetings with the lady, the three children also had encounters with an angel. At the time of the first encounter they were tending their sheep at a rocky knoll not far from their home. They saw across the valley a dazzling globe of light like a miniature sun, gliding slowly towards them. As it approached, the ball of light gradually resolved itself into a brilliantly shining young man, who seemed to be about fourteen years old. He identified himself as the "Angel of Peace" and enjoined them to recite the following prayer: "My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee." Then he disappeared by fading away.
::: Fatima as a UFO-Encounter Case :::
should we interpret these experiences? Of course, one approach is to dismiss them as illusions
or attempt physical explanations similar to Terence Meaden's. Another is to
propose that they are UFO encounters. For example, Wendelle Stevens did this
straightforwardly in one of his books, in a chapter entitled "The Fatima
UFO Sightings." Jacques Vallee also argued that the events at Fatima are
UFO encounters and not divine miracles as understood by the Catholic Church.
On the other hand, there is some danger of creating a stereotyped idea of UFOs and UFO encounters, and imposing this on the evidence. Our ideas about UFOs are empirically based, and they tend to expand and transform as we learn more about the full range of relevant empirical evidence. Clearly, not all UFO encounters are the same. Both the entities involved and the technology they employ show considerable variability. Thus to force Fatima into a preconceived UFO theory might block us from getting an understanding of what was really going on.
To support his view that the Fatima events involved UFOs rather than religious revelations, Vallee stretched some of the evidence. Thus he said that the lady appearing to the children "had not said she was the Virgin Mary. She had simply stated she was 'from Heaven.'" She, indeed, said this during her first visitation on May 13, but she added that she would reveal her identity on October 13. On that date she identified herself as the "Lady of the Rosary" -- an explicitly Catholic designation. [Yes, and that is the partial truth of the BIG LIE... of course a fallen angel would claim it was from heaven -- because it is -- and of course it would identify with the Rosary, a tool of promoting idolatry and totally in keeping with the occultism and eastern mysticism they wish to promote instead of the Gospel. - ww]
The children's encounters with the Angel of Peace are consistent with this: "Through the white radiance of his presence the children could see that he held a chalice with a Host above it, from which drops of Blood fell into the cup." If this is an honest statement of what the children saw, we must conclude that whoever the angel may have been, he was making use of explicit Catholic symbolism.
After seeing the angel with the chalice, the children experienced a sense of utter weakness and remained prostrated on the ground, praying, until evening. Vallee spoke of this as paralysis and compared it to the paralysis connected with many UFO encounters. However, there are forms of weakness, including hysterical paralysis, that are caused by powerful emotional experiences and may have nothing whatsoever to do with UFOs. This seems to be the kind of weakness that is involved here. The children's experiences can be contrasted with those of UFO abductees, who describe the terror of being immobilized by weird beings who lay them out on tables and stick probes into their bodies.
There is a striking contrast between the Fatima visitations and many UFO encounters. In a large group of these encounters, the beings involved are said to have gray, pasty, or mushroom like complexions, terrifying slanted eyes, slit mouths, and vestigial noses. They come in the night, carry people off helplessly, and subject them to sexual molestation. The victims experience psychological trauma, and in some cases develop physical diseases.
Of course, there are other cases in which people have claimed to have relatively friendly contacts with humanoids of various descriptions, including some who looked completely human. In some cases, these beings have conveyed messages to people, and some of these messages were quite complex. As in the case of Fatima, these messages have often been critical of human behavior, and they have often predicted disasters of various kinds. They have also sometimes contained philosophical and theological material.
Witness exclusivity is another feature that Fatima shares with many other UFO cases. The angels and the effulgent lady were seen only by the three children, although thousands of other people present in the Cova da Iria witnessed aerial light displays that tended to back up the children's story.
UFO cases can be regarded as falling along a broad continuum of types. This continuum is not linear. Rather it should be defined by several variables, which might include (1) the degree of friendliness of the contacts, (2) the degree of humanness of the contacting beings, and (3) some measure of the quality of the communicated material.
The Fatima case can certainly be added to this continuum, but I would suggest that it constitutes an outlying point that is quite far removed from the majority of other cases reported in the existing UFO literature. Thus it would rate very high in (1) and (2), especially if we measure humanness in terms of attractive qualities such as beauty. It is hard to define measure (3), but it is clear that the Fatima communications are unusual in the sense of being strongly oriented towards Roman Catholicism. Apart from this, they display an emphasis on spiritual devotion that is rarely seen in UFO communications, including those of a philosophical nature.
One interesting project would be to make a general survey of all cultural traditions in search of cases in which people have claimed to meet beautiful, effulgent beings that conveyed spiritual teachings. Many of these cases would probably display typical features connected with the UFO phenomenon, although these would often have more to do with the behavior and powers of the beings involved than with UFOs per se. Thus the UFO continuum might be seen as part of a larger mystical-humanoid continuum. Fatima would probably appear as a typical point in this larger assemblage.
Vallee summed up his viewpoint by saying, "In many UFO stories of the olden days, the witnesses thought they had seen angels from God....Others thought they had seen devils. The difference may be small."
On the contrary, the difference seems quite large to me. The various kinds of encounters in the UFO continuum may all be similar in that they involve similar powers and technologies lying beyond our present understanding. But the extreme points of the continuum are strikingly different with regard to the behavior and, by implication, the consciousness of the beings involved.
If the manifestations at Fatima were not "typical UFO phenomena" and did use Christian symbolism, does this mean that we should interpret them in an exclusive Christian sense? The answer is no, because the same reasoning that would induce one to take the Fatima manifestations seriously can equally well be applied to other meetings with divine beings occurring in non-Christian contexts. Some may argue that only the Christian (and specifically the Catholic) meetings are genuine, and all others are the work of Satan. [No, a Catholic might argue that, but true Christians would admit that ALL are the work of satan - ww] However, if beings demonstrating divine qualities in all non-Christian traditions are actually clever deceptions created by a cosmic trickster, then surely the same thing can be said of the divine beings of Christianity. [Yes, all divine-seeming apparitions in this modern age ARE clever deceptions of a cosmic trickster... but the idolatrous reverence of apparitions described is only Catholic, not Christian. -ww] This brings us back to Vallee's position that the angels and devils are all the same.
No, it would bring us to the conclusion that beings claiming to be ** Catholic angels, saints or the Virgin Mary ** are the same as devils. Any true Christian would tell you that the "divine beings" sighted in modern apparitions like Fatima, Bayside, Medjagorge, Georgia etc. are NOT the Biblical Mary but some creature impersonating her for a deceptive religious agenda. Christians do not believe in Marian apparitions, only Catholics do. You folks can write to me and complain about this, but I am sorry to say... if you hold on to the idolatrous belief that there are angels and the Virgin Mary out there appearing to folks and telling them to pray the rosary and go to church ... then you are not truly of the Called Out, and you are not truly Christian. - ww
The point
should also be made that while the communications at Fatima were expressed in
explicitly Catholic terms, they also added something new to Catholicism. In his
discussion of the Fatima revelations, Francis Johnston made it clear that they
have caused a great deal of controversy within the Catholic Church, and the new
material (including, for example, the idea of consecrating Russia to the Heart
of Mary) has not been immediately and universally acceptable. Protestants will
declare that the Catholic cult of Mary is a controversial addition to
Christianity, and, of course, Christianity itself arose at a certain point in
history. It would seem that at Fatima a new revelation was made in the context
of an older tradition, and this has also been done many times in the past. [Yeah,
but the current Pope doesn't care if Fatima adds to Catholicism... he is
willing, as are most Catholics, to accept supernatural beings at their word. -
Galatians 1:8 But even if
we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we
preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!
Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena
1993 by Richard L. Thompson
ISBN 0-9635309-4-1
Govardhan Hill, Inc. Alachua, FL
Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena
1993 by Richard L. Thompson
ISBN 0-9635309-4-1
Govardhan Hill, Inc. Alachua, FL
` Copyright © 2012 by Ray Dickenson
An APPARITION, witnessed by c. 60,000 people, on 13 October 1917 in a rural spot used by three shepherd children, near their homes at Fatima, Portugal. Note:- there was another SIGHTING / APPARITION SERIES at GARABANDAL, Spain in 1961-1965 |
13 October 1917 - Fatima, Portugal
see contemporary photos below
For reports of this event there are many sources: Press reporters & photographers and priests were present, meteorological events were witnessed over area of several miles, and massive inquiries were subsequently made by religious `authorities'.
Up to 100,000 (but most estimates say about 60,000) people from all over Portugal had assembled, many walking barefoot through a night of torrential rain, to witness an expected `miracle' at Fatima, north of Lisbon, Portugal. It was still raining heavily just before the event.
At the height of their excitement a `large silver-gray disk' was seen to descend erratically from the heavy clouds, revolving, becoming multi-hued, brighter, `flashing different colors' until the crowd thought they would be crushed by its descent.
However the disk stopped above them, hovered, then climbed away and disappeared behind the (clearing) clouds. Lasting `no more than 15 minutes' the event had other physical effects.
During the `flashing colors' period the crowd felt pulses of great heat coming from the craft, so much so that the ground all around - and nearby tracks - and even their sodden clothing, were all dry and warm `within about ten minutes'.
Note - photographs were taken by
the attending journalists (and some skeptical clerics). Some are
available at Wiki and others are
on the Internet - try search for < Fatima October 13 1917 >
When Lucia (the main visionary child) reached the oak tree, in which she reportedly* `saw the Virgin' - Monsignor John Quareman observed: "To my surprise, I saw clearly and distinctly a globe of light advancing from East to West, gliding slowly and majestically through the air".
[* - reported by the Jesuits?]
Investigator / author D. Scott Rogo wrote: "Most writers on Fatima claim that the disc _was_ the sun. But judging by the descriptions we have ... the disc was at the wrong elevation and azimuth to have actually been the sun" - (`Miracles' - 1982).
The Vatican launched an intensive inquiry which lasted about 13 years (Vatican reports here). They concluded that, as there were witnesses of the meteorological events - the craft, the lights, the heat etc. - from several miles away and outside of the crowd, the actual sighting could not be dismissed as `mass hysteria' (whatever that term might mean).
note re `mass hysteria' - we cannot
find any evidence that has ever been admitted or accepted by scientists, of a
human brain influencing another human brain at any distance. Therefore
there are no grounds for saying that simultaneous and identical
`hallucinations' can be caused by any science cop-out called `mass hysteria'.
In fact the term is a science cheat - like `instinct', which is another example of circular reasoning: in effect replacing one mystery with another.
More faulty assumptions at Blind Science page.
In fact the term is a science cheat - like `instinct', which is another example of circular reasoning: in effect replacing one mystery with another.
More faulty assumptions at Blind Science page.
UPDATE July 2005 - Portuguese historians Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d'Armada seem to share our opinion of the events at Fatima: their new book `Heavenly Lights' (EcceNova Editions; July 2, 2005), tells the story of the apparitions of Fatima.
Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon'
Press release: "The first
history of Fatima to be written by Portuguese historians based on
the original documents, Heavenly Lights is the result of a 25-year odyssey by
the authors in search of the actual facts of the Fatima case. Fernandes and
d'Armada began their investigation in 1978, when they were given access to
secret archives held at the Sanctuary of Fatima."
Source - mail from authors.
Source - mail from authors.
Below is a summary of Fatima apparition descriptions (from Page 18 of `Heavenly Lights, The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon' by Dr. Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada.
She was an apparently feminine and very beautiful figure. She was wrapped in a light "that blinded."
She measured approximately 3 1/2 feet tall.
She appeared to be between 12 and 15 years old.
She wore a skirt, a coat, and maybe a cape, which were white.
Her skirt and robe had a checkered pattern of gold thread.
She had two or three cords at her waist.
She wore something on her head that covered her ears and hair.
She had black eyes.
She had a strand of beads resembling a rosary, some type of hoop earrings at her neck, and a luminous ball at her waist.
She came from above and disappeared, little by little, back up into the sky.
She made no facial movements and did not move her legs.
She spoke without moving her lips.
She moved only her hands, once in a while.
She turned her back to the children when she rose up in the sky.
The Being of Fatima, Portugal, in the 1917 oak tree apparitions, as interpreted by the authors, according to the first description provided by Lucia to the Parochial Inquiry.
Source: `Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and the UFO Phenomenon' © 2005 by Joaquim Fernandes, Ph.D. and Fina D'Armada.
THE `INSECT-LIKE BUZZING NOISES' heard at the FATIMA SIGHTINGS / APPARITIONS Note: contributors' speculations seem to have been overtaken by events: `words' are now routinely induced into the heads of selected volunteers (or victims), by experimenters (or CIA, MI-5) using various electro-magnetic radiations. |

Their new book `Celestial Secrets' apparently "reveals Fatima cover-up" and describes how "Jesuits conspired to conceal the original text of the Fatima Secret during the famed 1917 apparitions."
`Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Cover-Up' - July 2006 EcceNova Editions.
Source - 2nd mail from authors
UPDATE Feb 2011 - In the third of the trilogy - `Fatima Revisited' "an international panel of top scholars subjects the legendary apparitions of Fátima to the scrutiny of modern scientific analysis; ... the result of a transdisciplinary study by the Multicultural Apparitions Research International Academic Network (Project MARIAN) at the University Fernando Pessoa in Porto, Portugal."
`Fatima Revisited: The Apparition Phenomenon in Ufology, Psychology, and Science' - Anomalist Books ISBN: 1933665238
Reviews Page
Source - 3nd mail from author(s)
UPDATE May 2008 - Joaquim Fernandes et al have gone even further.
Quote: Now, in a newly published book entitled `Fatima Revisited: The Apparition Phenomenon In Ufology, Psychology And Science' - Anomalist Books, 2008 - an international panel of leading scholars subjects the legendary apparitions to the scrutiny of modern scientific analysis; explores the connections between contact with apparitions, angels, and aliens; and proposes a new paradigm for such unexplained phenomena.
Publisher's note:-
This is the third volume of the acclaimed Fatima Trilogy, which includes the definitive histories of the Fatima case entitled `Heavenly Lights' - Anomalist Books, 2007, and `Celestial Secrets' - Anomalist Books, 2007. The Fatima Trilogy grew from an exchange of emails between a Portuguese researcher and an American journalist into a multi-disciplinary collaboration involving 35 individuals from 10 countries.
Andrew D. Basiago, who led efforts in the U.S. to bring the trilogy into English, observed: "In The Fatima Trilogy, the Fatima Incident of 1917 is forever redefined, from the most famous religious event of the 20th century to its first major close encounter case."
The papers gathered in this volume have appeared in both peer- reviewed journals and original works inspired by the intense and productive process of brainstorming about the visionary phenomena of Fatima in 1917 that has taken place under the aegis of the Multicultural Apparitions Research International Academic Network - Project MARIAN - which is coordinated by the Center for Transdisciplinary Studies in Consciousness (CTEC) at the University Fernando Pessoa, in Porto, Portugal. This international project seeks to create a forum in which the great mysteries of human existence might be solved.
This groundbreaking anthology was compiled by Portuguese researchers Fernando Fernandes, Joaquim Fernandes and Raul Berenguel, and edited and translated by American writers Andrew D. Basiago and Eva M. Thompson.
Contributors include anthropologist Scott Atran, psychologist Irene Blinston, psychotherapist Janet Elizabeth Colli, anthropologist Ryan J. Cook, physicist Eric Davis, historian David M. Jacobs, human consciousness pioneer Stanley Krippner, and astrophysicist Jacques F. Vallée - all from the U.S.; engineer Fernando Fernandes, historian Joaquim Fernandes, psychologist Vitor Rodrigues, psychiatrist Mario Simoes, and researcher Raul Berenguel - all from Portugal; as well as the British neurophysiologist Frank McGillion, the Belgian physicist Auguste Meessen, the Brazilian psychotherapist Gilda Moura, and the Canadian neuroscientist Michael A. Persinger.
Fatima Revisited includes essays by William J. Birnes, the host of UFO Hunters on The History Channel, and Ralph Steiner, the award-winning investigative journalist. Anomalist Books, with offices in Texas and New York, is the world's leading publisher of books on the unknown. Our books are availalble through many online bookstores and can be ordered from most bookstores in the U.S. and the U.K.
Revisited: The Apparition Phenomenon In Ufology, Psychology And Science
Compiled by Fernando Fernandes, Joaquim Fernandes and Raul Berenguel, Edited and Translated from Portuguese by Andrew D. Basiago and Eva M. Thompson
Foreword by William J. Birnes and Introduction by Ralph Steiner
Anomalist Books, ISBN: 1933665238 224 pages, Trade Paperback, $14.95
For author interviews or additional information contact us at:
Anomalist Books
5150 Broadway #108
San Antonio, TX 78209-5710
Garabandal Marian Apparitions and Phenomena
Here's a religious website for The GARABANDAL STORY,
of 1961-1965, in Northern Spain
As at Fatima, there were `quasi-solar' phenomena which were apparently witnessed by on-lookers / visitors
QUOTE: from p. 171 `UFO Trek' - by Warren Smith [statements said to be from a group of 40 or so British visitors to Garabandal:]
Near dusk they knelt to pray in a grove of trees. Without warning their worship was interrupted by a woman's shout. "The sun!" she cried. "The sun is spinning!"
"When the others started shouted I stopped praying and looked up." reported Francis Johnstone. "I found I could look at the sun without discomfort. It was spinning very fast, as if there was one circle inside of a larger one."
"It looked like a flat, whitish disc", said Marita Foley, a London clerk. "It was spinning in a clockwise motion and pulsating."
Father Alec Barilone, an English priest, was with the group. He reported the sun rotated rapidly, casting off `all sorts of vivid colors.' He feels the group witnessed a miracle from the Spanish hillside.
Another witness verified that the white disc in the sky rotated. "Then, it moved up and down like a yo-yo on a string," he said. "While this was happening a lot of colors were emerging from it. They were yellow, orange, blue and green. This continued for half an hour"
From Perceptions @
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