by Anthony Bragalia
Tonnies' delusional book is now being vigorously
promoted by notable commentators such as Greg Bishop, Paul Kimball and Gene
Steinberg. But the truth is that such utter nonsense finds its impetus in
writings by the certifiably insane, in occult antecedents that speak of
"master races" and in religious fable.
In Tonnies' just produced book (published by Anomalist Books) Mac attempts to make the case that we should be looking down, not up, for the origin of aliens. Mac maintains that there may well be "indigenous humanoids" that are a race of people who quietly live deep below the Earth in hidden caverns, caves and tunnels. Such "cryptos" may be the pilots of advanced technology. These people believe that we should seriously consider that UFOs come not from beyond Earth, but from under the Earth's surface. This supposed terrestrial race accounts for things that we previously thought as extraterrestrial. This secret and ancient race, says Tonnies, is a possible reason for flying saucer and alien sightings by people who live on the Earth's surface. Such speculation should have been put to rest decades ago and has no place whatsoever in trying to discern from whence the alien comes.
In Tonnies' just produced book (published by Anomalist Books) Mac attempts to make the case that we should be looking down, not up, for the origin of aliens. Mac maintains that there may well be "indigenous humanoids" that are a race of people who quietly live deep below the Earth in hidden caverns, caves and tunnels. Such "cryptos" may be the pilots of advanced technology. These people believe that we should seriously consider that UFOs come not from beyond Earth, but from under the Earth's surface. This supposed terrestrial race accounts for things that we previously thought as extraterrestrial. This secret and ancient race, says Tonnies, is a possible reason for flying saucer and alien sightings by people who live on the Earth's surface. Such speculation should have been put to rest decades ago and has no place whatsoever in trying to discern from whence the alien comes.
Richard Shaver was a crane operator and welder for an
auto-body shop in Detroit. Shaver had the idea that there was a race dwelling
beneath our feet. He believed that this "underworld" was inhabitated
by beings he called "Deros" which stood for "detrimental
robots." They were in constant conflict with another inner-earth race he
called "Teros" which were constructive or "integrative"
robots. Shaver attracted thousands of fans to this concept in the late 1940s
when he began to submit manuscripts to Ray Palmer, the managing editor of the
pulp magazine "Amazing Stories." Though most of what
was written in Amazing Stories was acknowledged as fiction fantasy,
Shaver insisted that his story was fact. When a series of Shaver stories
(collectively called "the Shaver Mystery") were published in
the magazine, the circulation hugely increased. Palmer never disagreed with
Shaver - and Palmer enjoyed the boost in sales from these subterranean stories.
What is little known about the Shaver Mystery is that a diligent researcher named Michael Barkun found out the sad, sick truth about Shaver a long time ago. Barkun discovered that Shaver was hospitalized for psychiatric illnesses in the 1930s. Diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, he had spent much of his life as a hobo vagrant. Once settled, Shaver carved out a menial life doing welding jobs here and there. Shaver suffered delusions that one of his welding guns "by some freak of its coil's field attunements," was allowing him to hear the thoughts of tortured entities deep within the Earth.
What is little known about the Shaver Mystery is that a diligent researcher named Michael Barkun found out the sad, sick truth about Shaver a long time ago. Barkun discovered that Shaver was hospitalized for psychiatric illnesses in the 1930s. Diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, he had spent much of his life as a hobo vagrant. Once settled, Shaver carved out a menial life doing welding jobs here and there. Shaver suffered delusions that one of his welding guns "by some freak of its coil's field attunements," was allowing him to hear the thoughts of tortured entities deep within the Earth.
He began
to discern a proto-language spoken by these cryptoterrestrials that spoke of
marvelous technologies of aviation and weaponery. The "people beneath
us" were a highly advanced pre-historic race that liked to come above to
the surface and torture humans. Incredibly, even well after the publication of
Shaver's stories in Palmer's magazine -and even after Amazing Stories went defunct-
"Shaver Clubs" sprung up around the country to discuss the
"mystery" even well into the 1950s. During the 1960s and 1970s,
Shaver began to sell "rock books" through the mails by advertising in
the classifieds sections found in the backs of occult magazines like Fate.
He claimed that within certain rocks he found
images of the Deros and Teros entites. These "rock paintings" were
slices of polished agate that had grotesque images emblazoned on them by what
Shaver called "special laser-like devices." With a little
imagination, even this author (who as a child, had purchased such rock
paintings) could discern the strange cryptoterrestrial images. Today, as an
adult, this author is ashamed at considering such nonsense. The authors who
tout Mac Tonnies' "theory" about such subterraneans should be
similarly ashamed.
Victorian novelist and occultist Edward
Bulwer-Lytton wrote such volumes as "The Coming
Race." Published in 1871, the book describes a vast subterranean world
in which dwelled a vast subterranean world inhabited by a technologically
superior "master race." Like Shaver's Dero, with their ray guns,
Bulwer-Lytton described powerful "ray machines" that emanated an
energy called "Vril." Soon other books such as "The Lost
World of Agharti" by Alec MacClellan appeared, repeating similar
Other authors have proposed the idea of "ascended masters" of esoteric wisdom that inhabit subterranean caverns. Antartica, Tibet, Peru, the North Pole and Mount Shasta have at various times all had their advocates as locations of entrance to an underworld realm of sentients.
Other authors have proposed the idea of "ascended masters" of esoteric wisdom that inhabit subterranean caverns. Antartica, Tibet, Peru, the North Pole and Mount Shasta have at various times all had their advocates as locations of entrance to an underworld realm of sentients.
The concept of a "hollow Earth" has recurred in folklore and as the premise for a subgenre of psuedo-science for centuries. An early proponent of hollow Earth was William Reed who wrote "Phantom of the Poles" in 1906. Marshall Garder wrote "A Journey to the Earth's Interior" in 1913 and expanded on this in a revised edition in 1920.
Edmond Halley in 1602 seriously put forth the idea that Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 500 miles thick with inner concentric shells and an innermost core. He believed that others may live within these shells and that escaping gases caused the Aurora Borealis.
One of the most bizarre books in history, authored by a writer with the psuedonym "Dr. Raymond Barnard" was published in 1964 and bluntly titled, "The Hollow Earth." It is abundantly evident that from this book that the idea of lost races and UFOs from inside Earth are re-infecting modern day researchers- and are now being rehashed by those such as Mac Tonnies.
Of course the real impetus for all of this nonsense comes
from Hell. The idea of races of sentients who are secret and different from us
comes from the fable-concepts of the Greek Hades, the Nordic svartalfheim, the
Jewish Scheol and the Christian Hell.
As Jean-Paul Sartre, the French existentialist put it, "Hell is the Other." And the subterranean "other people" dreamed up by such people as Shaver and Tonnies are legends based on lies. They are figments based on fictions and fear.
As Jean-Paul Sartre, the French existentialist put it, "Hell is the Other." And the subterranean "other people" dreamed up by such people as Shaver and Tonnies are legends based on lies. They are figments based on fictions and fear.
From UFO Iconoclast @
Now for a countervailing view:
The Cryptoterrestrials - A Review
by Paul Kimball
When you
exclude the peripherals, from the table of contents and acknowledgements, to the
foreword and afterward written by Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop respectively, The Cryptoterrestrials,
the final work by the late Mac Tonnies, comes in at a slim 98 pages. However,
in a prime example of quality over quantity, Mac has left us with an
impassioned and thought-provoking clarion call for a new way of thinking, not
just about the UFO phenomenon or even the paranormal in general, but about
The UFO phenomenon is the focus of The Cryptoterrestrials, at least on the surface. Mac takes direct aim from the beginning at the purveyors of ufological orthodoxy, namely those people who are convinced that the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis is the Extraterrestrial Fact (a subject I've written about here). He pulls no punches, skewering the majority of ufology both for their blind adherence to the ETH, and for their willing self-marginalization.
The UFO phenomenon is the focus of The Cryptoterrestrials, at least on the surface. Mac takes direct aim from the beginning at the purveyors of ufological orthodoxy, namely those people who are convinced that the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis is the Extraterrestrial Fact (a subject I've written about here). He pulls no punches, skewering the majority of ufology both for their blind adherence to the ETH, and for their willing self-marginalization.
ufological 'community' suffers from creative anemia," he writes.
"While its luminaries might noisily claim otherwise, ufology collectively wants to be marginal. With the
lamentable exception of a few spokesman who feel the need to 'explain' the
phenomenon's intricacies to a wary public (often in the guise of would-be
political discourse), the ostensible UFO community remains afraid of stepping
into the rude glow of widespread public attention. And it has a right to be
afraid." (p. 25)
It's not that Mac rejected the ETH - indeed, in the book he writes that it remains a viable, if shopworn, hypothesis. What he rejected, and what people like Nick, Greg and I reject, are those who say that the ETH is the only answer, or even the best answer. After all, how can one say any hypothesis is the "best" hypothesis when faced with something as weird as the UFO phenomenon? With the ETFacters, it isn't a matter of science anymore, or logic, or following the evidence to where it leads - it's become all about the perpetuation of their belief system within an ever-shrinking community of flying saucer evangelicals. People like Stan Friedman have done more to undermine the cause of the ETH within the broader public than a hundred Seth Shostaks or James McGahas, not necessarily because they are wrong, but because they are so convinced that everyone else is wrong. Mac rejected, as Greg, Nick and I do, their intellectual rigidity, as well as their lack of any true sense of wonder, or appreciation for the mystery of it all.
If Friedman et al have spent the last few decades hunkered down in the ufological equivalent of an intellectual Jericho, then Mac is the guy standing at the walls with the trumpet, and The Cryptoterrestrials is the blast that should bring the whole decrepit edifice of certainty crumbling down. In his foreword, Nick compares Mac to the Ramones and the Sex Pistols, the brash and liberating antidote to what had become a stale status quo. It's a perfect metaphor, for there will indeed be more than a few people who read The Cryptoterrestrials and think Mac is the ufological version of the Anti-Christ. But if anything could use some anarchy, it's ufology.
In the end, however, it doesn't matter whether people within ufology "get" what Mac is saying, because he was aiming his sights a lot higher. Rather than just reinforce existing views, or rehash old ground, Mac takes the foundations that have been built by writers and researchers as diverse as Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Whitley Strieber and David Jacobs, and expands upon them, even as he points out the flaws in their theories. His goal is not to find a definitive answer, or to create an alternative orthodoxy, but rather to ask as many questions as he could, and try to come up with some ideas about where we may find the answers. He was a true revolutionary, a New Light for the paranormal.
So, what are the cryptoterrestrials? In Mac's hypothesis, they are a race of indigenous humanoids who share this planet with us. Technologically superior in many ways (but not, perhaps, all ways), they are on the decline, even as we continue to ascend - they are, if not a dying race, then one whose time has passed. And we are the noisy, and in many ways dangerous "new" kids on the block. Unlike Vallee or Keel, Mac does not sidestep the physical reality of the UFO phenomenon - in his hypothesis, they exist in this world, literally.
I interviewed Mac in Kansas City in 2006 about a number of subjects while filming Best Evidence, including the cryptoterrestrials.
Does the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis make any sense? Anyone who reads The Cryptoterrestrials will be hard pressed not to admit that it makes as much sense as any of the other theories on offer, and perhaps even more. What began as a thought experiment for Mac (I know, because I was there when he first started thinking about it seriously, on a trip to Los Angeles) became in the end a thorough review of the evidence and the literature, and some pretty grounded speculation about what it all points to. But it wasn't Mac's intention to write a definitive conclusion to the discussion about the UFO phenomenon, or the paranormal; rather, it was his intention to get that discussion started again, and to get people thinking, for the first time in a long time, about what really might be going on - including the possibility that we are being visited by beings from another world.
It's not that Mac rejected the ETH - indeed, in the book he writes that it remains a viable, if shopworn, hypothesis. What he rejected, and what people like Nick, Greg and I reject, are those who say that the ETH is the only answer, or even the best answer. After all, how can one say any hypothesis is the "best" hypothesis when faced with something as weird as the UFO phenomenon? With the ETFacters, it isn't a matter of science anymore, or logic, or following the evidence to where it leads - it's become all about the perpetuation of their belief system within an ever-shrinking community of flying saucer evangelicals. People like Stan Friedman have done more to undermine the cause of the ETH within the broader public than a hundred Seth Shostaks or James McGahas, not necessarily because they are wrong, but because they are so convinced that everyone else is wrong. Mac rejected, as Greg, Nick and I do, their intellectual rigidity, as well as their lack of any true sense of wonder, or appreciation for the mystery of it all.
If Friedman et al have spent the last few decades hunkered down in the ufological equivalent of an intellectual Jericho, then Mac is the guy standing at the walls with the trumpet, and The Cryptoterrestrials is the blast that should bring the whole decrepit edifice of certainty crumbling down. In his foreword, Nick compares Mac to the Ramones and the Sex Pistols, the brash and liberating antidote to what had become a stale status quo. It's a perfect metaphor, for there will indeed be more than a few people who read The Cryptoterrestrials and think Mac is the ufological version of the Anti-Christ. But if anything could use some anarchy, it's ufology.
In the end, however, it doesn't matter whether people within ufology "get" what Mac is saying, because he was aiming his sights a lot higher. Rather than just reinforce existing views, or rehash old ground, Mac takes the foundations that have been built by writers and researchers as diverse as Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Whitley Strieber and David Jacobs, and expands upon them, even as he points out the flaws in their theories. His goal is not to find a definitive answer, or to create an alternative orthodoxy, but rather to ask as many questions as he could, and try to come up with some ideas about where we may find the answers. He was a true revolutionary, a New Light for the paranormal.
So, what are the cryptoterrestrials? In Mac's hypothesis, they are a race of indigenous humanoids who share this planet with us. Technologically superior in many ways (but not, perhaps, all ways), they are on the decline, even as we continue to ascend - they are, if not a dying race, then one whose time has passed. And we are the noisy, and in many ways dangerous "new" kids on the block. Unlike Vallee or Keel, Mac does not sidestep the physical reality of the UFO phenomenon - in his hypothesis, they exist in this world, literally.
I interviewed Mac in Kansas City in 2006 about a number of subjects while filming Best Evidence, including the cryptoterrestrials.
Does the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis make any sense? Anyone who reads The Cryptoterrestrials will be hard pressed not to admit that it makes as much sense as any of the other theories on offer, and perhaps even more. What began as a thought experiment for Mac (I know, because I was there when he first started thinking about it seriously, on a trip to Los Angeles) became in the end a thorough review of the evidence and the literature, and some pretty grounded speculation about what it all points to. But it wasn't Mac's intention to write a definitive conclusion to the discussion about the UFO phenomenon, or the paranormal; rather, it was his intention to get that discussion started again, and to get people thinking, for the first time in a long time, about what really might be going on - including the possibility that we are being visited by beings from another world.
Unable to
disprove a negative, I have no choice but to concede that some UFO encounters
may originate in space. And it would be the height of arrogance to proclaim
that the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis and the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis are
mutually exclusive. And of course, cryptoterrestrials don't preclude
"inter-dimensional" travelers either. (p. 52)
What was important to Mac, at
least at this stage, was to ask the correct questions, because only then might
we be able to get back on the road to finding some answers, if not about the
phenomenon itself, then about ourselves, and our almost symbiotic relationship
to it. "If we're dealing with a truly alien intelligence," Mac
concludes, "there's no promise that its thinking will be linear. Indeed,
its inherent weirdness might serve as an appeal to an aspect of the psyche
we've allowed to atrophy. It might be trying to rouse us from our stupor, in
which case it's tempting to wonder if the supposed ETs are literally us in some
arcane sense."


in this review, I called Mac the "New Light of the paranormal." Most
readers won't understand the reference. Let me explain. In the late 18th century,
in the Maritime colonies, religion was dominated by the Congregational Church,
which maintained a rigid, Calvinist orthodoxy. In 1776 a young preacher, Henry
Alline, began to travel amongst the communities of the colonies, talking about
a better way - free will, an almost mystical view of faith, and a personal
experiential relationship with the divine. Most important, he rejected all of
the man-made conventions that he called "non-essentials," over which
various denominations argued incessantly, as nothing but hindrances to the
central message - the redeeming love of God. Like Mac, Alline died far too
young (in 1784, at the age of 36).
He was
derided by the guardians of the old order, who called him the "ravager of
churches," in much the same way as I suspect Mac will come to be viewed as
the ravager of the ET orthodoxy. Finally, like Mac, he presented a simple,
concise, and transformational message. He was a true "New Light" -
and so was Mac, who insisted that we must not lose sight of the central message:
that we are dealing with a non-human intelligence which remains a mystery.
Amidst the noise, that is the
In a world where hyperbole has become the lingua franca, The Cryptoterrestrials is that rare work which merits the appellation "a must read." It represents a true paradigm shift in our understanding of the mysteries of the paranormal. This is a book that deserves to be read and discussed far and wide, and which offers up an opportunity to revitalize the UFO subject, and make it relevant again - but only if we are courageous and intellectually honest enough to embrace it.
In a world where hyperbole has become the lingua franca, The Cryptoterrestrials is that rare work which merits the appellation "a must read." It represents a true paradigm shift in our understanding of the mysteries of the paranormal. This is a book that deserves to be read and discussed far and wide, and which offers up an opportunity to revitalize the UFO subject, and make it relevant again - but only if we are courageous and intellectually honest enough to embrace it.
From The Other Side of Truth @
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