Double Helical Magnetic Interaction
Secrets of Ed Leedskalnin, builder of Coral Castle
Perpetual Motion Holder
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Leedskalnin 2012
Dave Nelson's Commentary on Leedskalnin
Ed's Generator
Leedskalnn's Writings
“You know we receive an education in the schools from books. All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now. So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled. All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.
The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.
Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are to coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main bases of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.
Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self control you will never know the limit.
So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated.”
- Ed Leedskalnin, 1936.
Double Helical Magnetic Interaction
Unipole Theory by Matt Emery,
Copyright © 2005 - 2012. All rights reserved.
Site animations by 3D Animation + Motion Graphics & Paulo Gomes
Projects by Matt Emery
Leedskalnin does not describe the actual structure of individual North and South pole magnet, and before I do, let me first tell you about Rosalind Franklin. The results of her work are hailed as the greatest discovery in all of science--a discovery that is now considered the blueprint for all life on Earth. In 1951 Rosalind Franklin discovered the structure of DNA using a technique called x-ray crystallography or x-ray diffraction. Crystallographers shoot x-rays at atoms and they diffract onto a detector.
Based on the diffraction pattern scientists can apply math and calculate the 3-D pattern of the most complex crystalline structures of matter. It is a very effective technique still used today. This is the technique used by Rosalind Franklin to discover that the structure of DNA is in the shape of an anti-parallel double-helix. This same diffraction pattern can be realized from the simple experiment highlighted in the video below demonstrating magnetic diffraction.
How Electricity Runs In A Wire:
Leedskalnin's magnetic diffraction experiment that reveals the double helix. Magnets are NSNSNS.
Double Helical Magnetic Interaction
Copyright © 2012, Direct Current (DC) Unipole Theory by Matt Emery. Animation by 3D Animation + Motion Graphics.
The only conclusion that can be drawn from this diffraction pattern is that electricity is composed of two forces that flow in opposite directions in a double helical fashion. Leedskalnin tells us that this pattern is created when the individual magnets are traveling against each other in currents through a wire (electricity). He says they are moving at a very high rate of speed and are thrown off of the wire in opposite directions because of centrifugal force and overcrowding.
The same experiment performed above the Perpetual Motion Holder demonstrates the very same results. Leedskalnin makes it a point to say that the same magnets that are running in the wire and in the coil are running in the Perpetual Motion Holder.
The Perpetual Motion Holder (PMH) is a completed circuit that allows the individual magnets to assimilate into two currents and chase each other, orbiting in opposition to each other indefinitely--not going around one another, but through one another. Leedskalnin says that if you put one kind of magnet in front of the other in an orbit they will never stop and that if you guide them in the right channels they possess perpetual power. We can demonstrate this quite easily with a double helical model of electricity, but modern theory provides no explanation.
Again the results of these experiments show that both individual magnetic currents North or South are in the shape of a helix to form a double helix.
The N and S Pole individual magnets themselves are in the shape of a helix and they are identical; they are in fact interchangeable, with their only difference being dependent upon the direction (polarity) to which they are moving forward relative to one another, making them a magnetic unipole. They are everywhere, permeating and penetrating everything. They are a creative force and their functions are simple.
Unipole Theory
The real magnet is the substance that is circulating in the metal. Each particle in the substance is an individual magnet by itself, and both North and South Pole individual magnets.
The essence of any true duality must be a singularity. Likewise, the individual North and South pole are not monopoles, but rather unipoles. Coincidentally, the mathematical term for either end of any helix is in fact, pole. The individual North or South Pole magnet are one in the same and interchangeable with each other and I can say with certainty that this is consistent with every aspect of Leedskalnin’s writings. The more you read them, the more you experiment, the more this will come clear. It will be demonstrated in the video below, but Leedskalnin does state this specifically on the first page of Magnetic Current:
The one structure in the universe that can move forward with a right hand twist, switch directions and still be moving forward with a right hand twist is a single right hand helix. Wouldn't this then be the simplest answer to the question of what the individual North and South Pole magnets might look like; the structure of the atom builders, and the cosmic force Leedskalnin describes?
In order for these unipole magnets to be attracted to one another they must be in front of one another and going toward each other. If these same magnets are in front of one another and going the same direction they are not attracted to one another because they would have the same polarity — after viewing the video below test it for yourself by putting two right hand spirals on a wooden rod. Move the one in the rear forward until it hits the one in front of it. Turn it slowly while moving forward. They will not engage one another, but will rather line up and you can turn the one front by turning the one in back hence the magnets cumulative capability. These same magnets are not attracted to one another if they are side by side.
Cumulative, meaning more magnets, more power. To run in currents, there always has to be one current running in opposition to the other. This will be demonstrated in more detail later on. For now, take for instance the AA battery I used to charge the Perpetual Motion Holder. Each end of the battery has pushing power and when the circuit is complete they are allowed to run against each other where they attain pulling power along with their pushing power. This is very interesting because the more tension between the two, the harder they work to move forward—because that is what they do—they want to move forward as fast as possible. By running against each other in opposite directions with a right hand twist their speed and power is increased.
If two magnets or two magnetic currents are running against each other, both spiraling from opposite directions with a right hand twist, in a double helical fashion, when they reach the end of one another they must switch direction (polarity) so they can continue to move forward against each other with the same right hand twist (see animation below for clarification). This what I see as natural alternating current (AC) or the reason why currents are alternating in nature as Leedskalnin tells us. This also demonstrates the unipolar nature of the individual North and South pole magnet as well as that of magnetic current. As the creators of the universe these could be considered the real God particles.
Individual North and South Pole Magnet, A Unipole
Natural AC. Copyright © 2012, Unipole Theory by Matt Emery. Animation by 3D Animation + Motion Graphics.
However this is not why when we charge the Perpetual Motion Holder (PMH Animation) with DC, it reads a very fluctuating AC when we test it with an oscilloscope. In the PMH the completed circuit enables both currents to continuously move forward in opposition. They are always able to find their separate but identical self in opposition. Forever.
If we attempt to charge the PMH with AC we fail because the magnets are not able to set themselves up in opposition.
Although we can use the PMH to transform DC into natural AC by running it through the PMH especially with the bar off. Leedskalnin tells us this is how the PMH works as a transformer. By putting two coils on the PMH and applying DC to only one of the coils, the output of the opposite coil is AC (please test this yourself). In the paragraph below Leedskalnin teaches us how AC is made:
This is the way the North and South Pole individual magnets are running out of the coil's wire lengthwise. The reason the North and South pole individual magnets do not run across through the coils' wire as fast as they run in while in the coil is between the U shape magnet, the coil's wire is insulated, there is an air space around every wire and as it is known that the dry air is the best obstruction for the magnets to go through and as you know the coil is well insulated so the damp air does not get in. It is well known that it is many times easier for the magnets to run in metal than in air, now you see when the magnets run in the wire they hesitate to run out of the wire across the same way as they came in, so more of the new magnets are coming in the crosswise, then they can get out crosswise, so they get pushed out through the wire lengthwise. Now you know how the alternating magnetic currents are made.
Leedskalnin explains further that the AC coming from the transformer outside of your house is AC before it hits the transformer so the poles inside the transformer alternate. The Perpetual Motion Holder produces AC but its poles do not alternate. We've already begun to establish the inner workings of AC in nature, but to get a better understanding view the video and animation below. Leedskalnin tells us that the action of natural AC is already taking place in the power lines before manmade AC is ran through them — that the power lines themselves are acting like generators. Here are a few important things Leedskalnin teaches to understand about magnet making:
Now about the generator, in the first place all currents are alternating. To get direct currents we have to use a commutator.
To make magnets with currents from batteries and dynamos with a single wire the metal will have to be put on the wire in such a way so that the magnets which are coming out of the wire will be running in the metal starting from the middle of the metal and run to the end and not from end to middle and across as they did the last time.
In a car battery the North Pole magnets run out of positive terminal and South Pole magnets run out of negative terminal. Both kinds of magnets are running, one kind of magnets against the other kind, and are running in the same right-hand screw fashion. By using the same whirling motion and running one kind of magnets against the other kind, they throw their own magnets form the wire in opposite directions. That is why if you put a magnet metal across the copper wire the one end is North Pole and the other end is South Pole.
Break five inches long piece of the fishing line [steel], put the middle of the wire across and on top of the copper wire, touch the battery, hold until the copper wire gets hot, dip the middle of the wire in iron filings, then you will see how long a magnet can be made with this equipment.
The coil is not necessary to make magnetic currents. Currents can be created with a single wire. The coil is necessary to increase the amount and strength of the currents.
Individual magnets and magnetic currents permeate the universe. They weave the fabric that is the Ether connecting and building all things. And they are entropy. To accomplish this they will assimilate, interchange themselves if necessary, and yield to a stronger opposing magnet. This can be proven in many different ways as Leedskalnin teaches. The spring or helical shape allows the magnets and magnetic currents to compress (amperage--bigger wire, more amperage because of more magnets), expand or elongate (voltage--smaller wire, more voltage because of less magnets under more tension), vary in speed, etc. The helix shape also enables them to screw through anything. The characteristics of the magnetic interactions described herein correlate nicely with Modern EM terminology and mathematics behind modern theory can be applied.
Individual North and South Pole Magnet: How One Becomes Two, The Magnetic Unipole. (Polarity Interchange)
Double Helical Magnetic Interaction: Man Made AC. Animation by 3D Animation + Motion Graphics Copyright © 2012, Unipole Theory by Matt Emery.
The Magnetic Unipole VS. The Electron
In describing the dynamic of the individual North and South Pole magnet to demonstrate his theory of magnetic current, Edward Leedskalnin never uses the term unipole, and he certainly does not use the term double helix . However, he does give vivid descriptions, proves his theories in multiple ways with experimentation, and teaches those who are willing to learn how to come to this understanding.
Again, Leedskalnin never uses the term double helix, but he does say this, “Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Really it is not one current they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and the other is composed of South Pole magnets in concentrated streams, and they are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screw like fashion, and with high speed. One current alone if it be North Pole magnet current or South Pole magnet current it cannot run alone. To run one current will have to run against the other.” (Magnetic Current)
Leedskalnin wrote these words 6 years before Rosalind Franklin realized the structure of DNA was in the shape of a double helix. He called his discovery the Cosmic Force, the force behind all life in the universe. This was 17 years before Crick, Watson, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize for the DNA model they made using Rosalind Franklin’s DNA diffraction pattern data. She died shortly after making her discovery and well before these guys were awarded the Noble Prize.
Ed Leedskalnin insists that the North and South Pole magnets are the building blocks — that they are so small they can pass through anything. To assume their laws have to fall in the realm of quantum mechanics is erroneous. X-ray diffraction reveals the true structure of the things. The magnetic diffraction experiment reveals the true structure of electricity.
Here is what Leedskalnin says about J.J. Thomson’s electron discovery and I would encourage everyone to do your own research on Mr. Thomson. Leedskalnin explains:
Millions of people all over the world are being fooled by the non-existing electrons. Here is how the electrons came into existence. Thomson invented an imaginary baby and called it an electron. Rutherford adopted it and now the men with the long hair are nursing it. The electron has a brother and its name is proton, but it is heavy and lazy. It remains stationary in the middle, but the electron has to run around it. To the electrical engineers the positive electricity is everything, the negative electricity is nothing, but to the physicists the negative electricity is everything, and the positive electricity is nothing. Looking from a neutral standpoint they cancel each other, so we have no electricity, but we have something. If we do not know how to handle the thing that comes through a wire from a generator or a battery, we will get badly shocked. Read the booklet "Magnetic Current" then you will know what the thing is, and the way it runs through a wire.
The invention of an electron came by a tricky method in using electricity in a vacuum tube. Normally whether it be a generator or a battery, the positive terminal will have to be connected to the negative terminal, but in the vacuum tube two batteries with different strength were used, the smaller battery was connected normally, but the larger battery's negative terminal was connected to the smaller battery's negative terminal, and the positive terminal was left alone. That connection gave the negative terminal a double dose of strength, and so it became hotter and could push more. It was called cathode and the positive terminal anode, and the electricity that passed from the cathode to the anode was called electrons.
In case the inventor had used normally direct methods to find out what the electricity was he would have found out that the positive and negative electricity is in equal strength, and are running positive electricity against the negative electricity. That can be seen by connecting each of two pieces of soft iron wire with each terminal of a car battery and then by putting together and pulling away each loose end of the soft iron wire. More sparks can be seen coming out of the positive terminal than from the negative terminal. This direct method is more reliable than the tricky method in the vacuum tube. The trouble with the physicists is they use indirect and ultra-indirect methods to come to their conclusions.
If the inventor of electrons had a vacuum tube in which his electrons could run close to the top of the vacuum tube from the west side of the cathode to the east side of the anode and then would hang a vertically hanging magnet that is made from three-inch long hard steel fishing wire, and then hang one magnet pole at one time right on top in the middle of his stream of electrons, then he would have seen the north pole magnet swinging north, and the south pole magnet swinging south. The same thing will happen if the magnets are held above any wire where the electricity is running through. Those two vertically hanging magnets prove that the electricity is composed of two different and equal forces. Another way to prove this is to connect a flexible wire loop east end of the wire with positive battery's terminal, west end with negative terminal, raise the loop one inch above the floor. Put U shape magnet one inch from loop, north pole south side of the loop. The north pole magnet will pull in the loop. Put the south pole magnet in the same place. It will push the loop away. Put the south pole magnet north side of the loop, this time it will pull the loop in. Put the north pole magnet in the same place, it will push the loop away. This indicates that electricity the same as a magnet bar is composed of two equal forces, and each force is running one against the other in whirling right hand twist, but those forces in the wire have higher speed, and both forces are coming out across from the same wire. One of the forces is north pole magnets and the other is south pole magnets. They are the cosmic forces. Your electric motor is turned around on its axis by north and south pole magnets. Even you could not start your car without the north and south pole magnets.
If electricity is made with north and south pole magnets and the electric motor is turned around on its axis by the north and south pole magnets as is the fact, then this will bring up a question, where then are those Thomson electrons. They are not around the electric motor. The plain answer is they are non-existing.
As you can see Leedskalnin is sometimes downright ornery in his wordplay, however his point it seems is that all of humanity has been deceived because of the egos of men. Is there an experiment that exists today that can prove the existence of an electron? Modern science seems to have continued to invent terms and use manipulative mathematics to make the theory of the electron into something workable.
Thomson invented an imaginary baby and called it an electron.
Rutherford adopted it and now the men with the long hair are nursing it.
The electron has a brother and its name is proton, but it is heavy and lazy.
It remains stationary in the middle, but the electron has to run around it.
Cosmic Force
Here is additional information for those who read my advertisement in The Miami Daily News, February 3rd, 1946. The North and South pole individual magnets are the cosmic force. They are the building blocks of nature's perpetual transformation of matter, and they are so small that they can pass through everything,. They pass through the earth from pole to pole, and around the earth. If the North and South pole individual magnets could not pass through a vacuum tube the same as the Thomson's electrons cannot, then they could not be the building blocks. The Thomson electrons are very small parts of matter which come out of the cathode while the cathode is burned up or consumed in the vacuum tube. Without the general circulation of the building blocks there would be no change. Everything would remain the same way as it is now. The building blocks from a matter that go to pieces could not get in the general circulation for the new construction.
I think the Radium and Uranium were built up inside the earth with high pressure, and heat, while the North and South pole individual magnets were circulating through the earth. During the time the Radium and Uranium were inside the earth they absorbed more of the individual North and South pole magnets than they normally could hold, and so now while they are on top of the earth they let the magnets go so they can become normal again.
Mathematical Reasoning
The mathematics behind modern electromagnetic theory may have been originally intended to explain the dynamics postulated on this website. In his paper entitled, The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field (An interpretation of Maxwell's 1861 paper 'On Physical Lines of Force' parts I to III), Frederick David Tombe, proposes an improvement to the understanding of Maxwell's paper by replacing the vortex cells sited in Maxwell's theory, with rotating electron positron dipoles, which bond together to form a double helical electromagnetic dynamic that is described in terms similar to what I have demonstrated above.
Mr. Tombe was formerly a physics instructor at, College of Technology Belfast, and Royal Belfast Academical Institution. His paper was originally submitted on February 15th, 2006, in the Philippine Islands, Cebu City.
This website ( demonstrates the essence of what is indeed a magnetic universe with a simple unified field theory based on the existence of a magnetic unipole — the individual North and Sole pole magnet — as described in the writings of Edward Leedskalnin.
The writings and experiments are available here. Please try them yourself. But first, a few words from Leedskalnin about education:
Magnetic Beam Amplifier neodymium, brass, nickel, stainless, copper. Variation of Lockheed Martin patent by Boyd Bushman. #5,929,732.
7"W x 7"H x 4"D
Unipole Theory by Matt Emery, Copyright © 2005 - 2012. All rights reserved.
Site animations by 3D Animation + Motion Graphics & Paulo Gomes
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The demonstrations and procedures described within this website are derived from the research and personal experiences of the author. The author is not responsible for any negative or adverse effects or consequences from the use of anything suggested, demonstrated, or discussed on this site.
For more information about Ed Leedskalnin see
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